Evaluation Testing; James 1:3
The doctrine of gratitude (continued)
Happiness is related to gratitude in various
ways. a) For true happiness Bible doctrine must be more important than anything
else in life. b) Gratitude is the basis for true happiness and you can’t have
happiness without gratitude. We see that linkage in Colossians 1:11, 12 NASB
“strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the
attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously
James 1:3 NASB
“knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.”
In our English Bible we read
“Consider it all joy, v. 2. That is the main verb. “…knowing,” v.3. This is a
participle. Usually when we have a word in English that ends in ‘ing’ it is a participle. In the Greek we have a present
active participle from GINOSKO [ginwskw],
and this participle lacks an article. Because it lacks an article we know that
this is an adverbial participle of cause, so the whole thought should be
express: “Count it all joy because you know (something).” You know a principle
of doctrine, and that principle of doctrine is then given in the rest of verse
3: “that the testing of your faith produces [works out, or brings about the
consequences or result of] endurance,” in the soul.
What is the testing of your
faith? This is a phrase that uses the word DOKIMION [dokimion].
That is the masculine noun form; the feminine noun form is DOKIME [dokimh], and the verb form is DOKIMAZO [dokimazw], a very important verb. It means to test, to
examine, to try something to determine the genuineness
of it. The noun means a test or an evaluation procedure. So what we are looking
at here is the principle that we know that we are going to go through certain
evaluation tests. The purpose of the evaluation is not to see how little we
know or how big a failure we are going to be in that test, but to reveal what
doctrine we do know and to give us an opportunity to use that to advance in the
spiritual life. So this is a test or evaluation for determining the genuineness
of something.
The doctrine of evaluation testing
The Greek words DOKIMION and DOKIMAZO tell us
that everything in our life as a believer is designed to advance us in the
spiritual life. We should look at every situation we run into as an opportunity
to choose for or against God. We enter into the spiritual life by faith alone
in Christ alone. The next step after salvation is that we run into various
tests of doctrine. We call these tests of doctrine because when we see the
phrase “the testing of your faith,” the word “faith” is the Greek word PISTIS [pistij] and it can have two meanings. The first meaning is
an active meaning which relates to the faith-rest drill, actively believing the
promises of God, mixing the promises of God with faith, putting our faith and
confidence in doctrinal principles, doctrinal conclusions, doctrinal
rationales. That is the active sense. But there is a passive sense of faith,
and that relates to what is believed, the object of our faith in the faith-rest
drill. In other words, what is believed is Bible doctrine. So what we have in a
test here is not in terms of the active sense of the faith-rest drill but to
evaluate the doctrine that is in our soul, because what happens in the dynamic
of testing is you have to focus on doctrine that is in your soul and bring that
up as the object of the faith-rest drill. So the test is on the doctrine in
your soul. Each situation in life is an evaluation procedure to give an
opportunity to use the doctrine that is in your soul. At that point you
exercise volition. You can be positive towards doctrine or you can be negative
to doctrine, reject the use of Scripture and try to do it in the power of the
sin nature. If you decide to handle the test in your own power, using human
viewpoint techniques to handle adversity in my life, you are under sin nature
control. If you are positive to doctrine you come to the test and respond
positively, applying the doctrine in your soul, you are under the filling of
the Spirit so you produce divine good, you begin to experience the riches and
the depths of life. The idea of eternal life in the Scriptures is not life
without existence. That is just quantity. It has to do with the depth and the
quality of that life. Jesus said in John chapter ten: “I came that they may
have life, and have {it} abundantly.” So what we are talking about here is that
as we learn to grow in the spiritual life, going through the tests of doctrine,
applying doctrine, we develop a capacity for life and for happiness. This
increases enjoyment of life and we begin to look out into the whole realm of
existence take pleasure in so many more things that we ever did before, because
they are all part of God’s creation. We provide evidence in our life of the
grace of God in our life and the truth of Scripture. As this continues it
produces in the lief steadfast endurance, persistence in the spiritual life;
you hang in their in spite of any obstacles. The result is that you move toward
the adult spiritual life and spiritual maturity. The result is that when you
die and stand before the judgment seat of Christ you will be given rewards and
inheritance and the Lord will says, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Situations in life provide us the opportunity to use the doctrine that is
learned and stored in our souls so that we can advance in the spiritual life,
experience the reality of divine grace in our life, and the sufficiency of
divine provision, and demonstrate to humanity and to angels that the plan of
God will work. People who say that doctrine doesn’t work are those who never
consistently applied it.
There are two
classifications of evaluation in the Scriptures. The first is a self-evaluation
procedure. This relates to the confession of sin in 1 John 1:9; 1 Corinthians
Tests are not
designed to emphasize human failures and inadequacy but to highlight the divine
good in the believer’s life so that the believer can discard the bad, remove
any distractions, and advance in the spiritual life.
These tests are designed to evaluate the
doctrine in your soul. These are tests of doctrine, tests of faith. Faith is PISTIS in the
genitive case, a genitive of description describing the kind of tests, tests
related to doctrine. What exactly is Bible doctrine? It is the teaching of God’s
Word in every area of life. It is the classification an
categorization of the concepts and principles gleaned from the text of the
original languages of the Bible. God does not say everything there is to say
about any given subject in any given passage. You have to compare passage with
passage, thought with thought. It is a long process. When we compare Scripture
with Scripture we can begin to categorize doctrine into various topics and
subjects and relate them to various issues. This makes it easy to understand
those principles for you to grasp and understand those principles. We learn
almost everything in life through categorization and classification. It makes
learning and growing in any subject that much easier. Bible doctrine is the
only source of knowledge about God, the only way to know and love Jesus Christ,
the only source of divine viewpoint. Life is a constant battle between divine
viewpoint and human viewpoint. The Bible in its entirety presents God’s
viewpoint, God’s opinion—the only opinion that matters—on everything in life. That
is divine viewpoint. For the believer the process of sanctification is the
process of renovating out thinking, renewing our minds, by learning doctrine so
that we can think like God thinks and look at life from the divine viewpoint. The
human viewpoint is the viewpoint of the sin nature, it
is the cosmic viewpoint, the viewpoint of Satan, the viewpoint of man apart
from God. It is our job to destroy all human viewpoint
in our souls, and is a never-ending battle. 1 Peter 1:6, 7 NASB “1
Pet 1:6 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if
necessary, you have been distressed by various trials,
Doctrine in your
soul is the prerequisite for evaluation testing. If there is no doctrine in
your soul any situation you fall into is going to result in collapse and
falling apart and going into carnality. The sin nature is going to dominate
your thinking and your life is just going to go down the tube. If there is no
doctrine to evaluate then that test is going to destroy you. First, the
believer must renew his mind. He has to learn doctrine. There has to be an
object of faith. Faith mixes with the promises of God, uses doctrinal rationales
to reach doctrinal conclusions. Romans 12:2 NASB “And do not be
conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so
that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable
and perfect.” For the believer, revelation is the new system of knowledge. When
the believer applies doctrine in time of testing he is demonstrating by his
life that everything in God’s Word is true. His life is a testimony before the
Supreme Court of Heaven in the angelic conflict to the veracity of God’s Word.
This evaluation
testing is related to your role as the witness to all humanity and to angels in
the angelic conflict.
testing is between each individual believer and the Lord and no one else can
evaluate. (There is a difference between judging and evaluating)
The issue is
testing is not pleasing man but pleasing God. Don’t worry
about what other people think. The problem with too many Christians is that
they are too concerned about what somebody else thinks and not concerned enough
with what God thinks.
All evaluation testing
is designed to prepare the believer for the judgment seat of Christ. God wants you
to reach the point where your production is gold, silver, and precious stones.