Bible Ministries and Study Resources Downloads

Below are links to a wealth of Bible study information from several free-grace, dispensationally oriented Bible teachers, including Charles Clough, Robert Dean, J. Vernon McGee, and Robert B. Thieme, Jr. Thousands of hours of audio recordings of Bible classes have been transcribed and can now be downloaded to your hard drive for convenient access any time.

For PC users, we’ve also included an application called phraSEarch, which will enable you to quickly search these transcripts to quickly find that nugget of truth you’re looking for. Check out the phraSEarch ReadMe file for more information about this application you won’t want to miss.

Bonus: You can also use it to search other documents on your hard drive as well.


Program File LINK

ReadMe File LINK

PhraSEarch ReadMe File LINK

PhraSEarch Program File LINK


Program File LINK

ReadMe File LINK

Please be sure to consult the ReadMe files before installing