Israel: Past, Present and Future



Israel_01  Significance of Jerusalem. Oct. 10, 2006
Israel_02  Moses to Alexander the Great. Oct. 12, 2006
Israel_03  Alexander the Great to Herod. Oct. 17, 2006
Israel_04  First Jewish Revolt to the Byzantine Period. Oct. 19, 2006
Israel_05  The Moslem invasion to 1839
Israel_06  Jewish Restoration: Mathers to Herzl 1600s-1890. Oct. 31, 2006
Israel_07  Jewish Restoration: Herzl to Homeland 1881-1948. Nov. 2, 2006.
Israel_08  Israel's Future: Daniel's Remarkable Prophecy. Daniel 9:24-27. Nov. 7, 2006
Israel_09  Israel's Future: Two Restorations; Jacob's Trouble. Nov. 9, 2006
Israel_10  Israel's Future: Armageddon and Kingdom. Nov. 14, 2006