![]() Divine Sugar Sticks for June 2001What's the background behind Sugar Sticks? Click here to find out. Friday, June 1, 2001The Gospel – Titus 2:11-14“The Grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, to live soberly, righteously,
and godly in this present world looking for that Blessed Hope and the glorious
appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.”
What the Gospel teaches:
A Christian Family3 John 4, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the Truth.”
The Christian education of children is a duty. The Church’s Amen – Rev 22:20-21
The Redeemed in Heaven – Rev 7:9-10
”And after this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could
number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the
throne, and before the Lamb with white robes and palms in their hands.” The Devil’s Work in Humanity – 1 Peter 5:8-9
The devil’s work counteracted by humanity.
A Bag With Holes – Haggai 1:6
Salvation is of the Lord – Jonah 2:9
”But I will sacrifice unto Thee with the voice of thanksgiving, I will pay that that I have vowed, salvation is of the Lord,” Jonah 2:9. Isaiah’s Solemn Message – Isaiah Chapter One
And all of this is to be applied to us, not only to a community of which we
are a member, or a nation, but to the state of our souls. “PLEROMA” – “The Fullness of the Gospel”Rom 15:29, “And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fullness
of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ.”
Saturday, June 2, 2001The Heart of the Gospel“He made Him to be sin for us, Who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him,” 2 Cor 5:21.
The Ascension of Christ – Luke 24:51
The death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and session of Christ. God’s Gracious Love – John 3:16
”God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” “What time I am afraid I will trust in Thee, in
God I will praise His Word, in God I have put my trust, I will not fear what
flesh can do unto me,” Psa 56:3-4. ”I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind.” “Thou tellest my wanderings, put Thou my tears
into Thy bottle, are they not in Thy Book,” Psa 56 You may feel that there is no use in living. Life has disappointed you. Life
has failed you. “When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies
turn back, This I know, for God is for me,” Psa 56:9 When we pray meaning business, we know that God will hear us. We find that
promise in Psa 145:18, “The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him,
that call upon Him in Truth.” “Jesus, Thou Son of David, Have Mercy on Me”In the Bible we find many illustrations of the Lord’s concern for those
with broken and distressed souls. We see that He always answers those who
cried out to Him in need. “It is Well” “It is Well” “It is Well” “It is Well”2 Kings 4:26, “Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say to her,”
To depart is peace, peace, peace, peace. Well, well, well, well. Forbidden MarriagesEzra 9:12, “Now, therefore, give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth for ever, that ye may be strong and eat the good of the land and leave it for an inheritance in your children for ever.” Forbidden marriages:
God Protects His PeopleJob 1:12, “And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold all that he hath is in thy power, only upon himself put not forth thine hand, so Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord.”
Standing at the Foot of the Cross!On the Cross lifted Sunday, June 3, 2001The Joy of Joys!O joy all joys beyond Homeward Bound!There is a blessed home Eternal Conversation!The following words are taken from the incarnate life of our Lord. They
consist of words He heard, prayers He prayed, and quotations from the Psalms
which the New Testament writers consider appropriate upon the lips of our
praying Lord or in the mouth of the Father. Christ listening. Holy Conversation!Adoration and Thanksgiving“I honor My Father,” John 8:49.
”Not that any man hath seen the Father, save Him which is of God, He that seen the Father,” John 6:46. Holy Conversation!Fellowship“Behold I and the children which God hath given Me,” Heb 2:13, Isa 8:18. “Who Will Show Us Any Good?”I imagine that there are many Christians over the world today that are asking
the question which we find in Psalm 4, “There be many that say, Who will shew
us any good?” Psalm 4:7, “Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased.” You may lose material things. But the Lord has put a greater
gladness in your heart than any material wealth can give. Remember this: The
spiritual joy is greater than material pleasure. “Thou hast put gladness in my heart more then in
the time that their corn and their wine increased.”
The three things that man needs to enjoy life God can give you and will
give you, regardless of where you are. Monday, June 4, 2001The Confidence That Christians Need!God deals with man according to man’s faith. “According to thy
faith, so shall it be unto you.” “The just shall live by faith.” The word
“faith” means confidence. The root word from which we get the words
“faith” and “believe” is the Greek word “PISTIS,” which means
confidence. Christian Confidence – Part TwoSecond, you have to be convinced of God’s faithfulness to you. We have to
be convinced of God’s motives in His acts toward us. Psa 86:15, “But Thou, O
Lord, are a God full of compassion and gracious, longsuffering, plenteous in
mercy and Truth.” The Confidence Christians Need – Part ThreeThirdly, we have to have faith in God’s faithfulness. God is faithful.
God wouldn’t gain anything by lying to us. He would lose everything. Confidence Needed by Christians – Part FourFourth, we need to have faith in God’s power. He is able to do
everything He said He would do. He created the Heavens and the Earth. Christian Confidence – Part FiveFifth, this is the one I am afraid that causes so much distress today in the
minds of many of God’s children. The Advantage of Being a ChristianHave you ever stopped to realize what it costs a person in not being a
Christian? Advantage of Being a Christian – Part TwoSecond, it costs the most over-flowing joy that can be known on Earth. 1
Pet 1:8 speaking of our Lord, “Whom having not seen, ye love, in Whom, though
now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of
glory.” Advantage of Being a Christian – Part ThreeThird, it costs you hope. Without Christ you have no hope. June 6, 1944 D-Day!The God of war goes forth to war, The Good FightFight the good fight with all thy might, Tuesday, June 5, 2001The Advantage of Being a Christian – Part FourFourth, it costs eternal life if you reject Christ. The Advantage of Being a Christian – Part FiveFifth, it costs you a heavenly home, without Christ, a home through all
So we ask again, is it worthwhile to become a Christian? And we say,
“Yes.” A Guarantee of the Lord’s Presence!Psa 16:8, “I have set the Lord always before me.” The trouble with so many people is that they are in such a hurry that they
don’t do what the Lord says. “Be still and know that I am God.” Omnipotence – the Power of GodIt is wonderful to know that we are safe in God’s hands and that God
hears us and answers our prayers. Wednesday, June 6, 2001 June 6, 1944 D-Day Remembered! Love of Country!I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above. June 6, 1944 RememberedBrief life here is our portion Omnipotence and the Power of God! “Is Anything too Hard For Me?”Nothing can resist the power of GodAll through the Old Testament we find evidence of God’s power. In the New
Testament we find our Lord coming to reveal God to man and we see the power of
the Godhead in His life. We find the Lord saying to Abraham and Sarah, “Stop and meditate on the
power of God.” Omnipotence – God’s Power!The love of God and the faithfulness of God would be ineffective to help in
our lives in bringing peace in time of need, if it were not for the great power
of the Lord. The Faithfulness of God!... “He Abideth Faithful”There is only one thing in this world that man can absolutely depend upon,
and that is the laws of God. A lot of people never give that a thought. They
take the faithfulness of God for granted. It is God’s law and not man’s
law. God’s Faithfulness!In the life of Abraham we have a wonderful example of God’s faithfulness in
His promises. God’s FaithfulnessPsa 33:19, “The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought, He
maketh the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the Lord
standeth for ever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations.” Faith in the Promises of God!When it comes to faith in the promises of God, are you like Sarah or are you
like Abraham? ”Wait I say, and again I say, wait on the Lord.” June 6, 1944D-Day!O faith of America taught of old, Thursday, June 7, 2001 God’s FaithfulnessGen 18:11, “Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age, and it
ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. Therefore, Sarah laughed
within herself saying, after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being
old also??” God’s Faithfulness!In waiting for God’s promises to be fulfilled, we should do as we find in
Psa 37, “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. It is good to both hope
and patiently wait for the salvation of the Lord,” meaning, as a believer, to
save out of the difficulties and troubles in our lives. A lot of Christians
find it difficult to wait for God’s time. Impatience is a sign of two things.
If we have submitted our wills to God’s will and are willing to do as our
Lord did and that is to say, “Nevertheless, Father not My will but Thine be
done.” The Mid-East Crisis Because Sarah Laughed at the Promise of GodNotice the result of impatience in Sarah’s life – the Mid-East Crisis. At the appointed time Christ came, born of a woman. Thought For the DayWhat caused the Mid-East crisis? It is Amazing That as Children of God We Have to be Reminded Over and Over Again of God’s Faithfulness to UsHere is another example of God’s faithfulness.We find it in Abraham’s life when God brought comfort into Abraham’s
sorrowing soul. Friday, June 8, 2001 God’s Faithfulness and Wisdom!“If any man lacketh wisdom, let him ask of God.” The Faithfulness of God and His Immutability!“God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” God’s Faithfulness and IshmaelGod not only gave Abraham comfort, but He also encouraged him. God encouraged
Abraham by telling him that from the son of the bondwoman, God would also make a
nation. ”Because Ishmael was also the seed of Abraham” – the Mid-East
crisis. God’s Faithfulness and Sodom and Gomorrah!We have another example of God’s faithfulness. One Truth that God’s
children must ever be mindful of is that God does hear and answer prayer. Gen 18:17-22, “And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing
which I do; Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation,
and all the nations of the Earth will be blessed in Him? For I know him, that he
will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the
way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon
Abraham that which He hath spoken of him.” Train up a child. ”And the Lord
said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is
very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether
according to the cry of it, which is come unto Me; and if not, I will know. And
the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood
yet before the Lord .” ”But, God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit, for the Spirit
searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God, for what man knoweth the
things of man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God
knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God, now we have received not the spirit of
the world, but the Spirit which is of God. That we might know the things that
are freely given unto us of God.” God’s Faithfulness Regarding Sodom and Gomorrah!God told Abraham that He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of
their great wickedness. Jerusalem.... City of Peace ...And did those feet in ancient time God’s Faithfulness in Answering Prayer!What did Abraham pray for? Lot, his nephew, was in Sodom. But Abraham
didn’t pray for Lot. He prayed for the entire city. This is a blessed truth,
and it is good to keep in mind that the Lord is praying for all of His
children. The Faithfulness of God in Answering Our PrayersAbraham appeals to the righteousness of God in prayer. “Shall not the Judge
of all the Earth do right?” Saturday, June 9, 2001 God’s Faithfulness in Withholding His Wrath – Even in HoustonAbraham appeals to the righteousness of God in destroying Sodom. “Shall the
Judge of all the world do right?” The Faithfulness of God and Persistent PrayersAbraham was very persistent in prayer. He kept on interceding. First, for 50,
and then for 45, then 40, then 20, and then 10. Rom 12:12, “Rejoicing in hope,
patient in tribulation.” “Continuing instant in prayer.” Lam 3:22, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. Because His compassions fail not, they are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness.” God’s Faithfulness and Promise to Abraham Destroying SodomNotice how Abraham prayed. First, he drew near to God. Secondly, he
interceded unselfishly for the entire city. Thirdly, he prayed for something
very definite. Fourthly, he appealed to God’s righteousness. Abraham’s
prayer was not based on anything he had done, but he prayed to God appealing to
God’s righteousness. Fifthly, he was persistent in prayer. Sixthly, but
Abraham had a limit to his intercession. God’s Faithfulness and GraceWe are like Lot, not worthy of anything, but because of our Lord and
Saviour in interceding for us and praying for us, we experience the mercy and
Grace of God daily in our lives. “He Restoreth My Soul,” Psa 23Restoration is the means by which a person out of fellowship, a carnal believer, gets back into fellowship, i.e., spirituality. This is for believers only and the key word is “confess,” as used in 1 John 1:9.
Biblical References For Believers Being Restored to Fellowship!
The Doctrine of Restoration
”He restoreth my soul,” Psa 23 An Exegetical Categorical Study of Restoring Another BelieverJames 5:19, “Brethren, if any of you do err from the Truth, and one convert him.” James 5:20, “Let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the
error of his way shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of
sins.” The analogy is that the bath, washing the whole body, speaks of salvation. The washing of the feet was done many times, referring to the getting back into fellowship via 1 John 1:9. Sunday, June 10, 2001 Biblical Instructions for Awaiting the Rapture
Paul in Col 1:9-10 was desiring that the “Colosse pocket” there have a
breakthrough, “filled with the knowledge of God.” Isa 33:6, “And
wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of the times.” Helping Another Believer to Get Back Into Fellowship With the Lord“Restore such a one,” Gal 6:1.
Case history – the prodigal son. Once a son, always a son. Old Testament Restoration Back to Fellowship With the LordIsa 43:25, “I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions, for Mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.”
Psalm 23!Down through the ages the 23rd Psalm has brought joy to many of God’s
children. It has been a blessing to all that read it. The secret of the great
joy which this Psalm brings is found in the very first verse, “The Lord is my
Shepherd.” “The Lord is My Shepherd” – Part TwoIn Psa 78:70 we see in type the work of our Lord as the “Shepherd.” ”He
took David ... from following the ewes great with young, He brought him to feed
Jacob, His people, and Israel His inheritance.” “The Lord is My Shepherd!”These passages of Scripture in Psalms and Isaiah are all directed to Israel.Israel
is the name for the believing remnant in Israel. Jacob is the name for the
unbelievers in Israel. But we know the Lord is the same to all of His
children, to all who have been born again.
More to come … Monday, June 11, 2001 “The Lord is My Shepherd”In order to have this Psalm do for you what God intended, that is to bring
you joy and peace to sorrowing and distressed souls. We must see the
characteristics of the Lord as the “Good Shepherd” as well as understanding
what the term “Shepherd” implies. His love is a love that gives everything one can possibly give. This
is a love which we cannot thoroughly understand, but we can accept it and
appreciate it. Assurance and a sense of security come into our souls when we
realize that our Lord and Saviour thought more of us than He did of His own
life. “The Lord is My Shepherd”In John 10:27 we find that He knows His sheep. “My sheep hear My voice, and
I know them, and they follow Me.” “The Lord is My Shepherd”“He calleth His own by name and leadeth them out.” “The Lord is My Shepherd”In John 10:28, 29 we find security. “And I give unto them eternal life and
they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.”
”My Father which gave them Me, is greater than all, and no man is able to
pluck them out of My Father’s hand.” “The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want”Now that we have seen some of the characteristics of our Lord as our “Good
Shepherd,” can’t you understand why David said, “The Lord is my
Shepherd” ... “I shall not want.” A little girl was asked to quote Psalm 23 and she said, “The Lord is my
Shepherd ... That is all I want.”
Yes, when we make the Lord our Shepherd, we won’t want for anything, because
He will give us complete satisfaction. “The Lord is My Shepherd”“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me by still
waters.” “The Lord is My Shepherd”“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. You may be resting in a pasture of tender grass and the Good Shepherd may have prodded you out of the place of abundant satisfaction to travel on hard paths. He may be moving you up to a higher, to a safer, even more abundant pasture. Trust Him regardless of the circumstances, realizing He is leading you ever onward and upward. Tuesday, June 12, 2001 The Lord is My Shepherd!“He restoreth my soul”There is joy in being restored to fellowship with the Lord. There are times
when the sheep stray from the fold. Lost and lonely, they stand bleating on a
distant crag. The loving Shepherd searches and seeks out the lost sheep and
brings them back to the fold. The sheep ceases bleating and lies down in peace. ”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” 1 John 1:9. “The Lord is My Shepherd”“He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake”At times we are confused as to which path to take, which decision to make,
then we can turn to Him for guidance and He guides us in the right way. “The Lord is My Shepherd”“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou art with me. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.”Here is one of the most calming Truths found in the Word of God. The valley
of death is just a “shadow” that we walk through and come out of. Why will there be no fear of evil? “For Thou art with me.” “The Lord is My Shepherd”“Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.”The rod speaks of the power of God. And the staff portrays the Shepherd heart
of our Lord. “The Lord is My Shepherd”“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.”The Shepherd sustains us. Our Lord prepares a table for us. The Lord feeds
His own in the wilderness. He takes care of us to the astonishment of all those
around us. God prepares a table of abundance for us in the presence of those
that dislike us and would harm us. Wednesday, June 13, 2001 God Hath Committed All Judgment Unto the Son,” John 5:22The Father has designated that the One whose blood was shed for a wayward race shall have all the prerogatives of Judge in the coming days towards which the sin-drenched Earth is hastening.
Jesus Christ, the Lord, is the Judge. “The Lord is My Shepherd”“He anointeth my head with oil. My cup runneth over.”Here we find the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the joy that we have, the
understanding we have, when we recognize we are safe in God’s hands. “The Lord is My Shepherd”“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life”Notice the word “surely.” There is no question, there is no doubt,
that God’s goodness and mercy will be with us all the days we live. “The Lord is My Shepherd”“And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever”The house of the Lord to Israel was the temple of God. To we who are children
of God, the house of the Lord is the place referred to in John 14:1-3. This
is the place of many mansions prepared for you and me, a place where we will
dwell forever. We are sealed in Christ, never to be separated from our Lord.
We have His guarantee that all the days of our life will be filled with His
goodness and mercy and we will dwell in His presence forever. Christ the Judge!In Revelation we are told of some of the classes – murderers, whoremongers,
and sorcerers, etc. – who shall face condemnation in the coming day of
judgment. “The Angels That Sinned”The creation of God falls into two great groups – angels and men.
“Angels That Sinned”God created the angels and planned for them a service that was holy and pure
and good. The Bible surely does tell, and that most clearly that the angels are
declared to be created by God. ”Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast
made Heaven, the Heaven of heavens, with all their host, and the host of Heaven
worshipped Thee,” Neh 9:6. “Angels That Sinned”From Nehemiah we learn that the angels worship Him, hence they are set forth
as holy. “Whom Having Not Seen We Love”We saw Thee not when Thou came to die, “The Angels That Sinned”Some of the angels are presented in Scripture as being evil. That sin,
hideous sin, should appear in the ranks of these holy beings, the angels, is
deplorable, but nonetheless a fact. “The Angels That Sinned”The evil angels are held accountable for their fallen condition. There have
been those who have placed the responsibility for the sinful conditions of the
evil angels upon the Creator Himself. But the testimony of Jude shows that this
degrading thought is repugnant to the Truth. ”The angels which kept not their
first estate, but left their own habitation. He hath reserved in everlasting
chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day,” Jude 6. Thursday, June 14, 2001 “Angels That Sinned”The angels that sinned were disobedient in the days of Noah. The appalling
sin of angels of lawlessness rebellion against the laws and limitations of a
Holy God, took place in the days of Noah. Bearing upon this subject, the Holy
Spirit has given, through the Apostle Peter, two striking passages. Confirming the conclusion, we see that Peter says these spirits were
guilty of a specific disobedience which he declares took place “in the days of
Noah.” The angels were also guilty of a specific infringement upon the law of
God, which infringement took place in the days of Noah. “The Angels That Sinned”“God spared not the angels and spared not the old world.”The Holy Spirit does not here answer the question of man and angels sinning
together. But the Holy Spirit here is content to present the simple fact that
the judgments of God took place in all who were guilty. We are informed as to
the character of the judgments that a wise Judge meted out upon both of these
classes who had taken part in this sin. “The Angels That Sinned Are the Same as the sons of God in Genesis Chapter SixThe passage in Genesis 6 has been for many a long day a theological
battleground. However, in the light of the self-interpreting feature of the
Scriptures, it seems quite unnecessary that such multiplicity of these
theological battles should ever have been waged.
If the sons of Seth were the “sons of God,” does that indicate that the
sons of Seth were saved and the daughters of Cain, lost? And if it doesn’t
mean that the sons of Seth were saved, then what particular value can be
attached to being among the “sons of God?” A God-Implanted Desire!Psa 90:17, “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.”It is the glory and the beauty of His holiness that God wishes to implant.
So, this is no idle prayer that the psalmist utters. It is a God-implanted
desire and it finds its answer in the words of Peter. “That we are made
partakers of the Divine nature through great and precious promises made to
us,” 2 Pet 1:4. “The Angels That Sinned and the Sons of God”What is the significance of the expression “sons of God” in the Old
Testament? The Holy Spirit does not leave much room for doubt or question. In
the one book of Job, the expression occurs three times and in such a connection
as to exclude controversy. “The Angels That Sinned and the Sons of God”Job 38:7, “When the morning stars sang together, and the sons of men
shouted for joy.” Friday, June 15, 2001 The Angels That Sinned – Sinned in the Like Manner to Sodom and GomorrhaThe sin of Sodom and Gomorrha was a horrible uncleanness, a sin in the realm
of sex. This sin is described in Jude as “going after strange flesh.” Passages of Scripture Throw Light on Each Other …
![]() | ”For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in Heaven,” Matt 22:30. |
![]() | ”For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels which are in Heaven,” Mark 12:25. |
These are simply parallel passages teaching that God’s unfallen angels,
which are in Heaven, do not marry. Both passages are so worded as to awake the
normal contrasts in the mind. The inescapable conclusion is that resurrected
beings are like the angels of God in Heaven. They do not marry.
But if they were to be like the “fallen angels,” the angels which are not in
Heaven, they would seek to enter the realm of marriage and that is what the
fallen angels did. They sought wives of the “daughters of men.”
But still another might ask, how can this amazing thing be, for women are
flesh and angels are spirits? The Word of God simply declares to us the
outstanding facts of this execrable miracle which was wrought by these angels of
defilement in the days of Noah.
The record is simple. These beings, smut of Heaven, looked upon the daughters of
men, desired them, left their glorious habitations, followed the behest of lust,
went after strange flesh, cohabited with the women whose beauty had appealed to
them, and became the special objects of the judgment of God.
We remember that angels some times took on the appearance of men. For example, the
Angel of the Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ, took on flesh.
Angels are male, not female.
The giants of the days of old were not imaginary. They were awful realities.
The corrupt, sinful, and voluptuous giants which move through the legendary
pages of Babylonia, and Greek and Roman mythology as heathen deities have their
origin and foundation in fact.
The giants existed. Many of the heathen yarns about them are doubtlessly
inventions. But back of the mass of myth, legend, and saga with which this
subject is loaded stands the testimony of both archaeology and Scripture that there
once trod upon this old Earth a race of beings of stupendous stature, who
mysteriously appeared, flourished for a season, in spite of their great size,
prodigious strength, and supernatural knowledge, proved finally to be sterile
and hence incapable of reproduction.
They simply died out. And when they were gone, the stories of their impure
and mighty deeds, artfully expanded and embellished, became the basis for the
heathen religions of the ancient days.
Heathen mythology is not 100 percent myth. When traced back to its
fountain-head, we find a beginning of solid fact.
The Scripture makes more or less frequent mention of men of abnormal size. To
us who believe God’s Word, this fact alone is sufficient proof that the beings
called “giants” once lived.
Next time we will note a few of the passages.
“And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched
unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to
search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people
that we saw in it are men of a great stature.
“And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the
giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in
their sight,” Num 13:32-33.
”The Emims dwell therein in times past, a people great and many, and tall
as the Anakims (the sons of Anak); Which also were accounted giants, as
the Anakims; but the Moabites call them Emims,” Deut 2:10-11.
”That also (the land of Ammon) was accounted a land of giants: giants
dwelt therein in old time; and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims,” Deut 2:20.
”The region of Argob, with all Bashan, which was called the land of giants,”
Deut 3:13.
”And yet again there was war at Gath, where was a man of great stature,
whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each
foot: and he also was the son of the giant.
“But when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea, David’s brother
slew him.”
“These were born unto the giant in Gath; and they fell by the hand of
David, and by the hand of his servants,” 1 Chr 20:6-8.
All of our English translations of the Bible, regardless of what they are,
only have one word for “giants,” and they never specify, as does the Hebrew
The Holy Spirit employs two Hebrew words which mean “giants.” They are
“NEPHILIM” and “REPHAIM.” The word “NEPHILIM” occurs three times. It
is correctly translated “giants” in every instance. The “IM” in the
Hebrew is plural. The word “REPHAIM” occurs 31 times in its several forms.
The translators have observed that the word means “giants” and have so
rendered it 17 times.
But unfortunately, seven of its occurrences are translated “dead” and it is
rendered “deceased” and six times it is simply transliterated, “REPHAIM.”
All these occurrences would have been made much clearer to the average reader
if the word had been uniformly rendered “giants.” The combined root meanings
of these words constitute a Divine revelation as to the origin and character of
the giants.
”NEPHILIM” is derived from an old Hebrew root meaning “to fall,”
evidently pointing to the fact that the giants are the offspring of the fallen
angels. ”REPHAIM” is also from an old Hebrew root and means “to mend by
stitching,” indicating the fact that these giants are the product of a
satanic attempt “to stitch together” the nature of angels and the nature of
men – thus producing hybrids.
These two Hebrew roots, from which come the two words meaning “giants,” tell
us an illuminating story indeed. The giants were the progeny of the fallen
ones and were satanic hybrids. Man and angel. Natural and supernatural.
To this conclusion that the giants were the offspring of the fallen angels, the
testimony of Genesis 6 is in agreement.
Once again we see the importance of the original languages of Scripture, which
not too many in the pulpit are interested in enough to teach and emphasize.
The Hebrew word for righteous is “TSIDKENU.” It appears in Jeremiah’s
prophecy, Jer 23:5-6.
”A Righteous Branch” and a King who is to appear and this is
His Name whereby He shall be called, the Lord our Righteousness.”
I was a stranger to Grace and God.
I knew not my danger and felt not my load,
Though friends spoke in rapture of Christ on the tree,
”JEHOVAH TSIDKENU” was nothing to me.
When free Grace awoke me, by light from on High
Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die.
No refuge, no safety, in self could I see
”JEHOVAH TSIDKENU” my Saviour must be.
My terrors all vanished before that sweet Name
My guilty fears banished, with boldness I came.
To drink at the fountain, life-giving and free
”JEHOVAH TSIDKENU” is all things to me.
The significance of this question has been quite hidden by this unhappy
rendering of the word “dead.” I wonder, through the years, how many people
have taught this passage and those who have read it and listened to it, really
know what this verse really means.
This is one of those verses when in some Sunday School class the teacher will
say, “Well Mr. Jones, what does this passage mean to you?” And then Mr.
Jones comes up some answer. But it is never the correct answer. Why not?
Because the Hebrew word “dead” here is “REPHAIM” The answer indicated by
the context of the questions is an emphatic negative. “The giants shall not
rise nor praise Him.” Such praise could only besmirch the glory of God.
But I know that you knew this all along. Right! Once again, the importance of
the original languages of Scripture, which no one today cares anything about.
Lest there should still be a question in the mind of some inquiring soul, the
Holy Spirit has made it still more clear that there is no resurrection for the
Isa 26:13-14, “O Lord our God, other lords beside Thee have had dominion over
us. But by Thee only will we make mention of Thy Name.”
”They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise:
Therefore hast Thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to
Now here is a passage to pass around in a Sunday School class. Isaiah confesses
that “other lords” beside the Lord God have had dominion over Israel. The
student of Israel’s history knows who the “other lords” were to whom
Israel had turned. They were Baal and Ashtaroth. Judges 10:6, 1 Sam 12:10,
Judges 2:13. Speaking of these lords, Baal and Ashtaroth, the gods of the
heathen, the prophet declares “they are dead, they shall not live.”
”They are deceased.” The word “deceased” is the word “REPHAIM,”
giants. “They are giants, they shall not rise.”
This reveals to us that the gods of the Gentile nations are none other than
the old giants, the hybrid offspring of the fallen angels and the daughters of
men. And then he declares that there is no resurrection for those unclean
Now I know you knew this. I just wanted to refresh your memory.
Isa 14:9, Hell (the prison house of the dead) from beneath is moved for thee to meet there at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the Earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.”
Here is a telling prophecy. Isaiah is predicting the overthrow and defeat of
the future mighty king of Babylon. The future mighty king of Babylon is the
Antichrist. The fall and death of the Antichrist is predicted and the prophet
carries the scene from the Earth to Hades, describing the future descent of the
Antichrist into the prison house of the dead and the hearty reception he will
The prophet declares that Hades shall stir up “the dead,” “REPHAIM,
“giants,” and they shall sarcastically greet the humiliated Antichrist with
these words, ”Art thou also become weak as we?” Isa 14:10.
Since these future events find the giants in Hades, it follows that Hades is
their present place of abode.
Looking at this verse you would never know it was talking about the giants. So
much for translations.
Saturday, June 16, 2001
The Saviour speaks of “Satan and his angels,” showing under whose
leadership these fallen ones are operating. This is an important fact to face,
because we may be assured that since Satan is their leader, that which they do
will be a reflection of the subtle and malign designs that actuate his inmost
being. A satanic leadership must of necessity eventuate in the unfolding of a
satanic purpose.
Satan heard something in the Garden of Eden which stirred within him, a purpose
of unparalleled sinfulness. He heard God say, “I will put enmity between thee
and the woman, and between thy seed and her Seed. He shall bruise thy head, and
thou shalt bruise His heel,” Gen 3:15.
In these words, the Lord is letting Satan know that he is going to be
overthrown by a “coming One.” This is not welcomed news. The Lord further
lets Satan know that the “coming Victor” is to be the “Seed of the
Since these words leave man out in the production of the “coming Seed,”
Satan’s only possible conclusion would be that “the Seed of the woman”
would be made fertile and given life by God Himself.
Thus, the “coming Victor,” who would bruise Satan’s head, was going to be both
Divine and human. Since Satan had no power whereby to attack God, he does
the thing most normal to do, he plans an attack upon the women of the race.
His purpose is to pollute all the women, so that God
cannot find an undefiled virgin through whom there can be given the
“promised Seed.”
More to follow ...
Satan, in order to accomplish this abominable end, gains the assistance of
his angels, the beings who had fallen from their position of trust with God. These
rebel angels were willing agents of their evil leader. They gladly submitted
themselves to the conditions of the awful miracle which called upon them to sin,
“even as Sodom and Gomorrha.”
They sinned willfully, and God held them accountable. But they failed in
their dastardly effort to defile all womankind. The fact of their failure is
plainly recorded.
”Noah was a just man (justified) and perfect in his generations,” Gen
6:9. The family of Noah was not defiled. The particular point at which Noah
pleased God was that he was “perfect in his generations.”
The New Testament reveals that Noah’s strength was “by faith.” At once
we see the evidence of a Divine intervention. Faith had been Divinely implanted
in Noah and his family. Faith has brought victory in that far off day, even
as in this present hour.
And although the Earth “was filled with violence,” Noah and his loved ones
were walking by faith. Their “generations” are perfect and God orders,
“Thou shalt come into the ark, thou and thy sons and thy wife and thy sons’
wives with thee.”
God had succeeded in protecting the women of one family from the seductive
and passion-filled blandishments of the evil angels. And it is from this family
that the “Messiah,” the “Victor,” the “Seed of the woman” is finally
More to come ....
Satan’s dark design against the women of the race went further than appears
on the surface. He knew the “Victor” would be a “Saviour.” He knew that
such a “Saviour” would lead men into victory over satanic and sinful things
in their own lives.
Satan was seeking to thwart “the purpose of God in sending His only begotten
Son to deliver us from the power of sin.” But despite the attack, artfully
planned by the adversary and many others faithfully recorded by the Holy Spirit,
in the Word of God, “in due time Christ came born of a woman.”
”God fulfilled His promise and the Lord Jesus Christ was given to redeem a
fallen race.”
It is through Him and by Him that the sons of men are saved from the penalty,
the power, and the presence of sin. It is through faith in His “finished
work” at Calvary that the lost of every nation may find salvation, victory,
and peace forevermore.
”There is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be
saved,” Acts 4:12.
The Name “JEHOVAH-JIREH” is one of a number of names compounded with
Naturally, these names owe something of their significance to the name
“JEHOVAH” itself, which reveals the eternal, self-existing One, the God of
revelation, the God of moral and spiritual attributes of righteousness, justice,
love, and therefore of redemption. The God who stands in special covenant
relating to Israel, in contrast to the Name “ELOHIM,” the general Name of
God in relation to all the nations.
Most of these compound names of God arise out of historical incident and portray
“JEHOVAH” in some aspect of His character as meeting human needs.
The historical setting out of which the name “JEHOVAH-JIREH” rises is one of
the most moving and significant in the Word of God. The story is found in
Genesis 22. It is the story of the last and greatest crisis in the life of
Every event in his life has led up to this supreme hour from the time of his
call to a high destiny, through every vicissitude, through every joy, through
every trial or failure, through every measure of success, and blessing, through
every hope and promise and assurance. All had been in preparation for this
The great promise had been fulfilled, the supreme hope of his life realized. He
had settled down to live the rest of his life in peace and joyous anticipation
of the larger fulfillment of the promise through the centuries and its final
spiritual fulfillment.
In this incident “ELOHIM” appears to Abraham with the astounding command to
offer up a sacrifice, a burnt offering, his only and well-beloved son, Isaac. Abraham is probably not aware that this is a testing. His feelings can scarcely
be imagined. His tremendous faith in view of all the circumstances is probably
not sufficiently appreciated. The record reveals not a word of objection or
remonstrance on his part.
Faith which enabled him to believe such a staggering promise in the first place
is now sufficient for an even more staggering demand. This incident, then,
reveals Abraham’s obedience and faith,
Isaac’s willing submission and “JEHOVAH’S” gracious provision of a
substitute in his place.
Next time we will see the meaning of the name “JEHOVAH-JIREH.”
The angels that sinned shall yet be judged. They are now being detained in
God’s prison house – Tartarus. To this fact the Scriptures bear clear
testimony. “God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell
(in the Greek “hell” is Tartarus), and delivered them into chains of
darkness to be reserved unto judgment,” 2 Pet 2:4.
Their imprisonment must have taken place after the flood, because they
repeated their sin. ”And also after that.” The second outbreak of this
wretched sin of “celestial fornication” of giants took place after God had
swept the first crop of giants from the Earth with the flood.
Since another manifestation of giants took place on the Earth after the flood,
it follows that the second sin of angels took place after the flood. Since their
second sin did not take place till after the flood, their imprisonment could not
have occurred before.
It is evident from the Scriptures, however, that both of their sins took place
“in the days of Noah.”
There is a very comforting evidence of God’s Grace toward His creatures, in
the fact that Christ Himself bore an appeal to them in the hour of their need.
”Quickened by the Spirit, by which also He went and preached unto the spirits
in prison, which sometimes were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God
waited in the days of Noah,” 1 Pet 3:18-20.
It is an astonishing fact that when the angel judgment takes place, they
shall be judged by believers of this very age in which we live.
”Know ye not that we shall judge angels, how much more things that
pertain to this life,” 1 Cor 6:3.
We are not told how God will organize and handle this judgment. We are simply
given the astounding information that fallen angels shall be given over to the
believers of this age to judge, along with the judging of nations who despise
How appropriate that the humble believers in “the Seed of the woman” should
sit in judgment on the putrescent angels who sought to hinder the coming of the
The law of compensation shall function, and one of these days, those saved souls
whom the angels sought to prevent from ever knowing the Saviour, shall in the
strength and power delegated to them by that Saviour, consign those wicked
angels to the place of endless hell prepared for Satan and his angels,”
Matt 25:41.
The fallen angels, by their conduct in the days of Noah, have demonstrated
that they qualify for God’s chief judgments in that day when judgments
shall be meted out.
The angels were rebels, hence, “despised government.” The angels plunged
into fornication. Hence, they were guilty of “walking in the lust of
It is the sinners that abandon themselves to those two sins who are chiefly
reserved for the just punishment of a holy God.
May the Lord, Who is rich in Grace, use this study of the angels that sinned to
awaken some soul to the exceeding sinfulness of rebelling against obedience to
authority, or yielding to the lustful tug of passion.
Let the believing soul respond with willingness and gladness to the behest of
the inspired Word which says, “Obey the voice of the Lord your God,” Jer
”Keep thyself pure,” 1 Tim 5:22.
The God of love my Shepherd is,
And He that doth me feed,
While He is mine and I am His,
What can I want or need?
He leads me to the tender grass,
Where I both feed and rest,
Then to the streams that gently flow,
In both I have the best.
Or if I stray He doth convert
And bring my mind in frame,
And all this not for my dessert,
But for His holy Name.
Yea, in death’s shady black abode,
Well may I walk, and not fear,
For Thou art with me, and Thy rod,
To guide, Thy staff to bear.
Surely Thy sweet and wondrous love,
Shall measure all my days,
And, as it never shall remove,
So neither shall my praise.
Sunday, June 17, 2001
Before we discuss the derivation and meaning of this name, it will be well to
briefly recall the happenings which occasioned its use. On the way to the place
of sacrifice, Isaac can not contain his curiosity about the lamb for the burnt
offering. “Behold the fire and the wood,” he said, “But where is the lamb
for a burnt offering?” Gen 22:7. Abraham’s answer to this question is “God
will provide Himself a Lamb.”
It is not necessary to suppose that Abraham thought of an ordinary lamb in this
answer, although he may have had some such dim hope in his mind. At any rate, in
his instructions to his young men to wait for him he says, “I and the lad will
go yonder and worship and come again to you,” verse 5.
It is only at the last moment when Isaac lies bound upon the altar and any such
hope he may have entertained is gone, and the knife in the upraised hand is
about to descend, that the voice of the Angel of the Lord(Jesus
Christ) arrests and stays his hand. And Abraham looks about and sees a ram
caught in the thicket by its horns, which he offers up instead of his son.
Then in verse 14 we read, “And Abraham called the name of the place JEHOVAH-JIREH,
as it is said to this day, in the Mount of the Lord (JEHOVAH) it shall be
But instead of “it shall be seen,” it is literally “it shall be
”In the Mount of JEHOVAH He shall be seen or provided.”
First of all, we must understand that in this name “JEHOVAH-JIREH,” the
word ”JIREH” is simply a “transliteration” of a Hebrew word that appears
many times throughout the Scriptures and is translated for what it means. Only
its unusual significance here, its connection with this remarkable event, and
its union with the title “JEHOVAH” has brought it down as a compound name of
God. It is simply a form of the verb “to see.”
What connection can there be then between the words see and provide for
both of these English words are used to translate the one Hebrew word and
certainly seem to be quite distinct in their meaning?
It must be admitted, too, that in the great majority of cases where this word
occurs in the Hebrew Bible, it is translated “see” or “appear.” Why then
should we translate it “provide” here?
One reason for this no doubt is that with God to see is also to foresee,
as the One who possesses eternal wisdom and knowledge, and He knows the end from
the beginning. As “ELOHIM” He is all-knowing, all-wise, and all-powerful.
From eternity to eternity He foresees everything. But another word for
“seeing” is “vision,” from the Latin word “video,” to see.
Thus, with God foreseeing is pre-vision. As the Lord of righteousness and
holiness and of love and redemption, having pre-vision of man’s sin, and fall,
and need, He makes provision for that need. For provision, after all, is
merely a compound of two Latin words meaning “to see beforehand.”
We may learn from a dictionary that “provide” is simply the verb and
pre-vision of seeing beforehand. Thus to God prevision is necessary, followed
by provision, for He certainly will provide for that need which His foreseeing
shows Him to exist.
With Him prevision and provision are one and the same thing. All this is
certainly expressed in the term “JEHOVAH-JIREH” and it is quite correct and
in its proper significance to translate this name of God “JEHOVAH-JIREH,”
“God will provide.”
Another form of the word from which “JIREH” is derived is also used of
men in the sense to “foresee.” It is translated “seer” or “prophet.”
Several references are made in Scripture to Samuel the “seer” and the book
of “Samuel the seer.” 1 Chr 9:22, 26, 28; 2 Sam 15:27, 2 Chr 16:7.
The word is “RO’EH,” which as easily can be seen is much like “JIREH.”
In 1 Sam 9:9 it is stated that the prophet formerly was called a “seer,”
even as late as the time of Isaiah 30:10. This was the word sometimes used for a
prophet. Here the prophet Isaiah speaks of a people who say to the seer, “See
not, and to the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things.”
A prophet is, of course, one who foresees, and since “seer” or
“RO’EH” is the same as prophet, it consequently means one who foresees.
Besides this the word “JIREH” is translated in Gen 22:8 as “provide.”
Abraham here said to Isaac, “My son, God will provide Himself a Lamb for a
burnt offering.” Even if we were to translate here “God will see to
it,” or “God will see for Himself a Lamb for a burnt offering,” the
meaning would be exactly the same as “provide.”
The importance of the words used here can hardly be over-estimated, and afford
striking evidence and conformation of the hand of God in revelation.
”Abraham called the name of the place “JEHOAH-JIREH” as it is said to this
day in the Mount of the Lord it is, or He shall be seen.” ”It shall be
seen” – “JEROEH” – the same word as “JIREH” – that is, God’s
provision shall be seen in the Mount of the Lord.
What was this Mount of the Lord? In Gen 22:2, the command comes to Abraham,
“Take now thy son, thine only son, Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee unto
the land of Moriah, and offer him
there upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.”
The significant word here is “Moriah.” This is a kindred word to “JIREH.”
Derived from the same root, its ending is an abbreviated form of the name
“JEHOVAH.” Thus it may be rendered “seen or provided of JEHOVAH.”
All of this confirms and justifies our translation of the word “JIREH” as
“seeing” or “appearing and providing,” and invests this name of JEHOVAH
with a wealth of meaning and significance.
Come, faithful people, come away,
Your homage to your monarchs pay
It is the feast of palms today.
When, Christ the Lord of all, drew nigh
On Sunday morning in Bethany,
He called two loved ones standing by.
”To yonder village go,” said He,
”Where you a tethered ass shall see.
Loose it and bring it unto Me.”
The two upon their errand sped,
And brought the ass as He had said,
And on it’s back their clothes they spread.
They set Him on His throne so rude,
Before Him went the multitude,
And in the way their garments strewed.
Go, Saviour, thus to triumph borne,
Thy crown shall be the wreath of thorn,
Thy royal garb the robe of scorn.
They thronged before, behind, around,
They cast palm branches on the ground,
And still rose up the joyful sound.
”Blessed is Israel’s King, they cry,
”Blessed is He that cometh nigh,
In Name of God the Lord Most High.
Thus, Saviour, to thy passion go,
Pass through the fleeting ebb and flow,
To meet the yet unconquered foe.
Heavenly Father, may Thy blessing
Rest upon thy children now,
When in praise Thy Name they hallow,
When in prayer to Thee they bow.
In the wondrous story reading,
Of the Lord of Truth and Grace,
May they see Thy love reflected,
In the light of His dear face.
May they learn from this great story,
All the arts of graciousness,
Truthful speech and honest action,
Courage, patience, steadfastness.
How to master self and temper,
How to make their conduct fair,
When to speak and when be silent,
When to do and when forbear.
May His Spirit wise and holy
With His gifts their souls bless,
Make them loving, joyous, peaceful,
Rich in Grace and gentleness.
Strong in self-control, and faithful
Kind in thought and deed, for He
Sayeth, “What you do for others,
Ye are doing unto Me.”
“We are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”
Monday, June 18, 2001
What then was the provision that Abraham saw, dimly perhaps, with the eye of
faith? What was the reality of which Isaac, and the lamb, were but types?
Certainly Abraham understood the reality of sin, and realized the need for
atonement. The numerous altars he built and the offerings he sacrificed attest
to that fact. Why then the demand for Isaac as an offering? Was it not to
impress upon Abraham more deeply the temporary character of these sacrifices?
That it was impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins?
Heb 10:4, that they were only shadows of which something infinitely worthier
should be the substance and the reality?
Thus Isaac was exhibited as a pattern of one under the judgment of God for sin.
Animals cannot take away the sins of men. Animals cannot become consecrated to
God instead of men.
”Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a
burnt offering,” Isa 40:16. Only one of like nature, if one worthy enough
can be found, can make such atonement and consecration.
Here again in the deliverance of Isaac, as he was about to be offered, Abraham
received more than an inkling of the fact that not even Isaac, that none born of
flesh alone, is sufficient for that.
For Isaac was offered and received back only in a figure, Heb 11:19, and the
Lamb became his substitute also. Surely God was teaching Abraham that the only
sacrifice acceptable to Him is the one chosen and appointed by Himself.
”Wherewithal shall I come before the Lord and bow myself before the high God?
“Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old?”
”Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams ... shall I give my firstborn
for my transgressions, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” Micah
”Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.”
“In the Mount of the Lord it shall be seen and provided.”That Mount
is Moriah, which means appearance or provision of God. It was this Mount
Moriah that later became the site of the temple and the center of Israel’s
worship, its sacrificial system.
2 Chr 3:1, “Then Solomon began to build the house of the Lord (JEHOVAH) at
Jerusalem in Mount Moriah, where JEHOVAH appeared unto David his father,
in the place that David had prepared in the threshing floor of Ornan, the
It was here, in David’s time, that God in His Grace staved the hand of
avenging justice when David offered the sacrifices of substitution. The very
heart of Israel’s religion centered in the temple on Mount Moriah, and its
substitutionary sacrifices. Gen 22:14, “God will see and choose that very
place to cause His SHEKINAH to rest thereon and to offer the offerings.”
But like Abraham, the true and faithful Israelite must have realized that the
sacrifice of animals was only a shadow of something to come, JEHOVAH’s
Gracious promise to Solomon in 2 Chr 7 to set His heart and eyes and His glory
on that place indicate something infinitely nobler than animal sacrifice.
Isaiah and Micah make sublime predictions concerning the mountain of the house
of the Lord. Zechariah speaks of the glory of that holy mountain, the mountain
of JEHOVAH of hosts.
What was the glory of that mountain? Surely it was no temple made with hands.
Surely it was not all the beasts on Jewish altars slain.
”The Abraham who looked not for an earthly city but for one which hath
foundations whose Builder and Maker is God” also looked for a better and more
enduring sacrifice for the Mount Moriah of which he spoke saying, “In the
mount of the Lord it shall be seen.”
It became the site of Calvary and the scene of that grand and awesome
sacrifice of God’s Only Begotten and Well-Beloved Son, who was put under
judgment for sin and became our Substitute.
Maybe Abraham understood better than we realize the wonder of JEHOVAH’s
provision for man’s redemption when he said, “In the Mount of JEHOVAH He
will appear.”
Was it not this to which the Lord Jesus Christ Himself referred in John 8:56,
“Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”
Abraham and Isaac as father and only begotten son, are both types of JEHOVAH’s
full and glorious provision for man’s sin and need.
“God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall never perish but have everlasting life,” John 3:16.
Paul speaks of God as, “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him
up for us all,” Rom 8:32. ”Who was delivered up for our trespasses,” Rom
4:25. And John says, “In this was manifested the love of God toward us, in
that God sent His Only Begotten Son into the world that we might live through
Him,” 1 John 4:9.
On Mount Moriah, JEHOVAH was teaching Abraham what He Himself was prepared to
provide. “The Lord will provide Himself a sacrifice.” He was
teaching Abraham the awful cost to Himself of the provision of the sacrifice for
”Does it break your heart, Abraham, to give up, to slay by your own hand as an
innocent sacrifice, your well-beloved and only son? Then think of the awful and
infinite cost to Me of what I am prepared to do for man.”
The thing that Abraham foreshadowed on Mount Moriah was realized and
accomplished, when God’s Son upon the Cross cried out, “It is finished.”
Isaac asks, “Where is the lamb?” Abraham answers, “God will provide
Himself a Lamb.”
John the baptist announces, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin
of the world,” John 1:29. This
was the Lamb provided and slain from the foundation of the world, but manifested
on Mount Moriah for us, through the blood of Christ, “as a Lamb without spot
or blemish,” 1 Pet 1:18-19.
This Lamb is the center of Heaven’s glory and the object of its adoration. Ten
thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands say with a loud voice,
“Worthy is the Lamb which was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and
might and honor and glory and blessing.”
Yes, and every creature will join in saying, “Blessing and honor and glory and
power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb forever and
ever,” Rev 5:11-13.
God will provide Himself a Lamb.
In the Mount of the Lord it shall be seen. It shall be provided. Even Jesus
Christ, the Lamb of God, our Saviour, our Lord, to Whom be glory forever, and
Who is over all God blessed forever.
It is wonderful to know that we are safe and secure in God’s hands, that
God hears and answers our prayers. The value of prayer to us depends entirely
upon our conception of God.
When we pray to our Heavenly Father, let us be mindful of God’s Grace and His
faithfulness, and power. If we keep our minds on His Grace, on His faithfulness,
on His love and power, prayer becomes very valuable to us.
The ability to turn a problem over to the Lord depends our conception of the
Lord. As we study His essence, His characteristics, our faith in Him is
![]() | We know He loves us – AGAPE |
![]() | We know He is faithful – PISTIS |
![]() | We know He is powerful – DUNAMIS |
Therefore, we can turn our problems over to Him and have peace. God is omnipotent. God is all powerful. This knowledge brings great peace and rest into our souls. When we realize the great power of the Almighty God can work for us, we rest in Him. But so few of God’s children seem to remember that God is powerful. Or they have never been taught the meaning of God’s power to them personally.
People want to boast and be proud that they can save themselves. But there
is no boasting when it comes to our so great salvation.
”We are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”
Don’t let pride keep you from Christ. Glory in this
that you know Him.
Now let us discuss the meaning of the word “righteous.” The word
“righteous” means without prejudice.
Our Lord was crucified by people who were prejudiced against Him. The Pharisees
and the Saducees were very prejudiced against Him because He disagreed with
Isn’t it strange the way some people are under the impression that if others
don’t agree with them in every way, those people who disagree cannot be saved.
Man is saved by the Grace of God. And men becomes partakers of that Grace
only through faith in Christ, regardless of what religious system that man
belongs to.
There are those who told me that unless a person is a member of their particular
group, he cannot be saved. There are others that believe if a person is a member
of some particular ecclesiastical body, he cannot be saved.
Those people who believe that make God prejudiced and limit the power of God.
God said in Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the Name of
the Lord shall be saved.”
I have more faith in the power of God to save them than I have fear in the
power of man to destroy. I believe the power of God is greater to reach past the
indifferent pastor, break through any cold, formal, religious service and touch
the soul of a hungering soul crying out to Him.
I believe the power of God’s Grace is great enough to break through any shell of error that man may have built up around a certain group, regardless of its source. I believe the power of God is great enough to break through that, smash it, and touch the heart of any one who cries out to God in distress, and cries out for salvation.
Psa 145:18, “The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that
call upon Him in Truth.”
It does not say that the Lord is nigh to all those who do not belong to some
particular church, some ecclesiastical body. If God doesn’t say that, then let
us not say it.
Anytime anyone teaches this way he is called a liberal or something else. But what does the Lord say?
How can anyone determine the genuineness of a Bible teacher? “By their
fruits ye shall know them.” The Bible tells us very plainly and I believe it
because God said it. ”Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be
saved.” This is found in Rom 10:13. It does not say whosoever calls upon the
Name of the Lord and is a member of some particular group shall be saved.
Joel said, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.”
True in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
”The Grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.”
God is righteous, which means He is not prejudiced. You may be greatly
distressed because you have been led to believe that you are beyond the pale of
God’s Grace, that you have removed yourself from God and now there is no hope
in God.
There are many who have come to me through the years and told me that they were
beyond helping and being saved. But to those the Lord said this, “The Lord is
nigh unto all of them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in Truth.”
The Lord goes to all those who are in need when they call upon Him.
Remember Isa 41:10. God is not prejudiced. It doesn’t make any difference what
ecclesiastical body you belong to. If you are in great distress and if you
will cry out unto the Lord, because God loves you and God is faithful, that cry
of yours will bring Him close to you.
Do not listen to people who try to limit or segregate the love of God and the
Grace of God. I have more faith in the power of God to save than I have fear of
the power of man to destroy.
So, the first thing we find is the word “all.”
”The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him in Truth.” ”He
will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him. He also will hear their cry and
will save them.”
We see here that God will hear and save all those who call upon Him in Truth.
Psa 50:15, “And call upon Me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, and
thou shalt glorify Me.”
That means that all that call upon Him can expect to find help. “A present
help in time of need.”
If you are in deep distress, don’t let man distress you. Let God bring
rejoicing into your soul by believing Him.
The words “love Him” mean to prefer. When you have turned to Jesus Christ
and have accepted Him as your personal Saviour, you automatically turn your back
on the world. Everyone who has turned to Christ has turned their back on the
The world is one way and Christ is the other. When you turn to the Lord by
accepting Christ as your personal Saviour, you automatically turn from idols. We
find that in Thessalonians. The Lord says He preserves all those who love
But He also says, “All the wicked will be destroyed.” The word “wicked”
here means satanic. Those are the ones who have rejected Jesus Christ.
But all of those who have accepted Him, those who “prefer Him” over the
world, He will preserve. It doesn’t make any difference what ecclesiastical
body you belong to. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal
Saviour and put your trust in His death on the Cross for your sins, then He will
preserve you.
God said it. I believe it.
![]() | God is a God of love. |
![]() | God is a God of faithfulness. |
![]() | God is righteous. He is without prejudice. |
Such being the case, what should we do? What does this mean to us? We need to
have the same feeling in our souls that David said in Psa 62:5. Because he
believed God, he expected God to do the things God said He would do. He knew
that God was unprejudiced. He knew
that God was a God of love, that love is His essential nature.
The psalmist knew that God was faithful, therefore he told his soul, “Soul,
wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from Him.” Stop worrying! David
was in a terrible emotional condition. Yet he told his soul to stop worrying
and be quiet, to wait upon the Lord. Why did David say this? “He only is my
Rock and my Salvation. He is my Defense. I shall not be moved.”
David was not going to be distressed by other people’s opinions. He was not
going to be distressed by conditions about him. He knew that God was a God of
love. He knew that God was faithful. He knew that God was righteous. Therefore,
he depended upon God and Him alone. Because he was depending upon God, he
said he was not going to be moved.
So many are on the mountaintops one moment and down in the valley the second.
The Lord is not their Rock, the Foundation of their salvation. They are not
trusting in the Lord. They are not depending upon the Lord.
When we are waiting on the Lord and our expectation is from Him and Him
alone, we won’t pay any attention to anyone else. We know He loves us. He
can’t help loving us because love is an essential part of His being.
It is His nature to love. He is faithful. The word “faithful” means to be
trusted.God can be trusted. He is righteous, meaning He is without
prejudice. God is impartial. Certainly we can go to One like that expecting help
in time of need. Then why don’t we? When we do, we will be able to say, “It
is wonderful to be a Christian.”
Tuesday, June 19, 2001
We find the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason with Jesus Christ. Luke
5:21-24, “Who is this Who speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God
alone? But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answering said unto them,
What reason ye in your hearts? Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven
thee; or to say, Rise up and walk?”
”But” and here it is … “that ye may know that the Son of man
hath power upon Earth to forgive sins,” (He said unto the sick of the palsy,)
I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.”
”That ye may know.” “That” is a purpose clause. He healed the man for
the purpose “that you may know the Son of man hath power upon Earth to forgive
The purpose of miracles was to focus your attention on the Word of God. He
healed the material thing that they might know He had power in the spiritual.
Our Lord’s healing ministry was a sign.
Weak faith demands signs.
”The Jews seek a sign and the Greeks seek wisdom.”
”But Christ, the power and wisdom of God.”
The Jews required a sign. In those days they wanted a sign. Our Lord came
healing, which was a kingdom sign, because in His healing ministry, He was
fulfilling the great prophecy to the Jews of the coming of the Messiah, and what
the Messiah would do when He came. Unfortunately, we find there were some in
the Church during that day who also had weak faith and needed signs, too. And I
am afraid that has crept over into this age also.
1 Cor 14:20, “Brethren, be not children in understanding.” In other words, stop
being childish in the way you look at things.
”Howbeit in malice, be ye children.” Malice is childish and anyone who gets
angry at someone else is childish.
”But in understanding be men.” Understand this thing we are talking about,
this unknown tongue situation.
”In the Law it is written, with men of other tongues and other lips will I
speak unto this people, and yet for all that will they not hear Me, saith the
Notice 1 Cor 14:22, “Therefore, tongues are for a sign.” Jews seek a sign
– evidence of a weak faith.
”Not to them that believe” – not for the believers. Tongues were never
for believers. It was a sign to the Jews.
”But to them that believe not.” Tongues were for the unbelievers. The
Gospel. The Jews no longer were the custodians of the Word of God or the
disseminators of the Word of God and the sign was they would now hear the Gospel
in another language.
”Therefore, tongues are for a sign.” For whom? ”Not to them that believe,
but to them that believe not.”
”Behold I give you a sign, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Child and you
shall call His Name Immanuel.”
There are some today that have to have some physical sign before they believe in spiritual atonement.
![]() | ”The just shall live by faith.” |
![]() | ”Faith cometh by hearing, and by hearing the Word of God.” |
The just shall live by what? Signs? No, by faith. Our Lord’s healing
ministry was a sign that He had power in the spiritual.
Then God gave tongues to the Gentiles, strange languages, that it might be a
sign to those that didn’t trust His Word, that wouldn’t believe the
testimony of his apostles.
They had to have a sign. So God gave them the sign of tongues, even as He gave
strange languages to the Jews at the very beginning of the Church on the Day of
Some Gentiles wouldn’t believe that they were saved even though they had
trusted the Lord, unless they had some manifestation of the power that the Jews
had at Pentecost.
”He said that tongues were for a sign. Not to them that believe, but to them
that believe not.”
Unfortunately, signs are in demand today by those who can’t take God at His
Word and won’t believe what Christ said. Faith that takes God at His Word
honors God.
Wednesday, June 20, 2001
John 15:9, “As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you: continue ye
in My love. If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love; even as I
have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in His love. These things have I
spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be
full. This is My commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his
friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call
you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have
called you friends; for all things that I have heard of My Father I have made
known unto you. Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you,
that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that
whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My Name, He may give it you. These
things I command you, that ye love one another.”
Here we find the Lord’s commandments. He said, “These things have I spoken
unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”
1. First we find the joy of loving.
Eph 5:2,“Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children, and walk
in love as Christ also hath loved us and hath given Himself for us, an
offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour.”
It says, “walk in love.” That is the basis of the Christian walk. It is a
walk of love, which is the Spirit-filled life. And here we find that He
said, “These things have I said unto you that your joy may be full.”
First we have the joy of loving. The fruit of the Spirit is love.
First we have the joy of loving. Eph 5:2, “Walk in love.” Anyone who
looks back in his life and has never loved anybody is the most selfish .the most
pathetic person on Earth. A person that has never known what love is, a
person who has never experienced love for others, is a very selfish person
because his love has been for self.
”In the latter days perilous times shall come. Men shall be lovers of
He preferred self above others. Consequently his life is very lean. He has a
very lean soul. He is influenced by everything. He is greatly influenced by
anything he wants and can’t get. He goes into deep depression conditions.
Anxiety, nervousness, and irritability are common conditions to one wrapped up
in himself.
My, the joy there is in loving others. “Love one another as I have
loved you.” Wouldn’t you hate to live a life and suddenly wake up to realize
that you have never loved anybody?
Yes, there is joy in loving. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy ... Walk in
Love certainly is essential to a well-organized and ordained life. A home
that is healthy is a home where everyone loves one another.
I have heard people say I have a boy seven or eight years old, or a girl seven
or eight years old. How can I tell him or her about sex? It is a strange thing
that so many mothers and fathers are timid in talking to their children and
explaining to them the great miracle of life, the great mystery of life. I
can’t understand it.
When a home is healthy, when you have a healthy condition in the home, there is
no hesitation about telling the children the mystery of life. It is because
the home is unhealthy, because there is no love radiating from that home, that
there is difficulty.
One of the great joys that God has given man is the ability to love one
”Older women teach the younger women how to love their husbands and their
”Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for
Another thing we know is that love is the greatest abiding virtue of all. 1
Cor 13:13, “And now abideth three, faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of
these is love.” Walking in love and the fruit of the Spirit is love.
How many people pride themselves on the very opposite? They pride themselves on
their standing with themselves. They pride themselves on this and they pride
themselves on that. But “the just shall live by faith.”
But there is something even greater than that.There is hope. People pride
themselves on the blessed hope. And the blessed hope is a wonderful thing. But
there is something greater than that.
God says so in 1 Cor 13:13. There is love. Love is the greatest of all abiding
virtues. Love is not only the focal point of a healthy home life and a healthy
personality. But it is also the greatest abiding virtue today in the eyes of the
Love is spirituality and the filling of the Spirit and the production of the
Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Gal 5:22-23.
“And in that day ye shall ask Me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you,
whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My Name, He will give it to you. Hitherto
have ye asked nothing in My Name.Ask, and ye shall receive, that your
joy may be full,”John 16:23.
Notice – address the Father in prayer, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We find here the joy of answered prayer. Here is the second “that your joy may
be full.” We find the joy of answered prayer. There is joy in crying out
unto our heavenly Father and having Him answer us.
Our argument to God that He should answer our prayer is as David said in Psa 86
and Psa 88,“Bow down Thy ear to me, and hear my cry, for I am poor and
needy. I am in trouble.” “Call upon Me and I will deliver thee.”
There is joy in answered prayer. There is joy in being able to go to our
heavenly Father knowing that we have One there at His right hand that handles
our prayers first, and then passes them on to Him. The joy there is in that.
Some have come to me and have said, “Well, what is the value of prayer?
What can I get out of it? Is there any profit in prayer?”
Matt 7:11, “If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your
children, how much more shall your Father, which is in Heaven, give good gifts
to them that ask Him?”
We can expect things that are good for us through prayer because God loves us
and is not going to give us anything that is not good for us.
Use prayer to protect yourself against yourself. Use prayer to protect
yourself against desires that you do not know whether or not they are good for
you. They are too many people who don’t. We will find that we will
receive things which are good for us. We have the fullness of joy through
answered prayer.
”The Lord God is a Sun and a Shield and He gives Grace and glory and there is
no good thing that He will withhold from you who walk uprightly.”
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God and the peace of God
which passes all understanding shall guard your heart through Christ Jesus.”
The third thing we find is peace.
The joy there is in answered prayer. To get anything out of prayer we have to
realize first that we are “speaking to a Person,” our heavenly Father. We
have to know that He loves us. We have to be conscious when we pray to Him of
His Grace and power.
We have to know that we can influence Him, that He will be moved with our
prayers. He wants us to pray to Him. Prayer glorifies Him. We honor Him when we
go to Him, because we are acknowledging that He is the One and the only One that
can help us.
We can expect those things which are good for us because God will not give us
anything that is not good for us.
If you went out and got something that hurt you, you know that God didn’t give
it to you. You got it yourself. When we pray for something and don’t get
it, we know it wouldn’t be good for us, at least at that time.
Therefore, God has protected us and we should thank Him because He answered
our prayers in the negative. Do you know a Christian like that?
If you will remember that God is only going to give you the things that are
good for you, then you are going to have joy in knowing you can depend upon the
You can have peace. He will give you that wonderful and blessed peace that
guards your heart. And you know you don’t have a thing in the world to worry
about because you have turned your problems over to Him. You have talked
them over with Him and you have left them in His hands.
You want what is best for you therefore, you want His will, because His will
is always best for you and me.
When we learn that, we will have the fullness of joy, and the fullness of
the joy because of answered prayer.
Thursday, June 21, 2001
One of the reasons for this epistle, as John says, “is that our joy may be
full.” Can you see that? But there is another reason which we find in 1 John
5:13,“These things have I written unto you that believe on the Name of
the Son of God, that ye might know that ye have eternal life.”
What do we find? We find the fullness of joy is associated with consciousness
of eternal life. The fullness of joy depends upon our
knowledge that our sins have been forgiven and that God has given unto us
eternal life, the joy of our salvation.
Too many people today permit their lives to be influenced by their failures.
That is a strange thing, but it is true. There are many people today who permit
their lives to be governed by the failures of others. And we all wonder why?
Why don’t we permit our lives to be influenced and governed by success
instead of failure? When you do something wrong, what is the first thing
that comes into your mind when you realize it was wrong? Immediately comes the
thought, “How can I be saved and do that?”
You may not know why you did it, even as Paul said, “The things I do, I know
not.” He couldn’t understand why he did it. You may do something that is
wrong and you don’t understand why you did it. After you have done it, you
wonder how you could do a thing like that and be saved.
You are permitting doubt to come into your mind because of something you did. You
are permitting your failure to influence your life. The first thing you
know, you lose the sense of the joy of your salvation. You don’t have the
fullness of joy because doubt has come into your mind.
Your failure means more to you than the success of Jesus Christ. You may
fail, but Christ cannot fail. He died for us and He arose for our justification
and He is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us now.
But we permit our lives to be influenced by our failures. How many people are
permitting their lives to be influenced by failures of yesterday? Because you
sinned yesterday, you question your present today. You permit your life
today to be influenced by your sins of yesterday.
The Lord said that “their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” in
Hebrews 10.
Paul said that he was not perfect at all, “but this one thing I do, forgetting
those things which are behind, I press on,” Phil 3:13.
Are you afraid to take this proper step? Are you afraid to become active in
spreading the Word of God? Are you afraid to do something for the Lord
because you life today is still being influenced by the memory of your sins of
If anybody should forget, it certainly was Paul. Paul was a murderer. Paul
persecuted the Church. Paul delighted to see Christians killed. He hated Christ
and despised His work. Then He was saved. How could Paul live with himself after
what he had done? How could he have possibly have lived with himself if he kept
remembering what he had done?
He said, No, “This one thing I do. Forgetting those things which are behind, I
press on.”
That is what we need to do. We need to forget because the Lord has.
That is what the word “forgiveness” means. It means to
God has forgotten our failures, our mistakes, and our sins.
Of course we sin. Notice – “If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a
liar. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the Truth is not in
If you say you have no sin, you are deceived. The Truth is not in you, John
says. “If we say we have no sin,” including himself in “we,” we
all have the old sin nature, we can live a miserable life and be terribly
distressed if we keep our minds on that.
But there is joy in knowing that we have complete forgiveness and God has
forgiven us our sins and cleansed us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9.
And what a blessing that is for Christians. Our responsibility after we are
born-again children of God is to confess our sins. “He is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
There is joy in knowing that when we turn our sins of yesterday and our failures
of today over to the Lord, He takes care of them. They are forgiven and we
are restored back into favor with Him. We are cleansed from all unrighteousness.
Certainly we can see there the joy of the sense of forgiveness of sins. No
wonder he said, ”These things write I unto you that your joy may be full.”
From knowledge of these three things comes the fullness of joy.
Isn’t it wonderful to be a Christian?
The first question asked is “What is the chief end of man?” And the
answer is “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”
But we will experience God in such a fashion, we will glorify Him and enjoy Him,
only in proportion as we know Him. The knowledge of God is more essential for
the Christian and for the whole world than the knowledge of anything else, and
of all things together.
The prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ for His disciples was, John 17:3, “And
this is life eternal that they should know thee the only true God, and Him
whom Thou didst send, even Jesus Christ.”
And speaking of this, Christ, our JEHOVAH-Jesus, Paul sums up in Phil 3:10, the
great goal of life, “That I may know Him.”
If sin had not entered into the world, the acquisition of the knowledge of
God would have been the high occupation of man forever and ever.
It is for a lack of knowledge of God that the prophet Hosea informs his people
are destroyed. “The people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge,”
Hosea 4:6. It is from the lack of knowledge of God that many are without
spiritual power or life. There is little real knowledge today of the one
great God.
There are many ways in which we may study God. The God of old time spoke,
“Unto the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in divers manners,
hath at the end of these days spoken unto us in His Son,” Heb 1:1-2.
And this Son, Jesus Christ, while on Earth said in the great discourse and
prayer with God, “I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest Me
out of the world,” John 17:6.“And I have declared unto them Thy Name,
and will declare it, that the love wherewith Thou hast loved Me may be in them
and I in them,” John 17:26.
Thus, it is in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ we best see the glory of
God. Yet while we are in the flesh we can only know in part at most. And it
behooves us to know all we can learn of God.
”All the Scriptures are profitable for us for instruction and
edification,” but perhaps not very many people know much about the Person
of God as revealed in His Names. Surely a study of these names should be a most
profitable way of increasing that knowledge.
When Moses received a commission from God to go to His oppressed people in Egypt and deliver them from bondage, he said, “When I come unto the children of Israel and shall say unto them, the God of your fathers hath sent me unto you, and they shall say unto me, ‘What is His Name?’ What shall I say unto them?” Exodus 3:13.
Now, the Word God or even Lord as we see in our English
Bibles conveys little more to us than the designation of the Supreme Being and
Sovereign of the universe. It tells little about His character and ways. We
cannot say all that the mysterious word “God” means to us until we learn
more about Him. And we can know little of what the word “God” until we go to
the “language” from which the word “God” is translated.
The language which is the first written record of the revelation of Himself, the
language in which He spoke to Moses and the prophets. Missionaries and
translators have always had difficulty in finding a suitable word for the Hebrew
word we translated “God.” Those who have attempted to translate this word
into Chinese, for instance, have always been divided and still are as to which
word is the best.
One of the greatest of these translations preferred a word which means “Lord
of Heaven.”
Now a name in the Old Testament was often an indication of a person’s
character, or of some particular quality. But what one name could be adequate to
God’s Grace and greatness? After all, a name imposes some limitation. It
means that an object or person is this and not that, is here and not there, and
if the Heaven of heavens cannot contain God, how can a name describe Him?
What a request of Moses, then, that was. That the infinite God should reveal
Himself to finite man by any one name.
We can hardly appreciate or understand Moses himself unless we see him in his
many-sided character, of learned man and shepherd, leader and legislator,
soldier and statesman, impulsive, yet meekest of men.
We can know David, too, not only as shepherd, warrior, and king, but also as a
prophet, poet, and musician.
Even so, the Old Testament contains a number of names and compound names
for God which reveal Him in some aspect of His character and dealings with
We will examine these names and their meanings, their significance for ourselves
as well as those of old.
In order to gain some idea of the meaning of this name of God, “ELOHIM,”
we must examine its origin and note, how, generally, it is used.
It is derived from a root “EL,” which means mighty, strong, and
prominent. This word “EL” itself is translated “God” some 250 times
and frequently in circumstances which especially indicate the great power of
For instance, Num 23:22, God is spoken of as the “EL” who brought Israel up
out of Egypt.“He has as it were the strength of a unicorn,” literally,
a wild ox.
The Scriptures make very much of God’s mighty Arm in that great deliverance.
So, in the next verse follows, “It shall be said of Jacob and Israel, what
hath “God,” “EL,” wrought?”
Deut 10:17, “JEHOVAH your ELOHIM is God of gods and Lord of lords. “The
God,” or “EL,” Who is great, mighty, and dreadful.”
It is this word “EL” which is used in that great Name “Almighty God,”
the Name under which God made great and many promises to Abraham and Jacob, Gen
17:1, 35:11. It is also one of the names given to the Promised Son and Messiah
of Israel. Isa 9:6, 7, “God, the Mighty.”
Thus, from this derivation, “ELOHIM” may be said to express the general idea
of greatness and glory.
In the name “JEHOVAH,” as we shall see more fully, are represented those
high moral attributes of God which are displayed only to rational creatures.
The name “ELOHIM,” however contains the idea of creative and governing
power, of omnipotence, and sovereignty. This is clearly indicated by the
fact that Genesis 1:1 to Gen 2:4, the word “ELOHIM” alone is used, and that
35 times.
It is the “ELOHIM” by His mighty power Who creates the vast universe, Who
says and it is done, Who brings into being what was not. “By Whose Word
the worlds were framed. So that things which are seen were not made of things
which do appear,” Heb 11:3.
It is this “ELOHIM” with whose Greek equivalent Paul confronts the
philosophers on Mars Hill saying, “He made the world (COSMOS) and all
things” and by this very fact is constituted Possessor and Ruler of Heaven
and Earth, Whose presence cannot be confined by space, Whose power doesn’t
need man’s aid. ”For through His great will and power and agency all
things and nations have their very being.”
It is most appropriate by this Name, God should reveal Himself. Bringing COSMOS
out of chaos, light out of darkness, habitation out of desolation, and life in
His image. This is our ELOHIM..
There is another word from which the word “ELOHIM” is derived. It is “ALAH,”
which is said to mean to declare or swear.
Thus, it is said to imply a covenant relationship. Before examining this
derivation, however, it may be will to say that in either case, whether “EL”
or “ALAH,” the idea of omnipotence in God is expressed. To make a
covenant implies power and the right to do so, and it establishes the fact of
“absolute authority in the Creator and Ruler of the universe.”
So, the “ELOHIM” is seen making a covenant with Abraham, and because there
is no greater, He swears by Himself. ”By Myself I have sworn.”
Gen 17, we see a combination of both of these derivations. Gen 17:1, “I am the
Almighty God,” “EL SHADDAI” walk before Me, and be thou perfect.”
Gen 17:7,“I will establish My covenant between Me and thee and thy seed
after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be to thee
“ELOHIM” and to thy seed after thee.” That is, to be with them in covenant
It is the “ELOHIM” who says to Noah, “the end of all flesh is come before
But He cannot completely destroy the work of His hands concerning which He has
made a covenant and so He continues, “But with thee will I establish My
covenant,” Gen 6:18. “And the bow shall be in the cloud and I will look upon
it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living
creature of all flesh. And the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy
all flesh,” Gen 9:15,16.
That is your ELOHIM!
The “ELOHIM” remembers Abraham when He destroys the cities of the plain
and for His covenant’s sake spares Lot.
Joseph on his death bed declares to his brothers, “I die, but “ELOHIM”
will surely visit you and bring you up out of this land unto the land which He
sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob,” Gen 50:24.
He is the “ELOHIM” who keeps covenant and lovingkindness with His
servants who walk before Him with all their heart,” 1 Kings 8:23.
With regard to Israel, over and over again it is written, “I shall be unto you
for “ELOHIM” and you shall be unto Me for a people.”
The covenant element in the Name is clearly seen because of God’s covenant
relationship to Israel. This is especially brought out in such passages as Jer
31:33 and 32:40 where the name “ELOHIM” is used in connection with the new
covenant, an everlasting covenant which God will one day make with His people
Israel when He will put His law and His fear within their hearts.
To Israel in distress comes the word, “Comfort ye, comfort ye, My people, said
your “ELOHIM,” Isa 40:1, for the eternal God who covenants for and with them
and keeps His covenant.
Next time, the plural form of the word “ELOHIM.”
My Lord is my Redeemer.
My Lord is a gracious King.
My Lord is a loving Friend.
My Lord is my Brother.
My Lord died for me.
My Lord cares for me.
My Lord intercedes for me.
My Lord will never leave me.
My Lord is coming for me.
My Lord has prepared a place for me.
My Lord has a mansion for me.
My Lord will never forsake me.
My Lord provides for me.
My Lord comforts me.
My Lord loves me.
My Lord upholds me.
What is your Lord like?
There is one other striking peculiarity in the Name “ELOHIM.” It is in
the plural. It has the usual ending for all masculine nouns in the plural. The
ending is plural, “IM.”
”ELOHIM” is a Name given in the Scriptures for the Trinity by which They
represent Themselves, as under the obligation of an oath to perform certain
According to this definition, “ELOHIM” covenanted not only with the
creation, but as the Godhead within Itself concerning the creation. This is seen
in Psalm 110 where David says concerning his Lord, the coming Anointed One, or
Messiah, “The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent. Thou art a Priest forever
after the order of Melchizedek.”
This is, of course, as the Book of Hebrews confirms, the Lord Jesus Christ,
the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world,the First and the Last,
the eternally begotten Son of God, the Object of God’s love before the
foundation of the world, John 17:24. Who shared God’s glory before the
world was, John 17:5. Col 1:16 tells us “That by Him or in Him were all
things created.”
But creation is the act of the “ELOHIM,” therefore, Christ is in the “ELOHIM,”
or Godhead. The entire creation, animate and inanimate, was, then, not only
the work of the “ELOHIM,” but the object of a covenant within the
“ELOHIM” guaranteeing its redemption and perpetuation.
Accordingly, “JEHOVAH” is at the beginning of creation called “ELOHIM,”
which implies that the Divine Persons had sworn when They created.
It is significant that although “plural” in form, it is constantly
accompanied by verbs and adjectives in the “singular.” In the very first
verse in Genesis, the verb “create” is singular, and so all through the
chapter and indeed through the Bible.
This is your ELOHIM.
Friday, June 22, 2001
In many places, as in Deut 32:39, Isa 45:5, 22, we find “singular
pronouns.” “I am “ELOHIM” and there is no “ELOHIM” beside Me.”
Other places in the Scriptures, 2 Kings 19:4,16, Psa 7:9, 57:2, use adjectives
in the singular with “ELOHIM.”
In contrast with this, when the word “ELOHIM” is used of heathen gods,
plural adjectives are used, as in Sam 4:8.
Then again, this one “ELOHIM” speaks of Himself as “Us” in Gen
1:26. “Let Us make man in Our image.”
In Gen 3:22, when it speaks of man becoming like one of Us.
In Gen 11:7, God says “Let Us go down and confound their
Gen 35:7, Jacob builds an altar at Bethel calling it “EL BETH EL,” the
God of the house of God, because there the “ELOHIM” revealed Themselves
to him.
Ecc 12:1, “Remember thy Creators,” plural not singular.
To the sovereign Lord of the universe, the JEHOVAH of hosts, whom Israel saw
exalted high up on a throne, is ascribed the threefold holy, and that same One
from the throne calls to the prophet, “Whom shall I send and who will go for Us?”
There are some who object to the idea of the Trinity in the word “ELOHIM,”
and they say that the plural is only a plural of majesty such as used by rulers
and kings. Among them is John Calvin.
But such use of the plural was not known then. We find no king of Israel
speaking of himself as “we” and “us.” Besides, the singular pronoun is
so often used with “ELOHIM.” To be consistent with that view, we shall
always find not “I am your ELOHIM,” as we do find, but “We are your ELOHIM.”
Others call it the plural of intensity and argue that the Hebrew often expressed
a word in the plural to give it a stronger meaning. So blood, water, life are
expressed in the plural. The use of the plural only implies, even in the plural
of majesty, that the word in the singular is not full enough to set forth all
that is intended.
With “ELOHIM,” the plural form teaches that no finite word can adequately
convey the idea of the infinite Personality of the unity of Persons in the
Certainly the use of this word in the plural is wonderfully consistent with that
great and precious Doctrine of the Trinity and its use in the Old Testament
surely must confirm that idea.
There is blessing and comfort in this great Name of God signifying supreme
power, sovereignty, and glory on the one hand for “Thine, “ELOHIM” is the
power and the kingdom and the glory.” And on the other hand, signifying a
covenant relationship which He is ever faithful to keep.
Thus He says to us, “I will be to you a God (“ELOHIM”), and we may say, “My
God (“ELOHIM”), in Him will I trust,” Psa 91:2.
We get a better understanding of Who and What God is by breaking down these
compound names of God.
Psa 137, in the first four verses we see physically what takes place
emotionally with Christians today. Here are the Jews in captivity. And they say,
“By the rivers of Babylon there we sat down, yea, and wept when we remembered
Zion.” In other words, they had been made captive in Babylon. They were in
Babylon and not where God wanted them to be.
They were not in Zion. They were remembering Zion. But because they were in
Babylon, in a strange place they wept. They said, “We hanged our harps upon
the willows in the midst thereof.”
That which should produce joy, they hung on the willows, which speaks of
weeping, the weeping willows. “For there they carried us away captive required
of us a song, and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one
of the songs of Zion.” Those that had captured them wanted the children of
Israel to sing a song of Zion.
Notice what they say. “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange
land?” When you are in a spiritual condition or place in which your soul is
overwhelmed, where there is no joy, where there is no peace, where there is no
refreshing, where there is a void within your soul, and you hunger after
something, you are in a strange place for a Christian.
God said if you had believed in Him you would rejoice. If you believed on the
Lord you would never thirst.
The reason the captives of Babylon, the Jewish captives, could not sing, the
reason they had no joy was that they were separated from where God wanted them
to be, from their land. They were in a strange land.
The reason that we can not sing sometimes, the reason we thirst, the reason we
hunger, the reason there is no joy, is that we are in a strange land. The
strange land of a Christian is any place out of the fellowship with the Lord.
”He that cometh to Me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on Me shall
never thirst.”
The joy of believing.
Notice what the psalmist wanted, and what he needed – to get back so there
would be joy and peace and assurance in his soul.
In the first verse he said, “Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my
supplication. In Thy faithfulness answer me and in Thy righteousness.”
He wanted to be certain that God was watching Him. He wanted to be certain that
God was listening to him. He needed that.
Notice in this verse he said, “In Thy faithfulness answer me.” Remember that
although we don’t believe, “Yet He abideth faithful. He can not deny
Himself.” Our faithlessness does not affect His faithfulness. While
we may be faithless, while we may fail the Lord, the Lord will not fail us.
Too many of us, I am afraid, contribute to God the weaknesses of our own
Also David said, “and in Thy righteousness,” not in his righteousness, God
answers prayer.
Answered prayer is based upon first, the Grace of God; secondly the justice
of God; thirdly, the righteousness of God; and fourthly the faithfulness
of God. Let us never forget those. How we need to understand them.
Yes, David said, “Hear me speedily, O Lord, my spirit faileth. Hide not Thy
face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.” David
wanted to be certain that God was watching over him. He wanted to be certain
that he was under the watchcare of the Lord.
What do we find in 1 Pet 3:12, “For the eyes of the Lord are over the
righteous and His ears are open to their prayers.”
Maybe you are despondent. You might be in a depressive condition. You might
feel that all has failed. You have failed yourself. You are conscious of your
weakness. You have no one to turn to. You have asked people to help you and they
have tried and they have been unable to help you. Why is there this terrible
desolate condition within you?
Now wait a minute. Is it something you have done? Your mind is upon yourself.
You recognized you have failed. You have failed yourself. You have failed
your family. You have failed your friends. And, of course, you have failed
God. And now you feel God is going to fail you.
You are a born-again believer. This is addressed to only those who are born
again, only to those who are Christians. This does not apply to a lost soul. It
is only for the Christian.
A woman was depressed and killed her five children.
When you were born from above, you were born anew. You were created a new
creation in Christ, entirely a new creation. You are now sons of God and
heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ.
You belong to the household of God. You are His son or daughter. He is your
heavenly Father. His eye is ever upon you and His ear is ever open to your cry.
But you have to cry out to Him even as David did, realizing and knowing very
definitely that He will answer your prayer. He will answer your prayer because
He is faithful and righteous. Now can you understand that?
Let us not contribute to God man’s weakness and man’s reaction to other
people. When someone does something to us, we sometimes react wrong. We feel
hurt. We feel that we are not going to have anything more to do with them.
Therefore, when we do something wrong, we feel God does the same things. We feel
that God is not going to have anything more to do with us because we have failed
God knows we are but dust. He understands our frame and He knows our
The psalmist wanted to know that God heard his prayer. He wanted to be certain
that the Lord was watching him and was concerned about him. ”Cause me to hear
Thy lovingkindness in the morning.”
The psalmist wanted to be reminded of God’s love when He began the day. “I
will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me.” ”The peace of
God will guard your hearts and minds.”
Literally, “struggle the good struggle of the faith.” Christian warfare.
This is something we all need. The psalmist wanted to reminded of God’s
love when he began the day. He wanted to hear of God’s love for him. If
there is one thing a Christian needs more than anything else it is to begin each
day conscious of God’s love for himself. The psalmist wanted to hear first
of God’s love.
How true that is today. If we would just begin each day conscious of the love
of God for us, we would be much happier through the day. Wake up in the
morning and start off the day conscious of God’s love.
The ministry of the Word of God and the spreading of the Word of God is that we
are trying to bring out each morning some factor or feature of God’s love for
His children. If we are conscious of His love for us, a great joy comes into
our souls.
”Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son
to be the propitiation for our sins.”
He wanted to be reminded each morning of God’s love for him because he was
trusting God. You can try to trust somebody, but if they don’t love you, you
don’t have any assurance. You just have a blind hope.
For a person to trust the Lord and to have any joy through that trust, he
must be conscious of God’s love for him.
”Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning.” Why? “For in Thee do
I trust.”
He said, I am trusting you Lord. Let me hear more about Your love. Because
the more I hear of Your love, the more faith I have, the more joy I have, the
more contentment and satisfaction I have instead of worrying.
Now that he was conscious of God’s love for him, he wanted to walk the way
the Lord wanted him to walk. “Walk in love.”
”Delight thyself in the Lord, and He shall direct thy paths.” How true that
is. ”And shall supply the desires of thine heart.”
Let us never forget that. If we will acknowledge the Lord in our decisions,
He will direct our paths the way He wants us to go.
Our heart will be filled with love for the Lord because of His love for us. If
you begin each morning conscious that God is concerned about you, that His eye
is upon you, that His ear is open to your cry, ever ready to help you, and you
will remind yourself each morning to begin the day conscious of God, you are
going to find that you will want to walk the way He wants you to walk. And if
you want to walk that way, He will certainly show you the right way to go.
But, too many of us are not interested in God’s way. “There is a way that
seemeth right unto man. But the ways there are the ways of death.”
Saturday, June 23, 2001
To walk the way God wants us to walk, notice this verse, “Bring my soul out
of trouble.” But before his soul could be brought out of trouble, we find
this, “Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God. Thy Spirit is good. Lead
me into the land of uprightness.”
There is your answer. He was in a strange land. He was in a thirsty land, a
strange land for the psalmist. He wanted to be led into the land of uprightness,
and therefore, through the righteousness of God, His soul would be brought
out of trouble. The land of uprightness is the land where there is no
pretense. There are so many people today living a life of pretense. That is not
the land of uprightness.
Walk with your head up high knowing that God loves you, knowing that God
is concerned about you. He knows all about your soul. He knows the battle, the
warfare within you.
Walk uprightly looking up to the Lord. “The Lord God is a Sun and a Shield
and He gives Grace and glory, there is no good thing He withhold from those who
walk uprightly.”
”If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and
cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” 1 John 1:9.
Walking uprightly is walking in fellowship with the Lord.
Ecc 2:9, “So I was great, and increased more than all that were before me
in Jerusalem, also my wisdom remained with me, and whatsoever mine eyes desired,
I kept not from them. I withheld not my heart from any joy, for my heart
rejoiced in all my labor and this was the portion of all my labor.”
A lot of people are distressed for the wrong reason. They forget that
material possessions of this world do not guarantee a happy life.
We find in this passage that Solomon was a great man. He was a very wealthy man.
He was a very wise man. Solomon was the richest man on Earth. Here is a man who
obtained everything he wanted. He was greater than anyone. He had more wealth
than anyone. He didn’t deny himself anything that he saw that he wanted.
He had everything he could possibly dream of. But we find in Ecc 2:11, “Then I
looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labor I had
labored to do, and, behold, all was
vanity and vexation of spirit and there was no profit under the sun.”
And in verse 17, the conclusion, “Therefore, I hated life.” Here was a man
that was very wealthy, very powerful. There was no joy that he had not
experienced. He didn’t withhold anything from himself. Anything he wanted he
took. He could take it and he did.
”I hated life, because the work that it wrought under the sun is grievous unto
me. For all is vanity and vexation of spirit.”
We find that our Lord said that “man’s life does not consist of the
abundance of the things which he possesses.” The trouble is, we put too
much emphasis and two much importance on possessions and not enough on
relationship and accomplishment.
For our life to be worth living, we must have a sense of accomplishment. You
are a Christian, and for your life to be worth living, we must have a sense of
Don’t you realize that every born-again child of God has achieved the
greatest accomplishment that man could possibly attain to in this world? You
have accomplished the greatest feat known to man. You have accomplished that
which mankind has been searching and seeking and striving for ever since the
dawn of history.
”The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus
In Rom 3:23 we find that you and I as children of God have accomplished this.
“For all have sinned” – that means to miss the mark – “and come short
of the glory of God.” Now here we come to something.
”Being justified” – that means being declared righteous, which means right
with. “Freely” is the Greek word “DORIAN,” meaning without cause.
”By His Grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”
What do we see here? We find that we who have put our trust in the Lord are in a
right relationship with Him because we find in Rom 3:25, “Whom God hath set
forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood.”
Everyone who has trusted the Lord has been declared righteous by God, and to
be declared righteous means “righteous with.” We have been pardoned. We have
complete pardon. We have been declared right with Him.
Rom 4:5, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth
the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”
Do you see that? You and I are putting our trust in the Lord are now in a
right relationship with God. Mankind has been trying to accomplish that from the
very dawn of history, yet there is but one way and that is through faith in
Jesus Christ.
You are children of God. You who are trusting the Lord, are now in a right
relationship with God because God counts faith for righteousness.
The greatest of all accomplishments is a relationship with God.
Christianity is a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Details to follow.
God has given to man the promise of the resurrection of the body. This is a
bridge over which the evolutionists have not crossed. For this promise does
not extend to the animal world.
These bodies of ours, though blackened by sin, may, by rearrangement through
resurrection power, be “changed into the likeness of His own glorious body.”
In the Book of Revelation, the risen Christ, the One on the throne, “was like
unto a jasper,” a translucent stone, symbolic of the pristine holiness of God.
”And every one that hath this hope in Him, purifieth himself even as He is
There are those who hold to the immortality of the soul, but not necessarily to
the resurrection of the body. Modernists in any day, evolutionists in our day,
and the Greeks in Paul’s day are all in agreement here. ”And when they heard
of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked,” Acts 17:32.
The resurrection of the body is not the result of biological evolution, but
the direct result of the finished work of Christ. Neither do they share in the
victory of Christ’s resurrection, for the promise is not to them.
The bridge of the resurrection has never been crossed, except as the power of
Christ shall raise us from the dead. What added incentives to purity of life!
Consider the posture of all animals. They are so constructed that they look to man. But man is so constructed that he looks to God. His knees are bent to pray! Think by way of contrast, of the hind leg of the horse, the cow, the giraffe.
Moreover, man’s hands can fold in prayer. His eyelids close in reverence, as
seeing Him who is invisible. The body of man is made essentially to be the
temple of the Holy Spirit, and so it is when he is thus indwelt. His body
becomes the instrument of the Holy Spirit and obeys the commands of the Holy
The word “ANTHROPOS” from which we get the term anthropology, actually means,
“the one with the upward look.” Anthropology says, “Man stands erect with
his eyes on the horizon.” The Bible-believing man says, “I will look up.”
The bridge of morphology has not been crossed, for to man is given the
distinction of spiritual worship. The cat, the dog, the sheep look up to
man. The cow, the horse, the mule looks over to man. The elephant, the giraffe,
and the eagle look down to man. He is the steward of God’s creation and to him
is given “the power to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all Earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth,” Gen 1:26.
Man’s long swift legs enable him to jump astride a horse, his nimble fingers
enable him to milk the cow, his keen ears help him detect the serpent in the
bush, his sharp eyes enable him to see the distant fowl.
What if he had been handicapped with the cloven hoof of the ox, the impossible
legs of the fowl, an arm like a wing, or a mouth like a beak? The Creator’s
power, love, and wisdom is displayed in the very physical endowment He gave to
“What is man that Thou art mindful of him?”
Animals do not sin, but men sin. All men sin. “All have sinned and come
short of the glory of God.”
If animals evolve, do they evolve to become sinners? Do they evolve to
blaspheme? Do they evolve to slay the Son of God?
Sin brought Christ to the Cross of Calvary.
Animals were slain in Old Testament times to foreshadow the Christ on the Cross.
And in the typological sense, shed their blood for the sins of men. But no
man’s blood was ever shed to atone for the animals’ sins. If all men are
sinners, and no animals ever have sinned, why should animals evolve into
The Truth of the matter is, we must find the Bible’s explanation of sin. Man
made in the image of God wandered away from God, and in disobedience brought sin
into the world.
Animals suffer because of man’s sin. And God suffers because of man’s
Sunday, June 24, 2001
This one is in the moral realm. The bridge of man’s influence, however
faint, still lives on though the centuries may come and go.
”Abel, being dead, yet speaketh.” Animals being dead, do not speak.
How far reaching in all the world through all ages is not the influence of
Abraham? Imagination can hardly sweep that great area. Great religions and
historic movements – Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, Zionism – all
these are influenced by his mighty life.
What animal ever had such an effect? What part of brute creation can ever get
into the realm of man’s influence and rate at all?
Think of the influence of the Lord Jesus Christ. While we stoutly proclaim His
Deity and teach His Saviourhood, we are none the less impressed by famous
statements that have been made about Him from time to time by men who have
regarded His influence as the most outstanding thing in all the world.
In the light of Romans 6:16, think of the examples of Lenin and Stalin on the
one hand and of the influence of the servants of righteousness like the apostle
Paul on the other hand.
Was there ever a beast or a bird or a fish or a creeping thing of the Earth
that influenced anything or anyone?
Rom 6:16, “Know ye not that to whom ye yield your members servants to obey,
his servants ye are to whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death or of obedience
unto righteousness.”
No animal can cross it. And no evolutionist feels the need to cross it. “Ye must be born again” means the receiving of a new nature, not the evolving of the old nature.
”Old things are passed away, all things are become new.” In evolution,
all things do not pass away. Much of the old nature remains.
In evolution, all things do not become new, just a few minor variations so
infinitesimally small that it takes millions of years for them to occur. And
they cannot be recorded in less than millions of years.
No evolutionist can sing, “O happy day, that fixed my choice.” Because in
his way of thinking, choices are just not made in a day. They cover billions of
The man who has been “born again” knows that at the moment he received
the gift of life in Jesus Christ, that moment “He was a new creature in
Christ.” The old disposition, the old ambitions, the old appetites disappear,
and the new life in Christ took over.
This has been defined as “the voice of God in the soul.”
What conscience dictated to be done
Help me, O Lord, to do
Help me this more than hell to shun
And more than Heaven pursue.
No animal ever prayed that prayer because he is incapable of it. Here is the
sensitive governor in a man’s mortal nature that at no price should we allow
to slip. We are not saved by keeping our conscience, but we are spared.
When conscience no longer speaks, then man becomes a scourge. This is
true on any level, but doubly true in public life.
Man, at best, is distinguished from the beast in that God has given him a
Moral beauty is ever more appealing than that which is produced by physical
harmony. It is as priceless as it is true, and only man can know it. Only man
can break the law. The moral laws of God are as real as his physical laws.
Man’s disregard of the moral law brings unhappiness, misery, and degradation.
Only man can display moral courage. This is because to him has been given the
quality of moral character, the bridge the evolutionists cannot cross.
Animals do not sin, neither do they practice virtue. They are not immoral, or
Theodore Roosevelt had character, but a Judas is too tragic a sight. No
animal stoops to the level of a perverted man. Nor does the animal rise to the
height of a godly man.
When you put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are recognizing
within yourself your complete dependence on Him. And when you do that, God
counts that for righteousness. That means rightness with God. Therefore, He
declares you righteous. Therefore, you are in a right relationship with God,
which is the greatest accomplishment that man can achieve or ever has achieved
since the beginning of the dawn of man’s history.
You talk about the atomic bomb. You talk about nuclear physicists who accomplish
great things. What is that? When they die, they close their eyes here, and they
leave it all behind.
The greatest thing in the world is for a man to get back in a right
relationship with God so that when he passes on out of this old world, he goes
straight home to be with the Lord. That is the number one priority –
being children of God, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ.God
watches over us and supplies all our needs.
So, there is a sense of accomplishment. We as children of God have
accomplished the greatest of all achievements that man can possibly attain, and
that is getting back in a right relationship with the Lord.
”He made Him to be sin for us, Who knew no sin, that we might be made the
righteousness of God in Him,” 2 Cor 5:21.
”Abraham believed in God and it was counted unto him for righteousness,” Gen
The bridge over which no crossing is made is the bridge of articulate speech.
What kind of world would this be if a dog could talk and tell some of the
secrets on his master?
Suppose tortured horses could talk back to their owners or wild game talk back
to their huntsman? A wise Creator has made them silent in that respect. That is
why we refer to them as dumb animals.
The mimicry sometimes evinced due to muscular reactions in parakeets and parrots
has no relation to the gift of speech that marks the human race as different.
The vocal gesture which is a characteristic of man which dichotomizes
the world of human beings.
The Bible refers to God as a speaking God. Jesus Christ is called the Word of
God. Our business as Christians is to get out the Word of God. God has
so constructed the universe as to be a vehicle for the conveying of words.
Are we getting the Word out?
Whatever may be said for doves cooing and monkeys chattering, or the larger
beasts calling for their mates, none of them have articulate speech, which they
can spell, write down in books, translate for other generations to read, nor can
they deliver orations, write poetry, or publish a paper.
This is the gift of God to man, made in His image. To think that men will use
the wondrous gift of speech to deny the Creator, or to blaspheme His Name, seems
the height of ingratitude.
Man not only talks to man, but in prayer he talks to God. Speech is the
vocalizing of thoughts. Animals do not think philosophies or dramas or
theologies, or meditations, and therefore are not in need of giving expression
to such matters.
But man, endowed by His Creator to use his mind for these great ends, is not
deprived of ways to communicate them. In this respect, he reflects the image of
”God gave the Word and great was the company that published it!”
Monday, June 25, 2001
Technology is a science that pertains to man’s inventive genius.
Birds may build nests, and beavers build dams, and foxes have holes into
which they creep, but they do not break up the pattern. The robin builds the
same kind of nest year after year, so does the wren, so does the meadowlark. But
robins do not build new models of nests year after year. Nor does the wren, nor
does the meadowlark.
Generations back, there were men on the Nebraska prairies who built sod houses,
and later when the railroads came, there were men who changed from using sod to
railroad ties, building sturdy walls out of them. It was not long before brick
came into use and the old pattern gave way to the new. Today bricks are going
out of style being replaced by the more up to date “building blocks” of
glass, and what tomorrow’s modern houses will look like is anybody’s guess.
Man with his creative genius can build any sort of device. He can inaugurate new
patterns. It has been said, “What man can imagine, man can do.” In other
words, not just “necessity,” but imagination is the mother of invention.
The bridge of invention has never been crossed from the animal kingdom to
that of the man. A dog may bark over a microphone. But he cannot invent one.
The horse may neigh for a tape recorder, or paw for a tape, but he can neither
invent the recorder nor the tape.
Man can invent space ships and take photographs of the far side of the moon. He
can build freeways and go breezing along at 80 miles an hour until the radar
patrol stops him. The whole fantastic world of modern science is due to man’s
inventive skills.
Christ is the Creator – and there is a sense in which man reflects
something of this in his own nature. Animals are not made in the image of
the Creator, neither do they build factories or laboratories or patent offices.
Even the savage Indian made bows and arrows, tomahawks, and feathered headdress,
but no buffalo cut out a spear, and no wild turkey ever used a slingshot. They
remain as they are endowed and that is all.
”The birds have nests and the foxes have holes, but the Son of man hath no
where to lay His head.”
Here is a bridge over which none have crossed, and that is the substance of
man’s body. No scientific formula could ever be more than the Scripture which
says, “All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men,
another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds,” 1 Cor
The most abominable practice conceivable is that of cannibalism, the eating of
human flesh. Only degradation can allow for that, and that in secret. Cannibals
do not eat human flesh openly.
In teaching of the Scripture we learn the human race is one. “And hath
made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the Earth
and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their
habitation,” Acts 17:26.
Science teaches us the same thing. The blood plasma bank has taught us that. All
human blood is human blood.
The flesh of the cow, the blood of the goat, the chromosome number of the
monkey, the blubber of the whale, the temperature of the fish – none of these
have any relation to the structure of man’s body. No blood transfusion
works between man and beast, fowl, or fish.
In the incarnation, Jesus Christ identified Himself with the human race. “He
took upon Himself a human body and a reasonable soul.”
When you think of the mathematical structure of the universe, and are
impressed by the thought that a Master Mind must have brought it into being, we
remind ourselves that the Bible says that man was made in the image of God.
How would he reflect that image? Certainly by having some of the attributes of
his Maker. This mysterious universe speaks of God as the Divine Mathematician.
Astronomy is crystallized mathematics.
We read carefully the entire development of the science of mathematics. The best
series of volumes issued by the American Association for the Advancement of
Then there were the mathematical popularizers, such as “mathematics for
millions,” or “men and mathematics.” And there are courses in Pythagorean
philosophy based on the religion of pure number, and the effects and limitations
of languages that were without our roman numeral designations, decimal points,
multiplication, and division signs, etc.
It appears more and more wondrous that the mind of man was so marvelously
endowed, that long before the present day devices that simplify mathematics, the
ancients were actually more profound in their grasps of the meanings of
mathematics than many moderns are today. The ancients came within a few miles of
measuring the Earth’s size. They calculated calendars, they knew many
principles of physics, hoisting stones, building temples without the use of
What animal ever approached anything like this?
The men who go farthest in mathematics go the farthest in science today. No
bird or fish or beast or crawling reptiles has any aptitude for this sort of
Here is a bridge between man and animals over which no one crosses.
Man alone longs for immortality. This is a golden thread woven through
the ages of his existence, enabling life, becoming the spur of conscience.
”God has set eternity in their minds.”
The incentive for virtue, evoking nobility of life, hope in the uncertain
tomorrow, and providing the basis for faith in reunion with kindred spirits
beyond the grave. “This mortal must put on immortality.”
This is the covering glory of the spiritual life of man. Some day the
storms of life shall be over for God’s redeemed man. He shall see the light of
the eternal dawn break upon his course. The glories of the blissful haven shall
enwrap his soul in the splendor of the glow that never fades. “He shall be
satisfied when he awakes in the likeness of his Saviour.”
No animal longs for the world of the redeemed. What song of redemption would the
brute sing, who never knew redemption? What chord of praise would emanate from
created beings who never knew the meaning of Grace?
The true evolutionist does not seek redemption for, according to his views,
he has never fallen. If he ever fell, “it was upward.” He has
always climbed, though it has taken him a long time to get where he is. How
far has he come? Well, he has no authoritative Bible.He has no Divine
Redeemer. He has no Gospel. He has no fellowship with the “twice born.”
Plodding always plodding, steadily onward, the true evolutionists has come as
far as Julian Huxley, who thinks religion has run its course. He has come as far
as Bertrand Russell, who claims he can get along very well without the Christian
But just how far have these men come? Actually, they have not advanced, but
retrogressed. They have descended to the same level as a former generation
whose record is found in Romans chapter one, and whose evil example has been
duplicated time and again in human history. Concerning such Paul wrote, “For
the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who hold the Truth in unrighteousness. Because that
which may be known of God is manifested in them, for God hath shewed it unto
them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly
seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and
Godhead, so that they are without excuse,” Rom 1:18-20.
Paul warned in his second letter to Timothy, “For the time will come they will
not endure sound Doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to
themselves teachers, having itching ears. And they shall turn away their ears
from the Truth, and shall be turned into fables,” 2 Tim 4:3-4.
The wisdom of man is foolishness with God. And God has said, “I will destroy
the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the
prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this
world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” 1 Cor 1:19-20.
How marvelous is the fact that God in His longsuffering still offers
salvation to men. “It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save
them that believe,” 1 Cor 1:21.
”And so we continue to teach Christ crucified, Who is the power of God and the
wisdom of God.”
”Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under
Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved,” Acts 4:12.
If life is going to be worth living at all, it must not be influenced by
the sins of yesterday. “Forgetting those things which are behind.”
When we realize that we are right with God, that God counts us righteous, then
we have this passage in Isaiah. When we realize that in the face of sins, God
has declared us righteous, the work of that righteousness should be peace,
assurance, and quietness in our souls.
But the trouble is we permit our mistakes of yesterday to influence our lives
Heb 10:15-17, “Whereof the Holy Spirit also is a Witness to us, for after He
had said before.” Notice it. ”This is the covenant that I will make
with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put My laws into their
hearts, and in their minds will I write them, and their sins and iniquities
will I remember no more.”
That means that God has forgotten our sins. He has
forgotten them. After you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour,
as far as God is concerned, you have never sinned.
He has forgotten all of your mistakes, all of your weaknesses, and all of
your sins of yesterday. He has forgotten them.
Now notice this, “But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which
are behind, and reaching forth unto those these which are before, I press toward
the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,” Phil 3:13.
Paul said he was not perfect. While he recognized that he wasn’t as he wanted
to be, he recognized that he had not achieved all that he wanted to do. So
far as his personal life was concerned, he had not laid hold of God as greatly
as he wanted to. He recognized that he was not perfect in his life.
He was perfect positionally, but not in his walk, even as you and I know we are not. But he says this, “But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, I press on.”
Lot’s wife never did reach safety. She never reached the place that God
intended her to. Because of Phil 3:13, “Forgetting those things which are
behind.” Because she looked back at the place where Lot’s mistakes and
hers were. She looked back.
That is the trouble today with so many of God’s children that they are not
enjoying the Christian way of life as they should. They are not getting anything
out of prayer. They are not getting anything out of their relationship with
God because they keep looking back at the place of their mistakes.
When the children of Israel were delivered across the Red Sea, they whined and
cried every time that trouble came in on the horizon. They said, “Why didn’t
you let us die in Egypt?” They kept looking back.
Out of 600,000 footmen only two men went into the Promised Land. The ones
that looked back never reached the Promised Land.
Let’s stop looking back and look on. Let us look forward. Let us look up.
Forget your mistakes. Thank God that He has made it possible for me to forget my
mistakes of yesterday so that I can press on.
There can be no joy in the soul of anyone, no one, as long as he looks back.
Let us look forward. Do not let your life today be influenced by your sins of
Stop longing for the leeks and garlic of slavery.
And we find this in Eph 2:8-10, “For by Grace are ye saved through
faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any
man should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good
works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”
The phrase “unto good works” should be “for the purpose of good works.”
God has a definite purpose for everyone that was saved. What is it? You tell me
what your work is and I can tell you.
”Well, I don’t have any work. I am just a housewife.” You don’t have any
work? You are just a housewife? I think that is one of the greatest works we
have in this world. You can glorify your heavenly Father by raising your
children, by guiding them properly with the help of your husband.
Husbands, you can also fulfill God’s purpose for life which we find in Isa
43:7 – that man was created for His glory. You can glorify God in your work
by being just in your dealings toward man and being faithful and loyal to your
Children, you glorify God by fulfilling God’s purpose for you in honoring
your mother and father.
Man’s primary purpose for life is to glorify God.
So, we can see that life can really be worthwhile living if you trust the Lord
completely, not only for your eternity but for your present life.
Tuesday, June 26, 2001
The name “ADONAI” is translated in our Bibles by the word “Lord” in
small letters only, the first of which is a capital, i.e., “Lord.”
Used as a name of God, “ADONAI” occurs probably some 300 times in the Old
Testament. It is significant that it is almost always in the “plural” and
“possessive,” meaning “my Lords.”
It confirms the idea of the Trinity as found also in “ELOHIM,” and
this is still further confirmed by the fact that the same is used of men some
215 times and translated variously “master,” “sir,” and “lord,” but
for the most part, “master” as throughout Gen 24, where Eliezer, the servant
of Abraham speaks of “my master Abraham.” And over and over again says,
“Blessed be JEHOVAH God of my master Abraham.”
It is important to notice, too, that the same word, “ADONAI,” is translated
a number of times by the word “owner,” but used of men it is always in the
singular form, “ADON.” Only when used of God is it in the plural.
The suggestion of the Trinity in this name is still more strikingly
confirmed by its use in Psalm 110 in these words, “The Lord said unto My
Lord,” or “JEHOVAH said unto ADONAI, sit Thou on My right hand till I make
Thine enemies Thy footstool.”
The Lord Jesus Christ in Matt 22:41-45, Peter in Acts 2:34, 35, and Heb 1:13,
10:12,13 refers this striking passage to Himself.
How significant that David speaking of but one Member of the Trinity should use
here not only the plural, “ADONAI,” but the singular form, “ADONAI.”“JEHOVAH
said unto my ADONAI,” that is to Christ the second Person of the Trinity.
The name “ADONAI,” while translated “Lord,” signifies ownership or
mastership, and indicates the Truth that God is the Owner of each member of
the human family and that He consequently claims the unrestricted obedience of
The expression “Lord of lords” in Deut 10:17 could be rendered “Master of
masters,” an illustration of this name as a claim upon man’s obedience. And
service is found in Malachi 1:6. “A son honoreth his father, and a servant his
master. If I then be a Father, where is Mine honor? And if I be a Master,
where is My fear? saith JEHOVAH of hosts.”
In Job 28:28 it is declared that the fear of “ADONAI,” the Lord, the
Master, is wisdom.”
Next time, the use of this word in the Old Testament.
The use of this name “ADONAI” in the Old Testament plainly reveals the
relationship which God sustains toward His creatures and what He expects of
The first occasion of its use is with the name “EL-SHADDAI,” is with Abraham
in Gen 15:2. In the first verse of the chapter it is written “after these
things” that is, after his rescue of Lot and his military achievement of the
defeat of the four kings and their armies, where it is revealed that Abraham
himself was “lord or master,” “ADON” of a large establishment.
”After these things the Word of JEHOVAH came unto Abram in a vision saying,
Fear not, Abram, I am thy Shield, and thy exceeding great Reward.”
Abram then makes his reply addressing God as “ADONAI-JEHOVAH,” an
acknowledgement that JEHOVAH is also Master. Certainly Abram knew what
this relationship meant, perhaps better than we nowadays understand it, for
those were days of slavery. Lordship meant complete possession on the one hand,
and complete submission on the other.
Abraham himself sustained the relationship of master and lord over a very
considerable number of souls. Therefore, in addressing “JEHOVAH” as
“ADONAI” he acknowledged God’s complete possession of and perfect right to
all that he was and had.
But even Abraham, thousands of years ago, understood by this more than mere
ownership, more than the expression and imposition of an arbitrary or capricious
will. Even in those days the relationship of master and slave was not
altogether or necessarily an unmitigated evil.
The purchased slave stood in a much nearer relationship to his lord than the
hired servant, who was a stranger and might not eat of the Passover or the holy
things of the master’s house, but the purchased slave, as belonging to his
master, and so a member of the family, possessed this privilege. Ex
12:43-45, Lev 22:10-11.
The slave had the right of the master’s protection and help and direction. In
the absence of seed, a slave, Eliezer, is heir to Abraham’s entire household.
So the psalmist well puts it, ”Behold as the eyes of his servant look unto the
hands of their master, and as the eyes of the maiden unto the hand of her
mistress, so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God,” Psa 123:2.
”The eyes of all wait upon Thee and Thou givest them their meat in due
season,” Psa 145:15.
As “ADONAI” or master or lord, God says to Abraham, “Fear not, Abram, I am
thy Shield and exceeding great Reward.” He can depend upon the faithfulness of
his Master.
And, we are bondslaves of the Lord.
Wednesday, June 27, 2001
There are many examples of the use of this Name which well illustrate a
truth. Moses, when commissioned to go to Egypt to deliver Israel, addresses God
as ADONAI, acknowledging thus God’s right to his life and his service when he
replies, “O my Lord (that is ADONAI), I am not eloquent ... I am slow of
speech,” Exodus 4:10.
And again he says after God’s reply, “O my Lord (ADONAI), send someone
Then God’s anger kindled against him, against a servant who seeks to evade his
responsibility of carrying out the will of his rightful Lord. For God who is
never a capricious or unjust Master, does not ask what cannot be performed, and
never requires a task for which He does not equip His servants. Thus He
assures Moses that He will be His sufficiency for the task.
Exodus 4:11, “And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who
maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord?”
“As the eye of the servant looks to the master,” so Joshua in defeat and
distress looks for direction to the Lord God who is his ADONAI.
When Gideon is called to deliver the children of Israel from the Midianities, he
asks, “O my Lord (ADONAI), wherewith shall I save Israel? Behold, my family is
poor in Manasseh and I am the least in my father’s house,” Judges 6:15. Then
God gives answer, “Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the
Midianites as one man.”
The name ADONAI is found frequently on the lips of David and in one especially
significant passage in this connection, 2 Sam 7:18-20, it appears four times in
three verses. To David of humble origin, a shepherd lad, and now king of Israel,
God comes and promises to establish his dynasty, his throne, forever.
Overcome by this great promise, he recognizes in it also the promise of Messiah
who shall come from his loins. David, king and lord of God’s people, calls God
his Lord, coupling it with the name “JEHOVAH.” He acknowledges his humble
origin, his own unworthiness, and the goodness and the greatness of God, “the
ADONAI,” who has exalted him. And he says, “Who am I, O, ADONAI JEHOVAH?And
what is my house that Thou hast brought me hitherto?”
”And what can David say more unto thee?” “For Thou, ADONAI JEHOVAH,
knowest Thy servant.”
The psalmists, too, make frequent use of the Name in its proper significance.
It is JEHOVAH ADONAI Whose Name is so excellent in all the Earth, Who has
put all things under His feet,” Psalm 8.
”He is the ADONAI of the whole Earth,” Psalm 97:5.
”The Earth is bidden to tremble at the presence of the ADONAI,” Psa 114:7.
”ADONAI is above all “ELOHIM” or gods,” Psa 135:5.
As Master or Lord, ADONAI is besought to remember the reproach of His servant,
Psa 89:50.
”Mine eyes are unto Thee, O God, the ADONAI.” Psa 141:8 says of the psalmist
as of a servant to his Lord, “And he asks ADONAI his Master, to take up his
cause and defend him against his enemies,” Psa 109:21-28.
When you study these different names for God, you get a much better
understanding of Who and what He really is, which enhances your personal
relationship with Him.
Oh! To know Him.
The use of this Name by Isaiah the prophet is especially significant. It is
the vision of God as ADONAI, which started him out on his prophetic career, one
of the most striking portions of Scripture describes this vision.
It is a time of national darkness for Uzziah, Judah’s great king, had
died. Uzziah was the prophet’s king, therefore his “lord and master.” And
perhaps his hero too, in spite of his tragic end.
It is then that the young man experiences one of the most solemn and significant
visions of Scripture. In the sixth chapter he tells us, “In the year king
Uzziah died, I saw the Lord (ADONAI).”
His earthly lord and master died, but what does that matter when “the Lord
of lords,” the ADONAI in the Heavens lives and reigns?
This ADONAI is seated upon a throne too, but high and lifted up, above all
earthly lords and monarchs, for this ADONAI is also “JEHOVAH of hosts, Whose
train fills the temple and Whose glory covers the Earth.”
This ADONAI is surrounded by fiery seraphim who not only cover their eyes before
their thrice holy Lord, but with their wings are ready instantly to do His
Then after the prophet’s confession and cleansing, in preparation for his
service, he hears a voice saying., “Whom shall I send and who will go for
Us?” This call for service comes from ADONAI, for this is the Name used in
verse eight.
John 6:5, “When Jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great company come
unto Him, He saith unto Philip, whence shall we buy bread that these may eat?”
He knew what He was going to do. But He wanted to test Philip, so that Philip
would know.
Sometimes testing comes into our lives because the Lord is going to use us.
God never tests any of His children unless He is going to use them. What object
would He have in testing them?
If you are going through a time of great testing and you are disturbed, you are going to come out victorious, because the Lord is going to use you. That is the reason He tested you. He tested Philip.
Notice that Andrew said that there was just a small lad with a few loaves and
fishes. But what were those among so many? The Lord could have said, “That is
right.” But He didn’t. And now He gives the disciples of His an
opportunity to be used by Him.
What would have happened if Christ acted according to the faith of His
disciples? Suppose He had said, “That is right. There is not enough. These
five barley loaves and two fishes are not enough to feed these people.” Then
they would have gone away hungry.
But the Lord never pays any attention to the weak faith of man.
You may be in deep distress, and maybe your friends have tried to help you and
have only discouraged you. But that doesn’t mean that the Lord can’t do
What does the Lord do? He gives them an opportunity. He gives them a second
Christ said “Make the men sit down,” John 6:10. They could have said,
“Why make them sit down? We can’t feed them.” But He gives them an
opportunity to do something for them. He gives them an opportunity to see a
great miracle, and He teaches them a great lesson. And that lesson should be
taught and received the same as they did.
John 6:11, “And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, He
distributed to the disciples and the disciples to them that were set down and
likewise of the fishes as much as they would. When they were filled, He said
unto His disciples, ‘Gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be
What was insignificant to man, God used to meet a great need because, “The
Lord had compassion on them.”
In the prophecy of Ezekiel, the name ADONAI JEHOVAH occurs some 200 times. It
has added significance here in that the Name occurs in the connection with
prophecies not only concerning Israel, but concerning the nations round about.
And whether they will or not, over all the peoples of the Earth, it is “Thus
saith JEHOVAH who is ADONAI,” and again “Ye shall know” and “They shall
know that I am JEHOVAH ADONAI,” Ezek 13:9, 23:49, 24:24, 28:24.
It is “ADONAI JEHOVAH who commands the four winds to breathe upon the dry
bones and makes them live,” Ezek 37:9.
The use of this Name is especially notable in Daniel 9, where it occurs 10 times
in 17 verses. Daniel is living in the land of Israel’s captivity, whose king
is lord or “ADON” over many nations. But only JEHOVAH is the ADONAI of
Daniel and his people. This is a chapter of confession of Israel’s
faithlessness as God’s servant, hence Daniel addresses God as ADONAI in his
prayer for forgiveness and restoration of the people and Jerusalem.
”O ADONAI, the great and dreadful God keeping the covenant and mercy to them
that love Him, and to keep them that keep His commandments. We have sinned, and
have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by
departing from Thy precepts and from Thy judgments,” Dan 9:4-5.
Since it is God as Lord and Master whose will they have obeyed, it is He to whom
they must address their prayers for forgiveness, for acceptance, for
Thus it is in verse 19, “O ADONAI, hear; O ADONAI, forgive' O ADONAI, hearken
and do, defer not, for Thine own sake, O my God.”
Notice this Old Testament confession. We have sinned and committed iniquity,
done wickedly, have rebelled. ”Even by departing from Thy precepts and from
Thy judgments.”
Throughout the Old Testament those who know God as ADONAI, acknowledge
themselves as “servants.” Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are thus spoken of. In
Exodus 32:13, over and over again we read, “Moses, My servant,” and
“Moses, the servant of the Lord.”
In the same significant passage in which he addresses God as ADONAI a number of
times, David the king speaks of himself as “Thy servant.” “I am Thy
servant. Give me understanding,” says the psalmist. Psa 119:125.
The word translated “servant” is also “slave.” Thus prophets,
priests, kings, all God’s people acknowledged themselves His servants,
recognizing His right to command and dispose of them according to His will as
the Lord of their lives. It is this which is suggested by the name
“Lord” or “ADONAI.”
Next, this Name and its use in the New Testament.
Thursday, June 28, 2001
We are obligated to display love to the human race. But it is not our love
that we are to display. We are to display the Lord’s love in two areas –
the area of salvation and the area of spirituality.
John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Rom 5:5, “the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit
which is given unto us.”
We owe them the Gospel – the love of the Gospel. We owe them the Spirit-filled
life – “the fruit of the Spirit is love.”
The meaning of “ADONAI” as Lord and Master is
carried over into the New Testament. Between two and three centuries before
Christ, the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into Greek by a group of Jewish
translators at Alexandria in Egypt.
It is interesting to note that they translated the word “ADONAI” in Gen 15:2
as “master” and in the Greek it is “despot.”
”And Abram said, Lord God, what wilt Thou give me seeing I go childless and
the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?”
In the New Testament, too, it is the word used of men as lord and master in
relationship to servants.
It is used hundreds of times of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
In 2 Cor 8 and 9 we find the plan that God has set for the Church as far as
giving is concerned in this age. Now, notice something in verse 10. “For if
there be first a willing mind, is it accepted according to that a man
hath, and not according to that he hath not.”
You are only to give if you want to give.
Just give what you want, because God only accepts that which comes from a willing
”As a man thinketh in his mind, so is he.”
”Guard your mind with all diligence, for out it come the issues of life.”
It doesn’t make any difference how much you give, it may be accepted. But
the Lord will not accept it unless it was given with a willing mind.
”For if there first be a willing mind, it is acceptable according to that a
man hath, and not according to that he hath not.”
Second, don’t give what you don’t have. How can you do that? It is
very easy – by making pledges.
When you make a vow saying you going to give God a thousand dollars this year,
do you have a thousand dollars in the bank? No, well then, what right have you
to give Him something you don’t have, which is what you are trying to do.
Give only what you have.
2 Cor 9:1, “For as touching the ministering to the saints, it is
superfluous for me to write to you.”
2 Cor 9:6, “But this I say, he which soweth sparingly shall reap also
sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”
You can’t outgive God, the Giver.
2 Cor 9:7, “Every man according as he purposeth in his mind, so let him
give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”
Here again we see that giving is a mental attitude.
You are not to give grudgingly. Only give from a willing mind.
Don’t give because you feel that if you don’t, people in the Church are
going to talk about you. God is not going to accept that gift.
”Every man as he purposeth in his mind, so let him give, not grudgingly or of
necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver.”
You don’t have to give a dime. That should be taught continuously. You
don’t have to give, and when you do give, don’t give any more than you want
to give. You don’t have to give anything.
God only accepts that which comes from a willing mind.
Give what you want to give. Don’t give because you have to give, because
you don’t have to give anything. Give only what you have now.
If you will follow the Word of God, you will always be right.
“Meditate in the Word day and night, neither turning to the left or the
right and thou shall prosper withersoever thou goest.”
”Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence,” Psa
The Hebrew word for “almost” should be translated “quickly.”
”Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul had quickly dwelt in
The psalmist was in a deep pit of despair. There was no cry from his soul
because his soul was helpless. A helpless, hopeless, person is one that has no
hope, no consciousness of help anywhere. So they just keep quiet.
They find words futile. The psalmist said that if the Lord had not helped him,
that this is the way he would have felt. He would have been so helpless and
hopeless that he would not have said a word. He would have sat down and given
Maybe there are some of you who have reached the point where you don’t say
anything anymore. It seems that words are futile. You don’t seem to be able to
express yourself. You have experienced distress after distress, despair after
despair, confusion and heartaches, until you have reached the point where you
have given up. There is no use talking about the situation, you feel.
But notice what David goes on to say, “When I said, My foot slippeth, Thy
mercy, O Lord, held me up.”
David said if the Lord had not been his help, he would have given up. But,
“God’s mercy helped him.” Mercy is Grace in action.
”In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Thy comforts delight my soul.”
In his deep distress, it was the Word of God that brought comfort to him.
In Psa 119 we find “Remember Thy Word unto Thy servant, upon which Thou has
caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, for Thy Word has
quickened me.”
”The Word of God is alive and powerful.”
In Isaiah we find “Comfort ye, comfort ye, My people, saith the Lord.”
There is comfort in the Word of God. So you are not without hope.
”I will extol Thee (that is, praise Thee), my God, O King, I will bless Thy
Name for ever and ever.”
First he said he was going to praise God. Second, he said, I will bless
Thy Name for ever and ever.
Notice that there is praise and blessing only for the Lord.
In the third verse he says, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and
His greatness is unsearchable,” Psa 145.
David was entirely wrapped up in the Lord. He had the vision of Christ he should
have had. And the vision that each and every one of God’s children should
If you have been going to Church but you are still distressed, if you have not
found the relief that you need, if there is still a void and emptiness in your
soul somewhere, and if you have tried it by doing things or listening to people
somewhere, if you have not found contentment, it is because you do not have
the right picture of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Don’t permit yourself to become so involved with a particular Truth, the
work you or your group are doing for the Lord, that you forget to praise the
It is good to be missionary minded.
It is good to be orthodox in Doctrine.
It is good to want to help the poor.
But don’t become so involved with those things that you forget to praise
the Lord. Praise and blessing for the Lord should always comes first.
”Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other
things will be added unto you.”
A teacher in elementary school was teaching all about whales. She said that
whales had throats so small they could never swallow a man.
A little girl raised her hand and said, “Jonah was swallowed by a whale.”
The teacher said that the whale’s throat was too narrow and it couldn’t
swallow a man. The little girl said, “When I get to Heaven, I will ask Jonah
how he did it.”
The teacher said, “Suppose he is in hell?” And the little girl said,
”Well, then you ask him.”
God the Father – “Bless thee and keep thee.”
God the Son – “Make His face to shine upon thee and
be gracious unto thee.”
God the Holy Spirit – “Lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace.”
The word “death” used here is from the Hebrew referring to the end of a
condition. In other words, David says that it is precious in the eyes of the
Lord when the saints have finished their time on Earth.
How could it be precious in the eyes of the Lord? Why should God who loves
us, rejoice in the event that brings such sorrow to His children?
First, we know that the Lord loved you and me enough to die for us. His death
for us proved His love for us. Knowing that He loves us, it is easy to
understand how happy He will be when we are with Him.
You want those you love to be with you, don’t you?
For example, a wife may visit her children in another city and leave her husband
at home. After a time, the husband gets lonesome and calls his wife and says,
“I wish you would come home, I am getting awfully lonesome.”
The wife answers, “I will be home tomorrow.”
The children beg her not to leave, but she feels she should return to her
husband. So the wife gets ready to leave the children, and go home. When the
wife reaches the station and gets on the train or the plane, there is a big,
empty feeling in the children’s hearts. While it may bring a certain degree of
sorrow to them to see her leave, yet the arrival of her plane or train in
another city is welcomed with great joy by her husband.
The Lord loves you and me. He gave his life for us. He is watching over us.
His ear is open to our cry. Knowing that, can’t you realize how joyful He is
when one of His children whom He loves comes home to be with Him? Of course!
It is like the bride walking down the aisle to meet the bridegroom.
Friday, June 29, 2001
As in the Old Testament, so in the New Testament, God as Lord is
represented as One who bestows gifts upon and equips His servants for their
He made some apostles, others prophets, evangelists, pastor-teachers, all for
the accomplishment of His purpose and will in the perfecting (literally,
equipping) of the saints, the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body
of Christ,Eph 4:11, 12.
Having these gifts from our Lord, Paul exhorts us, let us wait on them and
minister them, as faithful servants with diligence. Rom 12:6-8. God as Lord
is said to protect, to provide for, and sustain His servants.
In the Old Testament ADONAI says to Abram, “I am thy shield.” He is a
Rock, a Fortress, a Deliverer. Luke says of Paul, in great danger, the Lord
stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer,” Acts 23:11.
Again, “The Lord stood with me and strengthened me,” 2 Tim 4:17.
The Lord delivers His servants from every evil, 2 Tim 4:18.
The Grace of the Lord is continually with His servants. It is the Lord
who says to pay. “My Grace is sufficient for thee,” 2 Cor 12:9.
The Lord directs the service of His servants, opening doors, 2 Cor 2:12, and
closing them, too, Acts 16:6.
We are exhorted to abound in the work of the Lord, for such work is never in
vain, 1 Cor 15:58.
God’s requirements of service and usefulness are clearly set forth in the
parables of the Lord Jesus Christ, especially in the parable of the talents.
Matt 25:14-30 and the parable of the pounds, Luke 19:11-27.
As Lord, He rewards the faithfulness of His servants and punishes their lack
of it. The reward is far more than commensurate with the
service rendered.
In the parables, the reward is represented in terms of the material, but the
real reward is in the realm the spiritual, of which the material is only a
feeble analogy.
Even so, the greatest of our rewards for faithfulness
as servants lies in our increasing apprehension and possession of our Lord
ADONAI said to Abram, “I am thy exceeding great
Frequently in the Old Testament the Lord is said to be the inheritance and the
portion and the possession of His people. Num 18:20, Psa 73:26, Psa 16:5, Ezek
So, Christ our Lord gave Himself for us and to us. If
we are His, He is ours. And He is ours in proportion as we are His.
Apart from this however, there is a day of reckoning for his servants. In the
Old Testament, ADONAI renders to every man according to His work, Psa 62:12.
Every servant’s work is to be made manifest. The test of fire will prove its
If it stands the test, it will receive a reward, and if not, it will be lost, 1
Cor 3:13-15.“To whomsoever much is given of Him shall much be required
and to whom they commit much of Him will they ask the more,” Luke 12:48.
”It is required in stewards that a man be found faithful,” 1 Cor 4:2.
Paul did not want his friends at the Church of Thessalonica to mourn over the departed loved ones as those who have no hope.
What a blessed hope we who are children of God have when the worst of all
sorrows comes into our lives, the sorrow of losing a loved one. We know that
this great event, which we call death, is coming to all of us if the Lord
tarries. We all use the term, “I have lost a loved one.” But, that of
course, is due to a lack of knowledge, or the lack of consideration of a
knowledge that we may have.
This passage is dedicated to those who have had a loved one taken home to be
with the Lord. This is designed to bring you joy, peace, and comfort into your
sorrowing soul.
What does the Lord call this thing we call death?
In John 11:25 the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking to Martha. “Jesus said unto
her, I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me though he be
dead, yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never
The word “die” He uses here is the word “THANATOS,” meaning “separated
from.” Paul in 1 Thes 4 and our Lord in John 11 refers to death as
When Jesus Christ received word from Martha and Mary that Lazarus, whom He
loved, was sick, He had to tarry there to do some work. In the 11th verse we
find “These things said He, and after that He saith unto them, Our friend
Lazareth sleepeth. But I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. Then said His
disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well. Howbeit Jesus spake of his
death, but they thought that he had spoken of taking rest in sleep. Then said
Jesus unto them plainly Lazarus is dead.”
Our Lord called the thing which we call death, sleep. He referred to it as a
time of refreshing, a time of rest, and relaxation, a temporary thing.
W.W.J.D. – What Would Jesus Do?
I prefer this:
W.D.J.D. – What Did Jesus Do? He died for you!
It is the Lord Jesus Christ, however, Who, though He is our Lord and our
Master, is the Supreme Example of the True and Faithful Servant. He is the ideal
Servant. It is in Him that we realize the full import and blessedness of the
relationship that exists between ourselves and God as servants to a Lord.
He is revealed in the Old Testament as the Servant. “Behold My Servant, Whom I
uphold, Mine Elect, in Whom My soul delighteth, I have put Spirit upon Him,”
Isa 42:1.
”He shall not fail,” verse 4.
”I, the Lord, will uphold Thine hand and keep Thee,” verse 6.
So, the New Testament tells us He “took the form of a Servant,” the same
word that Paul uses of himself – a bondservant, a slave.
”He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death,” Phil 2:7-8.
”Lo, I come. In the volume of the Book it is written of Me, to do Thy will, O
God,” Heb 10:7.This is the fulfillment of Psa 40:6-8 where He is spoken
of as the Slave whose ear is bored, because He loves His Master and elects to
serve Him forever, Exodus 21:6.
He said of Himself, “I do always those things that please Him,” John 8:29.
”Even Christ pleased not Himself,” Rom 15:3.
”The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give
His life a ransom for the many,” Matt 20:28.
”I am among you as He that serveth,” Luke 22:27.
”As a servant, He also suffered, being made perfect through sufferings,” Heb
In that wonderful chapter 13 of John He sets Himself forth as our Example of a
Servant. ”Ye call Me Master and Lord and ye say well, for so I am,” verse
”I have given you an Example, that ye should do as I have done to you, Verily,
verily, I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his lord,” verses
He exhorted to faithful service to the end, and spoke of the blessedness of
those servants whom the Lord, when He comes, will find faithful and watching,
Luke 12:36-37.
This study of our ADONAI should give us a much better understanding of Who and
What our Lord really is.
First, the spiritual life is necessary to have the consciousness of our
fellowship with the Lord. If you are going to be conscious of fellowship
with the Lord, you are going to have the spiritual life, 1 John 1:3-10.
One of the hardest things in the world to do is to get Christians to admit
they have sinned. Sin separates us from conscious fellowship with the Lord. When
we sin, we are told to “judge ourselves” and “confess our sins.”
After we have judged ourselves as having sinned and confessed that sin to God,
“God cleanses us from all unrighteousness,” 1 John 1:9.
He not only forgives us, which means to forget, but He also cleanses us from
all unrighteousness. Then we are living in harmony with God.
”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and
cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” 1 John 1:9.
”If we judge ourselves, we will not be judged with the world.”
It is only when we live in harmony with our Lord that we can really
understand and appreciate Romans chapter eight.
If we are living in harmony with the Lord, if we have dealt with our sins, if we
have judged and confessed our sins to Him, than we can say, “And I know that
all things work together for good to them that love God and to them that are
called according to His purpose.”
If we love the Lord, we are going to obey Him. He tells us when we sin, we
are to confess to Him. Confession is telling Him that we have judged
ourselves and we know we have done something wrong and we name it.
When we do that, God forgives us of our sins and cleanses us from all
unrighteousness. You confess the known sins and He cleanses us from the unknown
sins. Then we are back in harmony with Him.
The spiritual life is necessary to have consciousness of fellowship with Him.
Saturday, June 30, 2001
Psa 16:8, “I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right
hand, I shall not be moved.”
The psalmist keeps the Lord always before him. He was always looking to the
Lord. Because the Lord was at his right hand he said, “I shall not be
moved.” Because the psalmist kept his mind on the Lord, he knew he would not
be moved by circumstances and conditions.
There are many Christians today who are on the mountaintops as long as
everything is going well. They rejoice in the Lord, they are happy, and they
sing the praises of the Lord. They talk about how wonderful it is to be alive
and how happy they are that they are Christians.
The next day they get up. They are the same person, in the same house, in the
same city, going to the same job. But something has gone wrong and down to the
bottom they go. You never hear them praising anything now. All they say is,
“Oh I wish I were dead.” “I wish the Lord would take me home.”
Something has gone wrong.Something doesn’t suit them. Someone has failed
them. They are slaves to these problems. They are slaves to circumstances and
conditions. They don’t enjoy life. Why? Because they are not conscious of the
Lord. They have taken their eyes off of the Lord, and put them on their
There is only one way to enjoy life and that is to be conscious of fellowship
with the Lord. It is only then that you can possibly have fellowship with the
The psalmist said, “I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my
right hand, I shall not be moved.”
He knew he wasn’t going to be moved by circumstances, opinions,
disappointments. He wasn’t going to be moved because his mind, his eyes, were
upon the Lord. He always set the Lord before him.
“I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I
shall not be moved.” ”Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth, my
flesh also shall rest in hope.”
Assurance for today guarantees hope for tomorrow. He was happy and had a
hope that brought joy into his heart for the future. Why? Because he had the
abundant life.
Why did he have the abundant life and others didn’t? Because he was always
conscious of fellowship with the Lord, and that is only possible with the
spiritual life.
”For Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suffer Thy Holy
One to see corruption.” ”Thou wilt show me the path of life. In Thy presence
is fullness of joy. At Thy right hand there are pleasures forever more.”
When we put the Lord before us, He will show us the real path of life. Many
Christians are really not living. They are merely oxidizing. That is a medical
term for people who are just about ready to die. They are just eating and
breathing and moving. That is all. There is no life in them.
They get up in the morning, dress, shave, eat a little bite, they rush to their
jobs. There they are tense and under pressure. Then they rush home at night,
eat, look at TV and go to bed. That is not life.
”Thou wilt shew me the path of life.”
To see the path of life we need to let the Lord show it to us. No other person
can show you the path of life.We can receive instructions that the Lord
gives. But no one knows which path the Lord would have you take. The Lord is
the only One who can help you. The psalmist said, “Thou wilt shew me the
path of life.”
God will show you the path of life He will have you take, if you are living
the spiritual life.
It is only when we are in the path that the Lord has ordained for us that we have real joy. When we are in the presence of God, we don’t have a thing to worry about.
![]() | We know His eyes are upon us. |
![]() | We know His ear is open to our cry. |
![]() | We know He has us by our right hand. |
![]() | We know we can expect His help. |
It is marvelous to have that consciousness. This is for everyone who wants
it. But you can’t have the abundant life as long as there are unconfessed
sins between you and your Lord.
This is another reason the spiritual life is necessary.
![]() | Do you want joy? |
![]() | Do you really want to enjoy life? |
![]() | Do you want to get pressures out of your life? |
You do! How can you?
Deal with your mistakes. Judge yourself in having sinned. If you do that, the
Lord said you would never be judged. 1 Cor 11:31, “For if we would judge
ourselves, we should not be judged, but when we are judged we are chastened of
the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.”
We don’t get judged for the same thing twice. God is either going to judge
you, or you are going to do it yourself.
The spiritual person would want to judge himself. When he has judged himself as
having sinned, he confesses that sin. Then God forgives him and cleanses him
from all unrighteousness, and he is back in fellowship with the Lord.
Then comes joy, pleasure. Then the Christian life means something to that
one. It is for you.Try it, you will have joy in spite of adversary if you
are living the spiritual life.
”The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace ...”
The spiritual life is necessary to have the true vision of God. Prov 29:18,
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” The word “perish” means
to “go to pieces.”
”Where there is no vision, the people go to pieces.”
That is the trouble today with so many. They don’t have the true vision of
God. Why? Because they don’t have the spiritual life, their vision of God is
darkened by their opinions. They don’t have the true vision, because they
don’t have the abundant life, the life of fellowship with the Lord.
When we have a true vision of God, we see Him as He really is.
What is God? He is a Spirit. That is true. But what are His characteristics?
1 John 4:16, “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God
is love. And he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him.”
Notice that we find that God is love. That is the most important
thing in the world for us to know. God is love.
”Herein is love for us made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of
judgment, because as He is, so are we in this world.”
When we are confident of His love, when we are conscious of fellowship with Him,
when we know that God is love, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love
casteth out fear, because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not perfect in
Yes, “perfect love casteth out fear.”
We need the true vision of God.
We need that vision. But we can’t have the true vision of God as being a
God of love as long as we have sin coming between Him and us. Our vision is
darkened by consciousness of our sins.
We only have the Light so that we can have the true vision of God and the true
vision of our Lord when we are in fellowship with the Lord. It is only as we
have fellowship with Him that we will have the Light that will enable us to have
the true vision of Him, that is, God is love.
Children of Light, walk in the Light.
”This is the message which we have heard of Him and declare unto you, that God
is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” ”If we say we have fellowship
with Him and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the Truth.”
“But if we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Christ keeps on cleansing us from all sin,” 1 John 1:5-7.
What heroes Thou hast bred
America, my country!
I see the mighty dead,
Pass in line.
Each with undaunted heart,
Playing his gallant part,
Making thee what thou art,
America, mine.
Then let me take my place
America, my country!
Amid the gallant race
That is thine.
Ready to hear the call,
Ready to give thee all,
Ready whatever befall,
America, mine.
Spiritual life is necessary to get the most out of life in eternity. Spiritual
life does not go unrewarded, you know. What is death to a Christian, is a
Paul said, “That to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord,
which is better.” When we pass out of this old body, we go straight home to
be with the Lord. 2 Cor 5:8, “Absent from the body, face to face with the
Now this may contradict a certain group of people of a certain Truth that was
put into the Church about a thousand years ago. But this is just what the Lord
said. And I believe what the Lord said over what people say.
Paul said twice, “to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord,
which is much better,” and I believe it.
When a person passes out of this old body and goes straight home to be with
the Lord, that is when eternity, real life begins. Life, real life, begins in
eternity. Of course, we have eternity now, but when we get to Heaven, then
we will truly begin to live. And how we live there depends a great deal upon how
we lived here.
What we have there for our life depends upon how we lived here.
Death is a homecoming.
Life for the Christian begins when he or she goes home to be with the Lord.
You haven’t lived until you live in eternity. No matter what kind of a
marvelous life you have lived here, it is nothing compared to life in eternity.
Matt 6:19, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon Earth, where moth and
rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.”
Don’t do that. Don’t sell your future in eternity for things down here
that are not going to last very long.
This is not saying that you shouldn’t have drive and ambition. And not that
you shouldn’t try to be successful. The Lord needs successes in this world,
Some of the most successful men in the world are Christians. But they are not
laying up for themselves only. They are using their wealth to spread the Word
and help others in need.
”But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth and rust
doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.”
We know something additional about Heaven. There are no moths in Heaven. Nothing
rusts in Heaven. And there are no thieves in Heaven. No crime.
”Don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage.”
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be.”
A lot of people have prepared themselves to die. Every person that has accepted
Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour has prepared himself to die.
But how many have prepared themselves to live? Our Lord tells us we can
lay up treasures in Heaven or we can lay up treasures on Earth.
Which is it going to be with you? Which path are you going to take? ”For where
your treasure is, there will be your heart also.”
That is the reason we should be laying up treasures in Heaven. To get the
most out of eternity, we need the spiritual life today.
The spiritual life is necessary if we are going to be conscious of fellowship
with the Lord. Through consciousness of fellowship with the Lord we have the
abundant life. We have the true vision of God. We know that God is love.
Through the spiritual life we prepare ourselves for life in eternity. If
we have the spiritual life, we are going to lay up treasures in Heaven, not on
Is the spiritual life necessary? It is to me. I don’t feel that I can
afford to lose it. Can you?
I once was a stranger to Grace and God,
I knew not my danger, and felt not my load.
Though friends spoke in rapture of Christ on the tree,
The Lord, my Righteousness, was nothing to me.
When free Grace awoke me, by light from on High,
Then legal fear shook me, I trembled to die.
No refuge, no safety, in self could I see,
The Lord, my Righteousness, my Saviour must be.
My terrors all vanished before that sweet Name,
My guilty fears banished, with boldness I came,
To drink of the Fountain, life-giving and free,
The Lord, my Righteousness, is all things to me.
Jer 23:5-6, “Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto
David a righteous Branch and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall
execute judgment and justice in the Earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and
Israel shall dwell safely, and this is His Name whereby He shall be called ... The
Lord, our Righteousness.”
Moses built an altar and called the name of it, “JEHOVAH NISSI,” or
“JEHOVAH, my Banner,” Exodus 17:15.
Only a few weeks had elapsed from the time the children of Israel left Marah,
the place of “bitter waters,” till they reached Rephidim, the scene of
JEHOVAH’S revelation of Himself to them as JEHOVAH NISSI, “JEHOVAH, my
At Marah, we will recall, in healing the bitter waters of that place He had
revealed Himself as “JEHOVAH-ROPHE,”or “JEHOVAH who heals,” the
One alone who has the remedy for the sins of mankind. The Balm for the
sorrows and sufferings of His people, Who has sweetened the bitter waters of
human misery and death through the Lord Jesus Christ, the Tree of life, and the
Sweet and Living Waters.
More to follow. You will thoroughly enjoy this study of your Lord as “JEHOVAH
NISSI,” the Lord is my Banner.
But death is not the worst thing in this world. Not even close.
The worst thing in this world is being separated from the Lord Jesus Christ
throughout all eternity!
But a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ can never be separated from the Lord
Jesus Christ, Rom 8:38-39, ever. There is too much emphasis put on death, but it
is only a departure. You have the privilege of deciding where you want to
spend eternity.
”He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” “He that believeth
not on the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth upon him.”
”Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”
First, there is a disrobing, 2 Cor 5:1-8, “For we that are in this house do
groan, being burdened, not for that we should be unclothed, but clothed upon,
that mortality might be swallowed up of life.”
So, the first thing that we find is that it is a disrobing. We come out of this
old body of ours. It is a disrobing. It is like taking off one suit and then
putting on another one – one from Heaven. Now what a blessing that is!
Second, it is a departure. 2 Timothy was written when Paul was in prison,
expecting any moment to hear the footsteps of his jailers coming down those
stone corridors ready to execute him. In 2 Tim 4:6, Paul says, “For I am now
ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a
good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”
Notice that Paul says, “My departure is at hand.” The word “departure”
is a maritime word.
When your loved one closes his eyes in this world, he immediately begins a trip.
People stand on the wharf waving to their loves ones standing on a ship leaning
over the rail. And there are many with tears in their eyes saying, “There she
goes. She is leaving now.” Gradually the superstructure passes over the
horizon. They turn away with tears and heavy of heart because their loved one
has left them.
But on the other side of the ocean is another group waiting for the same ship, a
few days later they gather on the wharf. Soon the superstructure comes over the
horizon, and they say, “Here she comes. Here she comes.”
There is joy because they are gaining loved ones. On one hand there is
sorrow, but on the other is joy.
So it is with this even which we call death.
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Page updated 06/26/05 04:52 PM.