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Sugar Sticks for August 2000
Need a quick spiritual energy
boost? Here's just what you need ... Divine Sugar Sticks. “Taste and see
that the Lord is good.”
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Thursday, August 31, 2000
Mutual Keeping. Mutual Security!
The double grip of Grace tells us that love’s fingers are interlaced in the
warmth of their embrace for the keeping of the sheep in the place of the
Lord’s preservation.
For the Lord assures us we are not only in His hand, but “My Father, who gave
them, He is greater than all.”
”And no one is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand,” John 10:29
Preserved in the hand of power, we are kept safe from sin’s pollution.

Mutual Indwelling!
There is a mystic union between the sons and the “Son” with the
Wonderful are the words:
”Ye shall know that I am in the Father” and "Ye in Me” and
“I in you.”
And to those who know Him by their obedience, Christ further says,
”If a man love Me, he will know my words” and “My Father will love
”And We will come into him, and make Our abode with him,” John 14:20-23
The word “abode” is the same as rendered “mansion” in John 14:2
God’s home is in the obedient child and the obedient child is at home in

Mutual Bestowment!
“Behold I send the promise of My Father upon you,” Luke 24:49
The purpose of the Father culminated in the passion of the Son. And the passion
of the smitten Son brought the power of the Spirit’s Grace, even as the struck
rock of Horeb resulted in the gushing water.

Mutual Thought!
“In My Father’s house there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would
have told you,” John 14:2
The place Christ is preparing is in the house of the Father’s many mansions,
abodes. The home-coming of the children from the school of Grace of life will
find many surprises of the Father’s thinking and planning and the Son’s
”You believe in God. Believe also in Me,” John 14:1

Mutual Work!
Christ speaks of “My Father’s business,” Luke 2:49
And the works He did as done “in My Father’s Name,” John 10:25
He says, “My Father worketh hitherto and I work,” John 5:17
The sphere of His service, the authority for His action, the plan which He
followed, the business in which He was engaged, and the fellowship of His work
were all begun, continued and ended from, in, through, with, and to the Father.
”I do always those things which please Him.”
”This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased.”
”It is finished.”

“My Father”
The many times that Jesus Christ uses the phrase “My Father,” you will
find them in one of two relationships. Either in the fellowship of Their mutual
love or in Their mutual service.
Or else They are mutually acting for believers.
Mutual work, Mutual purpose, Mutual keeping, Mutual indwelling, Mutual
obedience, Mutual bestowment, Mutual thought.

“The Father”
When Christ uses the expression “the Father,” the exclusiveness of His
being is emphasized as
”He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father,” John 14:9
To the sovereignty of His Grace — “No man cometh to Me except the Father
draw him,“ John 6:44
To the claim of His Deity — “Worship the Father,” John 4:21
To the revelation of His love — “The Only Begotten of the Father,
full of Grace and Truth,” John 1:14
To the holiness of His love — “The Father loveth,” John 3:35
To the power of His Spirit — “Whom the Father will send in My
Name,” John 14:26
And to the character of Christ’s service — “The Father which sent
Me,” John 12:49, 14:24
The Father as “the Father” is referred to again and again in the Gospel of
John. Take one section, namely, John 5:19-21, as illustrating the Father in
relation to the exclusiveness of His being as the source of all things.
Verse 19, “The Son can do nothing of Himself but what He seeth the Father
Verse 20, “For the Father loveth the Son and sheweth Him all things.”
Verse 21, “For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them, so the
Son quickeneth whom He will.”

The Title “EL-SHADDAI”
EL-SHADDAI means “the Almighty God.” It occurs eight times in the
Old Testament. SHADDAI means “mighty,” and occurs 40 times in the Old
Testament. EL occurs 48 times. SHADDAI occurs 31 times in the book of Job.
The Hebrew word SHADDAI comes from the root SHAD, which means a breast. And it
is so rendered in
Gen 49:25, “Even by the God of thy fathers who shall help thee, and by the
Almighty who shall bless thee with blessings of the deep, that lieth under blessings
of the breasts and of the womb.” This is the first time this word occurs.
The world “Almighty” is in the plural. But the title, EL, is in the
singular. So, again, we have Trinity in unity. And yet only one Divine
in the depth of its meaning signifies the “many-breasted God,” who is able
to supply every need, the One who is enough.
Notice it’s breast fed, not bottle fed.

The Almighty God!
The first time that is used is in Gen 17:1.
Abram had been walking before Sarah for 13 years in scheming to get the promised
seed according to her idea, when God comes to His servant, and says, ”I am the
Almighty God. Walk before Me and be thou perfect.”
He says in so many ways, I am all-sufficient to perform My promise without your
Impossibilities according to man are possible according to God.
The last time “God Almighty” is mentioned in the Bible is in relation to
judgment, when Christ is described as the One ”Who treadeth the winepress of
the fierceness of the Almighty God,” Rev 19:15
God is all-bountiful to supply the need of His people. His promise is sure.
His Grace is sufficient. His love is satisfying. His Truth is sanctifying. His
joy is uplifting. His Word is certain. And He Himself is enough.
But it is equally true He is “all-powerful” to crush the devil, to destroy
the Anti-Christ, and to overthrow evil, to stamp down oppression, and to consign
the wicked to their own place.
”God Almighty”

Wednesday, August 30, 2000
Thought for the Day!
This is My Beloved Son
in Whom I am well-pleased.
ye Him!
The Father!

The Father’s Unfolding — John 1:1-14
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was
God. And the Word took on flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory as
the Only Begotten of the Father, full of Grace and Truth.”
The Divine Word reveals the loving Father in His Grace and Truth. “The Law
came by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Christ is all He was in the living expression of what the Father is.
The Gospel opens with the Son in the Father’s bosom. And before it closes,
it reveals a saved sinner in the bosom of the Father.
John 1:18, “No man hath seen God at any time. The Only Begotten Son
which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him.”
John 13:25, “He then lying on Jesus’ breast, saith unto Him, Lord who is

The Father’s House — John 2:16
When the Son comes to the Father’s house, He finds it polluted and
possessed by religious sinners.
Cleansing is the first act. For there can be no compact in Grace until the
usurper is cast out from his government.
John 2:16, “And said unto them that sold doves, take these things hence make
not My Father’s house an house of merchandise.”
Jesus Christ could have had peace in His time when He walked in and saw the
money changers by just walking out. But He didn’t. Because peace is not the
answer. Righteousness is the answer. Peace must always follow

The Father’s Trust — John 3:35
The Beloved Son has given to Him the wealth of the Father’s treasure. Adam
was trusted and failed. Christ was trusted and was faithful.
The Gospel reveals Christ as constantly “giving.” Look up His “I
gives.” He has so much to give the “sons” because as the Son, He has
received all the treasures of the Father.
John 3:35, “The Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into His
”I give.” Love always gives.

The Father’s Worship — John 4:23
The spirit nature of the Father, God is a Spirit, seeks the spiritual worship
of His children.
The locality of place and the hollowness of form are not recognized by Him,
while the heart of faith and the reality of love’s gratitude are food and
satisfaction to His being.
John 4:23, “But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall
worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to worship
John 4:24, “God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in
Spirit and in Truth.”

The Father’s Will — John 5:17-42
There breathes through Christ’s references to His Father, working, loving,
honouring, committing, sending, witnessing, and fitting, one thought …
Namely … His delight to do all the Father wishes.
He wills and walks in His Father’s will, therefore, the Father is with Him in
all His ways.
John 5:19, “Then answered Jesus, and said unto them, Verily, Verily I say unto
you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do, for
what things soever He doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.”

Tuesday, August 29, 2000
What is the Church?
The ascended Lord is the “Head of the Church,” His body, Eph 1:22, 5:23
Love is the motive and moving power of the Church and the members are to love
one another “as Christ loved the Church,” Eph 5:2, 25
Prayer is the life of the Church, the power that brings release even as it did
with imprisoned Peter when praying was made “without ceasing of the Church
unto God,” Acts 12:5
Worship of the Lord is the privilege of the Church and Christ is ever the “One
in the midst of the Church” leading her in praise to God. Heb 2:12
The Church is responsible as well as privileged to “Come together, to remember
the Lord’s death,” 1 Cor 11:18-26
”Edification,” or the building of each other up, “is the role of the
Church.” Therefore, the keynote of all ministry in the Church. 1 Cor 14:5, 12,
Unity of action is the responsibility of the Church. There is to be “No schism
in the body,” but each member is to tarry one for the other and hold the Head
by recognizing the members in mutual help and assemblage. 1 Cor 11:18-22, Eph
The Truth of God is in the custody of the Church. Therefore, “The Church is
the pillar and ground of the Truth.” 1 Tim 3:15
God Himself is the Center and Circumference of the Church. The Church is called,
“The Church of God,” and it is said to be, “in God the Father and in
the Lord Jesus Christ,” and it is also “the Church of the Firstborn.”
1 Cor 1:2, 1 Thes 1:1, Heb 12:23
”The glory of God is the end of the Church. It displays His manifold wisdom
and is to be His manifested glory,” Eph 3:10, 21, 5:27

The Law of the Spirit!
“The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus makes us free from the law
of sin and death,” Rom 8:2
”Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
A Spirit-filled life is extensive in its meaning. There are several phases and
phrases which have to do with the Spirit-filled life.
 | Eph 5:18, “Be not drunk with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with
the Spirit.”
 | ”Baptism,” the immersing word, identification, and denotes the
Spirit’s power.
Acts 1:5, “For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized
with the Holy Spirit not many days hence.”
 | ”Anointing” is the qualifying word and speaks of His
consecrating Grace.
2 Cor 1:21, “Now He which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath
anointed us, is God;”
 | ”Sealing” is the claiming word and avows His proprietary
Eph 1:13, “In Whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the Word of Truth,
the Gospel of your salvation: in Whom also after that ye believed, ye were
sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise,”
 | ”Enduement” is His endowing word and claims His empowering
Luke 24:49, “And, behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you: but
tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on
 | ”Earnest” is the assuring word and guarantees the coming
2 Cor 5:5, “Now He that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who
also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.”
 | ”Full” is the sufficient word and tells of His satisfying
Acts 6:5, “And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose
Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and
Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of
 | ”Filled” is the overflowing word and represents His constant
inflow and overflow in the life and service.
Acts 2:4, “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to
speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

Thought for Today!
”There is no good thing
That I will withhold from you
If you walk uprightly.”
Signed ...
Your Saviour

Eph 1:23, “Which is His body, the fulness of Him, that filleth all
in all.”
Eph 3:19, “And to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge that ye
might be filled with all the fulness of God.”
Eph 3”20, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all
that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.”
Eph 4:6, “One God and Father of all, who is above all, and
through all, and in you all.”

According to God’s Divine Norm and Standard!
There is a Greek preposition, KATA, in the New
Testament which reads “according to” and it means according to God’s
Divine norm or standard.
Now, taking this KATA, “according to,” as it applies to the believer in the
Lord Jesus Christ, we find seven Divine norms or standards.
1. God’s standard of authority.
”According to the Scriptures,” 1 Cor 15:3-4
2. God’s standard of salvation.
”According to God’s mercy,” Titus 3:5
3. God’s standard of blessing.
”According to the riches of God’s Grace,” Eph 1:7
4. God’s standard of power.
”According to God’s power in Christ’s resurrection,” Eph
5. God’s standard of giving.
”According to the riches of His glory,” Eph 3:16
6. God’s standard of effectiveness.
”According to the effectual working of His power,” Eph 3:20
7. God’s standard of supply.
”According to God’s riches in glory in Christ Jesus,” Phil 4:19
God’s norm and standard

Christ’s Death is the Keystone in Arch of Truth
The Holy Spirit recognizes it when He says, “Christ died according to the
Scriptures,” 1 Cor 15:3-4
The jewel of Christ’s atonement lies in the casket of Truth, the following
seven facts of history declared in prophetic Scriptures will illustrate.
- We are told He would die in Psa 22:16. He was “pierced” according to
Roman law and not stoned to death according to Jewish law.
- He was to be betrayed by “a friend,” Psa 41:9, and sold for 30 pieces
of silver. Zech 11:12
- He was by His death to restore that which He took not away. Psa 69:4,
“He bore the sin of many,” Isa 53:12 and was “Numbered with the
transgressors,” Isa 53:12
- There was no compulsion in His sacrifice. His readiness is firmly
expressed in His ”delight to do Thy will, O God,” Psa 40:8
- The depth and intensity of His sufferings are heralded forth in the words
of soul despair, “My God, My God, Why hast Thou forsaken Me?” Psa
- The absolute identity with the sins of His people is tersely put when He
speaks of their iniquity as His own. “My sin,” Psa 38:3
- The Divine Actor behind all is beyond question for it “Pleased JEHOVAH
to bruise Him,” Isa 53:10
Now there is a message for a sermon on Sunday!

There are 14 Titles for the Lord!
“They that know Thy Name will put their trust in Thee, for Thou, Lord, has
not forsaken them that seek Thee,” Psa 9:10
- JEHOVAH-HOSEENU — “The Lord our Maker.”
”Oh come let us worship and kneel before JEHOVAH our Maker,” Psa
- JEHOVAH-JIREH – “The Lord will see and provide,” Gen 22:14
- JEHOVAH-ROPHECA — “The Lord that healeth thee,” Exodus 15:26
- JEHOVAH-NISSI — “The Lord our banner,” Exodus 17:15
- JEHOVAH-MEKADDESHCEM — “The Lord that doth sanctify.”
”I am the Lord which sanctify you,” Lev 20:8
- JEHOVAH-ELOHEENU — “The Lord our God,” Psa 99:5, 8, 9
- JEHOVAH-ELOHEKA — “The Lord thy God” found frequently in the Book of
Deuteronomy and 20 times in chapter 16.
- JEHOVAH-ELOHAY — “The Lord my God,” Zech 14:5
- JEHOVAH-SHALOM — “The Lord send peace,” Judges 6:24
- JEHOVAH-TSEBAHOTH — “The Lord of hosts.” TSEBAHOTH is rendered
”armies,” Num 1:3
”The Lord of hosts is His Name,” Isa 47:4, 48:2, 51:15, 54:5
- JEHOVAH-ROHI — “The Lord my Shepherd,” Psa 23:1
- JEHOVAH-HELEYON — “The Lord Most High,” Num 24:16, Deut 32:8
”Most High God,” Gen 24:18, 19, 20, Psa 78:56
- JEHOVAH-TSIDKEENU — “The Lord our Righteousness,” Jer 23:6, 33:16
- JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH — “The Lord is there,” Ezek 48:35
Prov 30 – “What is His Son’s Name, if you can tell?”

Let’s Take One of the 14 Names of the Lord and See What it Says to Us
JEHOVAH-SHALOM — “The Lord sent peace,” Judges 6:24
We will develop a doctrine for you right in front of your eyes.
The comprehensiveness of the word SHALOM in its use in Isaiah tells us what the
Lord is as our peace.
- He is the Procurer of peace.
”The chastisement of our peace was upon Him,” Isa 53:5
- He is the Personification of our peace.
”For He is the Prince of peace,” Isa 9:6
- He is the Publisher of our peace.
Isa 52:7
- He is the Perfection of our peace, for He keeps us in “peace, peace.”
Those who trust Him, Isa 26:3
- He is the Power of peace.
“He will ordain peace,” Isa 26:12
- He is the Promise of peace.
“The work of righteousness shall be peace.” Isa 32:17
- He is the Perpetuator of peace.
“His covenant of peace shall not be removed” and “of the increase of
His government and peace there shall be no end,” Isa 9:7, Isa 54:10
You can do that with each one of His 14 titles. Try it you will like it!

Thought for the Day!
“In My Father’s house there are many mansions
I go to prepare a place for you
that where I am, there ye may be also
if it were not so, I would have told you.”
God the Son

Monday, August 28, 2000
“I am the Lord” JEHOVAH
This reminds us of the Lord’s immutability.
In Mal 3:6 he says “I am JEHOVAH.” Then He explains what it means –
”I change not.”
Then He gives the application – “Therefore the sons of Jacob are not
Being what He is, He cannot do other than He does.

Often in the Psalms You Find the Holy Spirit Playing Upon the Words
”The Lord, JEHOVAH, is” as coupled with the believer’s faith.
He is the Rock upon which we rest.
”JEHOVAH is my Rock,” Psa 18:2
He is the Defense in which we can hide.
”JEHOVAH is my Defense,” Psa 94:22
He is the Garrison by which we are preserved.
”JEHOVAH is my Keeper,” Psa 121:5

What the Lord is!
The Lord is the Shield behind which we are protected.
”JEHOVAH is my shield,” Psa 28:7
The Lord is our Deliverance by which we are saved.
”JEHOVAH is my light and salvation,” Psa 27:1
The Lord is the Shade by which we are refreshed.
”JEHOVAH is my Shade,” Psa 121:5
The Lord is the Pastor to shepherd.
”JEHOVAH is my Shepherd,” Psa 23:1
Since the Lord is what He is, we may well come to the conclusion of faith as
expressed in Psalm 37.
”Trust in JEHOVAH,” verse 3, for He supplies all needs.
”Delight in JEHOVAH,” verse 4, for He fulfils all desires.
”Commit unto JEHOVAH,” verse 5, for He accomplishes all things.
”Rest in JEHOVAH,” verse 7, for He looks after all His saints.
”Wait upon JEHOVAH,” verse 9, for He bestows all blessings.
”Look to JEHOVAH,” verse 34, for He rewards all waiters.
”Trust in JEHOVAH,” verse 40, for faith sees all Grace.

“JEHOVAH is His Name,” Exodus 15:3
“They that know Thy Name will put their trust in Thee for
Thou, JEHOVAH, has not forsaken them that seek Thee,” Psa 9:10
The Name of the Lord stands for His nature, His character.
The meaning of JEHOVAH is “The Unchanging One,” namely the One who always
was, is, and is to come. Rev 1:4.
The Lord Himself explains it by “I am that I am,” or “I am what I
am,” Exodus 3:14
There are 14 titles of JEHOVAH – 14 hyphenated titles.
”They that know Thy Name will put their trust in Thee.”

The Name “Lord,” JEHOVAH, is Used With Special Significance
When coupled with ELOHIM, JEHOVAH refers to His relationship to man as
”Lord God,” “JEHOVAH ELOHIM,” occurs 19 times in Genesis two
and three.
Among those references, you will find the following principles:
 | The earth was made for man. 2:4, “These are the generations of
the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the
LORD God made the earth and the heavens.” |
 | Man was made for the earth. 2:7, “And the LORD God formed
man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of
life; and man became a living soul.” |
 | A home made for man. 2:8, “And the LORD God planted a garden
eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.” |
 | Man put into the home. 2:16, “And the LORD God commanded the man,
saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.” |
 | Woman made for man. 2:21-22, “And the LORD God caused a deep
sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and
closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had
taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.” |
 | Man hiding from God and called by Him. 3:8-9, “And they heard the
voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam
and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the
trees of the garden. And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him,
Where art thou?” |
 |
God’s provision for man. 3:21, “Unto Adam
also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed
them.” |
 |
God’s statement about man. 3:22, “And the
LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and
evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of
life, and eat, and live for ever:” |
 |
God’s mercy in keeping the man from the tree of
life. 3:23, “Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of
Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.” |
The whole story of man’s creation and fall and God’s
provision for him in Grace is thus summarized.

“I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither
shall any man pluck them out of My hand,” John 10:28
What kind of a life is it that the Lord gives us?
- It is a Christ-identified and a Christ-associated life, for He says,
”Because I live, ye shall live also,” John 14:19
- It is a God-derived and Christ-sustained life.
”As the living Father hath sent Me and I live because of the Father, so He
that eateth Me, even He shall live because of Me,” John 6:37
- It is a self-displacing and a Christ-centered life. For all those who know
Him cease to,
”live unto themselves but unto Him,” 2 Cor 5:15
- It is a Spirit-inscribed and a Spirit-incited life for believers are
the epistles of the living God and He inscribes His character on their inner
being. 2 Cor 3:3
- It is a Christ-indwelt and a Christ-revealing life for each indwelt
believer recognizes what the apostle said,
“I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me,” Gal 2:20
- It is a brethren-considerate and a Lord-controlled life, therefore,
”Who live unto the Lord do not despise nor judge each other,” Rom 14:7-9

Saturday, August 26, 2000
“With What Words”
There are a variety of gracious truths found in the Word of God, such words
as: Truth, fellowship, know, born of God, manifest, and the great words are
light, love, and life.
Life is the sum of all being.
Light is the sum of all knowledge.
Love is the sum of all moral excellence.
There are seven definite things of the Lord.
- The Word of God – the basis of all authority, 1 John 2:14, “I
have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known Him that is from the
beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and
the Word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.”
- The love of God – the secret of all godliness, 1 John 2:5, “But
whoso keepeth His Word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby
know we that we are in Him.” 4:9, “In this was manifested the love of
God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world,
that we might live through Him.” 5:2, “By this we know that we love the
children of God, when we love God, and keep His commandments.”
- The will of God – the bliss of Heaven’s glory, 1 John 2:17, “And the
world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God
abideth for ever.”
- The children of God – the relationship of all privilege, 1 John 3:1-2,
“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we
should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not,
because it knew Him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth
not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we
shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.”
- The Son of God – the Center of all revelation, 1 John 3:8, “He that
committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the
works of the devil.” 1 John 4:15, 5:5, 10, 12, 5:13, 20
- Born of God – the involution of all life, 1 John 3:9, “Whosoever is
born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he
cannot sin, because he is born of God.”
- The Spirit of God – the power of all ability, 1 John 4:2, “Hereby know
ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come
in the flesh is of God:”
The soul of those words glows with an intensity of meaning, and is vital with
the energy of the Holy Spirit.
”Thy Word is a light unto my path.”

The Unity of the Books of the Bible
 | John’s Gospel is associated with Genesis by the correspondent expression “In
the beginning.” |
 | Romans is united to Exodus by the similar blessing of redemption by the
blood of the atonement through faith. |
 | The pilgrim life emphasized by Peter is illustrated in Numbers. |
 | The spiritual lesson of the law laid down by Christ’s teaching as
recorded in Matthew finds its counterpart in Deuteronomy and a further
correspondence is seen in Christ’s quotations from the book in meeting
Satan’s temptations. |
 | The book of Joshua is connected with Ephesians by the contrast of
Israel’s earthly inheritance and the believers riches in heavenly things
in Christ. |
 | Daniel’s sealed book is explained by the book of Revelation. |
 | And the apostasies recorded in the book of Judges are repeated in the
second epistle of Peter and John and in Jude.

The Importance of Individuals and an Individual’s Decisions
In Genesis the men of the flesh such as Ishmael and Esau and their
descendents are summarized in 50 verses. While the men of faith and their seed.
such as Terah, Issac, and Jacob cover no less than over 40 chapters.
From this we gather that those who are only to play a minor part in the drama
of human history, while they are recognized, they and theirs are dismissed with
a few statements of fact. While those who are in the covenant of promise
are prominent throughout. Some are written in the Book of Life and some are
written in the Book of Earth.

Moses Wrote of Me!
Christ endorsed this fact in His well-known words when He said, “Moses
wrote of Me,” John 5:46. The Jews, too, recognized that, “God spake unto
Moses,” John 9:29, although they repudiated Christ.
When we look back over the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers, even the
most superficial reader must be immediately arrested by the tremendous sentence
prefacing nearly every chapter. ”Then the Lord said unto Moses.” And,
“The Lord said unto Moses.” Deut 18:17-20
It is only necessary to hold the Bible in your hand and just let page after page
flit by and as though by a panoramic effect, these words seem to stand out as
the root and essence, the heart and manifestation, the center and the
circumference, of the whole Pentateuch as indeed they are. To take only a few
references from the book of Exodus, we come across this frequent formula, ”The
Lord had spoken.”
When Aaron, as the mouthpiece of the Lord, met the elders of the children of
Israel, “He spake of all the words which the Lord had spoken unto Moses,” Ex
”As the Lord had spoken by Moses,” Ex 9:12, 34, regarding Pharaoh.
”He gave them in commandment all that the Lord had spoken with him,” Ex
34:32. As the lawgiver to Israel, this is declared.
When Christ said “Moses spoke of Me,” I think He wanted us to look it up
and mark this specific expression, “The Lord hath spoken.”

The Emphasis on the Source of the Word
The Word is Divine in its source. Take one book, the book of Acts. The Word
is referred to 35 times.
13 times as “The Word of God.”
8 times as “The Word of the Lord.”
13 times as “The Word.”
“Thy Word” is referenced once in Acts 4:29.
The psalmist says, “Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy Name,” Psa
138:2. Therefore, we do well to glorify it above everything else.
Matt 4:4. “Man cannot live by bread alone, but by but every Word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

Friday, August 25, 2000
Church and the Word is ECCLESIA
The meaning of the word is “that which is called
Up until the time of the Lord’s ministry on Earth,
the Church was a complete mystery.
The Church universal and invisible in the true biblical
sense, is made up of both Jew and Gentile who accept the Lord Jesus Christ
as their personal Saviour regardless of their badge or affiliation. Gal
From the moment of regeneration they cease to be Jew
and Gentile and become ECCLESIA. Col 3:11, Gal 3:26-28
At the point of salvation the Holy Spirit baptizes all
believers into the body of Christ. 1 Cor 12:13
In 1 Cor 12:12 the Church is called the body of Christ
with many members. Rom 12:4
In Col 1:18, Christ is designated as the Head of the
body, the Church.
The Church is the Lord’s redeemed called from the old
creation from in Adam to in Christ. 1 Cor 15:22, 2 Cor 5:17
The Church is likened to a growing, but not yet
completed structure. Eph 2:21-22, 1 Cor 3:9
When the last member is added to this perfect body or
structure, the Lord will remove His Church from the Earth. John 14:3, 1
Thes 4:13-18
The Lord Himself builds His Church. Matt 16:18, Acts
The Church, when in Heaven, is called “the Bride of
Christ.” Rev 19:6-8
Nomenclature (vocabulary)
Position “in Christ,” “Body of Christ,” “Church
universal,” “Church invisible,” “Bride of Christ.”
For believers only!

The Things Believers Have in Common and the Things in Which They Differ
1. Areas in common. It is Grace all the way.
All believers are:
A. All are in union with Christ
B. All are indwelt by the Lord Jesus Christ
C. All are indwelt by God the Holy Spirit
D. All believers are priests
E. All believers are ambassadors
F. All believers are equipped to stay in fellowship
G. All believers are equipped to take in the Word and breath
it out
All believers have:
A. A human spirit
B. A mind and factors of the soul
C. The completed Canon of Scripture
D. All believers have at least one spiritual gift
E. All believers have the privilege of prayer and worship
Every believer is:
A. Commanded to live a supernatural way of life, which
requires the filling of the Holy Spirit, which is the basis for production, the
continued use of faith in the Word and promises of God and resting in them, and
growth to maturity. Eph chapter three and chapter five.
B. Responsible for representing the Lord Jesus Christ
accurately. Acts 1:8
Where believers differ:
A. The old sin nature. Every believer has an old sin
nature which differs from the next person
in operation of patterns of interest – lust pattern, area of weakness, and
area of strength. All of which is unacceptable to God.
B. Spirituality. The believer is either spiritual or carnal
at any given moment, when in fellowship Divine Good is produced.
C. Growth. Different stages of growth, babe, teenager, adult. 1
John 2:12-14
D. Physical or personal differences
E. Spiritual gifts. These determine authority and
responsibility in the Church. In human life, authority and responsibility come
because of physical birth and ability, etc. In the Christian way of life, all
authority and responsibility is based upon spiritual birth and the sovereign
bestowment of spiritual gifts by God the Holy Spirit.

The Born Again Jew at the Second Advent Receives Four Unconditional
Each one of the four unconditional covenants have an “eternal life”
clause, which means you have to be saved and have eternal life.
- The Abrahamic covenant.
A covenant made between God and Abraham. Gen 12, 13, 15, 17, 22. And a
promise of Abraham and his seed forever.
- The Palestinian covenant. Deut 30:1-8
This is the promise of the land forever – has eternal life clause.
- The Davidic covenant. 2 Sam 7:12-16
A promise of a King forever, David’s greater Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The New covenant. Jer 31:31-34
A promise of the Word of God no longer on tablets, but on their souls.
All have eternal life clauses in the promises, which means the Jews have to
be born again, and that are they promised unconditionally.
A seed, a soil, a Son, a Scripture.
Abraham will always have a seed. The Jews will get the land. They will have a
King. And they will have the Word of God. Forever!

The Lord’s Table – The Communion Service
This is the most solemn of all when it comes to worship. The Lord instituted
this Himself and it should be entered into discreetly and honestly before the
Four principles of communion. 1 Cor 11:20-34
1. Harmony. Verses 20-22
A. You should come together habitually for Church service.
Heb 10:25
B. A love feast, the Church supper, was eaten before
communion. Emphasis was not to be on eating, but on sharing, harmony as the body
of Christ.
2. Remembrance of the Lord Jesus Christ. Verses 23-26
A. Bread. Speaks of the work of Christ. Emphasis on the
Person of Christ, the incarnation, His impeccability. 2 Cor 5:21. Also as the
Bread of Life. John 6:35
B. “Which is broken,” which is Jesus Christ dying on the
Cross. He was bruised. Isa 53:5. No bones were broken, John 19:33, 36. This
fulfilled Scripture. Exodus 12:46, Num 9:12
C. Eating of the Bread is a picture of faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ.
D. “Cup” speaks of the work of Christ, emphasis on the
shedding of blood.
E. “The New Testament in My blood” is a new covenant,
salvation through the death of Jesus Christ.
3. Restoration to fellowship. Verses 27-32
A. We as believers in the Church Age have two rituals.
1. Baptism – only once. Speaks of
positional truth.
2. Communion – many times. Which
speaks of fellowship with God in time.
B. We are not to partake of the communion “unworthily”
i.e., while out of fellowship.
C. Let a man examine himself, himself not others, to
see if he is in fellowship, you can’t partake out of fellowship.
1. No Church board or Church
government is to bar a believer from communion. It is a personal and individual
2. There is no Biblical basis for
closed communion.
D. If you partake of communion while out of fellowship, you
are subject to damnation. This is Divine discipline – chastisement for the
believer out of fellowship.
E. Because when believers take communion out of fellowship,
many are:
1. Weak, feeble – loss of energy
2. Sickly – chronic invalid
3. And many sleep – Christian
F. If we judge ourselves and restore ourselves, we avoid
4. Fellowship. Verses 33-34
A. When you come together for the love feast, the Church
supper, “tarry” (wait) for all and partake together.
B. If we are hungry, eat at home so you can wait for one
another. Be courteous, and as a result, be in fellowship before you partake of
the communion. By means of 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful
and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

The Indwelling of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in All Believers!
The indwelling is prophesied for the Church Age.
A. Holy Spirit. John 7:39, John 14:16-17
B. Jesus Christ. John 14:20
This was impossible before Jesus Christ was glorified.
John 7:39
Distinction must be made between the indwell Holy
Spirit and the indwelling of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ indwells the believer. John
14:20, Gal 2:20, 2 Cor 13:5, Col 1:27
The Holy Spirit indwells the believer. John
14:16-17, 1 Cor 3:16, 1 Cor 6:19-20, Rom 8:9-10, Gal 3:2, Gal 4:6
The Lord Jesus Christ indwells the believer for the
purpose of fellowship. Rev 3:20
The Holy Spirit indwells the believer to provide the
power to execute the Christian way of life and to glorify the Lord Jesus
Christ. John 16:14, Eph 5:18, Gal 5:22-26
The power of the Holy Spirit is turned on through the
cleansing provided through the use of 1 John 1:9. The Holy Spirit is God and
God cannot control if there is sin in the life.
The Holy Spirit is the only One who can glorify the
Lord Jesus Christ in the Church Age.
Relationship with Jesus Christ means a relationship
with God the Holy Spirit.

Confidence – 1 John 5:14-21
- Confidence comes from getting the Word of God into your mind through the
filling of the Holy Spirit transferring it to the human spirit by faith,
with the result you have a frame of reference and edifying maturity, and
this gives stability and confidence.
- To have confidence, you need to have daily Doctrinal intake and
application of the Word of God to your circumstances.
- Regardless of what happens to this country, to this world, regardless of
disaster, catastrophe, which might surround us, God’s plan moves on day by
day. You are a believer and you are a part of that plan, therefore you must
regard every day with confidence.
- The secret to your stability under all conditions is your confidence on
knowing the Word of God and the reflection of the glory of God. Eph 3:13-21
with Eph 4:21-32
- Therefore, your life will glorify the Lord. Your stability, your
confidence, and inner resources will have an impact.
- When you know the Word of God so well that you can’t forget it, you are
in and have confidence.
- 1 John 5:14-21 is the chapter for confidence.
1. Verse 14 – Confidence in knowing the will of God
2. Verse 15 – Confidence in prayer
3. Verses 16-17 – Confidence in being alive
4. Verse 18 – Confidence in function
A. Spirituality
B. Eternal security
5. Verses 19-20 – Confidence in relationship
6. Verse 21 – Confidence in separation
- Do not confuse confidence with ego. A person can be dogmatic and
confident regarding the Word of God, but this is not ego.
- Confidence comes from having inner resources, the Word of God in your
mind which produces stability in life. “As a man thinketh in his
mind, so is he.”
We know therefore we are confident.
”Knowing we are confident.”

Crowns are indicative of reward for the believer who has logged time in
fellowship and operated as unto the Lord.
1. The crown of righteousness
The operation of putting your faith in the promises of God as believers. 2 Tim
2. The crown of joy
Mature believers with inner happiness helping other believers and winning souls.
Phil 4:1, 1 Thes 2:19
3. The crown of glory
Glory here refers to reflected glory of Christ shining forth, refers to rewards
for pastors with maturity. 1 Pet 5:4
4. The crown of life
For those who endure terrific testing and temptation and they stay occupied with
the Lord Jesus Christ, Rev 2:1, James 1:12. Utilization of the
faith-patience precept.
5. Crown of thorns
Not referring to rewards for Church Age believers, but speaking of the Lord
Jesus Christ bearing the curse of sin. Matt 27:29
6. Incorruptible crown
1 Cor 9:21 refers to the nature of the rewards. They will be spiritual rewards
that never fade away or perish like the Roman “garland and leaves.”
7. The many crowns
Rev 19:12, “His eyes were as a flame of fire and on His head were many crowns
and He had a Name written, that no man knew but He Himself.”

Dying Grace. We Live by Grace and We Die by Grace
The death of a believer and an outline on dying Grace. Job 5:17-27
God provides Grace for dying just like He did for living. Whether living or
dying, it is all the Grace of God.
- Dying Grace removes the fear of death. Psa 23:4, “Yea, though I
walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for
Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.”
- Dying Grace depends on Who and What the Lord is. Psa 116:15,
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.”
- Provision of deliverance in extreme difficulties. Job 6:17-21,
“What time they wax warm, they vanish: when it is hot, they are consumed
out of their place. The paths of their way are turned aside; they go to
nothing, and perish. The troops of Tema looked, the companies of Sheba
waited for them. They were confounded because they had hoped; they came
thither, and were ashamed. For now ye are nothing; ye see my casting down,
and are afraid.”
- Dying Grace provides inner peace. Job 21b-24
- Dying Grace gives comfort to those who are left behind. Job 5:25,
“Thou shalt know also that thy seed shall be great, and thine offspring as
the grass of the earth.”
- God takes the believer at the right time. Job 5:26-27, “Thou
shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in
his season. Lo this, we have searched it, so it is; hear it, and know thou
it for thy good.”
The believer after death:
- No judgment in eternity. Rom 8:1, “There is therefore now no
condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the
flesh, but after the Spirit.”
- No sin nature in eternity. 1 Cor 3:11-16, “For other foundation
can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man
build upon this Foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay,
stubble; Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall
declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try
every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which he
hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall
be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by
fire. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God
dwelleth in you?”
- Face-to-face with the Lord in eternity. 2 Cor 5:1-8, “For we know
that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a
building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens. For
in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which
is from Heaven: If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. For
we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we
would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up
of life. Now He that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, Who also
hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit. Therefore we are always
confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent
from the Lord: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I
say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with
the Lord.”
- All sorrow is removed in eternity. Rev 21:4, “And God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the
former things are passed away.”
- An inheritance for all believers. 1 Pet 1:4-5, “To an inheritance
incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in Heaven
for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready
to be revealed in the last time.”
- Death means a new eternal home. John 14:1-3, “Let not your heart
be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are
many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a
place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again,
and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
- Death means a fuller realization of eternal life. 2 Cor 4:18,
“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which
are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things
which are not seen are eternal.”
Who is afraid to go home?

Thursday, August 24, 2000
A Word About the Word!
1. A Divine impossibility
”That there should proceed out of the mouth of the Most High evil and
good,” Lam 3:38
An holy utterance must ever proceed from Him who is holy.
2. A Divine statement
”The Word that goeth forth (or proceedeth) out of the mouth of the Lord
shall not return unto Him void, but it must accomplish the thing He has
determined,” Isa 55:11
3. Christ has endorsed the fact that the Word which proceeds out of the mouth of
JEHOVAH must be of benefit to those who receive it, for it is by means of it
that man lives to purpose. Matt 4:4, Deut 8:3, Luke 4:4

A Word About the Word!
The Word of God is definite in its claim! The epistles to the Thessalonians
illustrate the claims of the Word.
1. “It is the Word” in its authority, 1:6, “And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the
Word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit:”
2. “The Word of the Lord” in its message, 1:8, “For from you sounded out the
Wword of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing.”
4:15, “For this we say unto you by the Word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.”
Second 3:1, ”Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:”
3. “The Word of God” in its power, 2:13, “For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the
Word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in
Truth, the Word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.”
The Word claims the faith of our obedience, the loyalty of our love, and the
desire of our hope.

A Word About the Word!
The Word is distinct in its prophecy. The Book of Revelation may illustrate
what is found in many places.
1. Christ is the key, 19:13, “And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and
His Name is called The Word of God.”
2. To keep It is our responsibility, 1:9, 3:8, 10, 6:9, 20:4
3. And to bear record of it is our privilege, 1:2, “Who bare record of the Word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.”

Distinguishing Messages in the Word!
The many qualifying words of the Word indicate its manifold
It is a Word of life to quicken, Phil 2:16, “Holding forth the
Word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.”
It is a Word of faith to beget faith, Rom 10:8,
“But what saith it? The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;”
It is a Word of reconciliation to assure, 2 Cor
5:19, “To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the
Word of reconciliation.”
It is the Word of God to slay, Eph 6:17, “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the
Word of God:”
It is the Word of Christ to indwell, Col 3:16, “Let the
Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with
Grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
It is the Word of the Lord to reveal, 1 Thes 4:13, “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.”
It is the Word of faithfulness to keep, Titus 1:9, “Holding fast the faithful
Word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound Doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.”
It is the Word of righteousness to adjust, Heb 5:13,
“For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the Word of righteousness: for he is a babe.”
It is the Word of incorruption to endure, 1 Pet
1:23, 25, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the
Word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever ... But the Word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the
Word which by the Gospel is preached unto you.”
It is the engrafted Word to fructify, James 1:21, “Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted
Word, which is able to save your souls.”

The Word in its Devotion to its Promises!
The Word, as such, is coupled with what the Spirit calls, “the Word of all
His goodness.”
Solomon confessed that, “Not one Word of God’s good promise failed,” 1
Kings 8:56
His promises and the performances of them are continually referred to. Psa
105:42, Acts 13:23, 32, 26:6-7, Rom 4:20, Gal 3:14-29, Heb 6:13-17, 2 Pet
3:4, 2 Pet 3:9, 13

What Christ Taught About the Word!
When we call to mind what the Lord says He will do by means of His Word,
we can see how beneficent and practical it is in its inworking and outworking.
Let us confine our thoughts to Christ and His teaching.
- He taught that the Word was a fruit producer – Matt 13:23, “But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the
Word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”
- He taught that the Word was a victory gainer – Matt 4:4, “But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
- He taught that the Word was a disciple witnesser – John 8:31, “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on
Him, If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed;”
- He taught that the Word was a sanctifying obtainer – John 17:17, “Sanctify them through
Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth.”
- He taught that the Word was a love prover – John 14:23, “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love
Me, he will keep My Words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make
Our abode with Him.”
- He taught that the Word was a prayer answerer – John 15:7, “If ye abide in
Me, and My Words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”
- He taught that the Word was a heart assurer – John 5:24, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth
My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”

The Doctrines of the Bible Found in the Bible
One of the earliest of the epistles, if not the earliest, is Paul’s letter
to the Church at Thessalonica and it is generally agreed that that the epistle
was written A.D. 54 to 56.
Doctrines of the Bible
- Our Gospel came not in Word only – 1:5, “For our Gospel came not unto you in
Word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.”
- We received the Word – 1:6, “And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the
Word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit:”
- The Word of the Lord – 1:8, “For from you sounded out the
Word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing.”
- The Gospel of God. The Gospel – 2:2, “But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the
Gospel of God with much contention.” 4:8-9, “He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his
Holy Spirit. But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.”
- The Word of God – 2:13, “For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the
Word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in
Truth, the Word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.”
- The Gospel of Christ – 3:2, “And sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellowlabourer in the
Gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith:”
- The Word of the Lord – 4:15, “For this we say unto you by the
Word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.”

A President’s View of Right-Man/Right-Woman
“'There is need to develop all the virtues that have the state for their
sphere of action, but these virtues are as dust in a windy street unless back of
them lie the strong and tender virtues of a family life based upon the
love of one man for the one woman and on their joyous and fearless
acceptance of their common obligations to the children that are theirs.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

Christ’s Present Ministry at the Right Hand of God the Father!
This ministry has to do with believers only. He appears in the presence
of God “for us.”
- As our Representative, He lives for us.
- As our High Priest, He pleads for us.
- As our Advocate, He answers for us.
- As our Succourer, He aids us.
- As our Keeper, He preserves us.
- As our Shepherd, He tends us.
- As our Friend, He cheers us.
- As our Companion, He has fellowship with us.
We hear Him say as He said of His own long since, “I pray for them.”
Thus His present service is respective to God’s people.

The Day of Salvation is Elective in its Purpose
The Lord is taking out from the world a bride for Himself. In order to
accomplish this, those who are saved go forth and proclaim the willingness of
the Lord to save to the uttermost.
The bride being blessed by Him receives a seven-fold benediction.
- They are saved by His Grace.
- They are secure in His power.
- They are sealed by His Spirit who selected the bride for Christ.
- They are supplied at His board.
- They are sanctified in His fellowship.
- They are satisfied with His favour.
- They are sent forth to His service.
Here comes the bride!

A Two-Fold Work of Grace
1. The Grace of God saves us from what we deserve as sinners.
2. The Grace of God also teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and
to live soberly, righteously, and godly.
Titus 2:11, “For the Grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared to all
Titus 2:12, “Teaching us to that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we
should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world.”
Grace upon Grace!

There is a Two-Fold Redemption
1. We are redeemed to God by the blood of Christ. Hence, “In Him we have
redemption,” Eph 1:7
2. But the outcome of this means we are to be redeemed from all iniquity.
Titus 2:14, “Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity
and purify unto Himself a peculiar people zealous of good works.”
All believers are redeemed, but not all believers are redeemed when it comes
to the Christian way of life; they still walk in darkness.

Meet For and Not Meet!
The Father in His love and Grace has ”made us meet for the
inheritance of the saints in light,” Col 1:12
And we are responsible to see that we are vessels “meet” for the Master’s
use by being set apart and prepared to every good work, 2 Tim 2:21
You met Him at the Cross. Will you meet him in time?

Two-Fold Acceptance!
God in His Grace has made us “accepted in the Beloved,” Eph 1:6
And because of being accepted, we are to make it our aim and ambition “to be accepted
of Him,” that is to be “well pleasing to Him” as Christians, 2 Cor 5:9
All these two-fold Doctrines make a distinction between salvation and the
Christian way of life, spirituality.

Two-Fold Life!
Believers in Jesus Christ have eternal life as a gift from God, Rom 6:23
But we are to lay hold on eternal life as an experience, 1 Tim 6:19
Two-Fold Forgiveness
God in His wondrous love graciously forgives us of our sins, Eph 1:7
And that is to be the incentive ”to forgive one another even as He has
forgiven us,” Eph 4:32
Again – forgiven is for salvation.
”Forgive one other” is for spirituality, forgiveness applied.

Double “D” – Double Deliverance!
God has delivered us from the power of darkness, Col 1:13, “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of
His dear Son:”
That we should be delivered from this present evil world, Gal 1:4, “Who gave
Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:”
These few illustrations will indicate many doubles that are found in connection
with the Lord’s blessings.
What God has joined together, we must not put asunder.
It is our privilege to recognize what is ours in Christ.
But, we are equally responsible to allow Christ to live in us that we may
fulfill our responsibilities.
Christ in you – the Hope of glory.

Wednesday, August 23, 2000
Another Hebrew Honey!
”TEPHILLAH” we are happy if we have friends who pray for us, but we are
happier when we go direct to headquarters for ourselves. We are independent of
others when we are dependent upon the Lord.
”TEPHILLAH” means to make supplication. It occurs 76 times and 31 of them
are in the Psalms. The individualism is seen in the fact that the psalmist
says again and again:
”Hear my prayer,” Psa 4:1, 39:12, 54:2, 84:8, 102:1,
”Receive my prayer,” Psa 6:9
”Give ear to my prayer,” Psa 17:1, 55:1, 86:6
”Attend unto my prayer,” Psa 61:1
The individualism is brought out in the individual named in prayer — like
David, Moses, Solomon, Daniel, Manasseh, Nehemiah, Mattaniah, Job, Habakkuk.

Another Hebrew Honey!
“‘CHALAH” is rendered “pray” three times and all three are found in
Zech 7:2, Zech 8:21, Zech 8:22 and in each instance in the uniform
sentence, ”Pray before the Lord.”
If the passages are studied, it will be found that those who prayed, pray, or
will pray in a time of stress and pain, and cry out as a woman cried out in
travail till her strength is nearly worn out.
The words are rendered “intreat,” Prov 19:6; “besought,” 1 King 13:6;
“make prayer,” Dan 9:13; “make supplication,” 1 Sam 13:12; “make
suit,” Job 11:19; “travail” Jer 4:31; and “become weak,” Judges 16:7,

Prayer and Waiting on the Lord!
Wait at His door with prayer
Wait at His feet with humility
Wait at His table with service
Wait at His window with expectancy
”Waiting on the Lord” means at least three things:
1. Dependence on the Lord.
”On Thee do I wait all the day,” Psa 25:5
To wait on the Lord is to live a life of dependence on God, as the child
waits on his father in whom he has confidence and on whom he casts all his care.
2. Humility before the Lord.
The psalmist expresses the thought of humility’s absolute resources in Him
when he says
”My soul, wait thou upon God,” Psa 62:5
”A God that worketh for him, that waiteth for him,” Isa 64:4
3. Blessing from the Lord.
Blessing of strength comes to those who wait on the Lord for the Word says,
”But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount
up with wings as eagles. They shall run, and not be weary and they shall walk
and not faint,” Isa 40:31
The meaning of the word “wait” is to bind together by twisting or to collect
in one place. The term is rendered “gathered together” in speaking of the
waters under Heaven being gathered into one place. Gen 1:9
When our weakness is bound together with the Lord’s strength, His strength
is make perfect in our weakness.

An Illustrative Chapter in the Old Testament!
There is one chapter in which a full revelation is given on atonement.
We find that the verb “to make atonement” occurs 16 times in Lev 16. Fifteen
times KAPHAR is rendered “make an atonement” and once “make
reconciliation,” verse 20.
It is an interesting study to see the different places and the things for which
atonement was made, for it emphasizes the fact that everything is based on
atonement, whether it be the salvation of the sinner or the work and worship of
the priest.
There is a corresponding word in the New Testament which is “propitiation.”
It is found in Rom 3:25, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10. In these passages, God has set
forth Christ to be “a propitiation for our sins,” i.e., satisfaction.

The first time the Greek word “reconciliation” occurs
is in Rom 5:10. ”For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by,”
DIA with the genitive means “by means of,” “the death of His Son,
much more being reconciled we shall be saved in,” not by, but EN in “His
How do you study? Well, here we have four explicit thoughts:
1. The person’s reconciled “enemies.”
2. The means by which the reconciliation is effected, “by
the death of His Son.”
3. The person to whom the rebels were reconciled “to
4. The power into which reconciliation brings “saved in His
Now that didn’t hurt did it? Study is not a dirty word.

A Key Verse on Reconciliation
Rom 5:11, “And not only so, but also glorifying in God through our Lord
Jesus Christ through Whom we have now received the reconciliation.”
”Atonement” as given in the Authorized Version is wrong. It should be as
elsewhere rendered “reconciliation.” One of the blunders of the translators
is that where the word should be “reconciliation,” we have given to us
“atonement.” And where the word should be “atonement,” as in Heb 2:17,
we have “reconciliation.”
The key verse here emphasizes that “reconciliation” is through Christ, which
“we have now received.” Mark the word “now” and then “we
have.” Because of this, we enjoy the high privilege of “joy in God” or
boast in Him and thus cease from self and others and find our home in God

Reconciliation in 2 Cor 5:18-20
Reconciliation is mentioned five times in these verses.
1. The cause and means of reconciliation.
”God who hath reconciled us unto Himself by Jesus Christ.”
2. Co-workers in the ministry of reconciliation.
”Hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.”
3. Contents of the Gospel of reconciliation.
”To wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.”
4. Committal of the word of reconciliation.
”Hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.”
5. Call to reconciliation.
”We pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.”
I told you it doesn’t hurt to study.

Abba Father
In ELOHIM, we have revealed the glory of God’s power.
In ADONAI we have the glory of the Lord’s possessions.
In JEHOVAH we have made known the glory of His Divine Person.
In Father we have brought to us the glory of His loving paternity.
In the first, there is made known the skill and strength of His hands as
In the second, there is made known the claim and call of His authority as Lord
and Master.
In the third, we see the Grace and constancy of His immutable purpose as the
Unchanging One.
And in the fourth, we have the hand and heart of our Father’s love and aid.
Eph 1:7, “The Father of glory” is one of the designations of Himself, but
the glory of the Father is only known, as we are in intimate fellowship with the
Father of glory.

A Divine Outline of our Father!
The Gospel of John is especially the Gospel which reveals our Father. Tracing
through John, a definite thought may be emphasized in each chapter where the
Father is mentioned.
1. The Father’s unfolding – John 1:1-14
2. The Father’s house – John 2:16
3. The Father’s trust – John 3:35
4. The Father’s worship – John 4:23
5. The Father’s will – John 5:17-42
In addition to the general survey of the of the Fatherhood of God in Christ as
revealed by the Holy Spirit, in John we find the Father’s specific act
severally mentioned. See if you can see them.
6. The Father’s provision – John 6:27-57
7. The Father’s commission – John 8:16-54
8. The Father’s fellowship – John 10:15-38
9. The Father’s response – John 11:41
10. The Father’s glory – John 12:26-50
11. The Father’s confidence – John 13:1-3
12. The Father’s image – John 14:2-31
13. The Father’s ministry – John 15:1-26
14. The Father’s love – John 16:3-32
15. The Father’s keeping – John 17:1-24
16. The Father’s cup – John 18:11
17. The Father’s presence – John 20:17-21

The Father’s Acts Revealed in John
His definite seeking – 4:23
His earnest working – 5:17
His ardent loving – 5:20, 10:17, 16:27
His powerful raising – 5:21
His specific sending – 5:36, 8:16-18
His Divine sealing – 6:27
His holy giving – 6:32, 37, 10:29, 13:3
His attractive drawing – 6:44
His recognized honouring – 8:54, 12:26
His appreciative knowledge – 10:15
His distinct command – 10:18, 14:31
His consecrating act – 10:36
His unmistakable message – 12:50
His sufficient bestowment – 14:26, 15:26
His fruitful tending – 15:1
His safe keeping – 17:11
I think there is enough there for a couple of Sundays ... Maybe a parfait!

Thought for the Day!
“A just war is in the long run better for a man’s soul than the most
prosperous peace.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

An Awesome Thought Not to be Looked at Too Lightly!!!
At Calvary man is seen at his worst! We are told that, “Where sin abounded,
Grace did much more abound,” Rom 5:20. This super-abounding of sin and
Grace is not a general statement! But it is a specific and formal statement!
”Wicked hands nailed the Christ to the Cross,” Acts 2. It does not say
“sinful hands” but “wicked hands,” which means “rebellious hands,
defiled hands.” It shows man in the climax and concentration of his guilt.
Man in his tripartite nature of his being is made up of spirit, soul, and body.
Man is identified with Christ and Christ is identified with him in that He
suffered in spirit, soul, and body.
”His body was pierced for He was wounded for our transgressions,” Isa 53:5.
”His soul was poured out for He is the Good Shepherd who laid down His life,”
literally “soul,“ “for His sheep,” John 10:11
He suffered in His spirit for in anticipation of His death, His spirit is said
to be troubled on more than one occasion, John 12:27, 13:21, He dismissed His
The worst of man, wicked hands – and the Best Man.

Tuesday, August 22, 2000
The Gospel is the proclamation of forgiveness. Luke
24:47, “And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in
His Name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” Acts 13:38, “Be it
known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this Man is
preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:”
God is the Author of forgiveness. Acts 5:31,
“Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour,
for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.” Mark 2:7,
“Why doth this Man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God
Man is the receiver of forgiveness. Matt 8:2, “And,
behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt,
thou canst make me clean.”
The blood of Christ is the ground for forgiveness. Col
1:14, “In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness
of sins:” Eph 1:7, “In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the
forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His Grace;”
Faith in Christ is the instrument to obtain
forgiveness. Acts 10:43, “To Him give all the prophets witness, that
through His Name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of
sins.” Acts 26:18, “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness
to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive
forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by
faith that is in Me.”
The Word of God is the assurance of forgiveness. 1
John 2:12, “I write unto you, little children, because your sins are
forgiven you for His Name’s sake.” James 5:15, “And the prayer of
faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have
committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” Luke 7:47, “Wherefore I say
unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but
to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.”
Liberty is the meaning of forgiveness. Luke 1:77, “To
give knowledge of salvation unto His people by the remission of their
sins,” Luke 3:3, “And He came into all the country about Jordan,
preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;” Luke 4:18,
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach
the Gospel to the poor; He hath sent Meto heal the brokenhearted, to preach
deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at
liberty them that are bruised.
The words rendered “deliverance” and “liberty”
in Luke are the same as is rendered “forgiveness” in Eph 1:7, “In
whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
according to the riches of His Grace;”
The condition of forgiveness is a forgiving Spirit.
Matt 6:12-15, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the
kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. For if ye forgive men
their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye
forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your
trespasses.” Eph 4:32, “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”
”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to
forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

The Drink Offering – Numbers 28 and Numbers 29
The drink offering consisted of strong wine, Num 28:7. And it is typical of
the joy which the death of Christ gives to God, and brings to Christ and the
believer. For wine is represented in the Scriptures as the symbol of joy. It is
said to cheer the heart of God and man and to make the latter glad. Jud 9:13,
Psa 104:15
The Lord and the drink offering
Like all other offerings, this one was presented “unto the Lord.” The
expression ”unto the Lord” occurs 18 times in Num 28 and 29 and is
frequently used in connection with the drink offering, which is
significantly said to be ”poured unto the Lord,” Num 28:7
The purpose Christ had in view in pouring out His soul in death for us was
infinitely greater than to save us from hell and bring us to Heaven. It was to
bring us to God! The Holy Spirit emphasizes this again and again in the New
Testament when He speaks of Christ’s death and sacrifice, believers are said
to be:
”Reconciled to God,” Rom 5:10, 2 Cor 5:19
”Alive unto God,” Rom 6:11
”Redeemed to God,” Rev 5:9
”Priests unto God,” Rev 1:6
To know we have been brought to the center of all blessings is to be in touch
with all God is, has, done, promises, and will yet do.
Delivered from hell is minor compared to being alive to God.

Sharing the Seven-Fold Joy of Christ!
The joy of the anticipation for His delights were with
the souls of men in the past eternity. Prov 8:31, “Rejoicing in the
habitable part of his Earth; and My delights were with the sons of men.”
The joy of incarnation for the angelic song at His
birth was ”Behold I bring you tidings of great joy,” Luke
2:10, “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you
good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”
The joy of fellowship which Christ had with His
Father. Luke 10:21, “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in Spirit, and said,
I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, that Thou hast hid these
things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even
so, Father; for so it seemed good in Thy sight.”
The joy of confidence for He could say even in the
pains of death ”My heart doth rejoice” for He knew His Father
would raise Him up from among the dead. Acts 2:24, 26, 28, “Whom God hath
raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible
that He should be holden of it.” “Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my
tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:” “Thou hast
made known to me the ways of life; Thou shalt make me full of joy with Thy
The joy of victory for His Word in John on the isle of
Patmos. “I am He that liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive
forevermore. Amen. And have the keys of hell and of death.” Rev 1:18
The joy of salvation which He proclaimed is the joy of
the three persons. Luke 15:6, 9, 24, “And when he cometh home, he calleth
together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for
I have found my sheep which was lost.” “And when she hath found it, she
calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me;
for I have found the piece which I had lost.” “For this my son was dead,
and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be
“Rejoice with me.” “Rejoice with me.” “And they began to be
The joy of satisfaction “For He shall see of the
travail of His soul and shall be satisfied,” Isa 53:11,
“He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied: by His
knowledge shall My Righteous Servant justify many; for He shall bear their
Rejoice, and again I say rejoice.

Thought for the Day!
“It is a good thing for all Americans and it is an especially good thing
for all young Americans to remember the men who have given their lives in war
and peace to the service of their fellow countrymen and to keep in mind the
feats of daring and personal prowess done in time past by some of the many
champions of the nation in the various crises of her history.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

The Spirit-Filled Life is Always a Joy
“The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy”
A Spirit-filled life is always a gladdened life, which glows with the
Lord’s joy. “Gladness of heart” – the outcome of Pentecost. Acts 2:46,
“And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread
from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of
”Rejoicing they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name” is
consequent upon a Spirit-indicted testimony. Acts 5:41, “And they departed
from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to
suffer shame for His Name.”
”The face of an angel” is the outcome of the Spirit possessing Stephen.
Acts 6:15, “And all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him, saw
his face as it had been the face of an angel.”
”He went on his way rejoicing” is the result of the result of the
Spirit’s working through Philip to the eunuch. Acts 8:39, “And when they
were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that
the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.”
Barnabas “was glad” when he saw what God had been doing through others
and the secret cause was because he “was full of the Holy Spirit.” Acts
11:24, “For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith: and
much people was added unto the Lord.”
The disciples were “filled with joy” because they were filled with the
Holy Spirit when persecuted at Antioch. Acts 13:52, “And the disciples
were filled with joy, and with the Holy Spirit.”
And the consequences of being filled with the Spirit is “speaking to
yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in
your heart to the Lord,” Eph 5:19.
Gal 5:22, “The fruit of the Spirit is joy.”
“Rejoice, and again I say rejoice!”

“It Pleased the Lord to Bruise Him”
We miss much as Christians if we do not see the pleasure as well as the pain
which the Godhead has in the mutual sacrifice of the Cross.
”It pleased the Lord to bruise Him.” He knew the necessity of the
case, and met the case in all its necessities.
The Hebrew word ”pleased” in Isa 53:10 means, “to be inclined
to,” “to bend towards an object with ardent desire and delight.” The
word is frequently translated “delight.” Num 14:8. The use of the word
as associated with the Father and the Son in relation to atonement will
illustrate the joy of fellowship they had in Calvary.
Illustrations of the use of the word:
”Sacrifice and offering Thou didst not desire,” Psa 40:6
”I delight to do Thy will,” Psa 40:8
”It pleased the Lord to bruise Him,” Isa 53:10
”The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hands,” Isa 53:10
Christ delighted to do His Father’s will and the Father delighted in Him as
He did it.
The eyes of carnal reason see only a bloody scene of cruel enactment on the
Cross. But the eyes of appreciative love behold a consecrated fulfillment of
Divine intent.

Practical Application of the Offering
Paul in writing to the Church at Philippi says, ”Yea and if I be offered
upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy and rejoice, with you
all,” Phil 2:17. At the end of his earthly career he said to Timothy, “For I
am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand,” 2
Tim 4:6
In the first instance he views the Philippians in their character as consecrated
believers, as a holocaust or burnt offering to God. And upon the
sacrifice of their devotion he was willing to pour out his own life’s
blood as a drink offering, in his endeavor to make known the Gospel which
he had preached to them. And he expresses the same thought to Timothy as he
looks death in the face from his prison in Rome.
The secret that will make us willing to sacrifice everything and to be
sacrificed is the sacrifice of Calvary.
God ever directs our thoughts to the Christ that is His example we may find
our inspiration and in His indwelling, we may have the secret force which makes
us follow the perfect ideal.

Thought for the Day!
Young McCall of the Livingstone Congo mission, in
the midst of his work in Africa, was suddenly struck down and called upon to
give up his life. His last words were,
”Lord, I give myself to Thee, body, mind, and soul. I consecrated my whole
life and being to Thy services, and now, if it please Thee to take myself,
instead of the work which I could do for Thee, what is that to me? Thy will be

Hebrew Honey!
ELOHIM and its relatives, ELOAH, EL, ELAH, EL-SHADDAI.
1. ELOHIM – God in the unity of His Divine personality and power.
2. ELOAH – God in the exclusiveness of His Deity, as the Supreme Object
of worship.
3. EL – God in the expressiveness of His character and action.
4. ELAH – Chaldean form of ELOAH.
5. EL-SHADDAI – God in the sufficiency of His Grace and government.
Exodus 6:3, “And I appeared unto Abraham unto Issac, and unto Jacob by
the name of, God Almighty, but by My name, JEHOVAH was I not known to
He attaches significance and meaning to the names by which He calls Himself.
The Name of our Lord God should be like a precious jewel in the cabinet of our
souls. To be taken out only at great times and with a loving awe.

“In the Beginning God,” ELOHIM, “Created the Heavens and the Earth”
The title ELOHIM occurs in ten ways as descriptive of His power.
- God created – Gen 1:1, 21, 27. His power to bring into
being. The word “created” is BARA, which means to bring into existence
without the aid of pre-existing material.
- God made – Gen 1:7, 16, 25, 31; 2:2, 3. His power to fashion and
beautify. The word is ASAH, rendered “made.” It means to fashion out of
what already exists.
- The Spirit of God moved – Gen 1:2. His power to bring into life.
- God said – Gen 1;3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29. His power
to speak and cause to be.
- God saw – Gen 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31. His power to discern
and appreciate.
- God called – Gen 1:5, 8, 10. His power to describe and name.
- God divided – Gen 1:4. His power to separate and distinguish.
- God set – Gen 1:17. His power to place and keep.
- God ended – Gen 2:2. His power to accomplish and complete.
- God blessed – Gen 1:28, 2:3. His power to enrich and
Ten ELOHIMs in creation and recreation. Omnipotence.

Thought for the Day!
“No abounding of material prosperity shall avail if our spiritual senses
atrophy. The foes of our own household will surely prevail against us unless
there be in our people an inner life which finds its outer expression in
a morality like unto that preached by the seers and prophets of God when
the grandeur that was Greece and the glory that was Rome still lay in the
–Theodore Roosevelt

Cheating in Business!
Eph 4:28, “Let him that stole steal no more but rather
let him labour working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have
to give to him that needeth.”
The phrase “let him that stole” is a present tense, which means it is going
on now. It is an active voice and the person uses his own free will to cheat.
A believer out of fellowship is operating under mental
attitude sins and is a slave to the details of life.
A believer out of fellowship operates under materialism
In the darkness of his soul he seeks to gain money to
gratify his lust pattern.
The believer out of fellowship ends up with a seared
The removal of the seared conscience through the intake
of the Word of God changes the pattern of dishonestly in business.
Since the believer in business is in full-time
Christian service, he must conduct that business as unto the Lord.
The full-time Christian service demands honesty in
business practices, otherwise there is a lost of testimony.
When a believer reaches maturity, it stabilizes him in
business and reflects the glory of God.

The Only Unique Person in the Universe – the Lord Jesus Christ!
The characteristics of Him which separates Him from all the leaders of
religion and sects in the world. The following could not be said by another
person than the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The hypostatic union:
Jesus Christ has two natures – Undiminished Deity and true humanity in one
Person forever. Jesus Christ is equal to, and superior to the human race.
- Impeccability of Christ, Deity.
A. Not temptable.
B. Not peccable, not able to sin.
C. The humanity was not peccable, but temptable.
- The temptability of Jesus Christ, Matthew 4.
A. He was minus the old sin nature.
B. The virgin birth separated Him from the human race.
C. He had no imputation of Adam’s sin.
D. Both Adam and Jesus Christ started out the same. And
both were tempted under the same concept.
E. The temptation was bona fide, but did not come from
the old sin nature.
F. He was tempted, but never succumbed. Heb 4:15
G. Both were tempted by Satan, using all genius and wiles
to cause them to act independently of God. Jesus Christ was successful in
resisting. But Adam was not. Jesus Christ faced unique temptations. No one
in the human race has faced these temptations in the same manner or
intensity as He did.
Four reasons why Jesus Christ became true humanity:
- For our so great salvation. Heb 2:9-12, John 8:58, and Phil chapter 2
- As our Mediator. 1 Tim 2:5, Job 25:51, 1 John 1:1-5, 1:9-14
- Our High Priest. Heb 5, 7, 9. The priest must be a man.
- King of kings. 2 Sam 7:17-19, 1 Chr 21, Matt 27:37. Jesus Christ is the
Son of David.
No one fits these qualifications but the Lord Jesus Christ!

Monday, August 21, 2000
Verse for Today!
John 1:18, “No man has seen God at any time. The Only Begotten Son, which
is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him.”

The Only Begotten Son and the First Begotten Son
The Only Begotten is the One who was given for us, John 3:16 – His Only
The First Begotten is the One who is coming again in manifest glory. Hence, when
His return is revealed, it is said “When He bringeth His First Begotten into
the world.” Heb 1:6
The reason of His return to the inhabited Earth is because the Father brings
Him. He is behind Him and with Him and the cause of His return and all He does.
Being the First Begotten, He is the guarantee of those who are being glorified
with Him.

First Begotten
By the term “First born, begotten from the dead,” we are to
understand the grave as His mother, and out of that dark womb He was begotten by
the Father as the first immortal man.
The words “immortal” and “immortality” are applied in Scripture only to
the body, never to the soul. But by this it is not intended to say that the
soul ceases to exist at death. The Son of God has settled that. He says you can
kill the body, but you cannot kill the soul.
Scripture teaches that the soul will exist for ever whether saved or lost.
Immortality is applied to a body that is incorruptible and deathless. Such a
body is a privilege alone of the sons of God.

The Importance of the Doctrine of the Incarnation
As the Son of God and God the Son has been from all eternity the “form”
– the visibility of God and by His place and function in the Godhead alone
could be.
He only of all the Persons of the Godhead could become incarnate. God manifested
in the flesh and therefore, both in fulfillment of His essential relationship to
the Godhead and by the terms of the everlasting covenant, He did, indeed, become
so, and on the Cross offered His perfect humanity as a sacrifice for sin.
That sacrifice finds its value neither in the extent of time in which it was
offered, nor in the degree of suffering of the Offerer, but in the infinite
personality of Christ who offered it.
God the Father didn’t take on flesh. God the Holy Spirit didn’t take on
flesh. God the Son took on flesh. The only way we know God the Father is through
God the Son.

God’s Features!
The whole of God’s being is represented as being alert for our blessing.
He has a heart to love us – Psa 33:11, “The
counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all
He has a hand to help us – Isa 41:10,
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I
will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with
the right hand of My righteousness.”
He has an eye to watch us – 2 Chr 16:9, “For
the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show
Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.
Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have
He has feet to run to us – Luke 15:20,
“And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way
off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck,
and kissed him.”
A mouth to speak to us – Deut 6:8, “And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.”
A face to cheer us – Psa 42:5, 11, “Why
art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou
in God: for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance.”
“Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me?
hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my
countenance, and my God.”
A bosom to embrace us – Isa 40:11, “He
shall feed his flock like a shepherd: He shall gather the lambs with His
arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with
Arms to enclose us – Deut 33:27, “The eternal
God is thy Refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and He shall
thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.”
A thought to encourage us – Psa 40:5,
“Many, O LORD my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and
Thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto
Thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be
A soul to delight in us – Isa 42:1, “Behold My
servant, whom I uphold; Mine elect, in whom My soul delighteth; I have put
My Spirit upon him: He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.”
And ears to listen to us – Psa 116:2,
“Because He hath inclined His ear unto me, therefore will I call upon Him
as long as I live.”

The Ear!
“He that planted the ear shall he not hear” Psa 94:9
Everything that God made had a purpose in its creation. And the ear is that
organ of the body by means of which we are able to receive a communication from
another and through the mind we are able to understand its meaning. Job 12:11
The ear represents the power which knows the condition of another. As the little
girl said, “God hears thoughts.” Also, hearing stands for the attention
which results in action and when Christ said, “My sheep hear My voice and
follow Me.” Prayer is the voice of need which approaches for aid to the One
who can give it. Frequently we read of one appealing for help, who cries,
“Give ear to my prayer,” Psa 17:1.
The whole of God’s being is represented as being alert for our blessing. “My
ear is not heavy that it cannot hear and My arm is not shortened that it cannot
save. But your sins have separated you from your God,” Isa 59:1-3

Throne of Grace
The general thought of prayer is man’s appeal to God for His intervention
to aid. It is the most potent ministry that can be exercised. For it brings
us to God and binds us to Him. And brings God to us in His power and Grace.
”Come to the throne of Grace boldly.”
Tennyson well expressed it in a well know lines:
”More things are wrought by prayer
Than this world dreams of.
Wherefore let thy voice
Rise like a fountain for me night and day.
For what are men better than sheep or goats
That nourish a blind life within the brain
If, knowing God, they lift not hands to pray
Both for themselves and those who call them friend
For so the whole round world is every way
Bound by gold chains about the feet of God.”

Man – A Praying Animal!
Man has been called a “praying animal.” We would rather say man has the
capacity to pray, but when it comes to pray in too many instances man is dumb.
It is when the Spirit awakens to His vocation in life, that it is said of him,
“Behold he prayeth,” Acts 9:11
Happy are we if we “pray without ceasing,” 1 Thes 5:17
For prayer is the open sluice through which the water of life comes and feeds us
and it is the last act in the drama of life as we say with Stephen, “Lord
Jesus receive my spirit,” Acts 7:56
”Pray” and “prayer” occur about 350 times in God’s Word. There are 12
Hebrew words and seven Greek words and in them we have a wonderful
revelation of what true prayer is.
If we neglect the Grace of prayer, we shall be wanting in the Grace to live. We
cannot fulfill the responsibilities of life if we do not enjoy the privilege of
The words for prayer have a touch and a tension in their varied meanings, which
reveal its many sidedness and potency.

Thought for the Day!
“The first prerequisite of true leadership is a happy home. The private
life is the proving ground for the public life.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

Moral Compass!
“The role of a leader is primarily to serve as a moral compass, pointing
others to the true north of justice and righteousness.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

A Hebrew Honey! “SHAAL”
Prayer does not always articulate its request. Sometimes its silent attitude
is most expressive as when the psalmist said, “I am prayer,” Psa 109:4.
The blind beggar with an open hand is a speaking petition.
The word “pray” in Psa 122:6 is SHAAL and is the simplest form of
prayer. It means to ask, to make a request for something. The word is
variously given and it generally means to make an inquiry and is so given.
Ask Ask on Ask also Ask Me and Ask ye
Enquire Pray
In Exodus 12:35 the same word is translated “borrow,” but it does not mean
to borrow, but to make a request. The children of Israel did not “borrow”
from the Egyptians, but they “asked” for what they received.

The Doctrine of “The Red Heifer”
Read Num 19 and Heb 9:13-14
The teaching of the red heifer is the application of the atoning work of
Christ to the conscience and to the life, removing contracted defilement
from both, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The book where the ordinance of the red heifer occurs, namely the book of
Numbers, which is the book of the pilgrim life, is suggestive. While treading
the wilderness of life, believers may contact defilement and while we do not
need to be “saved from the wrath to come” for that took place when we
believed in Christ. But we do need to recognize that the same atoning blood, is
needed. For if we need the cleansing blood to keep us while we are walking in
the light, how much more we need that atoning blood when we get defiled.
We need the perfect holiness of our Great High Priest to bear the iniquity of
our holy things, as well as bear our sins. Ex 28:36-38
They that carry vessels of the Lord must be clean.

Num 19:5, “One shall burn the heifer in his sight, her skin, and
her flesh, and her blood with her dung shall he burn.”
There are two words for “burn.” The one meaning to burn as incense and
thus to cause to ascend to the Lord as a sweet smelling savour.” This is found
in Lev 1:9, 13, 15, 17.
The other word, the one used in relation to the heifer, signifies to consume
utterly, of as an act of judgment as in the case of:
”The accursed thing” of Jericho – Joshua 7:15, 25
”The sin offering” – Lev 4:12, 21
And to “burn rubbish” – Neh 4:2
The word that is used here in our text, “burn,” is not that of the sweet
smelling savour, but the one that signifies utterly consumed and fitly
expresses the fire of Divine judgment.
The two-fold act of slaying and consuming tells of a two-fold suffering on the
part of the Holy One of God. There was that not only which He bore at the hand
of men, and much else which must have been anguish of His holy and sensitive
soul. But there was that judgment of God upon sin, the wrath and the cause due
to those in whose stead He suffered.
The red heifer says a lot.

Sunday, August 20, 2000
Verse for Today – Heb 4:12
“The Word of God is alive” – living and eternal.
”And powerful” – able to save, keep, and protect — omnipotence
”Sharper than any two-edged sword” – sharper than the greatest of all
military weapons. The Word conquers all — sovereign
“Piercing to the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit” – the Word
of God is the only Book in the world that makes a distinction between the soul
and the spirit. Nothing else does —omniscience
”And is a critic of the thoughts and intents of the mind” — the Bible
knows what you are thinking and your thought pattern, emphasizing the mental
attitude as the most important in Christianity.
”As a man thinketh in his mind, so is he.”
”Guard your mind with all diligence for out of it come the issues of life.”
”With the mind man believeth unto salvation.”

The Bible is the Original Declaration of Independence! 96 A.D.
Not only are the 10 commandments, the Magna Carta of freedom, the first five
deal with our relation to God and the second five in our relation to man. But
”You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.”
”Stand fast in the liberty where Christ has set you free.”
”He came and preached liberty to the captives.”
”When Christ shall set you free, you will be free indeed.”
”Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

Thought for the Day!
In 1917, when American troops were preparing to sail across the seas in order
to take to the battlefields of France and Belgium in the first World War, the
New York Bible Society asked Theodore Roosevelt to inscribe a message in the
pocket New Testament that each of the soldiers would be given.
The great man happily complied. And he began by giving a striking Biblical call
for a life of balance, what he called “Micah mandate.”
”He has shown you, O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you, but
to do justice and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8
”Saying that the whole teaching of the New Testament is actually foreshadowed
in Micah’s verse.
”He exhorted the men to lead the world in both word and deed through
unimpeachable moral uprightness.”
In his brief message to the soldiers he explained, “Do justice, and therefore
fight valiantly against those that stand for the reign of Moloch and Beelzebub
on this Earth. Love mercy, treat your enemies well, succor the afflicted, treat
every women as if she were your sister, care for the little children, and be
tender with the old and helpless. Walk humbly, you will do so if you study the
life and teachings of the Saviour, walking in His steps.”

Saturday, August 19, 2000
Verse for Today!
Acts 4:12, “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none
other Name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

Greek Grace Gems!
The Law of Emphasis
What does the word “abide” mean?
The command of Christ to abide in Him is fruitful and is one of the things He
First – what does the Greek word MENO (abide) mean?
 | It means to be in one place all the time. It is used to describe where a
person dwells, as when the disciples asked Christ, “Where dwellest
Thou?” John 1:38 |
 | For a person tarrying in a certain place, as when the Samaritans
“besought” Christ to tarry with them, John 4:40 |
 | To represent something that lasts and the Lord exhorts us to labour for
the meat which “endureth unto everlasting life,” John 6:27 |
 | And Christ also uses the word when He speaks of “the sin which remaineth,” John
9:41 |
 | The continued presence of one person with another finds its explanation
when Christ says “Those things have I spoken being yet present with
you,” John 14:25 |
 | The word is used when a ship is stuck fast on the rocks, as when the
vessel in which Paul was being conveyed to Rome “stuck fast and remained
unmovable,” Acts 27:41 |
 | The word is translated “might stand” in speaking of the “fixed
purpose of God,” Rom 9:11 |
 | And Christ states that those who “continue in His Word are His
disciples,” John 8:31 |
This word is translated “dwellest,” “tarry,” “endureth,” “remaineth,”
“present,” “might stand,” and “continue.” The word is MENO.

The Geek Word MENO (Abide)
Is mentioned by Christ in John 15 twelve times and it is translated
“abide,” “continue,” “remain.”
- Command to abide “abide in Me,” verse 4. This is a call to obedience
and not an option in choice.
- Christ’s abiding in us depends upon our abiding in Him. “Abide in Me
and I in you,” verse 4.
This order of our obedience secures the omnipotence of His presence.
- Necessity of abiding. The branch is useless and helpless in itself, Ezek
15:1-6. Its fruitfulness depends upon being united to the Vine, so union and
communion with Christ are essential for fruitfulness, verse 4.
- Result of abiding, verse 5. The “much fruit” of His dying,
12:24, finds its counter part in the “much fruit” of His living in us by
our abiding in Him.
- Consequence of not abiding., verse 6. Want of fruit proves we are
professors and not partakers. There may be a fruitless vine, but there
cannot be a fruitless Christ for union with Him proves itself by fruit from
Him, Hosea 14:8
- Blessings of abiding, verse 7. As we answer to the Lord in our obedience,
He answers to our prayers with His blessing.
- Sphere of abiding, “Continue ye in My love,” verse 9. As we live in
the element of God’s love, we inbreathe His affection to our comfort and
we outbreathe it to others’ help.
- How to abide. “If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love,”
verse 10. The royal road of God’s benediction is the loyal road of our
- Fellowship of abiding, verse 10. Christ does not ask us to do anything He
has done to God for us and which He promises to do in us to God’s glory.
- Joy of abiding, verse 11. The things of the world pass away, but the joy
of the Lord continues to stay.
- Reward of abiding, verse 16. Abiding in the Son, we as abiding sons find
the abiding fruit for He not only gives the “fruit of union,” verse
4, and the “more fruit” of discipline, verse 2, and the “much fruit”
of His indwelling and abundant life to God’s glory, verses 5, 8, but the
fruit that remains, verse 16, which puts us in the place of prevailing

Thought for the Day!
“Weasel words from molly coddles will never do when the day demands
prophetic clarity from greyhearts.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

Friday, August 18, 2000
The Blessing of the Offering!
The offering was accepted before the Lord, Lev 1:3, “If his offering
be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish: he shall
offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of the
congregation before the LORD.”
That it might be accepted for the offerer, Lev 1:4, “And he
shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted
for him to make atonement for him.”
There is not only the thought of something being accepted for the offerer in the
word “accepted,” but there is the thought of delight. The word
is rendered ”delighteth” in Isa 42:1 in speaking of Christ in
whom God delighteth. (“Behold My Servant, whom I uphold; Mine Elect, in
whom My soul delighteth; I have put My Spirit upon Him: He shall bring forth
judgment to the Gentiles.”)
The word is also translated ”pleasure” – The Lord taketh pleasure in
His people,” Psa 149:4
Believers in Christ are comely in all comeliness of His perfection, Ez
16:14, “And Thy renown went forth among the heathen for Thy beauty: for it was
perfect through My comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord GOD.”
Complete in all the completeness of His completion of His completeness,
Col 1:10, “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being
fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;”
Alive to all the livingness of His life, 1 Pet 2:4-5, “To whom
coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and
precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy
priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus
Righteous in all the righteousness of His righteousness, 2 Cor 5:21,
“For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made
the righteousness of God in Him.”
Holy in all the sanctity of His holiness, Heb 10:10, 14, “By the
which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ
once for all.” “For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are
Rich in all the treasure of His riches, Eph 1:3-7, “Blessed be the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual
blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as He hath chosen us in Him
before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame
before Him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by
Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, To the
praise of the glory of His Grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the
Beloved. In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
according to the riches of His Grace;”
Precious in all the preciousness of His preciousness, 1 Pet 2:7, “Unto
you therefore which believe He is precious: but unto them which be disobedient,
the Stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the Head of the
And accepted in all the worth of His acceptance, Eph 1:6, “To the
praise of the glory of His Grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the
We are complete in Christ.

Practical Outcome of the Offering
As the offering was a “sweet savour unto the Lord,” that is that which
was wellpleasing to Him. So, we find that there are certain things in the New
Testament which are said to be acceptable or wellpleasing to Him.
1. A surrendered being to the Lord is wellpleasing or acceptable to Him. Rom
12:1, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service.”
2. Consideration for others in the Lord is wellpleasing to God. Rom
14:18, “For He that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and
approved of men.”
3. To minister to the need of God’s servants is wellpleasing to God.
Phil 4:18, “But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of
Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a
sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.”
4. To recognize our responsibility in earthly relationships is
wellpleasing to the Lord. Col 3:20, “Children, obey your parents in all
things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.” Titus 2:9, “Exhort
servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all
things; not answering again;”
5. To have faith in God is to be wellpleasing to Him. Heb 11:5-6,
“By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not
found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this
testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please
Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a
Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”
6. To do good to others is to be well-pleasing to God. Heb 13:16,
“But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is
well pleased.”
7. To suffer wrongfully is to be acceptable to Him. 1 Pet 2:20, “For
what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it
patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently,
this is acceptable with God.”
We are saved and called to offer up these “spiritual sacrifices acceptable
to God,” 1 Pet 2:5, “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a
spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”
We are exhorted to “offer service” after this kind, “wellpleasing to
God.” Heb 12:28, “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved,
let us have Grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly
We should “make it our aim to be wellpleasing to the Lord for we
have to stand before His judgment seat.” 2 Cor 5:9, “Wherefore we
labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of Him.”
And we may be assured that as we allow the Lord to be “working in us that
which is wellpleasing in His sight.” Heb 13:21, “Make you
perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is
wellpleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ; to Whom be glory for ever and
ever. Amen.”
We shall be “proving what is wellpleasing unto the Lord.” Eph 5:10,
“Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.”
Now you know how to please the Lord.

Meat or Meal Offering!
The meal offering is typical of Christ in the perfection of His humanity, the
holiness of His character, and the spotlessness of His beautiful life.
The Lord and the Meal Offering
Eight times in Lev 2 we have the expression “unto the Lord,” verses
1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16. Once we have the sentence “the salt of the
covenant of thy God, verse 13. And twice the words “the offerings of the Lord
made by fire,” verses 3, 10
In all Christ was and did, He ever was “unto the Lord.”
He walked in His Father’s ways, John 16:28, “I came forth from the
Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the
He willed His Father’s will, John 5:30, “I can of Mine own self do
nothing: as I hear, I judge: and My judgment is just; because I seek not Mine
own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent Me.”
He spoke His Father’s Word, John 14:24, “He that loveth Me not
keepeth not My sayings: and the Word which ye hear is not Mine, but the
Father’s which sent Me.”
He did His Father’s work, John 17:4, “I have glorified Thee on the
earth: I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.”
He rejoiced in His Father’s love, John 10:17, 15:9, “Therefore
doth My Father love Me, because I lay down My life, that I might take it
again.” “As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you: continue ye in My
He sought His Father’s aid, John 11:41, “Then they took away the
stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up His eyes, and
said, Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard Me.”
He aimed at His Father’s glory, John 8:39, “They answered and said
unto Him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s
children, ye would do the works of Abraham.”
If one Son can do it, all sons can do it.

Lev 2:13, “The Salt of the Covenant of Thy God”
This is indicative of God on His part keeping to His covenant promise to
Christ. John 17:24, “Father, I will that they also, whom Thou hast given Me,
be with Me where I am; that they may behold My glory, which Thou hast given Me:
for Thou lovedst Me before the foundation of the world.”
And on Christ’s part, indicative of His faithful service seasoned with the
salt of Grace is perfectly fulfilling our obligations to God and tasting death
in so doing. Heb 2:9, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the
angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He by the
Grace of God should taste death for every man.”
We are the salt of the earth.

“The Offering Made by Fire”
Lev 2:3, 10, “And the remnant of the meat offering shall be Aaron’s and
his sons’: it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by
fire.” “And that which is left of the meat offering shall be Aaron’s and
his sons’: it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by
The “offering made by fire unto the Lord,” in its typical application,
for the expression implies to other offerings as well as the meal offering.
Lev 1:9, 17, “But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the
priest shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by
fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.” “And he shall cleave it with the
wings thereof, but shall not divide it asunder: and the priest shall burn it
upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an
offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.”
Lev 3:3, 5, 9, “And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering an
offering made by fire unto the LORD; the fat that covereth the inwards, and all
the fat that is upon the inwards,” “And Aaron’s sons shall burn it on the
altar upon the burnt sacrifice, which is upon the wood that is on the fire: it
is an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.” “And he shall
offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering an offering made by fire unto the
LORD; the fat thereof, and the whole rump, it shall he take off hard by the
backbone; and the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is upon
the inwards,”
Proclaims Christ’s endurance under the fire of trial, whether it be:
 | The fire of man’s persecutions, 1 Pet 2:23, “Who, when He was
reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not; but
committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously:” |
 | The fire of the Spirit’s testing under Satan’s temptation, Luke
4:1, 2, “And Jesus being full of the Holy Spirit returned from Jordan, and
was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, Being forty days tempted of the
devil. And in those days He did eat nothing: and when they were ended, He
afterward hungered.” |
 | Or, the fire of the Lord’s judgments against sin, Rom 8:3, “For what
the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His
own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the

Christ the God-Man!
Nineteen hundred years ago
Upon Judean hills,
A character of wondrous blending
Suddenly appears
The Man of destiny.
Man destined to be
In profile protected
By prophets predicted
In symbol reflected
Longed for, expected.
By all ages desired
By angels admired
Like man He walked
Like God He talked.
His Words were oracles
His acts were miracles
Of God, the best expression
Of man the finest specimen.
Full-orbed humanity
Crowned with Divinity
No taint of iniquity
No trace of infirmity.
”Ecco homo!” “Behold the man”
”Ecco deus!” “Behold thy God”

Thought for the Day!
“Happy homes are the responsibility of husbands and fathers, but
inevitably it is wives and mothers who make it so.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

Christ Put His Stamp of Approval Not Only on People in the Old Testament,
But Situations and Things Also
The burning Bush – Exodus 3:2, “And the Angel of the LORD appeared
unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and,
behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.”
Mark 12:26-27, “And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in
the book of Moses, how in the Bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of
Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?”
The law of the leper – Lev 14:1-4, “And the LORD spake
unto Moses, saying, This shall be the law of the leper in the day of his
cleansing: He shall be brought unto the priest: And the priest shall go forth
out of the camp; and the priest shall look, and, behold, if the plague of
leprosy be healed in the leper; Then shall the priest command to take for him
that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet,
and hyssop:”
Matt 8:4, “And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way,
show thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a
testimony unto them.”
The serpent – Num 21:9, “And Moses made a serpent of brass,
and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any
man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.”
John 3:14-15, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so
must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in Him should not
perish, but have eternal life.”

Thursday, August 17, 2000
Is the Word of God the Word of God???
Jesus Christ put His stamp of approval and vindicated that the Bible is
Noah – Luke 17:26-27, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it
be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married
wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
and the flood came, and destroyed them all.”
Lot – Luke 17:28-30, “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot;
they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from
Heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of
man is revealed.”
Abraham – John 8:58, “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say
unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.”
Creation – John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was
Col 1:16-17, “For by Him were all things created, that are in Heaven, and
that are in Earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions,
or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him: And
He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.”
Psa 33:6, “By the Word of the LORD were the Heavens made; and all the host of
them by the breath of His mouth.”
Adam – 1 Cor 15:45, 47, “And so it is written, The first man Adam
was made a living soul; the Last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” “The
first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from Heaven.”
Adam and Eve – Eph 5:31-32, “For this cause shall a man leave his
father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one
flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church.”
Isaiah – Rom 9:27, “Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though
the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall
be saved:”
Daniel – Mark 13:14, “But when ye shall see the abomination of
desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let
him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the
Solomon – Matt 1:6, “And Jesse begat David the king; and David the
king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias;”
Matt 12:42, “The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this
generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the
Earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a Greater than Solomon is
David – Matt 22:43-45, “He saith unto them, How then doth David in
spirit call Him Lord, saying, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit Thou on my right
hand, till I make Thine enemies Thy footstool? If David then call Him Lord, how
is He his son?”
Eve – Matt 19:4-5, “And He answered and said unto them, Have ye not
read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And
said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to
his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?”
The Burning Bush – Mark 12:26-27, “And as touching the dead, that
they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto
him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of
Jacob? He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do
greatly err.”

The word “righteousness” is used in seven different ways in the Book of
Romans. While it primarily means to be right, the context suggests the sense in
which it is to be understood.
1. Personality – what God is, or His acts consistent with His nature
therefore, that which is right. Rom 3:5, Rom 9:25
2. Righteousness of the law – or what God demands from man. Rom 10:5, 9:31
3. Righteousness displayed in the Gospel – that is God’s Grace consistent
with His character. Rom 1:17, 3:21-26, 5:17, 21, 8:10
4. The righteousness of God personified in Christ – that is He is all that God
wishes and has fulfilled all that He has required. Rom 10:3-4
5. The righteousness of faith – or what God puts to our account, when we
believe in Christ, namely, we are made the righteousness of God in Christ. Rom
4:32, 9:30, 10:6, 10
6. The righteousness of the Spirit – or what He produces in the life of the
believer. Rom 14:17
7. The righteousness of the believer – or the practical outcome of union with
Christ. Rom 6:13, 16, 18, 19, 20

Types of Christ as Far as Offices are Concerned!
Moses the prophet and Christ the Prophet. Deut 18:15, Acts 3:22
Aaron the priest and Christ the Offerer. Ex 28:1, Heb 10:11
David the king and Christ the King. 2 Sam 7, Luke 1:32
Joshua the captain and Christ the Captain. Josh 5:14, Heb 2:10
Abel the shepherd and Christ the Shepherd. Gen 4:2, John 10:1-18
Joseph the saviour and Christ the Saviour. Gen 50:19-20, Heb 7:25
Samson the conqueror and Christ the Conqueror. Judges 16:19, Col 2:14-15

The Law of Recompense!
We should not give to get.
But we get in giving.
This is one of the fundamental facts of faith principles which Christ
enunciates. The following Scripture incidents illustrate:
1. Isaac gave the jewels to Rebekah and Rebekah gave herself to Isaac. Gen
24:22, 58
2. Ruth clave to Naomi in her affection, and Naomi clave to Ruth in her service.
Ruth 1:18, Ruth 4:16
3. David received the men in the hold when they were in distress. And David was
helped by them when he was distressed. 1 Sam 22:2, 1 Chr 11:15-19
4. Abigail ministered to David in his need, and David honoured her in her
widowhood. 1 Sam 25:18-27, 39
5. The widow of Zarephath gave out of her penury to Elijah, and Elijah was the
means of bringing her the Lord’s plenty. 1 Kings 17:12-16
6. The Shunammite woman entertained Elisha to his comfort, and the prophet
obtained a child for her to her consolation. 2 Kings 4:8-17
7. The lad gave five cakes and few fishes to the Lord and was rewarded by seeing
12 baskets full of broken and unhandled pieces after the multitude was fed. John
And the greatest example of all is He who came not to be ministered unto, but to
minister, and who obtains by His love a willing and loving ministry in return. Matt
20:28, 2 Cor 12:15

The Cross of Christ is the substantiation of all prophecy, the fulness of
all Scripture. Christ Himself reminded the two disciples as He journeyed to
Emmaus, His sufferings and His glory are the two river beds in which the streams
of Truth flow.
He is the Promised Seed of Eden
The Sheltering Ark of Noah
The Ram offered in the stead of Isaac
The Passover Lamb of Exodus
The Perfect Sacrifice of Leviticus
The Life-Giving Serpent of Numbers
The Accessible Refuge of Deuteronomy
The Gracious Saviour of Joshua
The Mighty Man of valour of Judges
The Kinsman Redeemer of Ruth
The Dependent Conqueror of Samuel
The Glorious King of Kings
The Vigilant Administrator of Chronicles
The Prayerful Builder of Nehemiah
The Wise Leader of Ezra
The Prevailing Intercessor of Esther
The Delivering Daysman of Job
The Patient Sufferer of the Psalms
The Upright Son of Proverbs
The Wise Man of Ecclesiastes
The Attractive Beloved of Song of Solomon
The Beautiful Messenger of Isaiah
The Weeping Prophet of Jeremiah
The Glorious One of Ezekiel
The Cut-Off Prince of Daniel
The Refreshing Dew of Hosea
The Resolute Judge of Joel
The Raiser-Up of Amos
The Satisfying Possession of Obadiah
The Afflicted Substitute of Jonah
The Caster Away of Sins of Micah
The Irresistible Stronghold of Nahum
The Holy Searcher of Habakkuk
The Glad Singer of Zephaniah
The Faithful Blesser of Haggai
The Smitten Shepherd of Zechariah
The Coming Refiner of Malachi

Thought for the Day!
“The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any price,
peace-at-any- price, safety first instead of duty first, the love of soft
living, and the get-rich-quick-theory of life.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

Jesus Christ Hates Religion Because it is the Worst Thing in the World
John 8:44, “Ye are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your
father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the
Truth. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the
father of it.”
This was addressed to very religious people who prayed three times a day, and
tithed mint and seeds, etc.
Here He is saying that Satan is the father of religion.
Religion is the worst thing in the world. It blinds the mind of people not to
see the Gospel which is in the face of Jesus Christ.
The religious people, for envy, cried out “Crucify Him.” He called them
snakes and white-washed tombstones with dead men’s bones inside. And
hypocrites, hiding behind a mask, stealing widow’s purses.
There will be peace on Earth when religion is removed from this Earth during
the Millennium. In the meantime, discern between religion and Christianity.
Religion says work for your salvation. Christianity says that Christ died for
you and gives you salvation freely, not of works.
People lump Jews, Catholics, Hindus, and Protestants into one category and they
call them all religious. They never make the distinction between them as the
Bible says “Jew and Gentile and the Church of God.”
Jews are religious and Catholics are religious. But Christians are not
religious. Christians have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Christianity
is not a religion. It is a relationship. Personal.

The Law of Triplication!
As the Godhead is a Trinity, so there are a great many instances where
three things are relatively connected.
For example, the three-fold reference to the Father in John chapter 17.
When Christ speaks to Him as Father, when He addressed His Father on
behalf of His people, He says Holy Father. And then He refers to Him
as Righteous Father. John 17:1, John 17:11, John 17:25
There is a three-fold evil:
Sin is often coupled with transgression and iniquity but
they cannot be substituted one for the other.
Sin is missing the mark of God’s requirement.
Transgression is going beyond the boundary of God’s love.
Iniquity is twisting what is straight and making it crooked.
Psa 32:1 tells you what God does with these.
The three-fold requirement of God’s request. There are three things that He
requires from His creature, man.
”What doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy and
to walk humbly with Thy God,” Micah 6:8.
All the blessings of the Gospel are three-fold.
The three aspects of salvation, eternal life, etc.
The three appearings of Christ in Heb 9:24-28 cover all the service of
Christ for us.

A Full Mention Principle!
A full revelation of the characteristics of faith is found in Hebrews 11,
where we are reminded of:
The nature of faith, it makes the unseen real.
The objective of faith.
The basis of faith, the Word of God and the God of the Word.
The activities of faith in the several persons mentioned and what
they did.
And the excellencies of faith and its rewards. For faith honours God to
His glory and God honours faith to its benefit and reward.

The Doctrine of the Be’s!
1. Be holy – 1 Pet 1:15, a command of consecration.
2. Be perfect – 2 Cor 13:11, a command of adjustment.
3. Be strong – Eph 6:10, a command of equipment.
4. Be patient – James 5:7, a command of endurance.
5. Be sober – 1 Pet 1:13, a command of conduct.
6. Be vigilant – 1 Pet 5:8, a command of watchfulness.
7. Be ye separate – 2 Cor 6:14-17, a command of holiness.
Busy Be’s

Why Commands??
The Lord commands our obedience that we may enjoy His blessings. Precepts are
coupled with God’s promises that we may enjoy the latter through our practice.
Christ says “If you love Me ye will keep My commandments,” John 14:15.
In Phil 4:1-6 eight commandments are to be found.
1. Stand fast – of fidelity
2. Be of the same mind – of sympathy
3. Help – of energy
4. Rejoice – of joyfulness
5. Let your moderation – of testimony
6. Be careful for nothing – of anxiety
7. Every thing by prayer and supplication – of entreaty
8. Thanksgiving – of doxology

Ellipsis signifies a breaking off, hence, something wanting.
We are told that “God is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all we ask
or think,” Eph 3:20. The word “abundantly” actually means a
super-abundance, as when a vessel is filled to overflowing. ”Exceeding”
signifies an abundance beyond an abundance, as when a constant supply is poured
into a vessel so that the water drenches the carpet as well as the table cloth.
”Above” goes beyond the other two descriptions, so that the water poured
into the vessel which drenches the cloth and the carpet flows out of the house
and into the street. The word “abundantly “ is rendered “enough and to
spare,” Luke 15:17; ”Beyond measure,” Mark 6:51; “Superfluous,” 2
Cor 9:1; and “overmuch,” 2 Cor 2:7.
So that the sentence “exceedingly abundantly above” means that which is
beyond measure, which is beyond measure of beyond measure and beyond what is
beyond what is beyond measure of a beyond measure.
It is right after the apostle said “exceedingly abundantly above” that we
find the ellipsis. He seems to say “He is able to go beyond the measure of
all the beyond measures.”
No matter how great the gap and want, the Lord’s answer is unlimited and

Political Thought for the Day!
“The old parties are husks, with no real soul within either, divided on
artificial lines, boss ridden and privilege controlled, each a jumble of
incongruous elements and neither daring to speak out wisely and fearlessly what
should be said on the vital issued of the day.”
–Theodore Roosevelt, “The political battle of 1912”

Wednesday, August 16, 2000
No Gospel in the Gospel of John!
In John we have revealed the Divine Logos, the Word, in John’s unfolding
but the word “Gospel” does not appear in the book of John.
But John’s Gospel is full of the Gospel for it reveals to us Christ in its
genesis in the bosom of the Father and in its revelation unfolds to
a saved sinner in the bosom of the Son.
In the so-called Apostle’s Creed, there is not a word about love.
God is love. not love He was, nor He will be
But He is, and always was, and always will be
Here is fact, pulsating, warm
Trust Him and see.
John tells us of God’s love that in itself is a Gospel.

The Lake of God’s Love is Deeper Than Man’s Sin
The prodigal son had a glimmer of that love when he said, “How many hired
servants of my father’s have bread enough even to spare?” At least if he did
not get the enough, he got was to be found in to spare. What a
pour conception he had of the father’s bounty.
When God gives, He does not give us a crust. He gives us the Bread of Life,
the Lord Jesus Christ. What wonderful contrasts Christ reveals of the lake of
God’s love in the prodigal son.
Have you ever noticed it? Check out the next “Sugar Stick.”

The Contrast Between the Lake of God’s Love and the Prodigal Son
1. The prodigal, in his self-will, demanded ”the portion of goods that
falleth” to him.
The Father, in love’s giving, ”divided” unto him ”his
living,” literally ”his life.”
2. The prodigal, in his self-action, ”gathered all together.”
The Father, in His love, was waiting on the look-out for the wanderer’s
3. The prodigal, in his self-destination, went into the ”far country.”
The Father, in His love’s sight, saw the ungrateful one while he was yet
a great way off.
4. The prodigal, in his self-folly, ”spent all” he possessed.
The Father’s love’s desire moved Him to run to welcome the
wanderer. ”He ran.” This is the only time we read of God being in a hurry.
5. The prodigal, in his self-destitution, began ”to be in want.”
The Father, in His love’s embrace, fell on his neck and took him to His
6. The prodigal son, in his self-association, ”joined himself to a citizen
of that country.”
The Father, in his love’s kiss, lavished upon the swine-feeder the many
kisses of His affection. Kissed a pig.
7. The prodigal, in his self-servitude, was sent into the field to feed the
The Father, in His love’s garment, put the best robe on him.
8. The prodigal, in his self-longing, would ”fain have filled his belly
with the husks that the swine did eat.”
The Father, in love’s bestowment, put a ring on his hand.
9. The prodigal, in his self-collapse, exclaimed ”I perish.”
The Father, His love’s protection, ordered shoes to be placed on his feet.
10. The prodigal, in his self-misery, found no one to help him. For “no man
gave unto him.”
The Father, in His love’s provision, killed the fatted calf and feasted
11. The prodigal, in his self-condemnation, confessed he was unworthy and was
content with the place of a hired servant.
The Father, in His love’s satisfaction, exclaimed, “This is My
12. The prodigal, in his self-confession, confessed ”I have sinned.”
The Father, in His love’s defense against the elder brother’s
criticism of his action for the prodigal, answered every charge.
Such love and such action make us sing.
That Thou shouldest be the God Thou art
And love me as Thou dost
In darkness to my intellect
But sunshine to my heart.

The Lake of God’s Love is Higher Than His Throne
“Righteousness and judgment are the habitation of His throne.”
Righteousness and judgment are attributes of God.
But, love is not an attribute. It is what God “is” in His essence of His
We sing, “Love moved the mighty hand.” No, God is His mighty love, moved.
“God is love.”
”In this was manifested the love of God towards us, because He sent His only
Begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him.”
”Herein” of in this, “is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us
and sent His Son to be a propitiation,” literally “satisfaction”
“for,” literally “concerning our sins,” 1 John 4:9-10
This is how God in His love expressed Himself. But that expression proves
what He “is.”

King David and His Love for His Son
David long ago, in his love for his son Absalom, when he knew he was slain
exclaimed, ”O my son Absalom , my son, my son, Absalom! Would God I had died
for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!”
God didn’t not die for us. God cannot die. But He who died for us is God. For
God in the eternal value of His own Son reveals to us the heart of the One who
sits on the throne. Therefore, He must be higher than the throne itself.
God’s love is higher than God’s throne.

The Lake of God’s Love is Broader Than Humanity’s Need
One of the salient things in the life of Christ was He never met a need,
but supplied its necessity.
When He saw the hungry multitude, He fed it.
When He came against disease, He banished it.
When He beheld impotence, He energized it.
When He met death, He vivified it.
When He saw a thirsty soul, He satisfied it.
When He beheld the eyes of sorrow dripping with tears, He wiped them away.
And when He was appealed to for mercy and help, He always responded.
His very attitude on the Cross as His form is extended by the transfixing
nails, is eloquent with loving appeal. Those extended arms invite all to come to
His saving embrace.
How true it is that the Cross reveals man at his worst and God at His best.
”Where sin abounded, Grace did much more abound.”
At the Cross, the mountains of man’s sins rose up to, and against Heaven.
But with God, the atonement of Christ covered it. There is no sin but that
sacrifice has answered for it.

By His Fruit You Shall Know Him!
“Before a man can discipline other men, he must demonstrate his ability to
discipline himself. Before he may be allowed the command of commission, he must
evidence command of character.”
”Look then to the works of his hands, hear the words of his mouth. “By his
fruit you shall know him.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Verse for the Day!
Joel 2:32, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be

The Miracle of Identification!
The doctrine of identification is so very little understood today.
Identification is a mighty act on the part of God where He makes Jesus
Christ one with the entire race of Adam.
It is more than causing Christ and man to resemble each other. It is more than
similarity, it is oneness. It is more than intimacy, it is co-existence. It is
more than union, it is unity. It is more than the joining of two together, it is
complete amalgamation. It is more than companionship, it is coalescence. It is
more than being wrapped together, it is fusion.
By an amazing exhibition of the miraculous power of God, He reached down through
the ages of man’s history and brings into perfect and mysterious blending the
being of the flawless Son of God and the being of all the sin-darkened seed of
That is identification.
Rom 6:5, “For if we have been planted in the likeness of His death.” The
“if” here means “if and we have.”
The words “planted together” are SUM in the Greek, which means, “with,
together,” and PHOTOS, which means “grown together,” which comes from the
Greek word PHUSIS, which is used for the word nature or germination.
That is identification.
There is no such thing as Mother Nature. It is God’s creative

Two Visibilities!
The fact of Christ being seen is one of the essentialities of the Gospel, the
testimony of the apostles is beyond doubt or question.
John’s witness is “We have seen with our eyes,” “We beheld His
glory,” 1 John 1:1, John 1:14
Simeon exclaimed, as he held the infant Christ in his arms, “Mine eyes have
seen Thy salvation,” Luke 2:26, 30
The people “saw the mighty works which He did,” Luke 19:37. And after His
resurrection, “He showed Himself alive by many infallible proofs being
seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of
Those who saw Him beheld an actual Person and not an apparition. The actuality
of the Christ of the past is a prophesy of the Church of the future.
The exultant note of the blessed hope of Christ’s return is buoyantly
expressed in the soul-stirring words, ”We shall see Him.”
Israel is reminded that “They shall look upon Him whom they have
Even so come.

Two Ministries of Christ!
“The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give
His life a ransom for many,” Matt 20:28
The climax of His ministry was to give His life. Willingly and lovingly and
deliberately He laid down His life. And that vicariously, that is, instead of
the many.
Thus did His last act show forth the ministry of all His ministry. That ministry
was not a general serving, but refers to the specific act of His death. He
gave Himself as a ransom and this denotes a payment equivalent for a life
destroyed, Ex 21:26. And a propitiation for sin, Job 33:24.
One of the most wonderful promises of Christ is when He promises to “Come
forth and serve” those servants whom He finds faithfully watching for
His return and watching with girded loins and trimmed lamps, Luke 12:35-40.
We would be content to kiss His feet in humble submission and adoration, but
that He should, “Come forth and serve us and that His coming in turn to
each is beyond our comprehension.
When love is appreciated by whole-hearted devotion, it commands the service
of special regard. What an exceptional ministry that will be if our Lord should
find us worthy of it. The fact that He says He will do it tells us that He will
come to perform it.
He ministered and He will serve.

Two centuries ago a man by the name of M'Cheyne, was early called home. Once
said at a communion service, “Oh, when shall those blue heavens be rent, and
we be admitted to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
”I long for the day when all the language of Heaven and Earth shall be
‘Come, come, Lord Jesus’.” Such an ardent longing is the outcome of a
loving devotion to the Lord. Readiness for Him is the outcome of a full
obedience to Him.
Christians don’t talk like that anymore!

The Father’s Two Sendings of Christ!
Without referring to the 43 times in John’s Gospel which speaks of Christ
being sent by the Father, we recall the two sendings to which Peter refers to in
his second message after Pentecost.
”God sent His Son to bless you” and that is a special way. “By turning
away everyone of you from his iniquities.” And this by means of the One who
died and rose again.
But of that same One it is also declared, “He shall send Jesus Christ” and
lest there be any doubt that the sending is future, Peter further declares in
Acts 3:20-26, “Whom the Heavens must receive until the times of
The Father’s first sending of Christ was that through, by means of, Him,
salvation might be provided for the world, John 3:17.
But, His second sending is that the covenant with Abraham about the land of
Palestine might be fulfilled, and His covenant with David might be
completed and the other things of “the times of restoration” or restitution, spoken
by the prophets might be consummated.
Israel will get the land all the way over to the Euphrates.

Thought for the Day!
“Morning prayers were with my father. We used to stand at the foot of the
stairs and when Father came down called out, “I speak for you and the
cubby-hole, too!
”There were three of us young children and we used to sit with Father on the
sofa while he conducted morning prayers. The place between Father and the
arm of the sofa we called the ‘cubby-hole.’
”The child who got that place we regarded as especially favoured both in
comfort and somehow in rank and title.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

A President’s Platform!
When Theodore Roosevelt was questioned often by an inquisitive public, he was
quick to state his system of Doctrine was best summarized in the lyrics of his
favorite hymn.
How Firm a Foundation! (We have
forgotten the words!)
How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word
What more can He say than to you He has said
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
Fear not I am with you, O be not dismayed
For I am your God and will still give you aid
I’ll strengthen you, help you, and cause you to stand
Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.
When through the deep waters I call you to go
The rivers of waters shall not overflow
For I will be with you, your troubles to bless
And sanctify to you your deepest distress.
When through fiery trails your pathway shall lie
My Grace all sufficient shall be your supply
The flame shall not harm you, I only design
Your dross to consume and your gold to refine.
E’ven down to old age all My people shall prove
My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love
And when hoary hair shall their temples adorn
Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be born.
The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose
I will not, I will not desert to His foes
That soul, that all hell should endeavour to shake
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.
Believing that all leadership is in the end moral leadership, Roosevelt was
convinced that a leader’s faith must be firmly established. Quite obviously
his was.

Are you satisfied? God the Father and God the Son are satisfied. And you
can share their satisfaction.
God the Father was satisfied when He sent His Son to go to the Cross to die for
the sins of the world.
Matt 17:5, “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” God the
Father is satisfied with Christ dying for our sins. Are not you?
God the Son was satisfied when He died for the sins of the world. Isa 53:11,
“He shall see the travail of His soul and be satisfied.”
The Father and the Son are satisfied with our so great salvation. Why not you
be satisfied with Them, too, and share Their satisfaction?
”Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”

“The nameless pioneers and settlers. The obscure mothers and fathers. The
quiet craftsmen and tradesmen. It is only among these that the real story of
America is told. It is only among them that the brilliance of liberty may be
–Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, August 14, 2000
Verse For Today!
1 Pet 2:24, “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree,
that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye
were healed.”

The Law of Completion!
To take one side of a Truth and not recognize the other, is to be guilty of error.
The Church in its different aspects will illustrate.
1. The Christship of Jesus is the foundation of the Church.
”Thou art the Christ ... Upon this Rock I will build My Church,” Matt
16:18. It’s not Peter.
2. The blood of Christ is the atoning price of the Church.
”The Church ... which He purchased with His own blood,” Acts 20:28
3. The Holy Spirit is the Administrator of the Church.
”He sets in the Church, His gifts, severally as He will,” 1 Cor 12:28
4. The ascended Lord is the Head of the Church – His mystical body.
Eph 1:22, Eph 5:23
5. Love is the motive and moving power of the Church.
”The members are to love one another, love as Christ loved the Church,” Eph
5:2, 25
6. Prayer is the life of the Church, the power that brings release even
as it did in imprisoned Peter when prayer was “made without ceasing of the
Church unto God,”
Acts 12:5
7. Worship of the Lord is the privilege of the Church. And Christ is ever the
one who is in the midst of the Church, and leads her in praise to God,
And the church is responsible as well as privileged to “come together” to
remember the Lord’s death,
1 Cor 11:18-26.

The Law of Completion – Part 2!
8. Edification or building each other up is the rule of the Church, the
keynote of all ministry in the Church, edify.
1 Cor 14:5, 12, 19
9. Unity of action is the responsibility of the Church. There is to be no
schism in the body, but each member is to tarry one for another and hold the
head by recognizing the members in mutual help and assemblage.
1 Cor 11:18-22, Eph 4:16
10. The Truth of God is in the custody of the Church. The Church is the
pillar and ground of the Truth.
1 Tim 3:15
11. God Himself is the Center and the Circumference of the Church. The
Church is called ”The Church of God,” and is said to be, “In God the
Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ.” And it is also “The Church of the
1 Cor 1:2, 2 Thes 1:1, Heb 12:23
12. The glory of God is the end of the Church. And it displays His manifold
wisdom and is to be His manifested glory.
Eph 3:10, 21, 5:27
Now you have 12 points on what a local Church is and should be.

There are Types Found in the Bible in Many Ways
The anointing oil and the Holy Spirit
Lev 7:35, “This is the portion of the anointing of Aaron, and of the anointing of his sons, out of the offerings of the LORD made by fire, in the day when he presented them to minister unto the LORD in the priest's office;”
1 John 2:27, “But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in
The mercy seat and Christ
Ex 25:17-22, “And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.
And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat.
And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof.
And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.
And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee. And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.”
Rom 3:25, “Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare
His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;”
Jacob’s ladder and Christ
Gen 28:12, “And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to
Heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.”
John 1:51, “And He saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see
Heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.”
The laver of brass and God’s Word
Ex 30:18-20, “Thou shalt also make a laver of brass, and his foot also of brass, to wash withal: and thou shalt put it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar, and thou shalt put water therein.
For Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet thereat: When they go into the tabernacle of the congregation, they shall wash with water, that they die not; or when they come near to the altar to minister, to burn offering made by fire unto the LORD:”
Eph 5:26, “That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the
Firstfruits and resurrection
Ex 22:29, “Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors: the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto
1 Cor 15:20, “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the
Firstfruits of them that slept.”

The killing of animals and Christ’s death for sin
Lev 4:15, “And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands upon the
head of the bullock before the LORD: and the bullock shall be killed before the
Rev 5:9, “And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book,
and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God
by Thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;”
Living bird and blood of Slain One on it
Lev 14:47, “And he that lieth in the house shall wash his clothes; and he
that eateth in the house shall wash his clothes.”
Rom 4:25, “Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our
Sprinkling of the blood and cleansing
Lev 14:7, “And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the
leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living
bird loose into the open field.”
Heb 9:13, “For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer
sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:”
Laying hands on the sacrifice and identification
Lev 16:21, “And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live
goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all
their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat,
and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness:”
1 Tim 4:14, “Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by
prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.”
Banishment of the scapegoat and Christ taking away sins
Lev 16:22, “And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a
land not inhabited: and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness.”
Isa 53:6, 12, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to
his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
“Therefore will I divide Him a portion with the great, and He shall divide the
spoil with the strong; because He hath poured out His soul unto death: and He
was numbered with the transgressors; and He bare the sin of many, and made
intercession for the transgressors.”
Placing blood on the members of body and sanctification
Ex 29:20, “Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his blood, and put it
upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his
sons, and upon the thumb of their right hand, and upon the great toe of their
right foot, and sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about.”
1 Cor 6:20, “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your
body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
Placing blood on doorposts and faith
Ex 12:7, “And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side
posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.”
Heb 11:28, “Through faith he kept the Passover, and the sprinkling of blood,
lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.”

The flood of coming judgment
Matt 24:37-39. “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of
the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were
eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe
entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away;
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
Creation’s light and Gospel
2 Cor 4:6, “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness,
hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of
God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
The Passover of Christ’s death
1 Cor 5:7, “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump,
as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:”
The lifted serpent and Christ
Num 21:8, “And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and
set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten,
when he looketh upon it, shall live.”
John 3:14, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must
the Son of man be lifted up:”
The manna and the Bread of life
Ex 16:16, “This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it
every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the
number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his tents.”
John 6:32, “Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses
gave you not that bread from Heaven; but My Father giveth you the true bread
from Heaven.”
The supply of water from the rock and Christ
Ex 17:6, “Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and
thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people
may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.”
1 Cor 10:4, “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of
that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.”
The priest and the great day of atonement
Lev 16
Heb 2:17, “Wherefore in all things it behoved Him to be made like unto His
brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things
pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.”

“All” – You-All
The Law of Comprehension
The little words of the Bible are large in their claim and revelation. The
magnificence, munificence and the manifoldness of God’s Grace and love are
seen in the use of the word.
”All” in Ephesians 27 verses. That would make for a good Bible study.
Here is one:
”All all all all.” Four
“alls” in one verse.
One God and Father of us all.
Who is above all.
And through all
And in you all! Eph 4:6
He is sufficient for all His children under all

1. All spiritual blessings. Eph 1:3. This is the total of
His bestowment in Christ.
2. All wisdom. Eph 1:7-8 is revealed in the giving of His love “according to
the riches of His Grace.”
3. All things. Eph 1:10. God in the end will gather together in Christ.
4. All things, Eph 1:11, are made subservient to “the counsel of His will.”
5. All the saints, Eph 1:15, 3:8, 18, are in the plan of His love and the
purpose of His Grace.
6. All principality and power and might and dominion, Eph 1:21-22, are under
Christ for He is “above all” and “all” are under His feet.
7. All in all, Eph 1:23, is the descriptive word which proclaims the compass of
His fullness.
There are only 20 more “alls” to go in Ephesians.
And He is in “you all.”

Thought for Today!
“The world is at this moment passing through one of those terrible periods
of convulsions when the souls of men and nations are tried by fire.
”Woe to the man or the nation that at such a time stands as once Laodicea
stood, as the people of ancient Meroz stood, when they dared not come to
the help of the Lord against the mighty.
”In such a crisis, the moral weakling is the enemy of the right, the enemy of
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
– Legacy of Theodore Roosevelt


Sunday, August 13, 2000
Good News is Eternal
Bad news is not eternal. You may think so. But there is no bad news in
So, each day when you face bad news, that is one less day that you will face
it as you draw nearer to the Lord. Because when we are with Him, there is no bad
news – only good news. We will be with Him who is the source of any good news.
Rev 21:4, “No more sorrow, no more pain, no more tears, no more death.”
So long bad news! It wasn’t nice knowing you.

Saturday, August 12, 2000
Two-Fold Grace of God in Life
“I am come that ye might have life,” John 10:10
”When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him
in glory,” Col 3:4
The positive message of the Gospel is “eternal life” and that is beyond the
limitations of time. It belongs to the being of God. And finds its
consummation in the transforming vision of the Son even as He is. It cannot be
separated from Him.
Therefore His coming was crowned by His Passover and exaltation whereby His
life was made available for others through death.
Eternal life is not an endless duration of being in time, but being of which
time is not a measure, life for a finite creature is union with God.
Eternal life belongs to the being of God. Christ is its embodiment union with
God. By means of Christ is its meaning.
What we shall be when we are like Christ is its consummation.

Two-Fold Grace Manifestation
Christ’s incarnation is variously described:
In regard to the Father it is a “sending” – a
In regard to the Son it is a “coming.”
In regard to the form, it is in “the flesh.”
In regard to man, it is a “manifestation.”
In John, the first epistle, we find him frequently stating the fact of
Christ’s manifestation in the past and the purpose, 1 John 1:2, 1 John
3:5, 8, 1 John 4:9
Reference is also made to His future manifestation when He says, “He shall be
manifested,” 1 John 2:28, 1 John 3:2. The manifestation means an
unveiling, so that that which was invisible shines forth. He was manifested in
the past to take away our sins and to destroy the works of the devil. And He
will be manifested in the future to make His own like Himself. The future
shining forth will be the compliment of the past. The one would not be perfect
without the other.

What Christ Said to Eve!
“I, wrapping round Me your humanity
which, being sustained, shall neither break nor burn
beneath the fire of the Godhead, will tread Earth
and ransom you and its creatures; with My pangs.
I will confront your sins, and since your sins
have sunken to all nature’s heart from yours,
the tears of My clean soul shall follow them
and set a holy passion to work clear
absolute consecration. In My brow
of kingly whiteness shall be crowned anew
your discrowned human nature, look at Me.
As I shall be uplifted on the a Cross
in darkness of eclipse and anguished dread
so shall I lift up in My pierced hands
not unto dark, but light, not unto death
but life, beyond the reach of guilt and grief
the whole creation.”
How prophetic and significant are the words
”In My brow,”
”Shall be crowned anew”
”Your discrowned human nature.”

Oxymoron! The Wrath of the Lamb!
In the book of Revelation our Lord, as the Lamb, is represented as marching
on in His victorious way and in His mighty conquest. And that conquest over His
enemies is revealed in several particulars.
 | Babylon is destroyed, Rev 17:16, 18:21 |
 | The beast of the revived Roman Empire and also the false prophet who
supported him are cast into the Lake of Fire, Rev 19:20 |
 | The ten kings who act under the beast are overcome by the Lamb, Rev
17:12-14 |
 | Satan is placed in the Abyss during the millennium and afterward cast into
the Lake of Fire, Rev 20:2, 3, 7-10 |
 | The nations which are under the devil after the millennium are devoured
with fire from Heaven, Rev 20:8-9 |
 | The wicked dead are judged according to their works, Rev 20:12-15 |
The love of Calvary must win through all His enemies. For none can stand
before the “weapons of His wounds.”
The “Victim” of the Cross is, and will be the “Victor” in all
conquests. This is the throbbing thought right through the Book of Revelation.
The seemingly “Conquered One” on the tree, is the sweeping “Conqueror”
of the future.”
Liberal theology sees Him only as “Sweet Jesus.” The Wrath of the Lamb?

Daily Double!
Every factor of the Gospel is meant to be a factor in us. Everything
that happened to Christ as a matter of history is meant to have a correspondent
experience in our souls and lives.
”Therefore, Jesus Christ was born for us that He might be born in us.”
Paul said in writing to the believers at Galatia, “My little children of whom
I travail in birth until Christ be formed in you,” Gal 4:19. Christ born
twice – once in the flesh and once in you.
It is when Christ is within that the Christian life can be lived out for the
simple reason He is the life and lives.
The violet has the fragrance because the fragrance is in the violet. They are
inseparable. So the Christ, when He is in a believer, His fragrance perfumes the
life. Sweet smelling savour.

Another Daily Double!
Two-Fold Acceptance
God in His Grace has made us “acceptable in the Beloved,” Eph 1:6
And because of this, we are to make it our aim and ambition, ”To be accepted
of Him,” 2 Cor 5:9, “Well pleasing to Him.”

Another Daily Double!
We are justified before God “without works,” Rom 3:26-28
But we justify our faith by “our works,” James 2:14-26
Work out your own salvation for God has worked it in you.

Another Daily Double!
Those who are born of the Holy Spirit possess the Holy Spirit as the seal of
God marking them off as his property, Eph 4:30.
But it is not every believer who is possessed by the Spirit, therefore we have
the exhortation, Eph 5:18, “Be filled with the Spirit.”

Another Daily Double!
Christ promises the rest of salvation to those who accept Him. And they have
rest of conscience from their sins.
But there is also a deeper rest, the rest of the soul from anxiety as we take
the yoke of God’s will upon us and keep in that yoke with our Lord.
Matt 11:29 ... “I will give you rest.” ... “And learn of Me.”

Friday, August 11, 2000
Verse for Today!
Jude 1:3, “Beloved when I give all diligence to write unto you of the common
Every believer has the same salvation.
Every believer is an ambassador for Christ, 2 Cor 5:20
Every believer is exhorted to “walk in the Spirit,” Gal 5:16
Every believer is exhorted “to grow in Grace,” 2 Pet 3:18
There is a difference in spiritual gifts given by Grace and a difference of
growth at any given period. 1 Cor 12.
However, no one can dedicate himself to full-time Christian service because he
is born-again into it. Example: the Christian in business.
I will follow with 10 principles covering a Christian in business.

The Christian in Business is Regarded as Being in Full-Time Christian
The Exposition of 1 Timothy 6
- The work-a-day world is divided into two categories: labor and management.
1 Tim 6:1
- In business, the chain of command must be recognized. 1 Tim 6:1-2
- Hard work, mentally or physically, is the oil of success in the business
world. Gen 3:19, as well as the phrase “Rather do them service” in 1 Tim
6:2. This phrase means slave the harder.
- The boss is not to exploit his employees. The laborer is worthy of his
hire and vice versa. The employee is to put in a full day’s work. 1
Tim 6:2
- The believer is to represent God in his business or where he works. 1 Tim
6:3. You represent God in your area of work, full-time, just as a pastor or
a missionary.
- Dishonesty in business, either mental attitude sins or sins of the tongue or
even overt sins, destroys your testimony as a believer in business. A
believer out of fellowship will eventually be inconsistent in some way.
Griping, cheating, not putting more than a full day of work, not following
orders to the letter, knifing behind the back, embezzling, etc.
- The oil that makes business run as smoothly as possible is Godliness
accompanied with contentment. 1 Tim 6:6. Godliness reflects the glory of
God. 1 Cor 6:20. Christ’s character being formed within, Gal 4:19, refers
to the filling of the Spirit. Gal 5:22-23
Contentment, which results in mental stability and spiritual
self-sufficiency, not restless but content and satisfied.
- If a believer in business, employer or employees, has inner spiritual
stability as described above, his outward needs are very simple. 1 Tim
6:7-8. It is actually the luxuries of life that cause inflation and one of
the factors in the weakness and instability of a nation.
- Your mental attitude toward money is an indication of maturity or lack of
1 Tim 6:9-10. Money is only a detail of life and if you have it, you can
enjoy it if you are mature. If you don’t have it, you still have the Word
of God. Phil 4:11
- You in business in your work-a-day world need a crash program and it is
the ultimate answer. 1 Tim 6:11ff. This crash program involves daily
categorical Bible study.
Working hard does not necessarily mean 16 hours a day. Don’t confuse hard
work with long hours. There is no contradiction between the need for daily Bible
study, 1 Cor 4:16, and the command to work hard, mentally or physically in Gen

The Double Grace Significance of the Lord’s Supper!
As Christ handed the cup to the disciples at the institution of the Lord’s
supper, He said, “This is My blood of the New Testament which is shed for many
for the remission of sins. But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of the
fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my
Father’s kingdom,” Matt 26:28-29
The two phrases “This is My blood” and this “fruit of the vine” take us
back to the Cross and on to the Kingdom. The first is a metaphor that signifies
one thing represented or embodied in another. So, “My blood” stands for His
atoning death.
The words “this fruit of the vine” is a description of a thing instead of
naming it. So, “the fruit of the vine” and “My blood” stand for the
death of Christ and the outcome.
The Lord’s Supper points not only to the past but to a future. It has not only
a commemorative but also a prophetic meaning.
So, we have not only to show forth the death of Christ, but also to think of the
time when He shall come to celebrate His Holy Supper with His own, new in
His kingdom.

Another Double Grace Blessing
Flowing from Christ’s great expiation for sin is an outlook of expectancy
of complete triumph over His enemies. ”Henceforth expecting till His
enemies be made His footstool.”
The word for ”expecting” is used only of ”one waiting for
another.” It is translated ”waited for,” “tarry,” and “look
The impotent folks were ”waiting for” the moving of the water by the
angel. John 5:3. Paul ”waited for” and was content to “look
for” certain brethren. Acts 17:16, 1 Cor 16:11. Brethren were
exhorted to ”tarry on for another” when they remembered the Lord’s
death. 1 Cor 11:33.
Abraham ”looked for” a city whose builder was God. Heb 11:10. The
husbandman ”waited” for the fruit of his toil. James 5:7. God
“waited” in the days of Noah for the repentance of man. 1 Pet 3:20
And Christ is waiting till His enemies shall be subject to Him.

Thought for the Day!
Good news is eternal! Bad news is only temporal.
There is hardly a day passes when I don’t hear of some tragedy or disaster or
sorrow that has happened to someone. And the news thrives on bad news – this
plane crash, this automobile accident, this storm, the crime, a child thrown
into some trash bin, etc.
My daughter called me and told me how much she and my granddaughter loved me and
thanked me for being their father and grandfather. And it made my day and days.
And that phone call lasted for days and I probably will never forget it.
It reminded me of good news. And how lasting it is. Good news is eternal. And
bad news is only temporal – confined to this world.
”And the angel said unto them fear not for behold I bring you good news
of great joy which shall be to all people.” ”For unto you this day is born
in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.”
Good news is eternal ... Bad news is only temporal. And we will
leave it some day.
Salvation is eternal and you can’t lose that Good News eternally.

Thursday, August 10, 2000
Verse for the Day!
Phil 3:9, “Being found in Him, not having our own righteousness, which is
of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness
which is of God by faith.”

First we have the triumphal procession in which demons
are disarmed by Jesus Christ and publicly displayed, Col 2:15
Satan is imprisoned for 1000 years. Rev 20:1
The Church Age believers cast demons into prison. Zech
13:2, 1 Cor 15:24, 25, Col 2:15
The removal of Satan and all fallen angels plus the
rulership of Christ, changes the environment of the Earth.
Religion is eradicated. 1 Cor 10:20-21
False doctrine is removed. 1 Tim 4:1
Spirituality changes to include ecstatics since Christ
is personally on Earth. Joel 2:28-29
Perfect environment will exist on Earth until Satan is
released to foment the Gog revolution. Rev 20:7-10
“Sit on My right hand till I make Thine enemies Thy footstool,”

Inspiration signifies in-breathing, or the power which gives life to
anything. One great thought breathed into man may regenerate him. Elihu
declared long ago, ”The Spirit of God hath made me and the breath of the
Almighty hath given me life,” Job 33:4
After his body was formed, God breathed into his nostrils the breath of lives,
and man became a living soul. Here “lives” is soul and spirit.
For the image of God in man is: The nature of God that is, man, like God, is
a spiritual being. The soul or breath unites the spirit and the body.
Angels are spirits, but have no soul or animal life. But man has, and is, a
spirit, soul, and body. Therefore, man is a breathing personality as a live
human being under present conditions. When he dies, like the son of the
widow of Zarephath, there is
1 Kings 17:17, “No breath left in him.”
Things that are dead are again and again described as having ”no breath.”
Psa 104:29, Psa 135:17

Dry Bones!
No finer illustration of the Spirit’s living work can be found than that
which we find in Ezekiel 37, where the restoration of Israel’s national and
spiritual life is depicted under the metaphor of a valley of dry bones
and how they live by his operation.
First God promises in relation to the dry bones:
”I will cause breath to enter into you and ye shall live.”
Then there was a shaking among the dry bones and they are adjusted
to each other and covered with sinews and flesh.
”But there was no breath in them.”
Then the prophet was commanded to prophesy to the ”breath” and to say
breath and breathe upon these slain that they may live.”
”So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them and they
lived,” Ezek 37:4-10
The spiritual restoration of Israel is a type of the Spirit’s quickening of
dead sinners. Like Israel, sin has slain us, death has mortified us, and we
are dry and helpless.

As long as the sinner is without God, he is without at least
seven things.
1. Without the blood of Christ
Which alone can remit the past and release the sinner from the hold of sin. Heb
9:22, “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without
shedding of blood is no remission.”
2. Without Christ
Who alone can save, sanctify, and satisfy. Eph 2:12, “That at that time ye
were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers
from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.”
3. Without peace
Which alone can calm the mind and silence the conscience. Isa 57:21,
“There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.”
4. Without hope
Which alone can clear the vision and make the future bright with coming glory.
Eph 2:22, “In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God
through the Spirit.”
5. Without life
Which alone can qualify to see and enter the kingdom of God. John 3:3-5,
“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a
man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto Him,
How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his
mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
kingdom of God.”
6. Without strength
For the sinner has no ability to rise to higher things. Rom 5:6, “For
when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”
7. Without the Spirit
For those who are not the Lord’s are summed up in their destitution of their
”As having not the Spirit,” Jude 1:19, “These be they who
separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”
What is the sense of being without?

“Alive Unto God”
The Greek word rendered “alive” in Rom 6:11 is ZAO and it is a
primary verb and means “to live.” An interesting study is suggested by the
use of the word as applied to the spiritual life.
1. It is a God-imparted and a Christ-secured life, for Christ came by way of
the Cross that we might
”Live through Him,” 1 John 4:9
2. It is a Christ-identified and a Christ-associated life, for He says,
”Because I live, ye shall live also,” John 14:19
3. It is a God-derived and Christ-sustained life, as Christ declares
”As the living Father hath sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he
that eateth Me, even he shall live because of Me,” John 6:57
4. It is a self-displacing and a Christ-centered life, for all those who know
Him cease
”To live unto themselves but unto Him,” 2 Cor 5:15
5. It is a Spirit-inscribed and a Spirit-indicted life, for believers
are the epistle of the living God and He inscribes His character on their inner
being. 2 Cor 3:3
6. It is a Christ-indwelt and a Christ-revealing life, for each indwelt believer
recognizes what the apostle said,
”I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me,” Gal 2:20
7. It is a brethren-considerate and a Lord-controlling life, hence
”Who live unto the Lord” do not despise or judge each other. Rom 14:7-9
8. It is a saint-helping and a missionary-loving life, for it ever hears
the voice of the missionary plea,
”Now we live if ye stand fast in the Lord,” 1 Thes 3:8
9. And it is a God-controlled life and a God-goaled life, for:
”For being alive from the dead, we recognize that we are alive to God,” Rom
6:11, 13

Wednesday, August 9, 2000
Verse for the Day!
Tim 3:16, “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was
manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto
the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

Occupation with Christ!
Ephesians chapter one
The centralization is in Christ, not in the national blessing of Israel, not
in the doom of the world, and not in the many-headed monster of this mystified
century development, but “in Christ.”
In the Christ of Deity, verse 2 – Lord
In the Christ of Calvary, verse 7 – blood
In the Christ of Sonship, verse 5 – by Jesus Christ
In the Christ of heavenly places, verse 3
In the Christ of God’s purpose, verse 10
In the Christ of the Holy Spirit, verse 13
In the Christ of the coming glory, verse 14
All blessing is in Him and in no one else beside.

Those Who are Occupied with Christ!
Ephesians chapter one
Those occupied with Christ are called:
”Saints” – As to standing, verse 1
”Faithful” – As to service, verse 1
”Blessed” – As to enrichment, verse 3
”Children” – As to relationship, verse 5
”Accepted” – As to position, verse 6
”Redeemed” – As to liberty, verse 7
”Sealed” as to possession, verse 13

The “What’s” of Meaningful Purpose
Ephesians chapter one
The Divine power is demonstrated in two ways. First, the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, and secondly in the salvation of the believer.
In Christ’s resurrection there are three “what’s” of meaningful
importance which God the Holy Spirit’s illumination enables us to see.
Eph 1:18-20, “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may
know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of His
inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to
us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, Which He
wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own
right hand in the heavenly places,”
”What is the hope of His calling”
”What is the riches of the glory of His inheritance”
”What is the greatness of His power”
”The hope of His calling” is what He will have when the Lord has
accomplished all of His purpose.
”What is the riches of His inheritance” is what the Lord has in His people.
”What is the greatness of His power” is what He demonstrated in Christ’s
resurrection on our behalf and what He can do for us and in us.
The sweep and substance of that power is apprehended as we ponder over the seven
Power Greatness Exceeding power Might Working

What You Were or What You Still Are!
What We Were |
What We Are |
Separated from God |
Quickened |
Walking after the world |
Walking in love |
Dominated by Satan |
United to Christ |
Children of disobedience |
Children of God |
Living after the flesh |
Indwelt by the Spirit |
Children of wrath |
Saved by Grace |
Without Christ |
In Christ |
Aliens |
Joint heirs |
Hopeless |
Habitation of God |
Godless |
Access to the Father |
Far off |
Made nigh |
Enemies |
Reconciled |
Strangers |
Fellow citizens |
Foreigners |
Household of faith |
Where are you???

Divine Provision
Ephesians 4:1-16
Grace is the source of the Divine provision. God’s giving is based upon His
love to give.
Such expressions illustrate this principle.
”Given Grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ,” verse 7
”He gave gifts unto men,” verse 8
”He gave,” verse 11
Grace is love blessing the undeserving,
Mercy helping the needy,
Power lifting the down trodden,
Fullness filling the empty,
Compassion loving the hopeless,
Beauty clothing the naked,
Help saving the lost,
Strength empowering the weak.
Cleansing purifying the defiled,
Tenderness melting the hardened,
Joy gladdening the miserable.
Grace meets the sin of the sinner and removes it.
Grace answers for the sinner by dying for him.
Grace lives to empower the saint and to live in him.
Grace equips the soldier and conquers through him.
Grace leads the child of God and cheers him.
Grace employs the servant and for service fits him.
Grace undertakes for the believer and supplies all his need.
Saved by Grace!

Eph 4:6, “One God and Father of all Who is above all, and through all, and
in you all.”
This verse is the keynote of Grace’s action.
”Father of all” – For all comes from Him.
”Above all” – He is alone in His place of authority.
”Through all” – For He alone is the life of all.
”In all” – For He alone can set us apart and qualify for all things in
life and labour.
All, above all, through all, and in you all. That is the Grace of God.

Christ is the Substance of the Divine Provision
Christ is the effulgence of God’s glory, the express image of His Person,
and the Reserver of His fullness, Heb 1:3
God has nothing more to give apart from Him and there is no more when He is
given, Rom 8:32
As the diamond flashes forth its excellence in the gold ring of its setting, so
in the ring of Scripture, Christ’s glory is revealed. Eph 4:1-16
The personal pronouns, names, and titles enshrine and illustrate:
The Lord, in the strength of His support, verse 1
The One Lord, in the supremacy of His glory, verse 5
The Christ, in the Grace of His bestowment, verse 7
The He Saith, in the authority of His Word, verse 8
The He ascended, of His acceptance, verse 8
The He led, of His splendid triumph, verse 8
The He descended, of His loving abasement, verse 9
That He might fill, of wonderful accomplishment, verse 10
The He gave, of His gracious endowments, verse 11
The Christ, of the oneness of His mystical body, verse12
The Son of God, in the glory of His inspiring knowledge, verse 13
The Christ, in the fullness of His supply, verse 13
The Head, in its compacting and controlling ministry, verse 15

Here Comes the Bride!
- The
body of Christ, the Church, is being prepared on Earth by means of the
baptism of the Spirit, in which every believer is entered into union with
Christ. 1 Cor 12:12-14, Col 2:10, 12
- When
the body is completed, it is removed from the devil’s world by means of
the Rapture of the Church. 1 Cor 15:51-67, 1 Thes 4:13-18
- After
the Rapture, the Church becomes the Bride of Christ. Rev 19:7
- Once
in Heaven, the Bride is prepared for the wedding supper which will occur at
the Second Advent of Christ. Rev 19:8-9
A. The Bride enters into ultimate sanctification by receiving a resurrection
body like Christ’s. Phil 3:21, 1 John 3:1-2, 1 Cor 15:51-57
B. The Bride in receiving a resurrection body like Christ’s no longer
possess an old sin nature. Phil 3:21, 1 Thes 5:23
C. The Bride is cleansed from all human good. 1 Cor 3:12, 15
- The
Bride returns with Christ at the Second Advent. 1 Thes 3:13, Rev 19:11-16
The Bride will wear white, but Christ provides it for you!

Tuesday, August 8, 2000
Verse for Today!
Acts 5:31, “Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a
Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.”

The Sixth Requirement of Scripture
Believe the Spirit resides in the Scriptures
The Holy Spirit always rides in the chariot of His Word. Christ said of His
Words, in John 6:63, “The Words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and
Christ’s Words are not merely the means of communicating life, but the Holy
Spirit is resident in all His Words.
The Word of God is living. Heb 4:12. Therefore, if we would have the life of the
Word, we must be in touch with the Word of life.

The Seventh Requirement of Scripture
A wholehearted study and search to know the meaning of the Scriptures
There are three words that have been translated “search” in the New
The word “search” in John 5:39 and 7:52 means to seek out and it is used of
a lion which scours the country and traces the footsteps of a man who had robbed
it. It is associated with Him who is the searcher of the hearts and the Spirit
who “searcheth the deep things of God.” Rev 2:23, 1 Cor 2:10
The word “search” in Matt 2:8 means to examine in order to verify. It is
used of those who “inquire” to find out in Matt 10:11. And also of one who
wishes to “ask” about anything that He may know, John 21:12.
The third word is found in Acts 17:11 where there were Bereans who “searched
the Scriptures daily” and it means to divide, to make a distinction, to
judge, to sift, and which results in a decision.
This word is rendered “examined” in Acts 28:18; “Discerned” in 1 Cor
2:14; “Asking questions” in 1 Cor 10:25; and “Judge” in 1 Cor 4:3.
On the human side, it will therefore be seen that there has to be a careful
study, wholehearted diligence and spiritual discernment.

The Eighth Requirement of Scripture
To count upon the Holy Spirit to make true in our experience what is true
for us in the Word
A geologist said, “The study of geology has added much to the happiness of my
life. It teaches me to appreciate more fully the beauties and marvels of nature.
It often restores me, when I am weary and jaded, to bodily health. It helps
me to bear trials which are of a common lot.”
In a deeper and more satisfying sense, the child of God can say, “The
reception of the Sacred Word by the Holy Spirit has been the medium of the joy
of my life. It has revealed to me the beauty and the satisfying perfection of
the Lord. It has ever been the channel of blessing in every condition, and it
has ministered comfort and power as
I have received it from Him, who is its Author.”

The Ninth Requirement of Scripture
A consistent practice of what we have been taught and to enjoy what we
This must be if we remember:
The Word is the Bestower of life – 1 Pet 1:23, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the
Word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”
The Word is the Revealer of Christ – John 5:39, “Search the
Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of
The Word is the Giver of assurance – 1 John 5:13, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the
Name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the
Name of the Son of God.”
The Word is the Imparter of joy – Jer 15:16, “Thy Words were found, and I did eat them; and
Thy Wword was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by
Thy Name, O LORD God of hosts.”
The Word is the Inspirer of prayer – John 15:7, “If ye abide in
Me, and My Words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”
The Word is the Sword of victory – Eph 6:17, “And take the
Helmet of salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God:”
The Word is the Sanctifier of the heart – John 17:17, “Sanctify them through
Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth.”
The Word is the Feeder of the soul – 1 Pet 2:2, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the
Word, that ye may grow thereby:”
The Word is the Equipper of the servant – Acts 8:4, “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the
The Word is the Plan for guidance – Exodus 40:16, 19, 21, 23, 25,
27,29, 32
When thou hast read what Heaven hath writ
Let thy best practice second it.
Then twice the precept read shall be
First in the Book and then in thee.

Part 1 – If We Followed the Inspired Scriptures
What a different world this would be if we always followed the Inspired
Scriptures and the Inspirer of them.
A nation indeed would be truly blessed if it were governed by no other laws
than those of this blessed Book. It is so complete a system that nothing can be
added to it or taken from it. It contains everything needed to be known or
It affords a copy for a king.
A rule for a subject.
It gives instructions and counsel for a senator.
Authority and direction for a magistrate.
It contains a witness.
It requires an impartial verdict of a jury.
It furnishes the judge with his sentence.
It prescribes and limits the sway of the sovereign.
The rule of the ruler.
The authority of the master.
Commands the subjects to honor and the servants to obey.
It entails honor to the parents and enjoins obedience to the children.
It sets the husband as lord of the household.
The wife as the mistress of the household.
Tells the husband how to rule.
Tells the wife how to manage.
Promises the blessings and protection of the Almighty to all that walk by
its rules.
It gives directions for weddings and burials.
It promises food and raiment and limits the use of both.
It points out a Faithful and Eternal Guardian to the departing husband and
And tells him with whom to leave his fatherless children.
And in whom his widow is to trust.
And promises a father to the former.
And a husband to the latter.
It teaches a man how to set his house in order.
It appoints a dowry for his wife.
And entails the right of the first born.
And shows how the younger shall be left.
It defends the right of all.
And reveals vengeance to every defaulter, over-reacher, and oppressor.
is the first Book, the best Book, and the oldest Book in the world.
Part two to follow this is not all that the Scriptures provide. More to come …

Part 2 – If We Followed the Inspired Scriptures
Part Two of what a world this would be if we followed the Scriptures
It contains the choicest matter.
Gives the best instruction.
Affords the greatest pleasure and satisfaction that ever was enjoyed.
It contains the best laws.
And the most profound mysteries that were ever penned.
It brings the best tidings.
Affords the best of comfort to the enquiring and the disconsolate.
It exhibits life and immortality from everlasting.
It shows the way to glory.
It is a brief recital of all that is past.
And a certain prediction of all that is to come.
It settles all matters in debate.
It resolves all doubt.
It eases the mind and the conscience of all their scruples.
It reveals the only living and true God.
And shows the way to Him.
It sets aside all other gods.
And describes the vanity of them.
And all that trust in such.
In short, it is a book of laws – to show right and wrong.
A book of wisdom that condemns all folly.
It makes the foolish wise.
A book of Truth that detects all lies.
And confutes all errors.
A book of life that shows the way from everlasting death.
It is the compendious book in the world.
The most authentic.
And the most entertaining history that was ever published.
It contains the most ancient antiquities.
Strange events, wonderful occurrences.
Heroic deeds, unparalleled wars.
It describes the celestial, terrestrial, and infernal worlds.
The origin of the angelic myriads.
Human tribes and devilish legions.
It will instruct the accomplished mechanic.
And the most profound artist.
It teaches the best rhetorician and exercises every power of the most skilful
Puzzles the wisest antonomist
And exercises the nicest critic.
It corrects the vain philosopher.
And confutes the wise astronomer.
It is a complete code of laws.
A perfect body of Divinity.
And unequalled narrative.
A book of lives, a book of travels, and a book of voyages.
P.S. I thought I had exhausted all of the Scriptures, resources but there’s
Next time, if you are interested and why you should be interested in the Word of

Part Three – If We Followed the Inspired Scriptures
It is the best covenant that ever was agreed upon.
The best deed that was ever sealed.
The best evidence that was ever produced.
The best will that was ever made.
The best testament that was ever signed.
To understand it is to be wise indeed.
To be ignorant of it is to be destitute of wisdom.
It is the king’s best copy.
The magistrate’s best rule.
The housewife’s best guide.
The servant’s best directory.
And the young man’s best companion.
It is the schoolboy’s spelling book.
And the learned man’s masterpiece.
It contains choice grammar for a novice.
And a profound mystery for a sage.
It is the ignorant man’s dictionary.
It affords knowledge of witty inventions for the humorous.
And dark sayings for the grave.
And it is its own interpreter.
It encourages the wise, the warrior, the swift, the overcomer.
Promises an eternal reward to the excellent, the conqueror, the winner, and the
And that which crowns all, is that the author is without partiality and
without hypocrisy.
”In whom no variableness neither shadow of turning.”
And people find no enjoyment in the Word of God??

Monday, August 7, 2000
Verse for the Day!
John 6:28, “Then they said unto Him, what shall we do that we might work the works
of God?”
John 6:29, “And Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God,
that you believe on Him whom He hath sent.”

The Second Requirement of the Scriptures
We must have spiritual life in order to have the capacity to understand
the Inspired Book.
Illumination within is essential to comprehend the Inspired Book without.
We need eyes to see the sun, to see the sun that shines.
The Scriptures are good for us in sadness, for they are full of encouragement.
The Scriptures are good for us when we are in doubt, for they are full of
The Scriptures are good for us in carelessness, for they are full of warning.
The Scriptures are good for us in contrition, for they are full of mercy.
The Scriptures are good for us in any case, for they are full of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
When we know Him in faith, we receive spiritual life, and then we find we need
His Word that the life may be nourished.

The Third Requirement of Scripture
A spiritual condition in the saint to understand the Spiritual Book
For the Spiritual Book is for a spiritual people to develop their spiritual
Paul had to say to the unspiritual Christians in Corinth that they were carnal
and he had to remind them, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath
entered into the mind of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that
love Him. But God hath revealed them unto us by the Spirit, for the Spirit
searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God,” 1 Cor 2:9-10
There is a minute form of life, called a rotifer, which cannot be seen with the
naked eye. When a drop of muddy water which is in the world in which it lives,
is placed under a microscope and a powerful light is turned upon it, the rotifer
is seen to be a perfect form of life, and is so transparent that its heart can
be seen beating. As that minute form of life can be seen by means of an
illuminated microscope, so as we walk in fellowship with the Lord, He reveals
His secrets to us as He did to Moses.
Psa 103:7, “He made known His ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of
They knew Him only by His acts. But Moses knew God’s ways before He acted.

The Fourth Requirement of Scripture
We need to see the Lord Jesus Christ in the Book
1st requirement: The Book must be inspired.
2nd requirement: It demands a spiritual person to understand it.
3rd requirement: The spiritual person must be in a spiritual condition.
4th: We must see Christ in the Scriptures in order to understand the
Book of which Christ speaks.
We read of the disciples more than once that not knowing the Scriptures. They
did not understand the Words and acts of Christ. John 2:22, 20:9
After the resurrection He explained to two of the disciples and the 11 that His
death and resurrection were both the fulfillment of the Scriptures. Luke 24:27,
John, writing of the events associated with the death of Christ again and again
said of those events, that they were that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
John 19:24, 28, 30, 36, 37
And Christ’s own testimony was “They are they which testify of Me.”
”Search the Scriptures for in them they speak of Me.”

The Fifth Requirement of the Scriptures
Is to be taught by Him who inspired the Book.
Three essential things are connected with and supplementary one to the other.
Christ explains God.
The Word explains Christ.
And the Holy Spirit explains the Word.
Christ explains God. The Word explains Christ. And God the Holy Spirit explains
the Word.
Concerning the Scriptures, Christ, and the prophets we read:
”Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who
prophesied of the Grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what
manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it
testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should
follow,” 1 Pet 1:10, 11
The prophets did not understand until they were taught, and when they were
taught, they knew. A personal acquaintance with the Author of the book will give
us to understand the contents of it.
To know Him is to find them.

Sunday, August 6, 2000
Verse for the Day!
1 Tim 2:5, “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and man, the
Man Christ Jesus.”

Saturday, August 5, 2000
Verse for Today
Rom 6:23, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Jesus = humanity, Christ = Anointed Messiah, Lord = Deity

A critic who said to Michael Angelo that he seemed in his work to be careful
about trifles, was answered, “Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no
Take two facts about the Lord Jesus Christ:
He is called “the Only Begotten,” John 3:16
He is called “the First Begotten,” Heb 1:6
As the Only Begotten, He was the only One of God who could meet our
need, and He stands alone in His Deity and majesty. But, as the First
Begotten, He rose from the dead as the One who was of the pledge of all the
redeemed who should be raised and glorified.
God made His Son like to all that He might make all sons like to One.
Christ is called the Son of God, but the word for “son” is used in an
adoptive sense. He is not a descendent of God, nor of man. He is eternally the
Son of God, God the Son, who was sent by the Father. And as the Son of man, His
humanity was the product of the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:35
Adam was born without a mother and Christ was begotten without a human
father – the God-Man.

“Let Us”
“Let us” is an appeal, an exhortation, to the soul and conscience of the
individual to do something that is worthy and of importance which leads to a
practical end.
1. Separation.
”Let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of
light,” Rom 13:12
2. Walk
”Let us walk honestly and put on the Lord Jesus Christ,” Rom
3. Following
”Let us therefore follow after peace,” Rom 14:19
4. Reaping
”Let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if
we faint not,” Gal 6:19. We shall reap in kind what we sow.
5. Alertness
”Let us not sleep,” 1 Thes 5:6. To be in a state of spiritual slumber
is evidence we are in a wrong condition of soul. And to awake to the Lord’s
6. Watchfulness
”Let us watch and be sober,” 1 Thes 5:6. We need to have a watchful
eye to see what the enemy is after, a watchful spirit to be ready for our Lord.
7. Sobriety
”Let us who are of the day be sober,” 1 Thes 5:8. Because of
what we are, we ought to be different from others.
”Let us”

The Law of Concentration!
What a difference we find in the thought of man and in the revelation of God
– when the nature of God is in question.
With the Greek, God is beauty.
With the Roman, God is force.
With the Jew, God is Jehovah.
With the scientist, God is the first cause.
With the man in the street, God is providence.
With the moralist, God is righteousness.
With the philosopher, God is thought.
But when we turn to the pages of the New Testament, we find in profound and
simple language that: ”God is love.”
This love is not an attribute such as righteousness, goodness, and truth, but it
is the very nature of God, for it does not say that,
”God was love” or that He “will be love,” but that He
is what He ever will be in the eternal present.
In the first epistle of John we have the words “light, love, light.”
Life is the sum of all being.
Love is the sum of all moral excellence.
Light is the sum of all intelligence.

Taught by Christ!
Eph 4:17-31
Key sentence: “Ye have not so learned Christ,” verse
Instructed by Christ:
About the life of the walk, verse 17
About the old man of past habit, verse 22
About the new man of holy living, verse 24
About the mastery of the wayward tongue, verse 25
About the obtrusiveness of the devil, verse 27
About the commendableness of honest labor, verse 28
About the helpfulness of helping others, verse 29
About the sensitiveness of the Holy Spirit, verse 30
About the blight and bitterness of unholy temper, verse 31

Illuminated in Christ!
Eph 4:3-20
Key sentence: “Now light in the Lord,” verse 8
Out of the darkness of sin, verses 3-8
Into the relationship of light, verse 8
Swayed by the Spirit of light, verses 9, 18
Acting to the God of light, verse 10
Keeping from what is not light, verses 11-13
Walking as children of the light, verses 11, 15
Worshipping in the light, verses 19, 20

In Union With Christ
Eph 4:29-33
Key sentence: “Members of His body,” verse 30
This union is:
Loving in its care – “Nourisheth,” verse 29
Attentive in its regard – “Cherisheth,” verse 29
Vital in its action – “Members,” verse 30
Separating in its attraction – verse 31
Mystical in its nature – verse 32

Gen 49:16-18
One of the greatest words on the sacred pages is
“salvation” from the simple fact that God Himself is its center and
Any salvation short of God Himself is no salvation at all.
Jacob, in blessing his sons on his death bed, says when he comes to Dan:
”Dan shall judge his people,” as one of the tribes of Israel
”Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path that biteth the
horses heel so that his ruler shall fall backward.”
The prophesy of Dan is wrapped up in the meaning of his name. Dan means
judgment. He was predicted to be the judge of his people and that he would be
treacherous in his dealings. Therefore, he is compared to a serpent and to an
adder that bites the heels of the horse and causes the rider to be thrown to his
Then the patriarch immediately exclaims:
”I have waited for Thy salvation, O Lord,” Gen 49:18
By thy salvation I am saved from judgment and from the evil of the old serpent
acting through Dan.
Salvation – there is no word which is so large in its meaning, lofty in its
conception, and lasting in its blessing, as the word “salvation.”
The Anti-Christ shall come through the tribe of Dan.

The Requirements of the Scriptures!
There are certain claims the Scriptures make, and requirements for which they
The first requirement is the recognition of the Bible being inspired.
The claim of the Book is “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” 2
Tim 3:16. Scripture means sacred writing. When we claim the Scripture is
inspired, we do not mean translations. Translations have made mistakes. We mean
the original Scripture was the product of God the Holy Spirit, and not the
evolution of man’s thought.
Inspired of God, means “God breathed” or ”God breathing.”
The Scriptures are their own self evidence. When God speaks, His evidence
is in the accent of His words. Throwing overboard all theories about
inspiration, we must accept the fact of it. And the words are,
1 Cor 2:13, ”Words which the Holy Spirit teacheth.”
There are over a million and a quarter words in the New Testament. There are
17,000 in Matthew. In Matthew 24 there are 830 words in Greek.
No disputed word is so vitally important as to destroy the sense of Scripture.
Take all we can away and there still remains the fact it is the only message
that meets human need.
The first Scripture requirement is inspiration. And the second will
follow next and that is this requirement:
We must have spiritual life to have the capacity to understand the Bible.

Friday, August 4, 2000
Verse for the Day!
3:18, “He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that believeth not on
Him is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the Name of the Only
Begotten Son of God.”
that believeth |
not condemned |
that believeth not |
condemned already |
he hath not believed.

Pictures of Christ!
Adam, the life-giving Lord – 1 Cor 15:45
Isaac, the offered Son – Gen 22:13, Rom 8:32
Jacob, the working Shepherd – Gen 31:38, John 10:11
Joseph, the rejected Brother – Gen 37:24, Isa 53:3
Melchisedek, the kingly Priest – Gen 14:18, Heb 7:7-10
Jonah, the incarcerated Prophet – Jonah 1:17, Matt 12:40
Eliakim, the mighty Opener – Isa 22:20-22, Rev 3:7

The Law of Initiation Into the Lord’s Secrets
The cause of the believer’s initiation to the
Lord’s secrets is because the Lord makes them known by the Holy Spirit in His
Word. There are several mysteries made known in the New Testament. The place
where they are mentioned determines the application.
1. The mystery of Israel’s blindness is no mystery regarding the blindness of
Israel, but its duration is made known in the fact that it is until the fullness
of the Gentiles or the number of the Gentiles be gathered in Rom 11:25.
2. The mystery of godliness, is that God was made manifest in the flesh.
Therefore, His greatness and His glory, 1 Tim 3:16.
3. The mystery of the Church, it is that the Lord is blessing those who receive
Christ and making them one in Christ, whether they are Jew or Gentile, Rom
16:25, Eph 3:3, 4, 9, 5:32, 6:19, Col 1:26-27, 4:3, 1 Tim 3:9.
Therefore, it is called a mystery of that which was kept secret since the world
4. The mystery of lawlessness is the end of hell’s working in the self-will of
man, which will develop the production of the lawless one. 2 Thes 2:7.
5. The mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ is the centralization of
everything, whether in Grace or in government, in Christ, and that in Him
dwelleth all the fullness of the
Godhead bodily. Eph 1:9, Col 2:2, Rev 10:7.
6. The mystery of the seven stars is that Christ holds all those who are His in
places of responsibility in God’s assembly by His almighty power. Rev 1:20.
7. The mystery of Babylon is that behind all the abominable mixture of the
world’s religion and its commercial spirit, there is the satanic spirit that
governs it. Rev 17:5.
8. The mystery about the glorified saints is that we shall not all sleep, but
that we shall all be changed and be made like to our glorified Lord, 1 Cor
9. The mystery of the kingdom of heaven, in a general sense, is that behind the
body of the outward meaning of revealed Truth, there is a soul of secret
explanation. Matt 13:11.
”Behold! I show you a mystery!”

“These Things Saith”
The Lord is always definite in His Truth and teaching. When the Lord speaks
it, it is for us to bow and obey. But when He speaks in a special character
and in a special way, it is for us to listen attentively and intently.
The illustration is Christ’s message to the seven churches which are found
with these specific words “These things saith.”
1. The Holder of the stars
”These things saith He that holdeth the seven stars in His right hand.” Rev
The stars represent the ministers whom the Lord uses in His ministry to the
churches and when they are held by Him and used in His service, He serves and
speaks through them.
2. The First and the Last
”These things saith the First and the Last, which was dead and is alive,”
Rev 2:8
Between Him who is first in creation and last in consummation, is His death
and resurrection. He can be to us the Genesis and Revelation because He died for
us and lives for us.
3. The Possessor of the two-edged sword
”These things saith He which hath the sharp two-edged sword,” Rev 2:12.
His Word cuts both ways as His message to the church at Pergamos illustrates. It
cuts into the inner life as well as the outward. He lays bare the soul of
purpose and discovers where the life is barren and wanting.
4. The Eyes of fire
”These things saith the Son of God who has His eyes like unto a flame of
fire,” Rev 2:18. The flame will not burn unless it has fuel on which to feed.
But, when there is the combustibility of sin, it will scorch and burn to the
hurt of the sinner.
5. The Possessor of the spirit
”These things saith He that hath the seven spirits,” Rev 3:1.
Isa 11:2-3 reveals the Holy Spirit in His seven-fold character. The Lamb and the
Spirit are always associated. The Bible begins with a brooding dove and ends
with the bleeding Lamb.
6. The Holy One
”These things saith He that is holy,” Rev 3:7.
He is holy and true. Holiness and Truth are not merely attributes with Him. They
express what He is in the essence of His being.
7. The Faithful Witness
”These things saith the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of
the creation of God,” Rev 3:14.
The Amen comes first. And the Beginning last. And between the
two He is revealed as the Faithful and True Witness.
Does this not reveal to us Christ in His life and in His ministry as the
Revealer of God the Father? And as such, He is the Amen, so let it be. And
as the beginning, He can make it to be, as He did in the beginning.

Grace In! Grace Out!
We are like computers. It is only what you put in that comes out. We have
lungs of the soul for spiritual breathing just as we do for physical breathing.
”As we have received the Lord Jesus Christ, so walk we in Him.”
”We are saved by Grace and we grow in Grace.”
And “Grace teaches us.”
If you have received the Grace of God in salvation, and “have tasted of the
Grace of God,” then as a result, you will “speak with gracious words.”
“And Grace will be poured from your lips,” and you will be Grace
oriented and treat others in Grace.
Grace in = the inhale of Grace
Grace out = the exhale of Grace
Exhale first to God in thanksgiving and then to the godly with comfort.

“The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus Makes us Free From the Law
of Sin and Death,” Rom 8:2
We are under a new law of spirituality. The Spirit-filled life is extensive
in its meaning. There are several phrases and phases which have to do with a
Spirit-filled life.
1. Baptism is the immersing word and denotes the Spirit’s
power. Acts 1:5, “For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized
with the Holy Spirit not many days hence.”
2. Anointing is the qualifying word and speaks of His consecrating
Grace. 2 Cor 1:21, “For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our
conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but
by the Grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more
abundantly to you-ward.”
3. Sealing is the claiming word and avows His proprietary right.
Eph 1:13, “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the Word of Truth, the
Gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed
with that Holy Spirit of promise.”
Eph 4:30, “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto
the day of redemption.”
4. Endowment is the endowing word and proclaims His empowering
ability. Luke 24:49, “And, behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you:
but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on
5. Earnest is the assuring word, a word and guarantees the coming
glory. 2 Cor 5:5, “Now He that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God,
who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.”
6. Full is the sufficient word, and tells of His satisfying
efficiency. Acts 6:5, “And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they
chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and
Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of
7. Filled is the overflowing word and represents His constant inflow and
overflow in life and service. Acts 2:4, “And they were all filled with the
Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them
”Filled in the Spirit” not “Filled with the Spirit.” The
preposition EN should be translated “in” and not “with.”
The Holy Spirit is in every believer as the spirit of adoption, but not every
believer is in the Spirit. It is one thing to posses the Spirit and another
thing to be possessed by the Spirit.

The Beauty of Obedience! Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice!
The whole of the Christian life is summed up in the word “obey.” If we
read through the book of Deuteronomy, we will see how that the Holy Spirit
emphasizes the importance and influence of obedience.
1. Obedience is the proof of repentance.
Deut 4:30, “If thou return unto the Lord and shall be obedient unto His
The evidence of having returned unto the Lord is response to Him in obedience.
2. Obedience is the procurer of blessing.
Deut 11:27-28, “A blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your
We command the Lord’s blessing when we respond to the Lord’s Word.
3. Obedience is the preventer of contamination.
Deut 13:1-5, “Ye shall obey His voice so shalt thou put the evil away.”
Obedience is the circle which encloses us and separates us from the evil around.
4. Obedience is the evidence of a relationship.
Deut 27:9-10, “Thou are become the people of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt
obey the voice of the Lord Thy God.” Because the Lord is thy God we are
under obligation to do His will.
5. Obedience is the secret of victory.
Deut 30:8-9, “Obey the voice of the Lord thy God, for He is thy life and the
length of thy days.” Length of days and loyalty to the Lord are bound
together as cause and effect.
Deut 8:3, “And He humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with
manna which thou knowest not, neither did thy fathers know, that He might
make thee know that man doth not live by bread alone but by every Word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
The verse that Christ quoted to Satan: Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4

“The Word”
Christ is called “the Word” and that title occurs four times in John
1:1-14. The word is LOGOS, and it signifies the thoughts of God expressed in
action. We remember that its significance covers the whole of Christ’s
personality – His life, His work, and His message.
Christ as the Word proclaims:
1. The glory of His personality, John 1:14, “And the Word was made
flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only
Begotten of the Father,) full of Grace and Truth.”
2. The glory of His miracles, John 2:11, “This beginning of miracles
did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth His glory; and His disciples
believed on Him.”
3. The glory of His love, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not
perish, but have everlasting life.”
4. The glory of His life, John 4:14, “But whosoever drinketh of the
water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give
him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
5. The glory of His revelation, John 5:39, “Search the Scriptures;
for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of
6. The glory of His supply, John 6:58, “This is that Bread which
came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that
eateth of this Bread shall live for ever.”
7. The glory of His death and resurrection, John 19:30, “When Jesus
therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished: and He bowed His
head, and gave up the spirit.” See
also John 20:19-31.
”And we beheld His glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of Grace
and Truth.”
”We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

12 Legions of Angels!
In the midst of our Lord’s hour of betrayal and the agonies of the week of
passion, He reminded the impetuous Peter that He had infinite resources of power
had He chosen to draw upon them.
”Thinkest thou not that I could pray to My Father and He should presently give
Me more than 12 legions of angels,” Matt 26:53
We have but to turn back to 1 Chron 27:1-15 to find a hint of why He referred to
the “12 legions,” and we get an illuminative illustration of His meaning.
For there we read how David, his kingly type, surrounded himself with 12 legions
of servant soldiers, each legion numbering 24,000, all together, therefore,
288,000 or including the 12,000 officers that naturally waited on the chief
princes – an immense bodyguard of 300,000.
How beautiful our Lord thus taught His disciple who was eager to draw a sword to
smite his foes, that David’s Greater Son had at command resources far
greater than Judea’s king and if in one night the Angel of the Lord had
smitten to death 185,000 Assyrians, what might not 12 legions have done in
that hour of distress. They could depopulate the whole world.

The Law of Variation!
The change from the singular to the plural pronouns in the prophecy of
Ezekiel 26 of Tyre is of Divine intent, and is confirmed by the facts of
history. The verses 7 to 11 refer to Nebuchadnezzar’s exploits against Tyre.
Therefore, we are told ”What he shall do.” But from verses
12-14 we are told ”What they shall accomplish” referring to
Alexander and his generals in their subsequent invasion against Tyre.
Another instance is found in what is known as one of the imprecatory Psalms.
In Psalm 109 there is a most noticeable change of number and person. Verses 1-5:
the plural “they” is prominent. And again after verse 20. But from
verses 6-19, the singular ”he” and ”his” and “him”
are found 30 times.
Here, again, this divides the Psalm into three parts. If the word ”saying”
be understood at the close of verse 5, the whole imprecation that follows down
to verse 19 becomes not the psalmist’s prayer for vengeance on his
adversaries, but their imprecation of curses upon him, and renders the whole
Psalm luminous.

Thursday, August 3, 2000
Verse for Today!
Gal 3:26, “We are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”

The Free Gift of Salvation!
There is no word which is so large in its meaning and lofty in its conception
and lasting in its blessing, as this word “salvation.”
1. God in His Grace is its Author. Titus 2:11, “For the Grace of God that
bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.”
2. The Cross is the vicariousness of its atonement in its basis. 1 Pet
1:9-11, “Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Of
which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who
prophesied of the Grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what
manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it
testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should
3. Man in his need as a sinner is its object. Acts 13:26, “Men and brethren,
children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is
the Word of this salvation sent.”
4. Faith in its reception of Christ is its inception. Rom 1:16, “For I am
not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation
to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
5. Deliverance is the many-sidedness of its blessing is its meaning, hence
the word “salvation” in the Old Testament is translated:
“Help” in 2 Sam 10:11
“Welfare” in Job 30:15
“Health” in Psa 42:11
“Deliverance” in Psa 18:50
6. God’s Word is the witness of its promise in its assurance. 2 Tim 3:15,
“And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to
make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
7. Joy is the secret of its gladness, by obedience is its exultation. 1 Sam
2:1, “And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the LORD, mine horn
is exalted in the LORD: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I
rejoice in Thy salvation.”
8. The Spirit is the Grace of His strength in its power. Phil 2:12-13,
“Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only,
but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and
trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good
9. Holiness of mind and life in their correspondence to Christ is its fruit. 2
Thes 2:13, “But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren
beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation
through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth:”
10. Christ in the beauty of His character is its embodiment. Luke 19:10,
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Isa 12:2, “For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is
proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought
11. Fellowship with the Lord in all the partnership of His love is its
privilege. 2 Cor 1:5-7, “For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our
consolation also aboundeth by Christ. And whether we be afflicted, it is for
your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same
sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your
consolation and salvation. And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye
are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.”
12. Glory in its likeness to Christ is its consummation. Heb 9:28, “So Christ
was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall
He appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”
Our so great salvation.

The Law of a Reliant Faith!
Faith is the Grace that receives from the Lord what He has to offer and rests
in the will of His Word. The verb “to believe” denotes the steady resting of
the soul upon an object outside of itself. Hence, for one person to rely, to
trust, to depend upon another.
Faith depends upon the living Lord. It has no reliance upon itself.
The same word is rendered “believed” in Gen 15:6, “Abraham believed in God
and He counted it unto him for righteousness.”
It is rendered “nursed” in Isa 60:4 where it says, “The daughters shall be
nursed at thy side,” referring to the eastern custom of the mother carrying
her child astride upon the hip and with her arms around the body.
What better picture could we have of the act and attitude of faith than the
child resting on the mother’s lap and being supported by her?
Abram believed the Lord and the Lord undertook all the responsibilities of his
salvation and his need.
”Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”

The Many Facets of the Word “Believed”
The word translated “believed” is brought up in Lam 4:5
It is the word sure in Psa 93:5
It is the word verified in Gen 42:20
It is the word established in 2 Chr 1:9
It is the word faithful in Num 12:7
It is the word stand fast in Psa 89:28
It is the word assurance in Deut 28:66
It is the word steadfast in Psa 78:8
It is the word trust in Job 4:18
Reading these words into the meaning and association of faith we may say of the
man of faith:
He is brought up by the Lord’s ministry
He is sure of the Lord’s love
Verified in the Lord’s Truth
Established in the Lord’s Grace
Faithful in the Lord’s service
Stand fast in temptation for the Lord’s glory
Assured by the Lord’s promises
Steadfast in the Lord’s ways, and
Trusts in the Lord Himself.
Did you know all that when you believed in Christ?

The Differences Between Law and Grace
“The law came by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.”
1. Blots out the sinner, Ex 32:23 |
Blots out the sin, Col 2:14 |
2. Every mouth stopped, Rom 3:19 |
Every mouth opened, Rom 10:9 |
3. Judgment, Rom 5:18 |
Justification, Rom 3:24 |
4. Keep, James 2:10 |
Kept, 1 Pet 1:5 |
5. Moves the sinner to sin, Rom 7:8 |
Moves the sin from the sinner, Matt 1:21 |
6. Nearness impossible, Ex 20:21 |
Nearness certain, Eph 2:13 |
7. Prodigal stoned to death, Deut 21:20, 21 |
Prodigal robed and feasted, Luke 15:20, 22 |
8. Three thousand slain, Ex 32:28 |
Three thousand saved, Acts 2:41 |
9. When Moses’ face shone, the people
feared, Ex 34:30 |
When Christ’s face shone, people
were attracted, Mark 9:15 |
10. Retaliation, Ex 21:24 |
Redeems, Gal 3:13 |
11. Yoked with a burdensome weight, Gal 5:1 |
Yoked with a loving Christ, Matt 11:29, 30 |
12. Zeal inspired and no salvation, Phil 3:6 |
Zeal imparted because saved, Titus 2:14 |
The law showed man that he was a sinner.
Christ came and saved the sinner.

Ishmael and Midian were by the same father, but by different mothers. Abraham
was the father of both. But Hagar was the mother Ishmael.
Gen 16:11-12, “And the Angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art
with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the
LORD hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be
against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the
presence of all his brethren.”
And Keturah was the mother of Midian, Gen 25:2, “And she bare him Zimran, and
Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah.”
Undoubtedly they shared the same country and life. The only difference between
them was that the Ishmaelites were distinguished by their earrings.
Judges 8;24 “I would declare a request from you that you would give every
man the earrings of his prey.”
Because they had golden earrings, because they were Ishmaelites.
I have seen a lot of Ishmaelites lately in our country playing baseball!

Two Words: “As” and “So” – The Biblical Law of
1 Cor 15:22, “As in Adam all die; even so in Christ shall He
make all alive.”
The “as” and the “so” imply an exact correspondence. For instance:
”As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must
the Son of man be lifted up.”
“As My Father loveth Me, so have I loved you.”
”As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you.”
John 3:14, John 25:9, John 20:21
The subject of “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall He make alive,”
1 Cor 15:22
The subject is the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ in context.

Wednesday, August 2, 2000
Verse for the Day
Rom 10:10, “For with the mind man believeth unto salvation.”

Baptism of Fire!
- The baptism of fire is the judgment that comes at the Second Advent of
Christ. Unbelievers are cast off the earth and believers go into the
- The doctrine of the baptism of fire is found in Matt 3:11-12, “I indeed
baptize you with water unto repentance: but He that cometh after me is
mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you
with the Holy Spirit, and with fire: Whose fan is in His hand, and He will
thoroughly purge His floor, and gather His wheat into the garner; but He
will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
Luke 3:16-17, “John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you
with water; but One mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am
not worthy to unloose: He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with
fire: Whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor, and
will gather the wheat into His garner; but the chaff He will burn with fire
2 Thes 1:7-9, “And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord
Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty angels, In flaming fire
taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of
our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction
from the presence of the Lord, and from
the glory of His power.”
- Analogy of the baptism of fire.
A. Matt 24:17-41
One taken in judgment, the unbeliever
One left to go into the millennium, the believer.
- Parables of the baptism of fire.
A. Wheat and tares. Matt 13:24-30, 36-43
Wheat, the believers go into the millennium.
2. Tares, unbelievers, are cast off the earth.
B. Matt 13:47-50
Good fish, believers
2. Bad fish, unbelievers
C. Matt 24:43-51, The good man of the house.
D. The ten virgins, Matt 25:1-13
Wise. Believers, Jewish, go into the millennium
2. Foolish, unbelievers, taken off in judgment.
E. The sheep and the goats, Matt 25:31-46, Gentiles.
1. Sheep,
Gentiles who go into the Millennium.
2. Goats, Gentiles who are taken in judgment.
F. The talent test, Matt 25:14-30
1. The five and two talent man, Jewish, that goes
into the millennium.
2. The one talent man, unsaved Jewish, goes into
- Baptism of fire from the standpoint of the Gentiles. Matt 25:31-36.
“Nations” are literally “Gentiles.”
- Baptism from the standpoint of the Jews. The Matthew passages,
chapters 24 and 25 mentioned above, plus Ezek 20:32-38
When the Jews are brought back into the land, the unbelieving Jews are judged
and cast off the Earth and the born again Jew will go into the millennium.

Sermon on the Mount, Matt 5:1-12
The sermon on the mount was a crash program to teach His disciples the Word
of God. The term ”blessed” means double happiness – inner and outer
1. The beatitude of salvation, verse 3, “Poor in spirit.”
This is a reminder of the Grace in salvation. The “poor in spirit” refers to
the spiritual I.Q. that begins at salvation. A true inner happiness begins at
the Cross.
2. The beatitude of suffering, verse 4, “They that mourn.”
Inner happiness, as projected from the soul, handles any pressure situation, any
suffering situation, in life. This believer carries his happiness inside of him.
3. The beatitude of relaxed power, verse 5, “The meek.”
Verse 5 speaks of Grace orientation. This is a believer who is spiritually
poised and is the antithesis to the pride power generated by the energy of the
4. The beatitude of doctrinal desire, verse 6, “They that hunger and
This is the believer daily inhaling and exhaling the Word of God through the
faith principle. Righteousness is God’s brand of goodness.
5. The beatitude of operation Grace, verse 7, “The merciful.”
Mercy is Grace in action. Inner happiness is based on thinking Grace at all
times. We are saved by Grace and we grow in Grace and we continue to function by
6. The beatitude of restoration, verse 8, “Pure in heart/mind.”
This is based on 1 John 1:9. There is no inner happiness present when one is out
of fellowship. “Shall see God,” refers to occupation with Christ,
thinking Divine Viewpoint as a result of being restored back to fellowship.
7. The beatitude of witnessing, verse 9, “Peacemakers.”
This is one who witnesses and shows the way of peace between God and man called
the children of God. They are identified with God, because they carry His
This is reconciliation of man to God.
8. The beatitude of persecution and pressure, verses 10-12.
Inner happiness is the possession of those who are “Persecuted for
righteousness sake.” Verse 10 “And Christ’s sake. Verse
11, “So keep on rejoicing.” Keep staying in fellowship regardless.
Verse 12.
God’s plan of Grace is greater than any pressure or persecution in life.

Tuesday, August 1, 2000
Unlimited Atonement!
Atonement means that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole human race
– unlimited atonement.
1 John 2:2, “And He is the satisfaction for our sins and not for our sins
only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”
2. Jesus Christ paid for the sins of all members of the human race, not just for
the redeemed, the ones who accept Him. 2 Pet 2:1, ”Even those who deny the
Lord that bought them.”
3. He died for all.
1 Tim 2:6, “Who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due
Heb 2:9, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for
the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He by the Grace of
God should taste death for every man.”
Titus 2:11, “For the Grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all
Ezek 18:4, “Behold, all souls are Mine; as the soul of the father, so also the
soul of the son is Mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.”
4. Application of unlimited atonement to salvation.
A. Jesus Christ died for all.
B. Why? Because of Rom 3:23, “For all have sinned, and come
short of the glory of God;”
1. All have sinned. All were
spiritually dead.
2. Imputed sin. All sinned when Adam sinned. “In
Adam all die …”
3. 2 Cor 5:14-15, “If One died for
all, then were all dead.”
4. The volition of man is the issue
in salvation. Will man choose for Christ or will man reject Christ?
5. If man rejects Christ, He stands
on His own good works.
6. The issue at the Great White
Throne judgment is human good.
”Judged according to their works,” Rev 20:12-15, “And I
saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and
another book was opened, which is the Book of life: and the dead were judged out
of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And
the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the
dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their
works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the
second death. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast
into the lake of fire.”
7. Unlimited atonement in the Old Testament.
Isa 44:22-23, “I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy
transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto Me; for I have redeemed
thee. Sing, O ye heavens; for the LORD hath done it: shout, ye lower parts of
the earth: break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree
therein: for the LORD hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Israel.”
Jacob = unbeliever. Israel = believer.

Four Divine Institutions for Believers and Unbelievers Alike
In order to keep the world from destroying itself
In each of these four Divine Institutions there is
A. Free will.
The authority is in the volition of each individual. Whenever you subject
yourself to an institution, you are subject to its authority. But you have the
right to move out of that situation. This authority, volition, should give you
confidence in your own decisions. Ex.: Adam and Eve in the garden.
B. Marriage.
The husband is the authority in marriage. He is the head of the house.
Gen 2:21ff
C. Family
The father and the mother, the parents, are the authority. Gen 4-10
D. Nationalism.
Gen 11:1-9, The government has the authority, common law, judge on the bench,
and policemen. And laws of limitation for the benefit of others, civil code,
driver’s license, etc.
When freewill and the choice of marriage and raising of a family and nationalism
are functioning, you have freedom — the freedom to accept Christ or reject
Him, the freedom to marry whom the Lord has designed for you, the freedom to
raise your children in the nature and admonition of the Lord, and strong
nationalism — that's freedom.

The Responsibility of Citizens — Rom 13:1-7
A. God has designed certain laws for each nation and these
laws come out of the Divine Institutions.
Rom 13:1, “Powers”
indicates authority.
B. God is not the author of confusion. 1 Cor 14:10.
Rom 13:2, “Let all things be done
decently and in order.”
Resistance to authority involves: (Rom 13:2)
1. Criminal activity, internal, resistance
2. Subscribing to any form of internationalism which is the
enemy of Divine Institution Number Four, Nationalism.
3. Religion, because religion always sponsors
4. Socialism tends to make everyone equal, contrary to Divine
Institution Number One.
Freedom, volition, gives everyone the right to choose a vocation.
C. Rulers have the right to uphold the laws of the land.
Rom 13:3, the principle of authority
is to reward the good and prosecute the evil – criminal activity or the
violation of common law.
D. For enforcing the laws of the land there are varies
degrees of punishment including capital punishment.
Rom 13:4, “For he beareth not the
sword in vain,” which refers to the Roman method of capital punishment,
which is beheading. Today it would be the electric chair, the gas chamber, the
This is God’s method of removing the “mad dogs” of society. Followed by
the principle of submission to law.

Responsibility to Submission to the Law, Romans 13:5
- Wrath
– Some are restrained by fear.
- Some
are restrained by their conscience.
Rom 13:6-7.
For financing the nation:
God has ordained the principle of taxation, with representation. Income tax on
the federal level is actually the most unfair and worst tax possible. Sales tax
would be biblical.
Since we already have a state income tax, and federal income tax, sales
tax on that is too much.
When a national entity violates the Divine Institutions, such as Communism does,
the citizens of that country are under obligation to the Word of God and not the
slavery laws of that country, which means miraculous deliverance or death.

Balaam the Believer
1. Balaam not only knew the Lord, but confessed the Lord in the presence of
Balak and the messengers from Moab.
He also asked the Lord’s will and to some extent followed His will and then
went contrary to it. Num 22:8, 13, 18, 19, 38, 23:12
2. Initially Balaam would not leave Pathor without the Lord’s permission. Num
22:20. He had a lust for wealth, but being a believer, he was under restraint.
3. The Lord Jesus Christ meets Balaam and converses with him along the way. Num
22:22. This is not conclusive in itself, but strengthens the argument.
4. The Lord puts words in the mouth of Balaam when he tries to curse Israel –
the opposite words. Num 23:5, 12, 16
5. Balaam calls JEHOVAH “his God,” Num 22:18
6. The Holy Spirit came upon Balaam. Num 24:2
7. In 2 Peter 2:15-16, he is called a prophet.
8. In Num 31:8, Balaam dies under the sin unto death.
9. Parallel to Balaam is Simon in the New Testament.
Act 8:13, Simon is a believer.
Acts 8:21, Simon is out of fellowship.

Seven Baptisms. Which One Saves?
“Baptize” means “to identify, to be made one with.” It means
something so identified with something else that its nature or character is
changed. Or, it represents a real change that has taken place.
1. Real baptisms. Actual identifications.
A. Baptism of Moses. The children of Israel are identified with
Moses and the cloud as they pass trough the Red Sea. 1 Cor 10:1-2
B. Baptism of the Cross or the cup. Matt 20:22, 2 Cor 5:23. Jesus
Christ drank the cup
filled with our sins, identified with our sin, and bore it on the Cross. He was
made sin for us. 1 Pet 2:24, 2 Cor 5:21
C. The baptism of the Holy Spirit. Believers: 1 Cor 12:13. He,
at the point of salvation, places us into the body of Christ. We are identified
as believers. Acts 1:5, Rom 6:3-4, Gal 3, Col 2:12, Eph 4:5
D. Baptism of fire. Unbelievers are baptized. This is the baptism of
judgment at the Second Advent on all unbelievers. Matt 25:31, 33, Matt
3:11, 2 Thes 1:7-9
2. Ritual baptisms, representative identifications. Water is used.
Water is symbolic of something else. But the individual is really identified
with the water.
A. Baptism of John. Matt 3:6, 11a. Water is symbolic of the kingdom of
God which
John preached. People, when baptized by John, were indicating in effect, “I
have previously believed in Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I am now
symbolizing that identification with His kingdom by baptism.”
B. The baptism of Jesus Christ – a unique baptism. Water was used.
Jesus Christ was not a sinner. Water is symbolic of the Father’s will in the
execution of salvation. Matt 3:13-17. We cannot follow the Lord in baptism, as
to His purpose in securing our redemption.
C. Baptism of believers. Matt 28:19. Water represents the
Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Believers are identified with Christ in His
death, burial and resurrection. It symbolizes retroactive and current positional
truth. It is the ritual of the real baptism of the Spirit.
When you go down into the water it means down with human good. When you come out
of the water, you are walking in newness of life, up with Divine Good.
None of these baptisms save you. Only faith in Christ saves you.

The Ministry of Balaam – A Gentile Believer
1. Balaam was hindered from cursing the children of God.
2. Balak hired Balaam to curse the Jews.
3. Instead of Balaam being able to curse the Jews, the Holy Spirit would come
upon him and he would prophesy the glorious future of Israel.
4. Balak figured he had been cheated.
5. Balaam’s lust for money caused him to find another way to get the Jews
into a jam.
6. Balaam advised Balak, king of Moab, to neutralize Israel by getting them out
of fellowship by placing beautiful women in the way of their temptation.
7. Then Balaam and Balak parted. Num 24:25. Balaam had earned his fee but
not by cursing the Jews.
8. Therefore in Num 25:1 with 31:16, we have the story of how Balaam earned
his fee.
9. The doctrine of Balaam gives us the principle of neutralizing believers by
getting them out of fellowship, thus separating them from the source of Divine
10. The doctrine of Balaam is any system of works whereby believers get out of
fellowship and stay out of fellowship.
You remember this story … Sunday School.

A Cup ...
You study the Word of God for years and then suddenly one day something hits
you that has been there for years. It is like you know it, but you really have
not got a hold of it. And the principle is that whatever Jesus Christ touches,
even if it is inanimate, it comes alive and take on meaning and has purpose and
- Cup. The first use of the word “cup” is found in Matt 26:39 (the
- The cup contains the sins of the whole world. Jesus Christ was sinless. 2 Cor
5:21, “He made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made
the righteousness of God in Him.”
- The Father poured out those sins on Christ and judged them. Isa 53:4-6.
- Christ drank from that cup. There is the contact. John 18:11. Drinking
of the cup is a picture of the judgment of God’s wrath.
- The Father’s wrath, which is righteousness and justice, fell upon the Son
when He drank it, when He bore the sins of the whole world.
- God’s wrath is against sin, but the sins have been poured out on Christ. He
drank the cup to the bottom, bore the sins of the whole world. Therefore, the
Father’s wrath was poured out upon Him.
- Active voice, Jesus Christ Himself deliberately drank from the cup. Here we
see the volition of His humanity.
- Passive voice, Jesus Christ received the judgment for our sins.
- Alternative: Either accept Jesus Christ drinking the cup for you on the
Cross, or accept the wrath of God on yourself. If you reject the Cross, then the
alternative is the wrath of God. Either let Christ drink God’s wrath for you,
or you can drink it yourself.
- When He came the first time, He drank the cup. When He comes the
second time, unbelievers will drink the cup because they did not accept His
drinking of the cup for them.
”As often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, you show the Lord’s death
till He come.”
He put His lips to the cup and the cup takes on meaning and purpose and is
alive. He can also do that with animate subjects.
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