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Bible Studies on the Unseen World

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Click on a link below for an in-depth Bible study on the subject.

34 Things God Wants to Give You - At the point of your salvation, God graciously gives you at least 34 things

An Atheist is a Person Who Has No Invisible Means of Support  

Angels - taken from Genesis 1:2a

Angels and Worldwide Evangelism - Things we learn from angels

Balaam's Talking Donkey - Spiritual principles we can learn from a donkey

Evil is a Thought Pattern - Is it Yours? - Are you sure you know what evil is?

From Here to Eternity – Everyone lives forever – But where? Where will you spent eternity? If you ever wanted to know what Heaven is like, here's a comprehensive look.

The Many Facets of Angels - What are angels like? Angelic voices?

The Many Facets of the Bible - Why should I be interested in the Bible? 

A Preview of Our Departure - One: Faith in God, Faith in Christ; Two: Many mansions; Three: The Forerunner; Four: The way; Five: The true vision of God

Spiritual Adjustments to Life - Got a problem? Here's how to handle it from the Divine Viewpoint

A Visitor From Outer Space - How far away is Heaven?

What Does God Say About Capital Punishment (and Rainbows) - Taken from Genesis 9

What is Jesus Christ Doing Now?

The Women and the Angel's Message of the Joy of Life

“Your Father - The Devil” - Insanity in Heaven. The first sin in the universe. Who holds the record for sin? The greatest lie ever told.

Your “Old Man” - How to cure crime, drug addiction, wars, terrorism, murder, rape

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