![]() Divine Sugar Sticks for September 2001What's the background behind Sugar Sticks? Click here to find out. Saturday, September 1, 2001Christian Promises!Phil 4:6, “Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God.”
Promises for Christians!“JEHOVAH JIREH – the Lord Will Provide,” Genesis 22:14.Under the title of JEHOVAH, we consider various aspects of God’s beautiful
provision as we are dealing with temporal necessities. We can turn again to our “JEHOVAH-JIREH”
and find in such a designation the guarantee of material supplies. Christian Promises!There are those general Promises that blanket all that we may require.
Daily God loads us up with benefits. God’s Promise to Noah!Centuries have elapsed since God gave Noah the Promise that, ”While the Earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease,” Gen 8:22. Noah’s Promise!“While the Earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and
summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease,” Gen 8:22. Promises for Christians!“The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want,” Psa 23:1. Promises for Christians!“They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing,” Psalm 34:10. This is another comfortable Promise to cheer our hearts and to strengthen our
assurance. In us “there dwelleth no good thing,” but how many good things
God heaps upon us. See 2 Cor 3:5, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.” Promises for Christians!“All things come of Thee,” 1 Chronicles 29:14. “The Lord Hath Blessed Me Hitherto,” Joshua 17:14“Hitherto Hath the Lord Blessed Us,” 1 Sam 7:12Each of us can raise our stone of “Eben-ezer” and be confident that
all the Lord has been, and is, He will be. “God, Even Our God, Shall Bless Us,” Psalm 67:6“My God shall supply all your need,” Phil 4:19Our wants should remind us of God’s Promises. And the Promises should be
used to quell our fears and comfort our souls. “Consider How Great Things the Lord Hath Done For You,” 1 Samuel 12:24Too often we dwell upon the miseries of the past and forget our mercies. Sunday, September 2, 2001“He Will Bless Them That Fear Him, Both Small and Great,” Psalm 115:13How full of cheer is this for those of humble estate and whose fare is
frugal. Bible Promises for Doubting Thomases!“No good thing will He withhold from them who walk uprightly,” Psalm
84:11 Bible Promises for Doubting Thomases!“My God shall supply all your need,” Philippians 4:19. Bible Promises for Doubting Thomases!Specific Promises related to material things.To live we must eat and drink, so we start with food. A brief glance at the following passages should be sufficient to remind us of our dependence upon the Lord for the “temporal mercies of life” and should elicit our gratitude for them.
And many more you yourself can add to this list. Thought for the Day!Which one of all the presidents we have had do you think qualify according to the following passages?
Who best qualifies for the White House? Give up? T.R. Discrimination!We are being taught today in our schools and even in the United Nations, that
discrimination is evil. In fact, the declaration that they espouse is, “We
will tolerate anything but intolerance.” And by intolerance they mean
dogmatism and absoluteness. Good fish, bad fish, sheep and goats, “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread,” Matthew 6:11What a small petition that is, “Bread sufficient for a day.” Why did not the Lord Jesus Christ teach us to pray for bread enough to last a week, or a month, or a year? By this request we are taught a two-fold lesson. First, of all, we must
learn the lesson of continual dependence upon our Heavenly Father. Coming to Him
each new morning asking for the day’s food. That we might never feel as if we
can get along without Him. Famine and Bethlehem, i.e., the House of BreadThere are times when God permits famine as a chastisement when He is
disobeyed or forgotten. Is not famine mentioned as one of His four
God’s ability to care for His own in times of straightened circumstances is
emphasized again and again in the Bible. “Doctor Sparrow”“Ye are of more value than many sparrows,” Matt 10:3 f. Monday, September 3, 2001Promises for Doubting Thomases!Our pre-eminent need in the material realm is that of water, without
which there would be no food to eat. Have you ever stopped to think how utterly
dependent we are upon this further gift of God? While we may have to pay for the
piping of the water to the home, and industry, the precious, indispensable
commodity itself costs us nothing.
“I Will Pour Water Upon Him That is Thirsty,” Isaiah 44:3“Neither shall they thirst any more,” Rev 7:15. “His Heavens Shall Drop Down Dew,” Deuteronomy 33:28In the east, without dew everything is dry and withered. In the world of
nature, things droop, fade, and die. “Give Me This Water That I Thirst Not,” John 4:14-15“My soul thirsteth for God, the living God,” Psalm 42:2 “As Cool Water is to a Thirsty Man, So is Good News From a Far Country”It is consoling to know that God is faithful and will, according to His
Promises, provide for us in every strait. Promises for Raiment!How great is the Grace of God which supplies us, not only with our necessary food, but also our equally necessary raiment, more necessary in some climates that others, ask Paul.
Good clothes are expensive these days and those saints who are materially
poor may have a little anxiety as to where new clothes are to come from. Well,
there is a Promise that as God clothes the field with grass, He will surely care
for the bodily covering of His children. “Take No Thought For What He Shall Put On,” Matthew 6:25There are days when we spend a great deal of time and thought of what we
should put on. Christ did not teach negligence in respect of what we wear. “The Body is More Than Raiment,” Matthew 6:25The health and holiness of the body are of greater importance than its
habiliments. As a child of God, your body has become a temple, the holy
place, which means that you have to be more anxious over your body functioning
as a medium of blessing than as a mere model displaying the latest creations. The SparrowHe gives me a coat of feathers, Tuesday, September 4, 2001Appetite Promises!Closely allied to the enjoyment of food, God provides us Appetite
without which the best of foods seems tasteless and wasteful. There are wealthy
people who can afford the most costly foods. But have little appetite to
appreciate them.
A normal appetite supposes life and is regulated by nature. A carnal appetite is satisfied with carnal things. In the spiritual realm, the Christian can only be satisfied with spiritual things. The appetite is fixed on its object, and it is only as it feeds upon the Lord
that he enjoys satisfaction. Psa 107:9, “For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.” God Was the First Tailor!“God clothed them,” Genesis 3:21God, then, was man’s first Tailor. Adam and Eve, conscious of their nakedness, sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons or loin coverings. But such aprons afforded no efficient and permanent covering. Thus, God made them coats, coats of skin, longer than aprons and more
durable than leaves. Man’s first bodily covering was made of skins. And skins
imply the death of animals. Apart from the sacrificial covering of Divine righteousness, we are
“naked before God.” God Was Man’s First Tailor“God clothed them,” Genesis 3:21“They have no covering in the cold,” Job 24:7. “They cause the naked to lodge without clothing that they have no covering
in the cold,” Job 24:7. ”I was naked and ye clothed Me. When saw we Thee naked? Inasmuch as ye did
it unto the least of these, ye did it unto Me,” Matt 24:35-40. God is Not Only Man’s First Tailor, But God is in the Clothing BusinessA study of raiment verses in the Bible reveals that God is in the clothing
business in a large way. The Lord Clothed Them!Behold the lilies as they grow, All of God’s Children Have Shoes!Does it surprise you to learn that God’s consideration for His own includes shoes they wear as well as clothes?
God promised and provided shoes for His pilgrim people. Divine Promises for Money!Among our material requirements, money occupies a most prominent place. Some of the Divine Promises are specially related to what may become filthy lucre, 1 Pet 5:2.
By Heaven money is a beautiful gift. But it is a beautiful gift only when
it is received as a trust from Heaven. And used in ways pleasing to Him to whom
the silver and the gold belong. Divine Promises for MoneyIt is most profitable to go over some of the Bible Promises referring to
money and gather from them God’s mind in the use of our material substance
today. Haggai 2:8, “Thy...Mine.” A Thought for Today!
The Mercenary Spirit of Eliphaz – One of Job’s Miserable Comforters“Lay up gold as dust ... thou shalt have plenty of silver,” Job 22:24-25. “I Have Made Gold My Hope,” Job 31:24The patriarch confessed that gold, and not God, had been his confidence. His
hope had been in the gift and not the Giver. “I Will Make a Man More Precious Than Fine Gold,” Isaiah 13:12Because gold is the most valuable of all metals, it is used to typify God’s
Word, tried saints, sound Doctrine, and the New Jerusalem.
”What is man that Thou art mindful of him?” Wednesday, September 5, 2001“Wherefore Do Ye Spend Money for That Which is Not Bread,” Isaiah 55:1-2What the prophet is here condemning is the expenditure of money on useless
things. As a nation we spend more money on cosmetics than for spreading
the Word of God. More on crime than on education. A
great many Christians spend more money on amusements, sports, personal pleasure,
and non-essentials than they do for the furtherance of the Gospel. “Ye Are Not Redeemed With Corruptible Things as Silver and Gold, But With the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ,” 1 Peter 1:18-19Whether rich or poor, God’s priceless salvation is offered to all in a
gift. “The rich shall not give more and the poor shall not give less,”
Exodus 30:15. “He That Loveth Silver Shall Not be Satisfied,” Ecclesiastes 5:10It seems as if the more the natural man has, the more he wants. Thus, the
love of money, and not the money itself, becomes the root of evil. “The Prophets Divine...for Money,” Micah 3:11Paul speaks of those who, coveting money, “erred from the faith and pierced
themselves through with many sorrows.” “Givest Thou Not my Money Into the Bank,” Luke 19:23We gather from this statement that there is a legitimate trading of money. A
man is no less a saint because of a wise and safe investment of his money. “They Brought the Money and Laid it at the Apostle’s Feet,” Acts 4:37Is there not something fascinating about the Pentecostal Church and the
“common-ism” of the early Church? ”Neither said any of them that ought of
the things which he possessed “was his own,” “but they had all things
common.” “The Thirty Pieces of Silver,” Matthew 27:3-10Judas is a tragic illustration of the love of money being the root of all
evil. “Doth Not Your Master Pay Tribute?” Matthew 17:24In these days of heavy taxation, when various taxes claim a large part of our
income, it is somewhat consoling to learn that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself
willingly paid His annual tribute. He met every required demand. “But When Thou Doest Alms, Let Not Thy Left Hand Know What Thy Right Hand Doeth,” Matthew 6:3-4There are times when our right hand would be ashamed if he did know what the
left hand gave to the needy. There is no promise for those who give to the
poor in order to be seen of men. Telethon… “He That Hath Pity Upon the Poor Lendeth Unto the Lord, and That Which He Hath Given Will He Give Again,” Proverbs 19:17
“Simon Thought That the Gift of God May be Purchased With Money,” Acts 8, 18, 20The sorcerer, being accustomed to receiving payment for his sorceries and
enchantments, evidently thought that Peter was a dealer in a particular power of
the Holy Spirit, and a gratuity was necessary for the transfer of such. Thursday, September 6, 2001Riches!
The above and many other passages dealing with material wealth, surely prove two things:
It is most difficult to have riches and not set your heart upon them.
Affluence has the tendency to draw the soul away from God like a magnet draws
iron. The Poor!
Many of God’s saints are poor in respect to this world’s goods, yet
rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which God has promised to them that love
Poor, But Making Many RichEarth has honor, wealth, and pride, Prosperity and Honor!Prosperity and honor are among other passages associated with the material realm which the Bible takes cognizance of.
Israel was made “plenteous in goods” that as a nation, she might be able to lend to all nations and borrow from none. “The Lord Shall Open Unto Thee His Good Treasure,” Deuteronomy 28:12The work of Israel was blessed, not only because God delighted in her, but
in order that she might become the medium of blessing to others. Prosperity
was hers – not to retain, but to scatter. “The Prosperity of Fools Shall Destroy Them,” Proverbs 1:32Asaph was somewhat disturbed over the prosperity of the wicked. Profane, yet
they were prosperous. Defiant, yet they were affluent. Godless, yet they escaped
the trials and afflictions of life. “I Spake Unto Thee in Thy Prosperity, But Thou Saidst, I Will Not Hear,” Jeremiah 22:31In so many ways, Israel had been honored of the Lord. As a nation,
however, she was committed to the folly of glorying in her prosperity rather
than in the Lord who sent it. Divine warnings passed unheeded. “The Upright Shall Have Good Things in Possession,” Proverbs 28:10The Book of Proverbs, like the Psalms, is saturated with Promises. Friday, September 7, 2001“Blessed be Ye Poor for Yours is the Kingdom of Heaven,” Luke 6:20There is a sense in which all the Lord’s people are poor. They see and feel
that sin has stripped them of every excellence and has left them poor and naked. What want shall not our God supply “The Expectation of the Poor Shall Not Perish Forever,” Psalm 9:18What a heartening Promise this is! All of God’s Promises raise our
expectation! “The Poor Committeth Himself to Thee,” Psalm 10:14Those who appear to be the poorest are yet rich in faith and are blessedly
contented even though frugality is theirs.
“As Having Nothing But Possessing All Things,” 2 Corinthians 6:10Paul knew what it was to suffer penury for Christ’s sake. At times he
existed upon the gifts of fellow believers. If help was not forthcoming, he
turned to his trade as a tentmaker to make ends meet.
No wonder Paul could say, although destitute of these material possessions calculated to make other people happy, that he possessed all things. “Poor Promises”“He shall deliver the needy when he cries, the poor also, and him that hath no helper,” Psa 72:12.
Let the needy take to crying at once, for this will be his wisdom. Do not cry
in the eye of friends for even if they can help you, it is only because the
Lord enables them. “Poor Promises”“Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right,” Prov 16:8 The advice of Solomon, who never knew what poverty was, is in this verse
worthy of recognition. “The Liberal Soul Shall be Made Fat,” Proverbs 11:25If we desire to flourish spiritually and materially, then we must not
hoard up our possessions, but share them with the needy. “Fret Not Thyself Because of Him Who Prospereth in His Way,” Psalm 37:1, 7, Psalm 73:3The psalmist confesses that he fell into hidden envy when he saw the
prosperity of the wicked. Nothing vexes a man so sorely as his bitter sense of
unfairness in the ordering of things. But the wealth of
Heaven has no canker staining it and is far more precious than money. Saturday, September 8, 2001Work Promises!“If any man would not work neither shall he eat,” 2 Thessalonians 3:10. Work of some sort or other is essential for the majority of us if we are
to eat, drink, and have sufficient necessary clothing and housing accommodation.
Whether our labor is manual or mental, or both, we can find some practical
advice in what the Bible has to say about the day’s labor. Work Promises!“Be ye strong, therefore, and let not your hands be weak, for your work will be rewarded,” 2 Chronicles 15:7. The God who accomplished great things for kings Asa and Judah when they were
feeble, is able to strengthen us for life’s responsibilities. “The Lord Thy God Shall Bless Thee in All Tthat Thou Doest,” Deuteronomy 15:18The spirit of the Promise bound the Hebrew of old to treat working people
well. Work Promises!“He that gathereth by labour shall increase,” Proverbs 13:11. Work Promises!“Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings,”
Proverbs 22:29. Work!“My Father worketh... I work,” John 5:17. How untiring the Father and the Son, and likewise God the Holy Spirit, work
for the spiritual and eternal welfare of our souls! “Study to Shew Thyself Approved, a Workman That Needeth Not to be Ashamed,” 2 Timothy 2:15“Study and work” were favorite words in Paul’s vocabulary. Here he is
found using them to enforce our double relationship. All who handle the Word are spoken of as workmen. The Books of the
Bible are our tools, and with them we have to work until we are able to rightly
divide the Word of God. All preachers should be specialists in the Scriptures.
Observation, however, compels us to admit that the Bible is the one Book a great
many preachers know least about. One has only to listen to them to discover that
they wrongly divide the Word of Truth. “Do Your Own Business and Work With Your Own Hands,” 1 Thessalonians 4:11Paul was spiritually practical. He knew how to combine and harmonize work and
worship, then sandwiched in between a solemn injunction regarding sanctity of
life and the revelation of Christ’s return. Promises About the Cares of This Life“The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the Word,” Matthew 13:22“Be not overcharged with... the cares of this life,” Luke 8:34, 21:34. Sunday, September 9, 2001The Comfort of Claiming the Promises of God!“In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight my soul,” Psalm 94:19 When we fail to appropriate the Promises of God, we deprive ourselves of their solid comfort – the comfort of the Word. And we give way to unbelief or to forgetfulness of the “Promiser Himself.” We must never forget that there is no extremity, no matter how great, but
there is a Promise suitable to it, and, through it, sufficient relief. “Carefulness”“I would have you without carefulness,” 1 Corinthians 7:22. Certainly we are to be careful, but the word “carefulness” here means,
“undue anxiety,” which can be very injurious. “Great Things, Unsearchable Marvelous Things Without Number”Job 5:8-9, “I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause.
Which doeth great things, and
unsearchable, marvelous things without number.” Lift up your eyes and behold the Hand that supports the stars without
pillars, the Lord Who guides the planets without collision. “The Lord Has You on His Mind”“The Lord hath been mindful of us, He will bless us,” Psalm 115:12. All the Lord has been, He is, and will ever be. “Nothing!” “Everything!” “Anything!”“In nothing.... Be anxious. Let your requests be known unto God,” Phil
“The Silence of the Lamb!””There was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building,” 1 Kings 6:7. ”Building in silence”“The temple (which spoke of the Lord Jesus Christ) was built in silence. It
rose like an exaltation.” No hammer fell. No ponderous axes rang like some
tall palm the mystic fabric sprung. Perhaps it was merely for convenience of
transport and to save time that the stones were dressed in the quarries, but
more probably the silence was due to an instinct of reverence.
“The Silence of the Lamb,” Part 2How God’s house is built of prepared stones.That is true, in regard to the Church on Earth for there must be the
individual act of faith before a soul is fit to be built into the fabric of the
Church. There is providential training of men for their tasks before these
are given to them. Monday, September 10, 2001“Casting All Your Cares Upon Him for He Careth for You,” 1 Peter 5:7The last part of this wonderful Promise can be translated, “He has you upon
his heart.” When we cast all our cares upon Christ, there is no care upon us, and so
we enjoy peace. If we keep the cares, we cannot have the peace. If we
cast the cares, we cannot help but having the peace. “One Thing is Needful...That Good Part,” Luke 10:42Martha was cumbered about many things. The Lord Jesus Christ did not upbraid her for being solicitous about home responsibilities, but for their encroachment upon the more needful and good part. Namely, mediation upon Him! Being occupied with Him! The many trifles of time must not affect, distract, and bewilder us,
thereby robbing us of precious fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. If the heart is in a sanctified and healthy state, the home will not be
neglected, neither will the deeper things of the soul. “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God,” Matthew 6:33What a copious Promise this is! “These things will be added unto you.” “Bring Them Hither to Me,” Matthew 14:18Does not this invitation cover the bringing of our trials, troubles, and
needs to Him? Promises and the Physical Realm!We have seen Promises connected with the body, such as food, water, raiment,
and money, so necessary for the welfare of the body. Now we come to examine
another group of Promises definitely connected with the body itself, aspects of
our physical, natural life, the length of which is in the hands of the Lord. Bible Promises for Birth!“Better is the day of death than the day of one’s birth,” Ecc 7:1. Bible Birth Promises!“Many shall rejoice at his birth,” Luke 1:14. Zacharias and Elizabeth
were assured that the birth of their Divinely-promised and provided son John
would result in much joy. “Travailing in Birth,” Revelation 12:2“I travail in birth,” Gal 4:14.
“The Promise is Unto You, and to Your Children,” Acts 2:39Not many parents, we fear, realize that children come as gifts from God, Who
giveth to all life and as soon as they are born, have every right to the
Promises of God who are able to understand and appropriate them. “That Which is Born of the Flesh is Flesh, and That Which is Born of the Spirit, is Spirit,” John 3:6In this renowned chapter, so full of the Promises of regeneration and
redemption, our Lord Jesus Christ emphasizes the necessity for a second birth. ”In Adam all die. In Christ all are made alive.” Bible Birth Promises!“The third day which was Pharaoh’s birthday,” Genesis 40:20.
![]() | Satan is the author of religion. |
![]() | Satan is a murderer from the beginning. |
![]() | Religion kills, i.e., the twin towers in New York City. |
Religion kills but Christ and Christianity make alive.
Lest we forget!
We were attacked at Pearl Harbor, and that was a military base.
We were attacked in New York City. That was not a military base
No guns were fired, no rockets were set off, no missiles were fired, no bombs
were dropped, no nuclear weapons were used. But even so, thousands of people were killed without a gun being fired. Do we
register planes now?
Cain killed Abel and he didn’t have a gun.
How gratifying it is when children, like the child Samuel, grow up in the
fear of the Lord. How preserved they are if their young minds are saturated with
the Truths of the Bible.
”Joash was seven years old when he began to reign,” 2 Chronicles 24:1.
Seven was a very early age for the son of Ahaziah to be crowned king. Joash had
been but a year old when he was preserved from the slaughter and kept hidden for
six years. Now, on his seventh birthday he is produced and acclaimed king of
Is there a boy or a girl in your home or Sunday School class celebrating a
seventh birthday? Well why not use the coronation of Joash as the basis of an
appeal for a decision?
If he was not too young to be crowned king, surely the child at your side is not
to young to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ.
”He began to reign.” And reign he did, for he did that which was right in
the eyes of the Lord. The youngest can be taught how to reign in life by the
Lord Jesus Christ.
”Suffer little children to come unto Me.”
The Bible holds attractive stories for young hearts. How gripping are its
records of youthful exploits like that of David.
The Bible has much to say about youth and promises the favor of God in those who
in life’s fair morning are willing to buy the pearl of great price.
Here is a youth program for home and Church.
It is to be regretted that in these days of increasing juvenile delinquency,
“the shades of the prison house,” close upon many youths, guilty of the most
heinous crimes.
May God richly bless all those and prosper all those movements seeking to win
the young for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Would that more young people could be found nourishing affection of Truth and
righteousness and acting more kindly to those who gave them birth.
Does not the poet remind us that an unkind, unthankful child is sharper than a
serpent’s tooth?
God uses the phrase, “the kindness of thy youth.”
“ I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.”
“When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.”
What a blessed Promise this is!
While Solomon, in personifying wisdom in the verse before us and saying that
wisdom has her lovers and seek her (seekers), the Lord Jesus Christ Himself became the personification of the
Wisdom of God.
“Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God.”
The Promise is that if we love and seek Him, in return we shall enjoy His love,
and find Himself. The appeal is to the young, early in life.
How happy are the young whose morning of life is spent with the Lord Jesus
The younger we see and find Him, the better.
”Early seekers make certain finders.”
A good deal of rubbish is uttered about putting an old head on young
shoulders, implying, of course that youth should not be burdened with too much
labor and responsibility.
To youth I have but three words to say, “Work, work, work,” a quote from
Jeremiah’s word is as good as a promise. It was good, it is good, and it will
be good to bear the yoke. Many a yoke prepares a young person for future
The yoke of affliction, of disappointment, of hard work, make for character.
Soft times in one’s youth do not make for endurance.
As a lad, the Lord Jesus Christ toiled at the carpenter’s bench and grew up
with a love for those whose day’s work was hard.
Some of the most conspicuous in the ministry, in commerce, in politics, are
those who as youths had to work hard in some realm or other. Success has a
sweeter taste if it has sprung from rough soil.
Youthful burdens and responsibilities create compassion, understanding, large heartedness,
and contentment. Can it be that you are young with little time to spare? And
other young people are free and have plenty of time and money for sport and
pleasure, but you have to keep your nose to the grindstone? Are there times when your yoke is sometimes irksome?
Remember that a yoke is “made for two” and that the Lord Jesus Christ has promised to share your yoke. If your burdens seem heavy, bear in mind that the Lord offers to bear both the burden and its bearer.
The rich young ruler’s tragic lack was the willingness to surrender the
very thing that came between the Lord Jesus Christ and himself.
He loved his money, and to be told to part with all that he had was a drastic
condition of discipleship the wealthy youth was not willing to fulfill.
”He went away sorrowful for he had great possessions.”
But the Young Man pleading with the young ruler was not asking the impossible.
He was only urging the youth to follow His step.
Did He not surrender all when He left His Father’s home above? Rich for the
ruler’s sake and ours, He became poor.
Are you young, strong, and free, and yet lacking in one thing? What hinders your
abandonment to the Lord Jesus Christ?
With the rich young ruler it was his possessions. What is it with you?
As the Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest of all possessions, let everything else
go and secure Him.
King Hezekiah received the promise of deliverance from the overwhelming forces of Assyria because he recognized his utter inability to do anything apart from God. In the end God did it all. Hezekiah had not to raise a finger in defense. The Assyrian host of 185,000 were slain by one angel, The Lord Jesus Christ.
”Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the LORD, and spread it before the LORD. And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD, and said, O LORD God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, Thou art the God, even Thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the Earth; Thou hast made Heaven and Earth. LORD, bow down Thine ear, and hear: open, LORD, Thine eyes, and see: and hear the words of Sennacherib, which hath sent him to reproach the living God. Of a truth, LORD, the kings of Assyria have destroyed the nations and their lands, And have cast their gods into the fire: for they were no gods, but the work of men’s hands, wood and stone: therefore they have destroyed them. Now therefore, O LORD our God, I beseech Thee, save Thou us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the Earth may know that Thou art the LORD God, even Thou only.”
“For I will defend this city, to save it, for Mine own sake, and for My servant David’s sake. And it came to pass that night, that the Angel of the LORD went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.” 2 Kings 19:14-19, 34, 35.
A firm unmistakable faith in God and the recognition of Him in every phase of national life, then, is the strongest and most Impregnable Defense any nation can have.
God has promised that kings can prolong their reign if covetousness is hated.
Abolish justice and what are kingdoms but robberies.
Sacrificing all justice and honor, kings lustful for more power and
possessions build up kingdoms on robbery.
God, Who is able to reprove kings, 1 Chr 16:21, is the avowed enemy of
covetousness in any shape or form.
Israel’s first king was given thus in anger. “I gave thee a king in Mine
anger, and took him away in My wrath,” Hosea 13:11. God gives kings in His
Israel coveted all the glitter and glory, pomp and pride of gentile kings and
demanded of Samuel, “Make us a king to judge us like all nations,” 1 Sam
Thus the people rejected theocracy for monarchy with dire results as their future history proves. The avarice and pride of rulers have deeply stained the Earth with the red blood of millions.
Divine rules for rulers to obey with promises of Divine favor if God is
honored in national life are scattered throughout the Bible.
Monarchs and rulers must fear God and rule in the fear of God.
In this verse before us are the words among the last spoken by King David, whose
reign was an honored one. While guilty of a dark sin marring his royal
influence, in the main, David was just and sought to rule in the fear of God.
The bent of his life was Godward.
This illustrious king left a promise for all those willing to rule as unto God.
”He shall be as the light of the morning when the sun riseth, even a morning
without clouds, as the tender grass upspringing out of the Earth by the clear
shining rain.”
How different civilization would be if only kings had kept David’s precept
and promise in mind. Rulers are exhorted to promote the interest of Divine
institutions, i.e., nationalism, free will, etc.
Maybe America is under attack because our leaders have not ruled in the fear
of the Lord.
Often when a ruler’s ways are corrupt and his judgments warped, our
national life becomes the mirror of his own life.
The witness of history, Bible and secular, shows that when kings are godly and
wise, and pledge allegiance to the King of kings, then their reign is
most beneficial to their subjects.
Not only so, but promised blessings are for those who reign in Truth and
righteousness. If only all sovereigns and potentates could have
Divine restraints have been discarded. The language employed by the psalmist
describes a deliberate and planned hostility to God on the part of our earthly
They are unified in their determination to abolish all restraints, then the
rage and rejection depicted carry a prophetic significance.
Before the Lord Jesus Christ returns to this Earth as the “King of kings,”
Earth rulers will be against God. But the promise is that His King, His
Beloved Son, will take unto Himself power and reign.
Time’s glory is to calm contending kings. Time, however, is not calming
contending kings. What bitter contention characterizes the meeting of the
rulers of the United Nations today! How utterly Godless some of these rulers
But He who sits in the Heavens shall laugh and He can afford to laugh for
His day is coming. And when He does, all will bow before Him and recognize
His supremacy as the World Emperor.
Is it not the United Nations, but He will unite the nations.
If only those who have the destinies of the nations in their hands would
presently acknowledge God’s sovereignty and make the patriotic prayer
of Daniel the prime minister of Babylon, their own cry, “O Lord, to us
becometh confusion of faces, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers,
because we have sinned against Thee,” Dan 9:3-19.
Our headlines today, which say we are at war just emphasizes the
principle of “wars and rumors of war.”
When we examine the passages in the Bible which relate to wars, we find that wars
will not be abolished until “the Prince of peace takes over the government of
the Earth.”
Ever since humanity was divided into nations, and there appeared kings, princes,
and rulers, there have been feuds and conflicts between them, resulting in
terrible bloodshed. Monarchs and wars have been, and still are synonymous. What
holocausts of destruction the world has experienced. Millions have looked up
Heaven, and now do, through their blinding tears and cried, “O God, Why do men
make wars?”
Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself declared that until the Gentile Age has run its
course “wars and rumors of wars” can be expected. And we are seeing that
prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes today. Matt 24:6, Rev 6:24.
But the bright promise is that when “the Son of God goes forth to war,”
the bloody religious wars of Earth will end.
“The nations...shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears
into pruning hooks, nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall
they learn war any more,” Isa 2:4.
Summit conferences for rulers to meet and plan for peace in our time are to be
commended, but the United Nations in New York, the city where America was
attacked, was conceived to banish wars from the Earth.
Yet, since its inception we have had nothing but a succession of wars and the
rape of nations like Hungary and Tibet by larger and more power-hungry nations.
And before that, we had the League of Nations started by Woodrow Wilson.
So, with our Bibles open before us, we know that any respite from war will only
be temporary. The prerogative of “world peace” belongs to the Lord Jesus
Christ, Who is coming to break the bow asunder.
The recurring personal pronoun in the Promise of the psalmist must not be lost
sight of. “He... He... He... He... He… ” The abolition of war and the
complete destruction of munitions of war await the return of the Lord Jesus
Wouldn’t it be ironic if they hit the United Nations building?
Breathes there the man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
”This is my own my native land,”
Whose soul hath within him burned
As home his footsteps he hath turned,
From wandering on a strange strand?
If such there breathe, go, mark him well,
For him no minstrel raptures swell,
High though his titles, proud his name
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim,
Despite those titles, power and pelf,
The wretch, concentrated all in self.
Living shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprang
Unwept, unhonored, and unsung.
O beautiful, our country
Around thee in love we draw.
Thine is the grace of freedom,
The majesty of law.
Be righteous thy sceptre,
Justice thy diadem,
And on thy shining forehead,
Be peace the crowning gem.
“LORD, it is nothing with Thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: help us, O LORD our God; for we rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go against this multitude. O LORD, Thou art our God; let not man prevail against Thee,” 2 Chr 14:11.
“Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion,” Psalm 27:3, 5
”Through God we shall do valiantly for it is He that treadeth down our
enemies,” Psa 60:12.
While these Promises and others do not guarantee the immunity from the sorrows
of war, they nevertheless imply that if we should be swept along by the
current of war, we have a Source of consolation and hope of which the godless
are ignorant. Proverbs 3:24-26.
“The body they may kill, but God’s Word abideth still.”
”He shall redeem thee in war from the power of the sword,” Job 5:30.
Through the ages the instruments of war have become more deadly until we have
succeeded in creating the most fearful implements of destruction ever known. But
Job’s promise declares that God is both able to preserve both man and family
in time of war.
True, Christians perish as well as non-Christians when battles rage. But
for Christians who perish by the way, there is the consolation “that warring
forces are not able to kill the soul,” Matt 10:38. Bombs only
deliver the believers from the sordidness of Earth, for them sudden death is
sudden glory.
Some of the early martyrs could kiss the flames encircling them, seeing they
only hastened their entrance into Heaven.
”Absent from the body face to face with the Lord,” 2 Cor 5:8.
While this is a Promise directly related to restored Israel, like many of the
other Promises, we can claim the “life-rest” of it. God is still able to
break the bow and cut the spear in sunder.
Modern weapons of war are indeed fearful and diabolical, but the Lord knows
how to bring them to naught. Often He rallies the forces of nature to combat the
cruelty of men. It was thus that God used the snow against Napoleon and the
miracle mists at Dunkirk.
”He discomfits the enemy.”
Whenever war breaks loose upon a nation, the question of Christian
participation always arises. Pacifists and conscientious objectors become
conspicuous as they affirm their unwillingness to take up arms against any man.
”War is anti-Christian,” it is said – diametrically opposed to the
witness and the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. In our democracy such
individual conscience is respected.
Still, the problem is, what should be the attitude of a Christian when war
arises? Is he, like the children of Gad, and the children of Reuben, to sit
in comfort while others go out to bleed and die?
A Christian, although a citizen of Heaven, is likewise a citizen of the United
States of America and must decide whether or not he has corresponding
responsibilities and should be in subjection to the powers that be.
Peter gives us clear instructions on this matter. 1 Pet 2:12-25. ”Submit
yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake.”
“Whether it be to the king as supreme or unto governors as those who are sent
by him for the punishment of evil doers and for the praise of them that do
well,” etc.
Bravely to do whatever the time demands whether with pen or sword, and not to
flinch. This is the task that fits heroic hands. So are Truth’s boundaries
widened inch by inch.
“Let the sighing of the prisoner come before Thee; according to the
greatness of Thy power preserve Thou those that are appointed unto death,” Psa
”To hear the sighing of the prisoners, to loose those that are appointed to
death,” Psa 102:20.
One of the grim casualties of any war is the capture and plight of prisoners.
From ancient times captors have been guilty of inhumane treatment toward their
captors. The Philistines delighted in the degradation they made Samson to suffer
when they put out his eyes, bound him with fetters of brass, and made him grind
in the wretched prison house, Judges 16:21.
A similar fate overtook King Zedekiah at the hands of the king of Babylon. Jer
Jeremiah the prophet begged to be kept from a death-infested prison. Jer 37:15,
In Bible times, then, prisoners were subjected to extreme suffering. Promises
of either deliverance from prison or Grace to bear such a trial, if deliverance
was not forthcoming, however, were graciously given.
”His feet that hurt with fetters, he was laid in chains of iron,” literally,
his soul entered into iron. “Until the time that His Word came to pass: the
Word of the Lord tried him. The king sent and loosed him,” Psa 105:19, 20.
”The captive exile hasteneth that he may be loosed and that he should not die in the pit,” Isa 51:14.
Thou will not turn Thy face away
From those who work Thy will,
But send Thy peace on souls that pray
And guard Thy people still.
Remember how since time began
Thy dark eternal mind,
Through lives of men that fear not man,
Is light to all mankind.
Thou will not turn Thy face away
From those who work Thy will,
But send Thy peace on souls that pray,
For strength to serve Thee still.
The Romans had a singular method of fettering their prisoners. The one end of
a long chain was fixed about the right arm of the prisoner, and the other end
was fastened to the left arm of a soldier.
Thus a prisoner was always attended and guarded, which occasioned one of the
most pathetic affecting strokes of true oratory ever displayed either in the
Grecian or Roman Senate. ”I would to God that not only thou but also all that
hear me this day were both almost and altogether such as I am, except these
bonds,” Acts 26:29.
Can you not imagine how Paul would accompany his words with the parade and
dangling of the chains? Yet his bonds were a blessing for they gave the
apostle great opportunities of winning his guards to the Lord. “Because
that for the hope of Israel I am bound with the chain.”
We can picture him proclaiming such a hope in his changing guard. Grace was
his to fashion a pulpit out of his prison. That Peter and Paul both endured
imprisonments yet received promised help and deliverance is fully dealt with in
the Bible.
In his appeal to the men of Athens, Paul using as his text the altar
inscription, “to the unknown God,” declared that such a God was as in this
The heart-inspiring Truth emphasized throughout the Bible is that God, as the
Lord of nature and of providence, promises us an abundance of good things as the
seasons, which He has determined, to come and go. Acts 17:26.
The universe offers itself to view as Earth, sky, and sea.
What heroes thou hast bred
America my own country,
I see the mighty dead
Pass in line,
Each with undaunted heart
Playing his gallant part,
Making thee what thou art
America mine.
Then let us take our place
America my own country,
Amid the gallant race
That is thine.
Ready to hear her call,
Ready to give thee all,
Ready whatever befall,
America mine.
After God’s first Promise of the Lord Jesus Christ as “the Seed of the
woman,” Gen 3:15, the Lord Jesus Christ is never lost sight of in the Old
Testament as “the Promised One.”
In all of the 39 Books, there is an air of expectancy. ”Someone is
Hundreds of years before the Lord Jesus Christ came, God graciously unveiled
Him. It has been asserted that exclusive of numberless typical predictions of
Him that the prophecies and references to the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old
Testament Scriptures which are expressly cited in the New Testament
either as predictions fulfilled in Him, or as provisions applied to Him, number
not less than 333.
Therefore, it is with utmost confidence that we can affirm that He dominates
the Old Testament and is before us as “the One who is the substance of its
messages and the God of its hope.”
All the avenues lead to Him! He is the Golden Thread binding the diverse
Books together giving them an amazing unity.
Out of all the Promises found in the Bible for the physical and spiritual,
and for the temporal and for the eternal, there is none greater than the
Promise of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We have our Lord’s own authority for the fact that He is the Key to Old
Testament Promises, profiles, and pictures.
”In the volume of the Book it is written of Me,” Hebrews 10:7.
What Book? And what Person? There is only one Book – the Bible, the Word of
God. There is only one Person – the Lord Jesus Christ.
The pre-eminent purpose then of the pre-eminent Book is to magnify and extol
the pre-eminent Person of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
At all times, and especially in these days of terrorism.
Before this terrorist attack all we read about and heard about was not having
prayers in school and removing the Ten Commandments from different institutions.
But now after an attack on America, we hear everyone mentioning prayer and God
and God’s will. What about separation of church and state? So called.
We even hear senators mentioning God and prayers and even heard the 23rd Psalm
quoted by our President.
All things have worked together for good for our country if we only get back
with the Lord Jesus Christ who is God and our Saviour.
“Beginning at Moses and all the prophets He expounded unto them all the
Scriptures the things concerning Himself, all things must be fulfilled which
were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms
concerning Me,” Luke 24:27, 44.
The Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible are inseparably wedded. The
Written Word and the Living Word are one.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the secret of the structural, historical, prophetic,
doctrinal, and spiritual aspects of the Bible.
In our quest for Truth, whether we deal with facts or figures, prophesies or
promises, let us realize that the secret of interpretation is to find the
man, the Lord Jesus Christ, because all Scripture exists to reveal Him.
It brings sustenance to our souls when we discover how the Lord Jesus Christ
and the Scriptures are similarly preserved.
The Lord Jesus Christ and the Scriptures are similarly preserved so that we
always have the Promise of our Saviour in view.
For instance think of these features.
More to come – eternal identification between the Living and the Written Word.
Deuteronomy 7:9, “Know therefore that the LORD thy God, He is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations.”
Isaiah 54:13-14, “And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.”
The reason for the moral decline in Judah was the fact the people neither
took in the Word of God nor established it in their heart. It is the Word of
God in the mind that delivers a people. As long as we have any freedom
left, the Word of God can be taught, as long as the Word of God is taught, it
can be taken in, and as long as the Word of God is taken in, there is a hope for
our country. The hope resides in any pulpit in our country where the Word of God
is taught, verse by verse, categorically, exegetically.
We are in a national crisis but we are not without the Remedy – the Word of
Judah has become a historic pattern for national destruction. No nation
survives the loss of its spiritual heritage. No nation survives the
neutralization of its military establishment. No nation survives the destruction
of free enterprise. No nation survives social disintegration. And no nation can
survive the conscience been seared with a hot iron and the revolt in the soul of
its people.
Jeremiah 12:11, “It mourneth unto Me.” Literally, “She (Judah) mourns for
Me.” Even though Judah had gone negative to the Word of God and rejected
God’s principles for the perpetuation of the national entity, she will
periodically mourn for the Lord. Of course, after Judah suffers the fifth cycle
of discipline, she will mourn perpetually.
”The whole land is made desolate,” Jer 12:11. Or a better translation,
“All the land makes itself desolation.” The verb in this phrase is reflexive
and indicates that Judah made herself a desolation. Ultimately every person
is responsible for his own decisions, because every person has free will.
When a person goes negative toward the Word of God and God, that person has made
a decision from his own free will to do so, and therefore has no one but
himself to blame when the discipline comes. This is self-induced misery.
If a country becomes desolate, the reason is that the
individual of that country has made it desolate.
The best thing you can do for our country is to begin
to take in the Word of God on a daily basis and apply it to the circumstances of
your life and become spiritually self-sustaining.
A nation like ours which has freedom, can use its freedom either to maintain
that freedom or to destroy that freedom.
God is always on the side which sponsors freedom, but the very existence
of freedom means that you possess the free will to destroy your own freedom.
God has set up all the laws that include laws of economics, the laws of military
concepts, laws of social life, and laws pertaining to spiritual life and the
The very freedom we have at this present time is in grave danger and the
problem begins with the spiritual decline which overflows into the military and
the military decline affects the economy and the economic decline overflows to
the social area, which in turn affects the soul.
The only solution to the problem is the Word of God.
”Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the
mouth of God.”
At this time in our nation’s history, I have been doing my personal study
on the life and times of the prophet Elijah. We all remember Elijah from our
Sunday School lessons where he called down fire on the unbelievers in Baal
Many Americans are offering up prayers today, but are their prayers heard?
I heard someone say on TV say that Muslims should not be hated because they
believe in the one God. But the one god they believe in is not the Lord Jesus
Christ. Aside from that, do you remember Elijah’s prayer on Mt. Carmel? It
is fitting to follow it when it comes to us praying for our country.
1 Kings 18:36, “And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the
evening sacrifice that Elijah the prophet came near and said, Lord God of
Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Let it be known this day that Thou art God in
Israel. And that I am Thy servant, and that I have done all these things at Thy
Notice the substance of this petition.
And that prayer was answered by fire.
1 Kings 18:36, “Elijah the prophet came near and said, Lord God of Abraham,
Isaac, and
Israel, Let it be known this day that Thou art the God of Israel and that I am
Thy servant, and that I have done all these things at Thy Word.”
1 Kings 18:37, “Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that Thou
art the Lord God, and that Thou hast turned their heart back again.”
This may well stand as a pattern of prayer for us today.
Jeremiah 12:11, “They have made it desolate, and being desolate it mourneth unto me; the whole land is made desolate, because no man layeth it to heart.”
In order for the restoration process to be reversed, there must be a
change of mind in the soul. The change of mind in the soul is indicated in
the last phrase of verse 11. ”Because no man layeth it to heart.” The
literal translation is, “because no man establishes it in his heart.”
The heart is the dominant part of the soul, the mind. “As a man thinketh in
his mind so is he.”
In the mind there are three things – a memory center with its frame of
reference, norms and standards (sometimes called conscience), and a viewpoint
about everything you know.
Recovery begins with the principle of salvation. “The Lord redeemeth the soul
of His servants and none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate,” Psa
34:22. In salvation it is the soul that is saved, not the body, 1 Pet 1:9. The
soul of the person who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ is given eternal life.
”But we are not of them that draw back into perdition but believe in the
saving of the soul,” Heb 10:9. Believing is non-meritorious thinking in
the mind.
”With the mind man believeth unto salvation.”
“Man can not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of
the mouth of God,” Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4.
Once the soul is saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the next thing is
the daily intake of the Word of God. The food for the soul is the Word of God
– soul-food.
Then the soul must be stabilized through the daily intake of the Word of God
through growing in Grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ, 2 Pet 3:18.
The Word of God is taught and received through the filling of the Holy Spirit,
Eph 5:18, and it is stored in the mind so that you have a norm or standard and a
memory center and a frame of reference.
The Word of God is transferred by faith and God the Holy Spirit places it in the
human spirit.
The reason for the moral decline in Judah was the fact that the people neither
took in the Word of God nor established it in their mind. It is the Word of
God in the mind of believers that delivers a nation, the salt of the Earth,
and the light of the world.
The Word of God can be taught and as long as the Word of God is taught, it can
be taken in, and as long as the Word of God can be taken in, there is hope for
our country. The hope resides in any pulpit in this country where the Word of
God is taught verse by verse, categorically and exegetically.
We are in the midst of a crisis but we are not without a remedy. The
remedy is “the Word of God that liveth and abideth for ever.”
Everywhere we turn we find our country falling apart – the drug problem,
the system of education with its subjectivity, the psychological and social
perversions – are all indications that there is very little time for us as a
free country.
We are rapidly on our way to destruction.
Therefore, this passage is not only for Jeremiah’s day, but for us today as
The fifth cycle of discipline can descend on us at surely as it did on Judah!
”Arise and awake from sleep.”
Prophets in those days, preachers in this day. They say they have a
message from God when in reality they do not.
What is said about the clergy in the day of Jeremiah can be said about a large
percentage of the clergy in the United States of America today.
Most of all clergymen in America are apostates. Although some may have
personally believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, they represent religion and cosmos
diabolicus (the satanic system).
They are for social action and social reform instead of regeneration. They are
breast beaters and bleeding hearts and they are leading us to national
One of the strongest political organizations in this country today is the
National Council of Churches and everyone is listening to what its leaders have
to say. Even today while America was being attacked, they have people protesting
the statement that our president made about being in a war.
What they advocate in effect is national destruction.
Please notice it takes many pastors to destroy, but only one to
keep things going. That is the Grace of God!
The pastor in our passage is the prophet Jeremiah. And if people, from king
Zedekiah on down, had listened to him, they would have survived.
But they were negative to the Word of God and in time of national crisis, the
Chaldean invasion came, and the nation went out under the fifth cycle of
But in the day of Hezekiah there was a similar national crisis which was the
impending Assyrian invasion of Judah under Sennacherib. In that day, too, God
raised up a prophet, Isaiah, one man among many false prophets. And
because the people responded to the Word of God he taught, that nation was
The same thing was true in the northern kingdom in the days of Elijah. One
prophet was raised up, one prophet against many false prophets and the
nation was positive toward the Word of God and the national catastrophe was
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“A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace,” Ecclesiastes 3:3, 3:8
There will always be war, in spite of man’s efforts for peace. Jesus Christ
said, “And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled,
for such things must needs be,” Mark 13:7, cf Matt 24:6, Luke 21:9.
Man relies on his own systems to solve his problems – problems such as
poverty, war, and environment, when he should rely on his personal salvation
and then turns his problems, personal and national, over to the Lord.
This is God’s plan for the human race.
You may alleviate poverty, but not eradicate it, Deut 15:11, John 12:8
War cannot be completely abolished because of the old sin nature, which
resides in every person and because of Satan’s rulership of this world.
John 12:31.
Only the Lord Jesus Christ can and will abolish poverty and war when He
returns to this Earth.
During the Millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, the “swords will be
turned into plowshares, the spears into pruninghooks, and man shall learn war no
more.” Isa 2:4, Micah 4:3.
Until then, war continues to be a bona fide manifestation of the Word of God.
Ecc 3:8. In fact, there is a “book of the wars of the Lord” which is
mentioned in Numbers 21:14.
“When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and
chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them,” Deut 20:1.
You cannot function in a military situation when you are neutralized by a
mental attitude of fear. Fear in the face of overwhelming odds is natural, but
catering to it becomes a sin for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, since
God has made provision for it.
”For the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of
Egypt,” Deut 20:1.
The provision is the Word of God.
”Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the heathen. I will
be exalted in the Earth,” Psa 46:10.
”The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Refuge. Selah,” Psa
”The Lord of hosts” is a title for the Lord Jesus Christ and “hosts” is
“Lord of the armies.”
Verse 11 was the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ after the destruction of
the Assyrian army by the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Word of God produces norms and standards in the mind providing a relaxed
mental attitude in the midst of fear.
Prior to going into combat, every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should have
the Word of God stored in his mind. There is where you develop moral courage
and character as well as battle courage.
”And it shall be when you come nigh unto battle, that the priest shall
approach and speak unto the people,” Deut 20:2.
Here is the procedure the Jews always followed when they came to battle. The
Jewish priest was the “chaplain.” He was the communicator of the Word of
God. Before the battle it was the chaplain’s responsibility to speak to the
”And he shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle
against your enemies: let not your minds faint, fear not, and do not tremble,
neither be ye terrified because of them; For the Lord your God is He that
goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you in battle,”
Deut 20:3-4.
For the great key to successful military activity is spiritual strength.
”And the officers shall speak unto the people, saying, What man is there that hath built a new house, and hath not dedicated it? (He has a new house and a new wife, and he hasn’t lived in it with his wife for a year) Let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man dedicate it,” Deut 20:5.
We see the principle that war is for adults, single minded, mature adults.
This man’s mental attitude would not be conducive to either moral or battle
courage because, quite naturally, he would be occupied with his bride. He is
a double-minded man and therefore unstable.
He is thinking about their new house, not yet dedicated. In fact, he may think
so much about it that he becomes a casualty.
He could not be an effective part of a combat team because of the instability of
his mind. When one member of a combat team is ineffective, the team is
“Rueben is unstable as water.”
”And what man is he that planted a vineyard, and hath not yet eaten of it? Let
him also go and return unto his house, lest he die in battle, and another man
eat of it,” Deut 20:6.
Here is another double-minded man, who is unstable in all his ways, “dies in
If he thinks too much about his business – planted a new vineyard and didn’t
gain the first year’s profits – and he will be killed and he cannot function
as a member of a combat team.
”And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife and hath not taken her? Let
him go and return to his house lest he die in battle and another man take
her,” Deut 20:7.
Betrothed a wife, engaged; and hath not taken her, the marriage has not been
There is a legitimate reason for the removal of certain people from the
military – those whose attitude is not conducive to the necessary
concentration. At another time it would be, but under these circumstances
they are double minded, unstable.
They cannot be depended upon. In a tactical situation there must be complete
concentration and stability. Single men are preferred.
Notice what the Jews did. They allowed every individual to determine for
himself after military training whether or not he was qualified to
continue as a soldier.
These were trained troops, not a mob. They were about to go into combat and must
make a decision with regard to their own mental attitude. Am I a coward or
The officers were not worried so much that the cowards would be killed, but
that they would have a detrimental influence on the other men.
”Lest his brothers mind faint as well as his own mind.”
“And when the Lord Thy God hath delivered it into thy hands, thou shalt
smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword...thou
shall utterly destroy them as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee,” Deut
20:13, 17.
We see here the objective of battle! Total annihilation! The motto in World War
II was “Kill or be killed.”
To do this requires courage, battle courage. Knowing through the Word of God
that you are in God’s Plan and that in war you have a job to do. Kill
the enemy is the Divine norm or standard that produces courage.
”Whatever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord and not unto men,” Col
3:23. The believer’s testimony is to be the best soldier, the best killer,
in his outfit, if that is his job. That is the Word of God and that is why
we are here today.
That is why we are free, because fine American men went into combat and
became the best killers. Now some mothers don’t like this, but they might
as well learn that if this country is preserved, it was because their son has
killed the enemy, as unto the Lord.
“He teacheth my hands to war,” Psa 18:34, cf 2 Sam 22:35.
David is speaking and David was a shepherd. He knew nothing about war. But
during his shepherd years he learned the Word of God. The shepherd with the Word
of God went to war and he made a fantastic beginning.
In single combat he dispatched the arrogant challenge to the Israelite army...
Goliath and after that he learned war. God taught him.
But please notice God does not teach us to murder. When war is legitimate,
killing is necessary. When it is not, then killing becomes murder.
”He teacheth my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms,”
Psa 18:34. ”The breaking of the bow” is an idiom for the annihilation of
The same principle is found in Psa 144. This is dedicated to those who still
think of themselves as conscientious objectors.
”Blessed be the Lord my Strength,” the Source of military training,
“which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.”
“For there fell down many slain because the war was of God,” 1 Chr
The war was God’s will and the enemy was slain, killed. This phrase should
answer once and for all the question of being a conscientious objector.
Not all warfare is justified. Obviously, war for personal or political
aggrandizement, such as the Nazi movement of World War II or the present
aggressions and terrorism, is not justified warfare.
As a mad dog must be destroyed, so oppression and evil must be stopped. God
uses warfare to judge nations which have become totally depraved and whose
viewpoint is incompatible with Divine Institution Number Four, Nationalism.
Many times in the Old Testament God destroyed a nation through war to keep
the corruption from spreading or to preserve His own people.
”And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: But in the fourth
generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not
yet full,” Gen 15:14, 16. Historically this was the Jews in slavery to the
”And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it,
and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants.” Lev 18:25 cf Amos 2:9. The
iniquity of the Canaanites, Amorites, and Hittites was full.
If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are the only hope for
our country!
The rest of the world, along with our nation, are completely deluded by forms
of socialism with shades of pink, and behind it that ever-encroaching menace,
Communism. The next generation may not even know what the word “freedom”
means, except as a historical heritage of this country.
Did you ever wonder why the Communists always talk about peace? Because they
have so infiltrated this country they need not necessarily go to war with us.
What is the greatest Communist weapon? Intercontinental ballistic missiles? No! It
is the infiltration of dialectical materialism into the minds of individuals
within our country. Some say, “I am not a Communist. Communism is dead. I
don’t like Communism. It is anti-God.”
Well what about your political attitudes? You may go right down the line with
Communist propaganda.
As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ you have a tremendous responsibility
in relation to the Divine Institutions. You must recognize that you have the
right and freedom of individual choice and you must recognize that you have a
duty to protect and provide for your family. Do you recognize that you are also
to protect and provide for other families? How? By understanding the
principles and the dissemination of principles which guarantee our freedom.
An eleventh-hour deliverance of our nation is possible. Such a deliverance
has primarily a spiritual solution, but this does not mean that we lay
down our arms and look toward Heaven with a pious expression.
It is time we woke up in this country, because, humanly speaking, we would be
gone by now apart from that long thin line of dedicated professionals who stick
it out in spite of all the pressures, animosity, and general anti-military
There is always a ray of daylight spiritually. Believers in the Lord
Jesus Christ are the salt of the Earth, the preservation of our country,
Matt 5:13. Salt in the ancient world was a preserver. The
first solution then for the preservation of our nation is the personal salvation
of its people.
”Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other Name
under Heaven given among men, wherby we must be saved,” Acts 4:12.
You didn’t hear that the other day at the National Cathedral.
Who qualifies?
There are four Divine institutions which are principles set up by God under the Divine Laws of Establishment for the perpetuation of the human race.
Are we losing our freedoms?
The Divine establishment of authority in the nation is enucleated in Rom
”Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power
but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God,” Rom 13:1.
This verse declares that the national entity is a Divine Institution.
Every person, believer and unbeliever, who is a member of a national entity is commanded
to be subject or obedient to the authority of the national entity.
Although nations which are not in compliance with the structure as ordained by
God, such as Russia, China, etc., cannot be classified as a Divine Institution,
the principle of obedience remains in force.
The exception would be when a law of the state conflicts with the law of God
as in Acts 4:18-20. The only other alternative is to get out, never to revolt.
Rom 13:1 is amplified in the next five verses.
“Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God,
and they that resist shall receive to themselves judgment.”
”For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou not
then be afraid of the power? Do that which is good and thou shall have praise of
the same,” Rom 13:2-3.
”God is not the Author of confusion,” 1 Cor 14:33.
There must be order in the human race if it is to survive. Rulers refer
to authority under nationalism, or the government which administers justice.
Paul is dealing here with the principle of leadership, not the
practice of it. The book of Romans was written during the reign of Nero.
Paul is not condoning the practices of Nero, but the principle of authority in
There is authority in each of the Divine Institutions.
How far have we fallen?
“Father forgive them for they know not what they do,” Luke 23:34.
”For Christ entered into Heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God
for us,” Heb 9:24.
”Christ Jesus who maketh intercession for us,” Rom 8:34.
”I pray for them which shall believe on Me,” John 17:20.
For me??
“He continued all night in prayer to God,” Luke 6:12.
”Sit ye here while I go and pray yonder,” Matt 26:36.
”Abba Father, all things are possible unto Thee. Take away this cup from Me,
nevertheless not what I will, but what Thou wilt,” Mark 14:36.
”Now is My soul troubled and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour,
but for this cause came I unto this hour. Father, glorify Thy Name. I have both
glorified it and will glorify it again,” John 12:27-28.
”Who in the days of His flesh when He had suffered up prayers and supplication
with strong crying and tears unto Him that was able to save Him from death, and
was heard in that He feared, though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by
the things which He suffered,” Heb 5:7-8.
“For rulers are not a terror to good works,” Rom 13:3. ”Good works”
describe the essence of the law.
”The evil” in this passage is crime, or the violation of the law. The
believers in a national entity are commanded “to do that which is good,”
which is to obey the laws of the land.
Even though there may be individual violations by those in the government,
that does not constitute any excuse for disobedience or revolution.
Under Divine Institution Number Four, nationalism, the believer’s
responsibilities include participating in civic affairs, voting, jury duty,
etc., payment of taxes, obedience to traffic laws, and participation in the
defense of our country.
The best citizens within the state should be those who are born again.
“For he is a minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is a minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil,” Rom 13:4.
Under the concept of Divine Institution Number Four, nationalism, the leaders
or the authorities of the state are ministers of God who are appointed to
judge and execute the criminal.
Nationalism is the basis for protection both externally, through the
military, and internally, through law enforcement and capital punishment.
Biblically, the penalty for first degree murder is death. Gen 9:6, Ex
21:12, Num 35:16-18, 30, 31, Deut 21:22, 23, Matt 22:6, 7, Heb 12:20.
The state cannot fulfill its function in keeping law and order in a national
entity without the enforcement of capital punishment. Our departure from
capital punishment is a great tragedy. Crime increases in direct proportion to
the declining of executing the criminal.
Is the governor of your state a minister of God when it comes to capital
Answer: Isaac. Heb 11:17-20, Gen 22:12, 26:1-35.
The Sennacherib invasion of Judah is the background for this passage. The
description of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself slaughtering the enemy and
making an end to war in the land is found in Isa 37:36-37 and in 2 Kings 19:35.
The Lord Jesus Christ shouted and the Assyrian army of 185,000 infantry men were
”He maketh wars to cease.”
How? History proves that wars end when the enemy is totally annihilated. How do
you bring about peace in the devil’s world? By the destruction of the
enemy, decisive defeat.
General Douglas Macarthur said, ”In war there is no substitute for victory.”
But not until the enemy was destroyed. The land had peace because the
Israelites slaughtered and defeated the enemy. This one passage, Joshua
11:20-23, shows how 50,000 American lives could have been saved had we gone
into North Vietnam and destroyed it.
We don’t stop wars by sitting behind perimeters and forbidding our troops to
shot the enemy. This only encourages the rest of the world to attack us.
Nations are proclaiming that America is weak. Going into Vietnam was not wrong. The
Communists are still trying to take over the world.
What was wrong about the Vietnam and the Korean Wars is that we did not go far
enough. We should have blasted our enemies out of existence. That stops wars.
How do we know?
The Bible says so. But this requires the proper mental attitude, and the
question now is, do we have that kind of an attitude now?
“Though an host should encamp against me, my mind shall not fear,”
says David. “Though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.”
This is a qal, active, participle of the verb “BATAK.” Literally, “I
will keep on putting my faith in the Word of God.”
”One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may
dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of
the Lord, and to inquire in His temple,” Psa 27:3-4.
”The house of the Lord” – there was no temple when David wrote this.
The word “house” indicates a permanent structure as opposed to a tent, emphasizing
the permanence of the Word of God in the soul.
In the history of our Country there have been many outstanding generals who
illustrate the importance of the Word of God in military leadership. To mention
a few in the event you should wish to study their biographies.
Thomas Jonathan Jackson, Douglas Macarthur, Robert E. Lee, John Brown Gordon
(wounded eight times in battle), and George Patton were all believers, and some
knew the Word of God well.
It is interesting to note that George Patton had to make a decision as to
whether he was called to the ministry or should he accept an appointment to West
In your study of military leadership, don’t forget to study the life of
Theodore Roosevelt and his sons who all died in battle.
I notice the first ship that is mentioned today when it comes to the new war is
called the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
The greatest enemy of the Word of God is mental attitude sins.
Jealousy is one of the basic mental attitude sins. The jealousy and envy of the
religious people killed the Lord Jesus Christ. “For envy they killed Him.”
It destroys both moral and battle courage and neutralizes military leadership.
In WW II there were many officers who were jealous of General Douglas MacArthur,
a man who personally had great battle courage.
Interesting enough, he was jealous of no one. Their envy was expressed in the
nickname they gave him “Dugout Doug.” It was demonstrated in some of
their military operations that jealousy wiped out the effectiveness of many of
those same officers.
”Jealousy is as cruel as the grave,” S.O.S. 8:6-7.
Verse 18 actually says in effect, that successful military action is
established or planned through professional expertise of military strategy and
tactics, plus wise decisions by leadership. We must have good military
We must have men who can formulate strategic and tactical plans. Men who have
good counsel. Men who can make effective war. This is “sound doctrine.”
And yet in our country we have been destroying military leadership.
It is going to be interesting to watch in the up and coming days the strategy
and tactics of our military leadership in this new war. Personally, I don’t
think there is anything new about war.
”Thou hast chosen the weak to confound the strong, the under-privileged to
surpass the over-indulged, the under-developed to surprise the over-developed,
young to teach the old, the little child in the midst of the elders.”
Thine own first-born became the servant of all the least and lowest of his
Who is who? Jacob. Heb 11:22, Gen 48:17-21, Mark 10:45.
We know how religion operated in the days of the Lord Jesus Christ.
They tried to trap Him. And the Pharisees formed a strange alliance with a
completely anithetical group, the Herodians.
”And they went out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying,
Master, we know that Thou art true, and teachest the way of God in Truth,
neither carest Thou for any man: for Thou regardest not the person of men,”
Matt 22:16.
This is the oddest group of bed-fellows you would ever expect to
encounter. To the Pharisees, true religion was strict observance of the
ceremonial law, and they tyrannically controlled the religious life of the Jews
through legalism. On the other hand, the Herodians were a political party of
Jews organized and perpetuated to support the dynasty of Herod against the
claims of both Rome and the Jewish nationalists.
The Pharisees wanted neither Herod nor the Romans. They wanted to rule the state
themselves through religion. When the religious crowd united with this
particular political group, there had to have been a dire emergency.
And the emergency was the Lord Jesus Christ.
Whatever happened to the Levys, their missing daughter, and the Senator?
Did the Levys forget all about their daughter in light of the terrorist attack
on America? I don’t think so.
Don’t be so occupied with this terrorist attack that you nullify your
testimony before the Lord. Feed your soul now as never before.
”Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the
mouth of God.”
”You are the salt of the Earth, and the light of the world.”
![]() | “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea and from the river to the
ends of the Earth,” Psa 72:8, Dan 7:14 Performance ”At the Name of Jesus every knee should bow... Every tongue should confess, that Jesus is Lord,” Phil 2:10-11. |
![]() | As to the perpetuity of His kingdom ”The throne of David. To establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth, even for ever,” Isa 9:7, Dan 7:14. Performance ”He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever and of His kingdom there shall be no end,” Luke 1:33. |
![]() | As to His righteous government ”The sceptre of Thy kingdom is a right scepter; Thou lovest righteousness,” Psa 45:6-7. Performance ”My judgment is just,” John 5:30. “In righteousness He doth judge,” Rev 19:11. |
![]() | As to His salvation to the Gentiles ”A Root of Jesse...to It shall the Gentiles seek,” Isa 11:10, 42:1. Performance ”That on the Gentiles was poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit,” Acts 10:45, John 10:16. |
When you consider the evidence of the indissoluble union between Christ
and the Scripture, we think of the Promised One Himself.
Throughout Scripture there are hundreds of profiles of our blessed Lord
both direct and applied and to take them all is to declare all that He is in
Himself and all that He is willing to accomplish in and through His
own true followers.
No matter what gate of Scripture is opened, you will always scamper across the
fields to the Lord Jesus Christ. May such a holy scamper be everyone
of ours. To look for Christ in all we read is to add delight to our Bible
Cameos of our Lord Jesus Christ are before us in Truth and type, in Promise and
parable, in fact and figure.
And as you look at a few of His conspicuous profiles, your love for Him will be
intensified and your zeal to serve Him will be quickened by God the Holy Spirit,
Who ever glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.
Latent in every profile of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is a promise of
all we can appropriate by faith.
“Have destroyed” is intensified in the Hebrew and it indicates that the religious
leaders had already completed their work of destruction. By now it was
merely a matter of how the mechanics would be carried out.
The Hebrew word means “to overthrow or to corrupt.” It does not mean that
the prophets and the priests had actually done the destroying. But that they
had corrupted the nation to such an extent that destruction was inevitable.
The coup de grace would occur when the Chaldeans entered Jerusalem. They
fell from within.
The reference to the “vine” or the “vineyard” in the Old Testament
either applies to nationalism as a principle or to the national entity of the
Jews, specifically the passage in Isa 5:1-5 and Jeremiah 2:21, which tells us
that the vineyard in this case is the southern kingdom of Judah. The product of
the vineyard is the grape, which, although it is used in many ways, always
depicts happiness and joy or something pleasant. “From the vine came the
As a result, the Jews, like all national entities under God’s Plan, were
designed to have great happiness and blessing, a condition which can only exist
where Divine laws are followed.
God looked for ripe grapes but He found stinking grapes. Isa 5:1-5. That
is a description of a nation.
Which means that the National Council of Prophets and Priests had
contributed immeasurably to the destruction of the people. This council was
responsible for the eventual enslavement of Judah.
”My portion” is a Hebrew phrase which means “that which belongs to the
Lord,” which indicates that Judah is the Lord’s specially-designed nation
and He wants them to be blessed. But they have rejected the only means by
which they could be blessed.
We are facing the same condition today. Because of an attack upon our country,
many people are saying, “God Bless America,” when He can’t because of
those who have rejected the only
means of blessing, the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.
”Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
How did the Jewish religious leaders destroy “that which belonged to the
Lord,” His portion?
Jeremiah deals entirely with these pastors and describes exactly how the
overthrow of the nation was accomplished.
The Hebrew word for “pastors” in Jer 12:10 is the same word which begins in
Jeremiah chapter 23:1. “Woe to the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep
of My pasture, saith the Lord.” ”The sheep of My pasture” refer again to
the southern kingdom of Judah and those who destroyed it are the so-called
clergy of that day.
”Therefore, thus saith the Lord God of Israel, against the pastors that
feed My people (they are teaching false Doctrine), ye have scattered My
flock and driven them away, and have not visited them (have not come to them
with True Doctrine). Behold I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith
the Lord,” Jer 23:2.
We may be suffering for the self-same reason.
Jeremiah however had a soul full of “sound Doctrine.”
”Mine heart within me is broken because of the prophets; all my bones shake; I
am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine has overcome, because of the
Lord, and because of the Words of His holiness,” Jer 23:9.
Do you ever feel that way about false Doctrine when you see what it is doing
to our country? Well, Jeremiah did, and that is why he is called “the weeping
prophet.” He watched his nation go out under the fifth cycle of discipline.
I wonder if we are not watching that now?
The activities of the prophets stagger Jeremiah when he views them in the
light of God’s Plan.
”His holiness” refers to God’s justice and righteousness, which are
clearly delineated in the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the
“Magna Carta of human freedom.”
In setting up His modus operandi for man, God also provided the Divine
Institutions. All of these were designed for the blessing and the prosperity
of the nation. But how have the Jews responded to God’s Grace?
”The land is full of adulterers.” This is a double entendre for spiritual
apostasy as well as adultery, for because of swearing (lying in the
courtroom), the land mourneth, the pleasant places of the wilderness (desert)
are dried up (economic disintegration), and their course is evil (national
and personal degeneration), and their force is not right (that is, the
military is not properly organized), Jer 23:10.
What an indictment!
Lust generates from the old sin nature with its mental attitude sins and area
of weakness (lust pattern and human good). The lust pattern takes over the
emotions and the emotions revolt over the mentality of the soul, which contains
the frame of reference and memory center, norms and standards, and viewpoint.
The result is that we actually have an emotional revolt in the soul stated
at this particular point, “to dishonor their own bodies between themselves.”
The dishonoring of the bodies and the national degeneration did not occur
until the Word of God had been rejected. “When they knew God, they
glorified Him not as God.”
”Who changed the Truth of God into a lie,” Romans 1:25. What are the
mechanics of this? Negative volition toward the Word of God forms calluses on
the soul and a seared conscience, and that opens up a vacuum in the soul and
false doctrine comes in.
”Who changed the Truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the
creature more than the Creator.” This is exactly what the National Council
of Churches is doing in our country today. And then what happens? Next…
coming up!
“Who changed the Truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the
creature more than the Creator.”
Now what happens?
”For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women
did change the natural use into which is against nature: And likewise also the
men, leaving the natural use of the women, burned in their lust one toward
another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in
themselves that recompense of their error which was meet,” Rom 1:26, 27.
In other words, homosexuality and lesbianism are definitely related to
national degeneration. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah followed the
same pattern in 2 Pet 2:6-14.
Therefore, the Lord warned Judah through Jeremiah, “Thus said the Lord of
hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets who prophesy unto you:
they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own mind, and not out of the
mouth of the Lord,” Jer 23:16.
They have from their own imaginations worked up these things. And they make you
vain, empty, void. That is in your souls.
“When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies,
and the Lord thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast
taken them captive, And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a
desire unto her, that thou wouldst have her to thy wife; Then thou shalt bring
her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails; And
she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in
thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that
thou shalt go into her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.” ”And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go
whither she will;
but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandize of
her, because thou hast humbled her,” Deut 21:10-14.
The opportunity of finding the Right-Woman in a wartime situation apparently
frequently among the Jews. If any one made a decision to marry a girl among the
captive women, he was to bring her home, then her head was shaved and her nails
cut. This was the “cooling off” period in which she went through the
ceremony of putting off her captivity. After a month he was free to take her as
his wife.
During this time if this were a case of Right-Man/Right-Woman, the courtship
ended satisfactorily. But if it were not the Right-Woman, then he had to be fair
and let her leave. The principle of Deut 21:14 made the man responsible before
the Lord for the protection of the woman. If he did not comply with this
principle, he was in effect guilty of rape and would be disciplined accordingly.
Deut 22:25-27, Judges 19:22-30.
“Wherefore, said they, if we have found Grace in thy sight, let this land
be given unto thy servants for a possession and bring us not over Jordan,” Num
These are the tribes of Reuben and Gad. They wanted to be cowboys and they had
found some good ranching country on the
other side of the Jordan, the country now called Jordan.
”And Moses said unto the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben, Shall
your brethren go to war and shall ye sit here?” Num 32:6. Moses is saying, it
is not fair for the tribes to fight while you sit here and ranch.
”And wherefore discourage ye the heart of the children of Israel from going
over into the land which the Lord hath given them,” Num 32:7.
”Ye are acting like those people at Kadesh Barnea,” Moses goes on to say in
verse 8, as he reviews the cowardice at Kadesh Barnea, Num 13 and Num 14.
Finally he makes the analogy between those crybabies at Kadesh Barnea and the
tribes of Gad and Reuben.
”And behold ye are risen up in your father’s stead, an increase of sinful
men to augment yet the fierce anger of the Lord toward Israel,” Num 32:14.
Reuben and Gad were dragging their feet. They had found good land and they
wanted to stay there, but it was time for them to go to war, in fact, it
is sinful not to go to war.
Those who avoid military service are not only involved
in carnality, but they can also bring the Lord’s wrath down upon the entire
A few conscientious objectors can cause a whole nation to be destroyed.
The disease spreads.
This is what the National Council of Churches is trying to inflict upon
us. They are attempting to neutralize our military and thus put us in slavery.
And when that happens, they will get a front row space behind barbed wire, and
how shocked they will be.
Teddy Roosevelt quoted Woodrow Wilson, who was president of this county at that
time, and said, Woodrow Wilson said, “Well I kept you out of war” and
Teddy Roosevelt said, ”Yes, when we should have been at war.”
There is a time for war and a time for peace. We are at war.
“And they came near unto him (the two tribes and Moses), and said, We will
build sheepfolds here for our cattle, and cities for our little ones: But we
ourselves we go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we have
brought them into their place, and our little ones shall dwell in the fortified
cities because of the inhabitants of the land. We will not return to our houses
until the children of Israel have inherited every man his inheritance,” Num
”And Moses said unto them, If ye will do this thing, if you will go armed
before the Lord to war, and will go all of you armed over the Jordan
before the Lord, until He has driven out His enemies from before Him,
And the land be subdued before the Lord: then afterwards ye shall return,
and be guiltless before the Lord,” Num 32:20-22.
In other words, it was time to go to war and if they had not gone to war, they
would have been guilty before the Lord.
Notice the alternative which Moses states. ”But if ye will not do so, behold ye have sinned against
the Lord (by not going to war) and be sure your sin (of cowardice) will
find you out. Your country will be conquered and you will be in slavery if
this sin is on a large enough scale. Num 32:23.
”Your sin will find you out.” Not the sin of fornication or
drunkenness, but the sin of cowardice or refusal to go to war. When is it
right to go to war? Coming up next!
“And the children of Gad and the children of Reuben answered saying, As the
Lord God hath said into thy servants, so will we do we will pass over armed
before the Lord unto the land of Canaan, that the possession of our inheritance
on the side of the Jordan may be ours,” Num 32:31, 32.
Here is a principle in justified warfare. While Reuben and Gad were on the other
side of the Jordan, they said in effect, “We are fighting for our country by
going across the Jordan to fight over there.” Our land is over here, but we
will fight for our land over there.
In other words, you do not wait until the enemy hits Washington D.C. or New York
City or New Jersey, Philadelphia, or some beach on the coast. You don’t
wait till the enemy attacks. You go out and hit him. That is justified warfare.
WWI and WWII we fought on foreign soil but we were still fighting for our
country on foreign soil we are now fighting for our country on our own soil.
Many of you are not old enough to remember WWII, but
when Pearl Harbor was bombed December 7th, 1941, I immediately went down and
enlisted in the Army.
We landed in England and we were stationed in London before hitting the beaches
of Normandy. I was an eyewitness to the V2 rocket bombing of London, which were
unmanned rockets. And London was completely devastated. There was not one
building destroyed, but all the buildings in London were destroyed.
We were not allowed as soldiers to live in the subway as the population of
London was doing, but we stood and protected the bombed-out buildings and
At the end of WWII, I was stationed in
Frankfurt, Germany in the Army of Occupation. There also I personally saw
not one building standing, and again I had the duty of protecting the bombed-out
buildings and people.
So, when I look out upon the two twin towers and the Pentagon, I have a vivid
memory of what can happen when a city is totally destroyed and the many, many
American soldiers who gave their lives for our country on foreign soil.
I hope we still have the mental toughness of WWII. It remains to be seen.
”Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”
That is the question.
![]() | “My presence shall go with thee, and I shall give thee rest. And he said
unto Him, If Thy presence go not with me, carry me not up hence,” Ex
33:14-15. |
![]() | ”Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end,” Matt 28:20. |
![]() | ”Jesus Himself drew near and went with them,” Luke 24:15. |
![]() | ”I will never leave thee nor forsake thee,” Heb 13:5. |
The Promises of the Lord are all precious and He will not be slack fulfilling
any one of them. There is something, however, that is better than His
Promises, namely, His realized presence.
Amid all the separations that life may hold for us, there is One of whose
companionship we can be certain until our traveling days are done.
”Thou remainest.”
As the Lord promised Moses that He would favor his servant with His presence, so
we can experience how the same presence is our glory, yielding us support under
loses, crosses, and bereavements.
![]() | The Lord was with Moses and he persevered. |
![]() | The Lord was with Joshua and he conquered. |
![]() | The Lord was with David and he reached the throne. |
![]() | The Lord was with Paul and he was more than a conqueror. |
No one, and nothing, can act as a substitute for the Lord’s abiding
Did not the Lord Jesus Christ tell us that the Father and He would make Their
abode with us?
O Lord, be ever near us,
Fix in our hearts, Thy home.
By Thine appearing cheer us,
And let Thy kingdom come.
We have the gracious Promise that the Lord Jesus Christ will never leave
us and never leave us alone. Anyone but the Lord Jesus Christ would have
left us long ago, but He is gracious and longsuffering.
We can rely on Him to go through the whole journey of life with us and to be:
![]() | Our Support in every trial. |
![]() | Our Comfort in every sorrow. |
![]() | Our Deliverer in every danger. |
He will never forsake His people for His great Name’s sake.
Having loved His own, He will love and accompany them unto the end.
Read Exodus 33:12-23, Matthew 28:16-20, and Hebrews 13:5-8.
Since He said, “I will never depart,”
I will bind His Promise to my heart.
Rejoicing in His care
This shall support while here I live.
And when in glory I arrive
I will praise Him for it there.
He shall cover thee with His feathers
And under His wings shall you trust
His Truth shall be Thy shield and buckler.
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night,
Nor for the arrow that flieth by day.
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness,
Nor for the destruction that cometh at noonday.
Psa 91:4-6, “The arrow that flieth by day, destruction that cometh at
But if you suffer for righteousness sake, happy are ye.
And be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled.
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.
And be ready always to give an answer.
To every man that asketh you a reason.
Of the Hope that is in you with meekness and fear. 1 Pet 3:14-15.
Paste this on your refrigerator! Or vanity mirror!
![]() | “The Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed,” Rev 5:3. |
![]() | ”Judah coucheth as a lion,” Gen 49:4, Num 24:9. |
![]() | ”Blessed be He that dwelleth like a lion,” Deut 33:20, 22. |
![]() | ”He was unto me as a Lion in a secret place,” Lam 3:10. |
![]() | ”I will be unto Ephraim as a lion,” Hosea 5:4. |
Grouped around the tabernacle each of the 12 tribes had their own particular
flag. That which designated Judah was a lion.
The Lord Jesus Christ came of the tribe of Judah as the true Lion, as the
King of beasts. The lion is known for its strength, fearlessness, and
Satan is also likened as a lion, “a roaring lion seeking whom he may
devour,” 1 Pet 1:8. But he is no match for Judah’s Lion. At Calvary
all the hatred of hell and men was heaped upon the Lord Jesus Christ as
Heaven’s strong Lion, but He prevailed.
The Promise is – that we, too, can tread upon the lion, Psa 91:13. Why should
we dread any foe? Satanic forces may combine to tear us to pieces, but
standing watch over us is God’s majestic Lion who waits to deal with any who
dare to touch His redeemed ones who also by the Grace of God can be as bold as a
lion. Prov 28:1.
![]() | “Howbeit there is a Kinsman nearer than I,” Ruth 3:12. |
![]() | ”Handle Me and see,” Luke 24:39. |
![]() | ”Nor handling the Word of God deceitfully,” 2 Cor 4:2. |
![]() | ”Our hands have handled the Word of life,” 1 John 1:1. |
John’s contact with the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom he dearly loved, was
blessed and intimate. He had leaned upon the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ and
is also spoken of as the disciple that the Lord Jesus Christ loved.
After His resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ invited His somewhat frightened
followers to handle Him or touch and hold Him. And to prove clearly that He was
no spirit or apparition, but the very same Lord Jesus Christ whose human form
was so familiar to them.
”Handle Me and see.”
John, probably more than the others, knew what it was to have such close contact with the Lord Jesus Christ. He it is who gave us several glimpses of the intimate fellowship he enjoyed.
![]() | He heard Him. |
![]() | He had seen Him with His own eyes. |
![]() | He shared some of His innermost secrets. |
No wonder that John goes on to say that having seen Him, he lived to show
Him to others.
While our actual hands have not touched the Lord Jesus Christ, yet ours can
be the touch of faith. And as the Holy Spirit makes Him real through the Word of
God, we can lay hold on Him and make Him our very own.
Sometimes we receive a package marked, “Handle with care,” which means the
contents are either fragile or valuable and must not be thrown about carelessly.
As we handle the Lord Jesus Christ, it must be with pure hands.
Promises of the manifestation of the Divine power are too numerous to
mention. Among the captivating profiles of the Lord Jesus Christ is that of the
human personification of Divine power. He moved among the sons of men as the Son
of God, having all power to enforce His Word.
The omnipotence of the Lord Jesus Christ extends to every realm He upholds. Not
some things, but “all things” by His authoritative Word. Where the word of a
king is, there is power. Our sovereign Lord holds the reins of creation,
redemption, prophesy, history, and our personal life in His all-powerful hands.
Sometimes we hear despondent souls moan, “Why the world is going to pieces.”
Broken, it may be, by wickedness, terrorists, and war, but it is still among
“the all things” upheld by His power.
He overrules as well as rules, and therefore is even able to make the wrath of
man to praise Him, even terrorists. And coming to the narrower world of
our own individual life, do we believe that He is able to uphold all things
by the Word of His power?
As of old, He can still speak, and it is done. Trouble comes when we take the
control out of His hands and transfer it to our own hands. The Almighty One
alone is the sole Source of our strength.
”Christ the Power of God.”
![]() | “I have esteemed the Words of His mouth more than my necessary food,” Job 23:12. |
![]() | ”The words of the Pure are pleasant words,” Prov 15:26. |
![]() | ”The words of a man’s mouth are as deep waters,” Prov 18:4. |
![]() | ”The Words I speak unto you...they are life,” John 6:63. |
![]() | ”The Words of our Lord Jesus Christ,” 1 Timothy 6:3. |
![]() | ”I have magnified My Word above My Name,” Psa 138:3. |
![]() | As the Prince of preachers, the Lord Jesus Christ knows how to seek out acceptable words. “His Words were as goads and as nails fastened in a sure place,” Ecc 12:10-11. |
![]() | Paul reminds us that his words were sound and wholesome and wonderful words of life. His lips were like lilies dropping sweet smelling myrrh, like a thread of scarlet uttering comely speech. S.O.S. 4:3, 5:13, 16. |
What would we not give to sit in a Bible class and listen to the gracious
Words proceeding out of His mouth! And every Word of His is a royal Promise to
believe and prove.
Vain and idle words never left those lips of His, into which Grace had been
poured. Every Word was a benediction. The Lord Jesus Christ was never verbose.
He was never guilty of using unnecessary words or exaggerated speech. Each
Word as it left His lips was rightly coined and timed and was shot as an arrow
to a given target.
Life would be saved much of its friction if only we would set a watch upon
our lips and utter words acceptable in His sight. Psa 19:14.
The Living Word teaching the Written Word!
![]() | “There was no room for them in the inn,” Luke 2:7. |
![]() | ”The Son of man hath not where to lay His head,” Matt 8:20. |
![]() | ”We have no certain dwelling place,” 1 Cor 4:11. |
![]() | ”Let us go forth, therefore, unto Him without the camp.. Here we have no continuing city,” Heb 13:13-14. |
Tragic, is it not, that He who has created all the materials homes are built
of, was yet denied a home of His own? He, Himself, declared He was less
fortunate than the foxes with their sheltering holes and the birds with their
warm nests.
The people could retire to their comfortable homes at eventide, but there was no
one with decency to offer the Lord Jesus Christ a bed. Out He went to the
Mount of Olives, where with the darkness of the night as a blanket to cover Him,
He spent the lonely hours in fellowship with His Father, in Whose bosom He had
What privation, ostracism, and humiliation He willingly endured for our
sakes. How privileged we are to offer Him our souls as His home, and our houses
as His dwelling place. How blest we are when He takes up His abode with us.
![]() | ‘Remember the Lord which is great and terrible,” Neh 4:14. |
![]() | “Remember that thou magnify his work which men behold,” Job 36:24. |
![]() | ”We will remember the Name of the Lord,” Psa 20:7. |
![]() | ”Those that remember Thee in thy ways,” Isa 64:6. |
![]() | ”Remember that Jesus Christ was raised,” 2 Tim 2:8. |
![]() | ”Remember the Words spoken of Jesus Christ,” Jude 17. |
![]() | ”If I do not remember Thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth,” Psa 137:6. |
![]() | ”He shall bring all things to your remembrance,” John 14:26. |
![]() | ”This do in remembrance of Me,” 1 Cor 11:25. |
The Lord assures us that He ever remembers us. He never forgets the
humblest of His own. But how gracious it is of Him to ask us to remember all He
has accomplished on our behalf and to attach so many rich Promises to such a
Truly every day ought to be a “remembrance day” in the believer’s life.
Knowing how faulty the human memory is, and how soon we are apt to forget,
the Lord Jesus Christ has left us blessed tokens of remembrance.
![]() | “The Lord spoke to Moses, face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend,” Exodus 33:11 |
![]() | “A friend loveth at all times,” Prov 17:17-18. |
![]() | ”There is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother,” Prov 18:24. |
![]() | ”This is my beloved and this is my friend,” S.O.S. 5:16. |
![]() | ”The Lord be with you all,” 2 Thes 3:16. |
How privileged we are to be called the Lord’s friend, and to have Him as
our never-absent, all-bountiful Friend. Promises of His nearness to relieve and
bless abound in Scripture.
He is always at hand, cheering us, yes, and reproving us as any true Friend
should. As “the Lord, our Friend,” He is the Master of every situation and
able to undertake accordingly.
How comforting it is to know that He is with us all! This includes you no
matter how simple, ordinary, inconspicuous you may be. All He is and has can
be appropriated by each and all.
How tragic it is when we neglect to take advantage of the abundant provision of
such a constant Friend. Or when we become His enemy through courting the
friendship of the world. James 4:4.
![]() | “God will surely visit you,” Gen 50:24, Exodus 13:19. |
![]() | ”What is man… that Thou shouldest visit him?” Job 7:17-18. |
![]() | ”O visit me with Thy Salvation,” Psa 106:4. |
![]() | ”God did at first visit the Gentiles,” Acts 15:14. |
![]() | ”Thou hast visited me in the night,” Psa 17:3. |
![]() | ”The Dayspring hath visited us,” Luke 1:68, 71, 7:16, Psa 65:9. |
![]() | ”Behold I stand at the door,” Rev 3:20. |
Some visitors are always welcome, others are not. When certain people visit
us we wish they would prolong their stay. With others, the sooner they leave the
Have you ever thought of the Lord Jesus Christ as a Visitor Whose visits are
sometimes gladly welcomed and at other times unwanted?
When He visited the sin of His people upon them, they resented such a
visitation. Yet have warmly received Him when He came down to visit and deliver
them. Exodus 13:19.
Are you grateful as “the Dayspring from on high” He visited the world
with His salvation? Gentiles would have been of all men most miserable had
He not visited them. Acts 15:14.
A dreadful day of visitation awaits the godless Earth, and His visit in judgment
will not be an appreciated one.
Do we welcome the daily visits of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Have we the joy of opening the door to the Lord Jesus Christ every morning? “He
comes to abide,” Luke 24:29. Visiting our souls in salvation, He closes the
door behind Him and remains.
”I am the Door.”
![]() | “There shall come a Star out of Jacob,” Num 24:17. |
![]() | ”We have seen His Star in the east,” Matt 2:2, 9, 10. |
![]() | ”Till the Daystar arise in our hearts,” 2 Pet 1:19. |
![]() | ”I will give him the Morning Star,” Rev 2:28. |
![]() | ”I am the Bright and Morning Star,” Rev 22:16. |
There is no more beautiful Promise and profile of our Lord Jesus Christ than
this. Balaam’s prophecy of Christ as a Star concerns His return to set up
His kingdom.
At His birth, the brilliant Star, called “His Star,” guided the wise men.
In His Promise to Moses, the Lord Jesus Christ is “the Star” Himself to
guide His people Israel.
With undiminished light and radiance, He will provide direction to all who
follow Him.
As “the Morning Star,” He is the Promise of a better day both for Israel and
the world at large. The old philosopher has told us to “hitch our wagon to a
star.” We never lose our way when the wagon of our life is hitched to the Lord
Jesus Christ, “Who is the ever-shining Star.”
This would make a good Christmas message for budding preachers.
![]() | “In their rebellion, appointed a Captain,” Neh 9:14. |
![]() | ”As Captain of the host of the Lord am I now come,” Joshua 5:14. |
![]() | ”David became a captain over them,” 1 Sam 22:2. |
![]() | ”God Himself is with us for our Captain,” 2 Chr 13:12. |
![]() | ”The Captain of our salvation,” Heb 2:10. |
The word Paul uses for “Captain” means, princely, leader, or organizer.
That is, one who initiates and carries through. It is the same word used of
“author” in Heb 12:2.
It was the Lord Jesus Christ, the Captain, who initiated and carried through
our so great salvation.
The man Joshua saw and who declared Himself to be the Captain of the Lord’s
host, was doubtless the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in Theophanic form.
Immediately Joshua recognized the Superior Command of the One intercepting him
and wisely accepted His Divine leadership.
The hosts of Israel stood before the gateway of the Promised Land. No swords
were drawn on their part, yet Jericho and all the giants of the land were forced
to submit as Israel went forth under the leadership of the Divine Captain.
As the Captain of our salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ valiantly met the
satanic foe and triumphed gloriously over him. Now as our Prince-Leader, He
waits to lead us out of bondage into liberty as our Captain. His orders may be
obeyed, and His plan gladly executed.
![]() | “For thy Maker is thy Husband,” Isa 54:4-5. |
![]() | ”I am a Husband unto them, saith the Lord,” Jer 31:32. |
![]() | ”I have espoused you to one Husband, the Lord Jesus Christ,” 2 Cor 11:2. |
![]() | ”As a bride adorned for her Husband,” Rev 21:2. |
What a tender Promise this is of our Lord Jesus Christ as our Husband.
Isaiah spoke of the Lord Jesus Christ both as “Maker and Husband.” He is our
Maker. We speak of those who are “self-made men,” but actually there are no
self-made men for He is the “Maker” of us all.
Would that men knew how to bow before this marvelous Maker. As the
“Husband,” He is related both to Israel and the Church, both of whom are
referred to as “His wife.” How unfaithful both Israel and the Church have
proved themselves to be. But as “the Husband,” He will win faithless ones
back to His side and will forgive their evil wanderings. Isa 54:5-10.
But is there not another phase of His “Husbandhood”?
Has He not promised to be a “Husband to the widow,” and as a “Father” to
the fatherless? Has death robbed you of a loving, provident husband? Is your
soul and home terribly vacant? Take courage. The Lord Jesus Christ is near,
Who offers to fill that dear departed one’s place, and be more to you than
ever a husband could be.
”He that provideth not for His own is worse than an infidel, especially
those of His own household.”
“To bear the name of American is to bear the most honorable of
all titles, and whoever does not so believe, has no business to bear the name at
–The Forum, 1894.
”We Americans have many great problems to solve, many threatening evils
to fight, and many deeds to do, if, as we hope and believe, we have the wisdom,
the strength, and the courage, and the virtue to do them. But we must face the
facts as they are. We must neither surrender ourselves to foolish optimism, nor
succumb to a timid and ignoble pessimism.”
”Don’t let them bluff you out of the use of the word “American.” I
don’t think anything better has been done than your calling yourself the American
Ambassador and using the word American instead of the United States.”
–Letter to John Hay, American Ambassador to the Court of
St. James in London, Washington, D. C., June 7, 1897.
”Is America a weakling to shrink from the work of the great powers? No!
The young giant of the west stands on a continent and clasps the crest of an
ocean in either hand. One nation glorious in youth and strength, looks into the
future with eager eyes, and rejoices as a strong man to run a race.”
”Our country has been populated by pioneers, and therefore it has more energy,
more enterprise, more expansive power than any other in the whole world.”
–Minnesota State Fair, September 2, 1901.
”The American people are slow to wrath, but when their wrath is once
kindled, it burns like a consuming fire.”
–First annual address to Congress, December 3, 1901.
“Stout of heart, we see, across the dangers, the great future that lies
beyond, and we rejoice as a giant refreshed, as a strong man girt for the race,
and we go down into the arena where the nations strive for mastery, our hearts
lifted with the faith that to us and our children and our children’s children
it shall be given to make this republic the mightiest among the peoples of
–Detroit, Michigan, September 22, 1902.
”Ours is not the creed of the weakling or the coward. Ours is the gospel of
hope and triumphant endeavor.”
”The steady arm of this nation, as of all enlightened nations, should be to
strive to bring nearer the day when there shall prevail throughout the world the
peace of justice.”
–Fourth annual message to Congress, December 6, 1904.
”This nation is seated on a continent flanked by two great oceans. It is
composed of men who are the descendents of pioneers, or, in a sense, pioneers
themselves, of men winnowed out from among the nations of the old world by the
energy, boldness, and love of adventure found in their own eager hearts. Such a
nation, so placed, will surely wrest success from fortune.”
–The White House, December 2, 1902.
“Americans learn only from catastrophes and not from experience.”
–Autobiography, 1913.
”We stand against all tyranny, by the few or by the many.”
”We, here in America, hold in our hands the hope of the world, the fate of the
coming years, and shame and disgrace will be ours if in our eyes the light of
hope resolve is dimmed, if we trail in the dust the golden hopes of men.”
–New York City, March 20, 1912.
”If we fail, the cause of self-government throughout the world will rock to
its foundation.”
”We are the hope of the ages.”
–Inaugural address, March 4, 1905.
The things that will destroy America are:
How are we doing?
Q. I understand you have in-depth Bible studies on a web site. I want to know how I can get on there as I am enjoying your emails (Sugar Sticks) and the Dear Abba column, and what does it cost to get on the web site for these Bible studies?
A. The web site is www.divineviewpoint.com and we don’t charge anything but we are supported by free will offerings. If people have benefited from these Bible studies, they send us free will offerings to :
Anderson Bible Church
404 Nursery Rd.
Anderson, IN. 46012
Or to Buddy Dano at the same address.
![]() | “A Father of the fatherless... is God,” Psa 68:5. |
![]() | ”Like a father piteth his children, so the Lord piteth them that fear Him,” Psa 103:13. |
![]() | ”Whom the Father loveth, He correcteth even as a father the son in whom he delighteth,” Prov 3:12. |
![]() | ”His Name shall be called Everlasting Father,” Isa 9:6. |
![]() | ”Our Father, which art in Heaven,” Matt 6:9. |
![]() | ”Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of,” Matt 6:8. |
![]() | ”Abba, Father, all things are possible unto Thee,” Mark 14:36. |
![]() | ”We have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, Abba, Father,” Gal 4:6. |
The Bible abounds in the tender-heartedness of God, how kind, gentle, and
understanding He is. Yes, and His gentleness is able to make us great.
The Lord Jesus Christ exhibited this Divine tenderness, especially as He died,
where Grace was His to pray for His enemies.
What a precious portrait of the Lord this is. “Father” – His patience and
tenderness as such carried Him to great lengths to extricate His wayward
children out of trouble. All strength, wisdom, and provision are His as Father
of the fatherless.
While in the sense of creation He is the Father of all, we cannot look up
into His face and speak to Him as our heavenly Father unless the Lord Jesus
Christ is our personal Saviour. Once regenerated, we have the right to cry
“Abba, Father.” It was His compassion as a Father that led Him to surrender
His Son for the redemption of the prodigal world.
Are we resting in our heavenly Father’s compassion and provision?
![]() | “As a bridegroom cometh out of his chamber,” Psa 19:5. |
![]() | ”As a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments,” Isa 61:10. |
![]() | ”As a bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall God rejoice over thee,” Isa 62:5. |
![]() | ”Can the children of the bridechamber mourn so long as the bridegroom is with them?” Matt 9:15. |
![]() | ”Behold the bridegroom cometh,” Matt 25:1-10. |
![]() | ”He that hath the bride is the bridegroom,” John 3:29. |
Here is another gracious Promise and likewise a sacred glimpse into the
tender heart of the Lord Jesus Christ.
How does a bridegroom rejoice over his bride? In the first place, union is the
consummation of love. The Church is the bride, Rev 22:17. And by God the Holy
Spirit believers are joined to the Lord Jesus Christ in a union death cannot
As the bridegroom claims his bride at the altar, so the Lord Jesus Christ has
possessed us for ever. As the bridegroom promises to endow the bride with
all his worldly goods, so the Lord Jesus Christ makes His own the sharers of
all His possessions.
For His Church, the joyful marriage of the Lamb is not far away. How He will
rejoice over His bride when He returns for her future bliss. And what joy will
be the bride’s when she eyes not His garment, but her dear Beloved’s
face, with His own around Him and eternally united to Him, He will see of
the travail of His soul and be satisfied.
When the Bridegroom cometh by and by
Will your wearied soul rejoice
At the sound of Christ’s own voice?
When the Bridegroom cometh by and by?
”Behold the Bridegroom cometh.”
![]() | “The Lord is his inheritance according as the Lord thy God promoted him,” Deut 10:9. |
![]() | ”Take heed unto thyself and unto the Doctrine,” 1 Tim 4:16. |
![]() | ”He that reapeth wages and gathered fruit unto eternal life,” John 4:36. |
![]() | ”Pastor-teachers for the equipping of the saints and the work of the ministry,” Eph 4:11-12. |
![]() | ”I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness,” Jer 31:14. |
![]() | ”Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel,” 1 Cor 9:14. |
![]() | ”I will give you pastors according to Mine heart and shall feed thee with knowledge and understanding,” Jer 3:15. |
Promised pastors were to function as shepherds feeding the sheep. Pastor and pasture have a vital connection. The knowledge and understanding a true pastor provides form the pasture needy souls feed upon.
My pastor is my pasture.
A flock is always well fed when it has a pastor according to God’s heart.
But too many pastors correspond to the description Jeremiah speaks of in Jer
10:21, 23;1, 2. “Pastors who destroy and scatter the sheep.”
“Those eighteen upon whom the tower in Siloam fell.”
Evidently a faulty tower had collapsed, jarred perhaps by an earthquake, and a
number of men had been killed. There was a tendency to say, “Well, they must
have been great sinners to have been exposed to such a death as that. Otherwise
a good God, a gracious, kind Creator would have protected them from that
But that does not follow because accidents come to good and evil alike. The
righteous as well as the unrighteous suffer from them – pestilence,
hurricanes, and natural disturbances of various kinds.
So the Lord Jesus Christ rebuked the people for supposing that those who died
were sinners above others and so He repeated, “I tell you, nay, but except you
change your mind ye shall all likewise perish.”
The call to a change of mind about the Lord Jesus Christ is one of the
missing links in the preaching of modern times. Some are almost afraid to
speak about changing your mind about Jesus Christ. A change of mind is not a
work of merit, but it is an acknowledgement that one has no merit, that in
himself he is just an undeserving sinner exposed to the judgment of God.
God “commandeth all men everywhere to repent,” to change their mind about
the Lord Jesus Christ. The word “repent” is META NOEO. META means change and
NOEO means mind.
So, when tragedies occur, it is to awaken the population about the importance
of changing their mind about the Lord Jesus Christ.
”What think ye of Christ?” is the issue, not sin.
![]() | “I am the Lord which exercises loving kindness,” Jer 9:24, 31:3. |
![]() | ”Continue Thy loving kindness unto them that know Thee,” Psa 36:10, 42:8. |
![]() | ”He will rest in His love,” Zephaniah 3:17. |
![]() | ”With loving kindness have I drawn thee,” Jer 31:3. |
![]() | ”I have loved you,” John 15:9. |
![]() | ”The love of Christ,” Eph 3:19, Gal 2:20. |
![]() | ”God commendeth His love toward us,” Rom 5:8. |
![]() | ”He first loved us,” 1 John 4:19. |
![]() | ”God is love,” 1 John 4:8, 9, 16, Deut 7:13, Isa 43:4, 9:25, Eph 2:4. |
In his prayer for inner fullness and knowledge, Paul makes it clear that to
know the unmovable love of Him whose love surpasses that of a woman’s, one
must have a soul saturated with such in Divine love.
To know the love of Christ we must first know the Christ of love.
”The love of Christ which passeth knowledge,” Eph 3:19.
”The love of Christ constraineth me,” 2 Cor 5:14.
![]() | “Conquerors through Him that loved us,” Rom 8:37. |
![]() | ”Unto Him that loved us and loosed us from our sins,” Rev 1:5. |
Paul links love on to deliverance from injury.
John links love on to deliver us from iniquity.
The Promise is that the love freeing us from sin will see to our emancipation
from all that would separate us from our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.
Once we clasp the hand of love Divine, no one and nothing can ever separate
us “from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Like Paul, John was ever practical in the application of the Truth. He taught,
therefore he exhorted the Ephesians, “Walk in love as Christ also hath loved
us,” Eph 5:2. How incumbent upon us to live a life of love, in a love
generated in the soul by the loving Holy Spirit Himself.
”Through the Spirit, unto unfeigned love of the brethren,” 1 Pet 1:22.
Eph 5:2, “Walk in love as Christ also hath loved us.”
Are we walking in love?
We use two feet in walking and we take one step at a time. Paul refers to the
two feet of love – love in Church and love in the home.
Believers are to love one another as believers.
And believing husbands are to love their wives, Eph 5:25, “Husbands love your
wives as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it.” Love in the Church
and love in the home. The two feet of love.
May Grace be ours to walk as to leave behind “the footsteps of love.”
But now we pray for love,
Deep love to God and man.
A living God that will not fail
However dark God's Plan.
To gather all that is recorded of this Divine attribute would fill pages. Look
at these pearls of righteousness, on such a necklace of Truth.
”Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness,” Psa 119:42.
You have to have everlasting life in order to have everlasting righteousness
which is imputed at the point of salvation.
”Being found in Him not having my own righteousness, but the righteousness of
God which is by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,” Phil 3:9, which qualifies
us for Heaven.
”I will bring near My righteousness, it shall not be far off,” Isa 46:13.
”My righteousness shall be for ever,” Isa 51:8.
”I will betroth thee to Me in righteousness,” Hosea 2:19.
”In righteousness doth He judge and make war,” Rev 19:11.
There is such a thing as a righteous war.
Thy righteousness forever stands secure,
Though worlds shall all decay.
No Word of Thine, but shall endure,
When thrones and kingdoms pass away.
Thy righteousness, so rich, so free
It covers... shelters... even me.
The root meaning of these terms are “straight, right,” the quality of
being just or righteous in dealing with others.
God’s righteousness or justice is His faithfulness in protecting His
government and laws and rendering to each person his dues.
It is that attribute of God which causes Him always to be right, whether it be
in inflicting punishment or in giving rewards or in judging between right and
”The righteousness of God which is by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
In dealing with any of the Doctrines it will be found that the ever-blessed
Godhead are One in the Gracious gifts enshrined in the Promises all of which
come to us from God the Father through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, by God
the Holy Spirit.
The Father conceived the Promises.
The way was open to them by God the Son.
The appropriation of them is inspired by God the Holy Spirit.
Another way to look at the Trinity.
A great way to look at the Trinity.
The gracious ministry of God the Holy Spirit is to bring the lost
face-to-face with the justice, righteousness, and the holiness of God.
”God is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity.”
God the Holy Spirit enables us to realize the sufficiency of the Divine
righteousness, which is the only covering for the lost sinner.
“Clothed in fine linen and righteousness.”
God has told us what He thinks of the garment of self-righteousness that
we try to weave in order to hide our nakedness in His sight.
”All our righteousness are as filthy rags in His sight,” Isa 64:6.
”Found in Him not having mine own righteousness,” Phil 3:9.
”Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots?” Jer 2:22,
Through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who came as the personification
of Divine righteousness, there was provided for a sinful and sinning race a
perfect covering of righteousness.
When free Grace awoke me by light from on high,
Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die.
No refuge, no safety, in self could I see,
”JEHOVAH TSIDKENU,” my Saviour must be.
The Lord my righteousness!
”Of what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace,” Luke 14:31-32.
“Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom.
”Neither let the mighty man glory in his might.
”Let not the rich man glory in his riches.
”But, let him that glorieth, glory in this,
”That he understandeth and knoweth Me.”
”That I am the Lord that executeth lovingkindness, judgment, and
righteousness in the Earth.”
”For in these things do I delight, saith the Lord,” Jer 9:23-24.
We are told that we are richest most powerful nation in the world. Are
we really? Are we ready to go to war?
Whatsoever you do, do it as unto...
I am as patriotic as any one. I served in the Army in WWII and served as a
chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol, which is a part of the Air Force. I am a
member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and a member of the American Legion. I
was patriotic when it was not popular to be patriotic. In fact, I have been
patriotic more years than most people are alive.
And yet, it is time for us to not do it as unto our country…
but to do it as unto “our Lord,” whatever it is you have to do.
Therefore sin is no longer the issue. The issue is what do you think about
the Lord Jesus Christ?
If you are troubled about your sins, which, if you try to cover you will
never prosper, Prov 23:13. Just run your eyes over these Promises regarding
what the Lord has done with sin.
God is able to deal with sin because He laid it all on His “sinless Son”
and because He, by His death, bore it away. Isa 53:6, John 1:29.
This should convince you that sin is not the issue in Salvation, but the Son is
the issue... What think ye of Christ?
All of God’s Promises would be of no practical value if we did not have the revelation of His matchless Grace. Because of His Grace and His power, He can accomplish that which He pleases.
![]() | ”He will work, and who will let it?” |
![]() | ”I will pour out upon the house of David the Spirit of Grace,” Zech 12:10. |
![]() | ”Grace for Grace...Grace...came by Jesus Christ,” John 1:16-17. |
![]() | ”By Grace ye have been saved,” Eph 2:5, 8, 9. |
![]() | ”According to the riches of His Grace,” Eph 1:3-7. |
Grace implies that we get from God just the opposite
to what we deserve. Our sins deserve eternal death. But through the Grace
of God we have eternal life.
Grace is a comprehensive word of boundless reach and infinite depth of
significance, signifying unlimited favor to the undeserving, all whom by reason
of transgression have forfeited every claim to Divine favor and have lost all
capacity of meritorious action.
“The God of all Grace,” 1 Pet 5:10.
God is the Source and the Giver of Grace, Psa 84:11, James 4:6.
And such Divine Grace needs no supplement. How wonderful it is that the One
sinned against was the One whose soul provided salvation from sin. The hands
torn by man’s sins offer free Grace to all.
Although God, because of His holiness can never excuse iniquity, yet as the God
of all Grace, He deals kindly with the sinner.
He is not a tyrant or a despot, but One whose Grace is sufficient.
”My Grace is sufficient for thee.”
“Grace did much more abound,” Rom 5:20.
Sin reigned! Grace reigned!
What a contrast of sovereigns Paul presents in Romans chapter five, exalting the
Grace of God.
Abounding Grace, however, making possible our liberty, does not mean license.
We must shrink from the false Doctrine that once saved we can do as we like.
Grace makes us free to serve.
Divine Grace demands that we must live as He likes. Grace must never be
presumed upon.
”Shall we sin that Grace may abound?” “God forbid,” literally, may it
never happen or be said.
When Grace reigns, all other claimants for the throne of the soul are disposed.
“Grow in Grace,” 2 Pet 3:18.
It will be noticed that we do not grow into Grace, but in the
sphere of Grace.
Regeneration is a crisis. Once within the sphere of Grace, we grow within it.
Just as the child begins to grow once it has life and is in the world.
Are we growing in Grace? As in nature, so in Grace, dwarfs are a monstrosity.
”Good stewards of the manifold Grace of God,” 1 Pet 4:10.
Grace imputed and Grace imparted must become Grace communicated. Receiving
the gift of the Grace of God we must transmit it.
Once the Lord Jesus Christ saves us, we must tell others the story. “Ye
are My witnesses, saith the Lord.”
With such good tidings we dare not hold our peace.
The Bible makes it clear that salvation is all of Grace. “Lest any
man should boast.” But what exactly is this promised salvation?
The Lord Jesus Christ, Whose Name means “salvation,” came as the promised
Saviour, Matt 1:21, Gen 3:15.
![]() | ”Christ our Saviour,” Eph 5:23, Titus 3:6. |
![]() | ”The appearing of our Saviour,” 2 Tim 1:10, Phil 3:20. |
![]() | ”The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour,” 1 John 4:14, John 4:42. |
![]() | ”Peace from the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour,” Titus 1:4. |
![]() | ”Him hath God exalted to be prince and Saviour,” Acts 5:31, 13:23. |
![]() | ”There is born this day... a Saviour,” Luke 2:11. |
![]() | ”Looking for...our Saviour Jesus Christ,” Titus 2:13. |
As to our salvation so fully provided by our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ,
Promises abound as to its fact and features.
”There is no other name given unto men under Heaven whereby we must be
Notice it is not Mary as I was taught.
![]() | “Our God is the God of salvation,” Psa 68:20, Isa 45:21, 49:26. |
![]() | ”Saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation,” Isa 45:17. |
![]() | ”Happy are thou...O people saved by the Lord,” Deut 33:29. |
![]() | ”Look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the Earth,” Isa 45:22. |
![]() | ”The world through Him might be saved,” John 3:17. |
![]() | ”If any man enter in, he shall be saved,” John 10:9. |
As to the extent and character of this salvation it is:
![]() | Great |
![]() | Eternal |
![]() | Utmost |
![]() | Common |
Heb 2:3, 5:9,7:25, Jude 3, Isa 45:17
In studying the cardinal Doctrine of salvation, we must bear in mind its three tenses or aspects which Paul so clearly defines.
![]() | Its past tense. Salvation from the penalty of sin the moment we accept
the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. As soon as we receive
Him, our past sin is blotted out. ”The Gospel of Christ, the power of God unto salvation,” Rom 1:16, Rom 10:9-10. |
![]() | Its present tense. Salvation, day by day, from the power of sin. The
first aspect represents a crisis, this second part a process. ”For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more being reconciled we shall be saved by His life,” Rom 5:10. Here we have a double salvation – one by the death of Christ, the other by His life. In referring to Christ’s life, Paul did not mean His earthly life. There is no salvation from sin by the life He lived among men. He had to die to become our Saviour. By “His life,” Paul meant His present life in glory, His exalted throne life. |
![]() | Its future tense. Salvation from the presence of sin both within and
around. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes, the saved will be saved to sin
no more. salvation will be experienced from the old sinful Adamic nature
within and from a sinning world. And not only till then will the Church be
saved to sin no more. What a blessed Promise this final installment of
salvation holds for us. |
Another great Doctrine of our Christian faith related to Promises is that of redemption.
The kindred terms “redeem,” “redeemed,” “redeemeth,” and
“redemption” appear over 150 times in the Bible. The New Testament word for
“redeem” carries a three-fold significance.
Does it not take all these meanings to unfold the Gospel of sin, bondage, and
”Ye are bought with a price,” 1 Cor 6:20.
The English word employed here implies the act of buying back from slavery, or captivity, or death by the payment of a price. It further carries the idea of substitution.
![]() | ”Thou shalt redeem it with a lamb,” Exodus 13:13. |
![]() | ”Ye were redeemed with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ,” 1 Pet 1:18-19. |
The price paid is called a “ransom,” which brings us to the infinite cost of our redemption from satanic slavery.
![]() | ”The price of His redemption,” Exodus 25:51, 52. |
![]() | ”To give His life a ransom for many,” Matt 28:20. |
![]() | ”Who gave Himself a ransom for all,” 1 Tim 2:6. |
![]() | ”The Lord that bought them,” 2 Pet 2:1. |
In our redemption there was a real transaction between God the Father and God the Son. The Father sending the Son to redeem and the Son willingly purchasing redemption with His own blood.
![]() | ”Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us redemption,” 1 Cor 1:30. |
![]() | ”Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity,” Titus 2:14. |
One of the marvelous aspects of the manifold provisions of God is the fact
that they are all personified in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thus redemption is not something, but Someone.
![]() | ”He was made redemption.” |
Attention is focused not so much on gifts, but the Giver.
The Old Testament supplies us with several illustrations of redemption by
ransom, or price, and the price being silver and gold.
Silver was used in the sockets of the tabernacle to represent redemption.
There is the well-known incident of Boaz purchasing Ruth’s inheritance and
becoming her kinsman-redeemer.
Jeremiah supplies us with another illustration of redemption in his purchase of
Hanameel’s field.
The redeemer Moses wrote of and prefigured in the Lord Jesus Christ as the
”Their Redeemer is strong,” Jer 50:34.
Both Solomon and Isaiah also join with Jeremiah in extolling the might of our Redeemer, who mighty as He is, can stoop to the sinner’s weakness and empower him to live free from the old sin nature.
![]() | ”Their Redeemer is mighty. He shall plead their cause with Thee,” Prov
23:11. |
![]() | ”I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer,” Isa 49:26. |
How mighty the Lord Jesus Christ might have been when at Calvary He laid
hold of the dark forces of hell and spoiled them of their power. Satan, the
slave owner, was conquered and the sin-bound were delivered from the curse of
the grave. Then His resurrection added to His might. His became the strength
of a glorious Conqueror.
The human race was wholly lost, sentenced to death, and excluded from the
inheritance of spiritual and eternal life. No mere created being could
redeem. By the dominion of sin over them, they were captives of Satan, and
justly doomed to eternal woe. They had no kinsman to vindicate their cause, to
interpose for them by power or force. The glory of the Gospel is that the Lord
Jesus Christ came and by giving Himself a ransom provided a perfect redemption.
With His own blood, the Lord Jesus Christ obtained a plenteous and an eternal redemption for all mankind.
Millions in Heaven and on Earth have participated in His sacrifice of
salvation. And yet there is provision for millions more. How stupendous and
far-reaching was the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. The tragedy is
that while the Lord Jesus Christ died for all, only a few in comparison have
appropriated their redemption.
What were we redeemed from in the eternal redemption the Lord Jesus Christ
obtained for us? Go over the some 150 references and see if you have claimed all
your promised redemption rights.
”Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the
Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to shepherd the Church of God, which He
has purchased with His own blood,” Acts 20:28.
Here are your promised redemption rights.
You have rights as a Christian. Claim them!
P.S. This is more interesting to watch than the stock market.
P.P.S. Seven years before the Lord Jesus Christ returns to this Earth, if you
are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be caught up to meet the Lord
in the air, 1 Thes 4:13-18, 1 Cor 15:51-58, and be delivered from the worst
time in all of history, Jacob’s Trouble.
As one redeemed with a plenteous, gracious, precious, and eternal redemption,
do you belong to the “Say so society?”
”Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!”
Paul reminds us that being redeemed we are not our own. But we are the
property of Him Who shed His blood for our redemption, 1 Cor 6:19-20.
Redeemed! Creation joyful brings
Its tribute to the King of kings.
Redeemed Earth’s million voices raise
One sounding anthem to His praise.
Atonement is another evangelical Truth predicted and promised in Scripture.
The provision and universality of the Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning work is
implied and illustrated in scores of passages.
We will confine ourselves to those references where the actual word
“atonement” is used. It is purely an Old Testament word and is not properly
found in the New Testament at all.
The word Paul employs means “reconciliation,” implying an exchange from
enmity to friendship and is so translated in the original. As used in the Old
Testament, “atonement” means “covering” in Christian thought. However,
the Lord Jesus Christ’s full atonement represents His work of reconciling the
world to God and the satisfaction He rendered His Father thereby.
”By Whom we have now received the atonement,” Rom 5:11.
Paul’s statement indicates the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ both
“supplies and applies” atonement. God has nothing to offer apart from His
Son and our Lord’s own Word is emphatic on this point.
”No man cometh unto the Father but by Me,” John 14:6.
The Lord Jesus Christ then is the Mediator and the Medium. Through Him the
sinner, estranged from God because of his sin, can be reconciled to God, not God
to man. God has never had any need of being reconciled to man. Through
the Cross fellowship is restored.
”When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son,”
Rom 5:10.
”Make ye the atonement that ye may bless the inheritance of the Lord,” 2 Sam
What would you say is the greatest blessing flowing from the Lord Jesus
Christ’s atoning death? True we are blessed with so many spiritual blessings
in virtue of Calvary, the principle boon being deliverance from penalty and
the guilt of sin.
But the word “atone,” when split up reads, “at one,” which gives us the
heart of the atonement, namely, made one with God.
The Old Testament word for “atonement” conveys the idea of something
being covered. The Israelite was allowed to approach God in various ways.
In this verse before us, the spoil of Midian was presented to the Lord to make
an atonement for the soul. But the promise is that under Grace, acceptance
with God cannot be bought.
Some there are who try to buy their way into God’s favor, but it cannot be
done. All the jewels in the world could not purchase salvation for a
conscience-stricken soul. A sinner must come as a pauper and, without money
and without price, accept Calvary’s gift of reconciliation.
What the sinner must be reminded of is the fact that he can only be saved
through atonement and never through attainment. How many
deluded souls there are who seem to think that they must do something in order
to gain access to God.
But by their religious activities and moral deeds they can never attain to
salvation. Access to God and acceptance by God cannot be gained by human merit.
Salvation can only be obtained by faith, never attained by works.
Eph 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, “Not of works.”
Sin occasioned the anger of God. But through the Cross such righteous anger
was appeased. That is why the believer is no longer under wrath – present or
The unregenerated sinner, however, is under condemnation:
![]() | ”The wrath of God abideth on him,” John 3:36. |
![]() | God is angry with him every day. Psa 7:11. |
The promise offered the sinner is:
![]() | ”Kiss the Son lest He be angry,” Psa 2:12. |
![]() | ”Do no work. It is a day of atonement,” Lev 23:28. |
The application of this command is that God cannot save us on a 50/50 basis
– partly Grace, partly works. When the Lord Jesus Christ cried, “It is
finished,” He referred not to the cessation of anguish, but the
consummation of man’s complete deliverance from sin and of a free access into
the presence of God.
”There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus,” Rom 8:1.
“Ye will not come unto Me that ye might have life,” John 5:40.
It is evident that the work of the reconciliation by the Lord Jesus Christ was universal,
although the realization of it is not. If a sinner finally perishes, it will not
be God’s fault.
No man is lost for the want of atonement or because there is any other
barrier in the way of salvation than his own most free and wicked will.
The atonement the Lord Jesus Christ provided is universal in that it covers the
sinful nature inherited from Adam. And this offers the promise to infants who
die, and for those born idiots.
Whenever a person reaches the years of accountability and refuses to accept a
provided new nature, allowing inherited sin to become practical sin, then he
becomes accountable to God. Yielding to the sinful nature, he must bear the
fruit and punishment of it, Rom 5:12-14, 6:1-12, 8:2-3.
When he bowed down His head in the death-hour:
Solemnized love His triumph! The sacrifice was then completed,
Lo, then was rent on a sudden the veil of the temple dividing,
Earth and Heaven apart, and the dead from their sepulchers rising.
Whispered with pallid lips and low in the ears of each other,
The answer but dreamed of before creation’s enigma, atonement
Depths of love are atonement’s depths, for love is atonement.
What a practical lesson can be gleaned from the above requirement!
God has always been practical about the kind of money used in His service. The
gold of the godless carries no value in
the treasury of Heaven.
God’s work, when done in God’s way, for God’s glory, never lacks the
Divine supply.
”Blood money,” that is the substance of blood-washed men and women, is what
He uses for the spread of the Gospel.
God has only one way of maintaining and extending His cause in the world and
that is through the sacrificial giving of those who realize Calvary has every
claim upon all we have and are.
In other words, we should not take money from unbelievers in the service of
the Lord. I wonder how many collection plates have been filled with
unbeliever’s money and not atonement money.
Among the manifold Promises of God is the one proclaiming reconciliation
for the fallen sinner. This act of God the Holy Spirit is known as “the
new birth” or born from above.
It is the Divine work whereby the believing sinner is brought into a heavenly
relationship. As the result of our physical birth we were introduced to an
earthly family. Through the new birth we are initiated into a heavenly family
with God being our heavenly Father.
John’s first epistle is pre-eminently one of regeneration, the words
“born” and “begotten” occurring 10 times in His Gospel. John speaks of
being “born again” and “born of the
Spirit.” John 3:3-8.
The Word of God is mentioned some six times as the instrument God the Holy
Spirit uses in the necessary work of regeneration. John 15:3, 1 Cor 4:15, Eph
5:26, James 1:18, 21, 1 Pet 1:23.
The Lord Jesus Christ emphasized the necessity of this work that Paul calls “a
new creation,” Gal 6:15. “Ye must be born again,” John 3:7. Apart from
this spiritual birth Heaven cannot be entered.
While regeneration and conversion are treated as identical acts, there is a
difference between the two. Conversion is a human act and one that can be
repeated, Luke 22:32, like the prodigal son, which is restoration back to
”What God doeth is for ever,” Ecc 3:14. Regeneration is a Divine act and
once accomplished can never be repeated, which is salvation.
O ye who would enter this glorious rest,
And sing with the ransomed the song of the blest,
The life everlasting if you would obtain,
”Ye must be born again.”
Closely allied to regeneration is adoption, which is to speak, the other side
of the coin. Regeneration is a son-making and adoption is a son-placing.
Adoption is of Roman origin, and represents the time when a senator’s son
becomes “of age,” and heir to his father’s possessions. At that time the
father took his son into the senate and publicly took off the toga of boyhood
and put upon him the toga manhood.
We must not read into the word adoption the modern thought of adoption in which
a man takes a son not his own and gives him the place of a son in position and
As God’s children we cannot very well be, born and adopted. If His, then we
are His sons now, with all the spiritual rights and privileges.
”Now we are the sons of God, 1 John 3:1.
”We are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus,” Gal 3:26.
The adoption of the Bible has a future concept also. We are indwelt by the
“Spirit of adoption,” which means at the point of salvation we are adult
sons positionally.
But as such, God the Holy Spirit, who places us in union with the Lord Jesus
Christ, the Holy Spirit is the Promise or Pledge of the coming placement in
God’s home above. Rom 8:15.
”The Holy Spirit of Promise...of our inheritance,” Eph 1:13-14.
We await, our adoption, which is a phase of and occurs when the body is redeemed
at Christ’s return.
”We ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption to wit the
redemption of the body,” Rom 8:21.
Redeemed by the Cross and regenerated by God the Holy Spirit and therefore,
the sons of God, John 1:11-12. We await our son-placing or adoption.
”That we might receive the adoption of sons,” Gal 4:5.
”Having predestined us unto the adoption by Jesus Christ to Himself,” Eph
A further Promise connected with our Divine relationship is that of security
in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not only saved, but we are safe and secure.
The keeping omnipotence of God, which involves our preservation, permeates
Here are some of the Promises of our security. You probably have a larger list of your own.
“This is the Father’s will...that I should lose nothing,” John 6:39.
There are at least five things the Lord Jesus Christ related to His Father in
this wonderful verse.
”Lose nothing.” Yes, and the Lord Jesus Christ will see to it that not
one of His given ones will perish.
God wills our security and His beloved Son provides it. Thus, when Satan
casts doubt upon your eternal salvation, we remind him that the Lord Jesus
Christ declared that He will lose nothing.
All who are His will be raised up to meet Him at His appearing. The question of
great importance is, are you among the number given to the Lord Jesus Christ
by God the Father?
With such a double grip we are doubly safe because the Father and the Son are
one in Their purpose to preserve Their own.
It must be further noticed that there is no condition attached to this
Promise and charter of security.
The Lord Jesus Christ did not say that we can only be eternally safe if we strive
to keep ourselves in His hands. Once union with the Lord Jesus Christ has been
consummated, it can never be severed. Communion and fellowship with Him can
be ruptured, but union with Christ is eternal.
If we can receive life today from the Lord Jesus Christ and lose it tomorrow,
how can it be eternal in nature?
”I give unto them eternal life.” Eternal life is a gift.
”The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through the
Lord Jesus Christ,” Rom 6:23.
Paul, the apostle of assurance, never had any doubt regarding his standing
in Grace. Like the rest of us, his state concerned him. But he clearly
taught it was the work of God the Holy Spirit to translate position into
Have you noticed the double committal and the double security in Paul’s
positive declaration?
Paul’s certainty as to his eternal security comes out again when he asserts
that the Lord Jesus Christ would keep him from every evil work and preserve
him unto the heavenly kingdom, 2 Tim 4:18.
Have you committed your soul to the Lord? Then believe and be persuaded with
Paul that your Heavenly Keeper will guard the deposit.
”I know whom I have believed in and I know He is able to keep that which I
have committed unto Him.”
For every sigh God has a Psalm. And in this precious Psalm the sigh of the
soul for preservation is the Psalm of Divine security.
Read this Psalm through and underline the three-fold keep and the
three-fold preserve.
The emphasis of the Psalm as a whole is upon the fact that our security is the
Lord’s responsibility. We do not have to struggle to keep ourselves
The sheep never trouble themselves about keeping the shepherd. That the Lord is
well able to keep His own is evidenced by two of His characteristic features.
”He made Heaven and Earth and He neither slumbers or sleeps.”
Count up the realms in which you can expect His preserving power and praise Him
anew as thy Keeper,” Isa 27:3.
From falling and faultless. What a mighty Preserver we have!
Daily He is able to keep us from stumbling.
And at His advent He will present us to Himself faultless with exceeding joy. Falling
has to do with our walk, but such falling does not affect our position in the
Lord Jesus Christ.
A closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ cannot make us more secure, but it
will bring us greater peace and reward. What we must not lose sight of is
the Truth, while we cannot help the Lord Jesus Christ to keep us eternally
secure, yet we can assist Him to keep us from stumbling.
As we keep ourselves in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and keep ourselves
from idols, and keep ourselves unspotted from the world, we experience the Lord
Jesus Christ’s ability to keep us from sinning.
Jacob’s error was that of meeting God’s “I will keep thee” with his
“if God will keep me.”
May we be delivered from the same folly of driving a bargain with God. “If”
must not be the vocabulary of the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ who takes
God at His Word.
Jacob was ever “the man of sight” and takes up with material security.
Preservation from danger, bread to eat, and raiment to wear was the
patriarch’s interpretation of the Divine Promise of blessing.
Jacob’s vow, however, must not be lost upon us. Eternal security carries with
it the full sovereignty of our Keeper.
”Then shall the Lord be my God.” As our God, He has every right to all we
have and are.
Frequent references to the apple of the eye. Deut 32:10, Prov 7:2, Lam
2:18, and Zech 2:8 are associated with the keen sensibility of the ball of the
It is a most expressive metaphor, denoting God’s most careful protection and
security. The eye is always preserved no matter what may assail it from
without. Such a delicate organ is continually protected by the eye lids and
continually cleansed by its tear ducts.
God is willing to protect and purge His children, symbolized by the apple
of the eye.
Because we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son,
God will see to it that neither demons nor men rob him of such a treasure as the
believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
How sweet and satisfying are the Promises attached to
the Bible Doctrine of justification, a term implying the act of counting, declaring,
pronouncing one righteous, or
free from guilt and exposure to punishment.
As saved sinners, we are declared righteous before God because we are covered by
the finished substitutionary work of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son.
Justification is an act of God’s free Grace wherein He pardons all our sins
and accepts us as righteous in His sight, only for the righteousness of the Lord
Jesus Christ imputed to us and received by faith alone.
Job’s question finds an answer in Paul’s declaration that “God is just
and the Justifier of him which believeth in the Lord Jesus Christ,” Rom 3:26.
”Just” and yet “Justifier.”
How is God able to clear the guilty sinner upon on whom He hath pronounced
death? “Condemned, yet pardoned.”
The Lord Jesus Christ supplies the answer to Job’s question. He died in the
sinner’s place and stead. True to His justice, God punished sin, which He did
in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Appropriating the Sin-Bearer, the believing sinner is forever cleared from
the law’s just verdict.
From Adam down, man has endeavored to justify himself. Plausible arguments
excusing sin have been easy to find. But is a man full of talk justified? Job
Elihu was angry with Job because he justified himself rather than God. Job 32:2.
The Lord Jesus Christ condemned the Pharisees for justifying themselves. Luke
But in spite of all his self-justification, man stands condemned in the sight
of a thrice-holy God.
”In Thy sight shall no man living be justified,” Psa 143:2.
To be justified freely means not only the Lord Jesus Christ’s redemptive
work provides a full, complete justification from the just claims of the law,
but also the most unworthy can participate in such a provision.
Paul speaks of the free gift, but are not all gifts free? Any article can
not be a gift if we have to pay for it.
The value of a gift, however, is determined by the love borne to the one
about to receive the gift.
Merit, then, prompts and guides our giving. To give a precious gift to an enemy
could be a free gift given without cause or merit. Such is the giving of
Although His enemies and altogether without merit, He justified us.
Everlasting peace,
Sure as Jehovah’s Name,
Is stable as His steadfast throne
For evermore the same.
My love is often low,
My joy still ebbs and flows,
But peace with Him remains the same,
No change Jehovah knows.
By Christ redeemed, by Christ restored,
We know the memory adored,
And show the death of our dear Lord,
Until He come!
His body broken in our stead
Is pictured in this memorial bread,
And so our feeble love is fed,
Until He come!
His fearful drops of agony,
His life-blood shed for us we see,
The wine shall tell the mystery,
Until He come.
Until the trump of God is heard,
Until the ancient graves be stirred,
And with the great commanding Word,
The Lord shall come.
How rich are the Promises assuring the sinner of the Lord’s willingness
to blot out his iniquity.
Such gracious Promises run through the Bible like a golden thread. Both pardon
and forgiveness are constituent elements of justification. Even though
different phases of the same act are taking place at the same time, there might
be a slight difference between pardon and forgiveness.
Pardon: means the release from a penalty, the feelings of the pardoned
one may or may not be changed.
”I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the
other,” Luke 18:9-14.
Forgiveness: implies the surrender of an inward feeling of injury or
resentment, the removal of the feeling of anger and the restoration of a feeling
of favor and affection.
”Through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sin. And by Him all
that believe are justified from all things from which ye could not be justified
by the law of Moses,” Acts 13:38-39.
Remission, propitiation, and reconciliation, besides being definite acts of God
based upon the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, also represent phases of
the work of the Lord Jesus Christ which made these acts possible.
![]() | “I will forgive their iniquity and will remember their sin no more,”
Jer 31:24. |
![]() | ”I will pardon all their iniquities and I will pardon all,” Jer 33:8. |
![]() | ”Who is a God like Thee, that pardoneth iniquity?” Micah 7:18-19. |
![]() | ”Forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin,” Exodus 34:6-7. |
![]() | ”I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgression,” Isa 43:25. |
![]() | ”Our God, for He will abundantly pardon,” Isa 55:7. |
![]() | ”There is forgiveness with Thee that Thou mayest be feared,” Psa
130:4. |
![]() | ”Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful,” Neh 9:7. |
![]() | ”Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin,” Psa 32:5. |
![]() | ”A Saviour for to give, forgiveness of sins,” Acts 5:31, 3:19. |
![]() | ”He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins,” 1 John 1:9. |
What a wonderful glimpse of the Divine character Nehemiah gives us. Not
only have we a pardoning God, but One who stands with a pardon in His hand
waiting for us to accept it.
”Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful,” Nehemiah
”A God ready to pardon.” This God of infinite Grace has not to be
coaxed into pronouncing the criminal forever cleared from guilt.
He is ready to pardon if only we were as ready to receive this
completed, offered pardon written in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ who
died in our stead.
”God is waiting to be gracious unto us.”
“And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and Truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.”
Nowhere in all of the Bible is there a more satisfying revelation of the
Lord’s character than here, where the Lord granted Moses the sublime
revelation of His pardoning Grace. No wonder Moses bowed toward the Earth and
worshipped Him.
”Mercy is kept for thousands,” which implies that God has an
inexhaustible store of it and can draw on it as we need it.
As we read this entire verse, we find
God’s Grace and mercy are all encompassing.
Is it not wonderful to realize that the God who freely offers to forgive
us is the One who we so constantly sin against?
Take the last phrase of the previous verse which reads, “Thou hast wearied me
with thy iniquities.” And connect it with “I, even I, am He that blotteth
out thy transgressions,” and this will give you a glimpse of the Lord.
The One despised, outraged, scorned, and deserted for idols, was the very one
Israel was urged to return to. God further declares His willingness to forgive for
His own Name’s sake.
Such a phrase implies that God, because of His loving, righteous character, expressed
in many of His Names, His actions must correspond to His attributes which
praise Him, and they do.
To rightly understand this aspect of promised forgiveness we must look at the
blessed but introducing it. Something opposite precedes it.
We would have been of all men most miserable if we only had the third verse.
”If Thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?”
How hopeless our case is if we had an unforgiving God to deal with.
All believers are encouraged to confess their sin because of the Promise of
God’s unfailing and inexhaustible source of forgiveness.
Further, forgiveness is manifested and freely bestowed that God may be feared,
implying not a cringing fear, but awe, reverential trust, obedience,
confidence, and worship.
Forgiving Grace enables us to stand before the Lord.
”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins,
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” 1 John 1:9.
The basis of forgiveness is the redemption work on the Cross of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Because “righteousness and truth kissed each other” at the Cross, a
vindicated justice is now able to blot out our sins. By His death, the Lord
Jesus Christ purchased pardon for all.
Few in comparison, however, have appropriated that pardon. Although redeemed,
they are not healed, restored, forgiven.
Are we among the redeemed who know that God will remember sin against us no
more for ever?
In the parable of the creditor and the two debtors, the Lord Jesus Christ had a great deal to say about forgiveness. While one debtor owed ten times as much as the other, both were freely forgiven. But deeper love was expected by the debtor to whom the creditor forgave most.
It is thus that our Lord interprets the action of the woman whom others
despised. ”Her sins, which are many, are forgiven for she loveth much, but in
whom little is forgiven the same loveth little,” Luke 7:47.
Another application is that the Lord Jesus Christ alone has the prerogative to
forgive. “Only God can forgive sins.” Since He is the Creditor, all souls
are deep in debt to Him, and of themselves are utterly unable to discharge the
debt. But as He paid it all, and all to Him we owe, He has every right to
say “Thy sins are forgiven.”
Forgiveness is also an evidence of His Deity. “Who can forgive sins but God
alone?” Luke 5:21.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the unique Member of the human race because He is God
and He is man. He is the “God-man,” equal with God and equal with man.
“The one Mediator between God and
This isn’t death, it’s Glory.
This isn’t darkness, it’s Light.
It isn’t stumbling, groping or
Even faith. It’s Sight.
This isn’t grief of having their
Last tear wiped away.
It’s sunrise, it’s morning
Of their Eternal Day.
It isn’t even praying
It’s speaking face to face
It’s listening and glimpsing
The wonders of His Grace.
For this is the end of pleading
For strength to bear their pain;
Not even pain’s dark memory
Will ever live again.
How did they bear this Earth life
Before they came up higher?
Before their soul was granted
It’s very deep desire?
Before they knew this rapture
Of meeting face to face,
The One who sought them,
The One who saved them,
The One who kept them by His Grace.
I’ll see them in Glory.
I’ll talk with them again.
I’ll walk with them in Heaven
Free from sorrow, care, and pain.
They are not dead, they liveth
Not here but over there,
Where Christ liveth also
Who all their sin did bear.
I cannot bring them back here
However I might try,
But I can plan to meet them
In His Presence by and by.
My robes are washed as theirs were
In the precious crimson flow,
My future is safe as theirs is
In My Saviour’s care, I know.
You ask me, aren’t you grieving?
No! My heart knows God’s own peace.
For like them I have a Saviour
Whose blessings never cease.
And the blessing that is greatest
Is that death means gain not loss,
To the soul that has seen the value
Of His death upon the Cross.
And all life takes on new meaning
Which even death can never dim,
So with hope and joy abundant
I will ever walk with Him.
Among the manifold bestowals of God likewise included among the cardinal truths of the Gospel is that of peace, of which there is much mentioned in Scripture when considering the Divine title JEHOVAH SHALOM. Such a possession, however, carrying with it so many Promises, is worthy of a full consideration.
Peace is the central feeling of all happiness. As the word “peace” and its cognates appear some 400 times in the Bible, the problem of selection is not easily settled. Among so many peace promises, the following glitter like several facets of a diamond. Such a fundamental Doctrine is approached from different angles.
“He is our peace...preaching peace,” Eph 2:12-17.
Peace is not something, but Someone.
Peace is a Person, even the Lord Jesus Christ, Who removed the wall of
partition between Jew and Gentile, in order that both might be brought nigh to
This state of peace we are introduced into by Grace was established when God,
Who represented the Divine government, and Christ, Who represented the offending
sinner, the sin-hating God met the sin-bearing Christ at Calvary
and settled, once and for all, the sin question, providing a peace that knows
no change.
Materially the Lord Jesus Christ had nothing to leave. He has no need to make
a will. Yet the greatest bequest ever bequested is ours in His peace.
Think of His calm, unruffled spirit amid turbulent forces surrounding Him. Why,
He could sleep in a wave-tossed boat out in a raging storm.
No wonder there is no peace comparable to His. Such a legacy is for every
child of His.
Have you staked your claim?
Thy peace so sweet, so wonderful
None but Thine loved ones know,
The blessed calm, the real peace
Which Thou dost still bestow.
My peace I leave, My peace I give
Bequeathed to all who in Thee live.
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Page updated 06/26/05 04:56 PM.