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Bible Studies on Prophecy

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Click on a link below for an in-depth Bible study on the subject.

34 Things God Wants to Give You - At the point of your salvation, God graciously gives you at least 34 things

Angels and Worldwide Evangelism  - Things we learn from angels

The Arab Personality - A Study on the Personalities of the Mid-East Crisis

The Church and the Tribulation - Principles on why the Church will not go through the Tribulation

The Great Whore of Ecumenicalism - taken from Revelation 17

Jewish Feasts – Biblical Timetable - Was the crucifixion of Christ really on “Good Friday?”

The Many Facets of the Bible - Why should I be interested in the Bible? 

Prophecies That Came True About the Lord Jesus Christ  

Washed White, Not White-Washed - Jewish evangelism in the Tribulation

What Does God Say About Capital Punishment (and Rainbows) - Taken from Genesis 9

When Will the Nuclear Disaster Happen? - Will you be able to see it? How can you prepare for it? Also covers Satan's strategy, dispensations, creation, the Flood, civilizations, the ultimate Source of destruction, resurrection bodies, judgment, angelic conflict, application of the Word of God to your experience, claiming Promises, why God destroys the universe and human good, how to be shockproof, plus other topics, too.

Whosoever - Taken from Acts 2:20, 21

“Your Father - The Devil” - Insanity in Heaven. The first sin in the universe. Who holds the record for sin? The greatest lie ever told.

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