

Lesson 1    Introduction and Background - Hosea 1:1-2a
Lesson 2    Hosea’s children and their names - Hosea 1:4-2:1
Lesson 3    Parallel, Hosea talking to Gomer, God talking to Israel - Hosea 2:2-5
Lesson 4    Parallel, Hosea talking to Gomer, God talking to Israel Hosea  2, - Hosea   2:5-13
Lesson 5    God’s declaration of future plans - Hosea 2:14-17
Lesson 6    Restoration of the Adulterous Wife - Hosea 2:18-3:5
Lesson 7    Jehovah reveals His lawsuit with Israel - Hosea 4:1-3
Lesson 8   God announces withdrawal of common grace because of idolatry- Hosea 4:4-6
Lesson 9     Idolatry - Hosea 4:6-7
Lesson 10   Baalism, fertility cult, demonic powers - Hosea 4:8-14
Lesson 11   Israel’s idolatry - Hosea 4:15-19
Lesson 12   The Lord’s face is withdrawn - Hosea 5:1-14
Lesson 13   A godly inspired conviction of sin - Hosea 5:15 - 6:1-3
Lesson 14   God agonizes over Israel’s sin (“thou shalt not kill”) - Hosea 6:4-11
Lesson 15   Israel’s sin (“thou shalt not steal”) - Hosea 7:1-7
Lesson 16   Ephraim’s iniquity; problems of their foreign policy - Hosea 7:8-16

Scripture Index
