Clough Proverbs Lesson 83

Divine institution number five


This Sunday we finish… we haven’t really finished Proverbs, the last part of it because we’ve done topically through the content of chapters 10-22; the last topical or not we are going to stop going through Proverbs as of this Sunday.  We have a mass of questions that have been asked and I’ll start by trying to give some answers or at least references for these questions that have been handed in. 


One question is:  Seeing the fallacy of so-called higher education in our nation, how then are we as Christian parents to see that our children are educated without subjecting them to government behavior authorization in public schools?  I think there’s only one long range answer to that question and that is basically I think that evangelical Christians have to force the public schools to a position where they… well, logically destroy themselves, simply because that neutrality on some subjects is not possible and yet as Christians we have to demand that our side be heard; yet when we do this the public school officials are in the position of having to split the curriculum between essentially two totally divergent viewpoints.  And this ultimately spells the death of any kind of an integrated educational approach. 


So one way we are placed in a position where we have to push and shove to make our view heard, since we are forced by taxation to support the school system, therefore, we have the legal right to put pressure on the school system and I would just simply also footnote at this point those of you who are parents with children, say from 2nd or 3rd grade on up through Jr. High, just be alert to warning your children that if any teacher in the school system shows a film or has them read literature, or has them fill out forms that are accompanied by an instruction that you will not tell your parents about this form, film or lecture that they are to report that to you immediately.  And action can be taken.  It’s necessary and if the school wishes to play the game this way, we can through various ways that are available to even conduct electronic surveillance through some of these classrooms and we’ll find out what’s going on.  This can be done, it’s technically feasible.  So if you have children who are being told in the public schools to see something but don’t tell your parents, or if your child is asked to fill out a form of what goes on in his home, that is a breech of the third divine institution and that should be reported to you.  And I would also like to hear of it if it’s going on. 


But the long range is basically a Christian Bible centered education.  Some churches have gone to this, I have not been pleased with their particular approaches because a lot of it is legalistic.  And legalism replaces in most of these systems the licentiousness of a public education and that’s not the issue either.  The issue is whether or not a child is exposed to the divine viewpoint framework in every area.  Some schools around the country are being set up.  The problem with it is expense, an economic problem that most parents cannot afford to send their children and pay school taxes at the same time, besides the secondary question, it’s an unjust thing to do.  So the first step would be to have some sort of voucher system so that those parents who send their children to a private school can obtain tax vouchers and not pay school taxes while their child is in a private school.  There are a lot of things that have to be done and the trouble with it is that nobody wants to stand up and do it.  So in answer to your question, “what can we do,” you can act on what you already know.  You know plenty and it’s just having the guts to apply it.


Would you give some outside reading selection on the nation Israel and the Jews?  I am interested in the aspect of the model nation.  I think I’ve given these two sources before, I’ll give them again.  Gary North, Introduction to Christian Economics is one book that will deal obviously with the financial picture, and Rousas Rushdoony’s book, Institutes of Biblical Law.  Those two volumes are volumes that you can have on the model nation policy.


The next question: In today’s world is it all right for those of us who to pay social security to authorize our parents to use the program, such as Medicare for their needs?  Also food stamps and other programs such as these.  The point is that in this situation there is no national alternative to these programs and if you are all tuned in as a Christian citizen with divine viewpoint the next attack is going to be in the area of socialized medicine; that’s going through Congress right now and in about 3 or 4 more months the entire medical profession will be like the farmers are, every time they blow their nose they’ll have to fill out a form in triplicate to the government.  And this is the national health insurance program which is not a health insurance program, it’s a socialist program.  But we can only fight these programs in the halls of Congress and through the legitimate channels of government.  We have no alternative and again the problem is that enough Christians have not stood up when the votes needed to be counted.  Somebody sent in connection with this a book notice that if you are interested in passing your money on legally to your children and trying to bypass as much as you legally can the inheritance problem, there’s a book by Phillip Frye, How to Disinherit the Internal Revenue.  This is not illegal; it is simply applying the principle that the third divine institution is the place for inheritance, not the government.


Another point of interest in connection with this same point of biblical economics versus socialist economics.  An item of interest I was reading last week in a leading farm journal magazine that the farmland of the Amish people around Pennsylvania is the most expensive farmland in the United States today, $3,000 an acre.  So if that’s a correct piece of information it’s another testimony to the application of biblical principles by this sect. 


Now I knew this question was going to come.  Would you recommend the film, The Exorcist, for further theological training?  We have very ingenious ways of asking questions.  I have not read the book, my wife has and neither of us has seen the film so I don’t feel qualified to comment except I would just make two points about this thing.  Number one, all through history there has been an emphasis in orthodox Christian, not a great one, but there has been an emphasis on the part of orthodox leaders in the area of exorcism.  Now every once in a while someone gets disturbed because I mention is.  Well, the people who get disturbed because I mention it are really ignoramuses when it comes to church history because I took the trouble after a recent episode to do a little historical research and I discovered this:  Luther, in his Handbook of Baptism, in the second edition, 1526 had this quote.  And I think you’ll obviously get the point whether Luther, who was the architect of Protestantism, accepted exorcism.


Here’s the quote he had in his Handbook of Baptism.  (Quote) “I adjure you, you unclean spirit, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that you come out and depart from this servant of God,” (end quote).  So I think that settles the question as to whether orthodox leaders should subscribe to exorcism.  So it has been, down through the centuries, a problem.  If you want more information I suggest you read a very balanced discussion, it’s not weirdo and not extremist but Dr. Merrill Unger, formerly head of the Old Testament department at Dallas Seminary, Demons in the World Today.  And it’ll give you a balanced view there with course material that you can read and check for yourself with Scriptures.  Therefore, exorcism is a bona fide practice. 


However, and here’s the other part so just remember the other part; the other part is that much of what passes for demonic manifestations today and so on is a cop out of individual responsibility in which Satan is blamed for things a person does and it’s easy to say Satan made me do it.  And in that sense, when that occurs that is simply a violation of responsibility, the first divine institution.  So I give you that warning, that it is a way of coping out, much like the people who go see their psychiatrist, I’ll blame it on mental illness when there isn’t any such thing as mental illness.  Is there something mental in your body that gets ill?  No.  There’s only organs, physically, that get ill.  So mental illness is a misnomer and a very sloppy term.  If you can’t define what is ill then you shouldn’t use the word “illness.”  What is ill?  So the second point then is watch out for a violation of individual responsibility. 


You might also note that in Matthew 7:20-21 it was possible for unbelievers to be exorcist because Jesus said many in that day will say, Lord in Your name we have cast out demons and I will profess unto them, I never knew you.  Thus it is possible that exorcism just is a total phenomenon that go on unbelievers and believers and it has in history.  The Greeks had it, the Jews had, and the early Christians had it, so it doesn’t prove anything.  The only thing I’m concerned with the film The Exorcist is the phenomenon known as history also, whenever you get discussing this, it’s called induced insanity and we have had many outbreaks of this is monasteries during the Middle Ages, when you might have one case out of a thousand that was valid and you had these 999 other people trotting around that thought they were possessed when all it was was a suggestion, and that is a problem and that is something which the test of induced insanity is obviously to separate the person from the environment and see what happens.  Usually it solves itself.  So that is a danger with this particular film.  If you are the kind that is very imaginative I would not recommend the film for you. 


How does the city, this is one on the application of eminent domain, how does the city expand if it has no eminent domain authority?  How do you build a pipeline without eminent domain?  Now this is a very significant question.  I’m going to ask it again and this is an opportunity for you to review in your own mind the problem of the divine institution four.  At stake is whether the fourth divine institution and the first are in collision.  Eminent domain is the doctrine that the state has final say over the disposition of all property within its limits.  That is the doctrine of eminent domain.  The Bible denies eminent domain in such passages as 1 Kings 21, the state does not have final say over the disposition of all property within its limits.  God has final say.  The doctrine of sphere sovereignty is violated by the dogma of eminent domain.  The answer, yes, it would be a mess to build pipelines and that sort.  But listen, how would Israel have done it?  Israel did not subscribe to the doctrine of eminent domain. 


Go back in the Old Testament and ask yourself, if Israel were to build a pipeline say, back in the days of the prophets, how do you suppose they would have pulled it off?  Well, obviously what they would have done is that they would have sent out, they would have ascertained the will of God corporately for that area, the will of God for the nation Israel and they would have preached that as the will of God in the community, and then they would have made it an item of individual private citizen response to God’s will for the community, and they could have done it because they had organic unity.  What man tries to do by eminent domain is force unity, and the very point of the question is that you can’t build these projects unless you take property forcefully away from people to do it.  That is an admission that you do not have organic unity in the community, when you have to resort to force, and that’s all it is, it’s sheer naked force.  And the answer is how do you get community projects done without using force?  Community cooperation.  If you can’t get cooperation obviously you’ve got problems.  But do you really solve the problem by using force to crush it.


Another question, goes back to the dialogue we’ve been having about angels and clothes.  I made the comment last time that angels appeared in clothing everywhere we see them in Scripture and so we have a follow up question.  If clothes are needed as an overt manifestation of guilt, why are the angels and Christ always seen in clothes?  Because before the fall, this is minus fall, before the fall Adam and Eve were naked.  The reason they were naked is because in God’s sight they did not yet have +R.  Clothing has become a sign of sin because after the gospel was presented in Genesis 3 to Adam and Eve, after they acquired absolute righteousness then God clothed them.  The clothing was made from the skin of an animal that had died.  So the clothing followed the sacrifice for sin, and the clothing therefore represents +R given by grace to sinners.  However, had the fall not occurred we still argue that in positive volition Adam and Eve would have acquired +R by obedience.  And then they would have become clothed.  So clothing today indicates the presence of sin but originally it wasn’t.  Think of clothing as absolute righteousness.  How is absolute righteousness generated historically?  By obedience.  Clothing upon sinners is a simple sign of acquired righteousness in Christ’s obedience. 


Now we go to finish up the doctrine of the heresy of statism, go on to the fifth divine institution and we’ll finish today this area of Proverbs and the divine institutions.  We have studied all three of divine institutions and we have gone to the fourth divine institution to understand areas of justice.  We have said that the great heresy today is taking the fourth divine institution, expanding it and using it as a panacea for every problem.  Illustration: Energy crisis.  The energy crisis as I pointed out last week ultimately was brought about a violation of God’s law.  God’s law says that you must have a free market, that a man who sells a product has a right to let the market determine the price of his product.  For 25 years the petroleum industry has not been allowed to set its own prices.  The federal government has decreed how much they could sell oil and gasoline for and did not leave them with a profit margin.  As we found out last week it takes 32 million dollars to build an offshore rig.  And that loan has to be amortized or paid off by profit taking on the product produced.  And if you’re not going to permit the company to sell the gasoline at a profit making price they can’t pay off the loan.  And company’s financial policies prohibit taking out new loans until they have paid out old loans.  Therefore, the sum of the matter, we’ve got lots of petroleum.  The U.S. geodetic survey has proved that we have 200-300 years of petroleum in Alaska and offshore, within our own national boundaries. 


We have plenty of petroleum.  But the reason we don’t have it available is because we’re not getting it out of the ground and we’re not getting it out of the ground because for many, many years we have let the government butt in and determine price levels.  Price fixing by the fourth divine institution always results in poverty.  Do you understand from history the first man to use price controls?  Diocletian, and do you know historically what the results of Emperor Diocletian’s price control program was?  Poverty.  Food had become scarce in the city of Rome.  Diocletian said the poor have to be fed.  They didn’t had somebody to kidnap somebody so they could blood money from it, they had, in those days they had price controls and so what he did was to impose forceful ceilings on food prices. 


Now you remember this, this dates back to the first and second century.  That’s how long this lesson has been around, and yet time after time we go right back to the same old thing.  Never learn from history!  Diocletian tried it, he told the Roman farmers you can’t sell the produce from your field above such and such a price.  So what do you suppose the farmers did?  They couldn’t make any profit, they didn’t grow any food.  So what happened to the food supply?  It decreased, not increased.  And that has always been the result of price controls.  Price controls drive products off the market and make the matters worse.  And if you just simply let the prices be determined by the free market, that is God’s way of doing it, that’s the economic system taught in the Old Testament law; it is also taught by Christ’s parables in the New Testament.  Christ was a capitalist and don’t you ever be embarrassed as a Bible-believing Christ centered Christian about capitalism.  Jesus Christ was an absolute laissez- faire capitalist.  And he went ahead with that concept.  That was the ethics behind the New Testament, so don’t let some lefty sell you on welfarism as the Christian answer.  The concept of the book of Acts where Christians sold all their possessions is not communism, that was an emergency procedure used during times of persecution. 


So we have government intruding upon the free market.  Now since the energy crisis was brought about by the imposition of the fourth divine institution on the first one, which is responsibility, labor and money, the solution to the energy crisis would be what?  Remove the cause of the problem.  And what was the cause of the problem?  Government interference.  So the biblical solution to the problem is to remove the government interference, i.e. peel back all controls on refineries, all controls on the price of petroleum products and let it fix that way.  But instead what do you hear?  More control.  And so the solution to error is make two errors.  The solution to one mistake is make two mistakes and you just see, more controls will mean less petroleum and we’ll just keep on doing it until we will be burning manure in the back of our cars. 


All right, so this is the fourth divine institution and we want to cite one other instance where divine institution number four has taken over and destroyed the other divine institutions.  Here’s your other one; one is responsibility, two is marriage, three is family.  When the fourth divine institution inflates and starts taking over more and more area you have these other institutions squashed against the wall so you have freedom destroyed, you have marriage undermined and you have the authority of the family destroyed.  Last week we dealt with how when government says we will educate, public education, which never happened until the last 200 years of our country.  Are people really more educated after public education than they used to be before?  If you want a simple test I challenge you to go to the library, pull of the shelf some writings by Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and ask yourself whether the average high school student would consider that important reading after he’s had public education.  Because those writings were passed around the colonial cities of our early nation and they were read by people who were not taught in public schools.  They were read by people who had been taught in the home, or by private teachers, and I dare say they were a lot more literate than what we have today.


So the fourth divine institution has intruded upon the third in the area of education.  It’s intruded upon the first in the area of property.  And now one final point in the heresy of statism; when the fourth divine institution intrudes on other areas, it’s like the old saying; he who minds other people’s business can’t mind his own.  The job of the fourth divine institution is what?  Law enforcement.  Now do you think law enforcement is better or worse today than it was, say 200 years ago?  The answer is quite obvious.  Here is an incident, reported during the widespread looting of the late 1960s when police were under orders to tolerate the looting but while they were under orders to tolerate the looting that was going on in the late 1960s they were also under orders to pick up traffic violators with (?) violations.  As an extreme situation as reported in 1961 Washington Post, and here’s the story. 


“A dozen footmen, mounted policemen, and officers on motor scooters charged a group and arrested three.  After running into a parked car and falling, Donahue was pounced upon by four officers, one of whom blackjacked him as he was pinned to the ground by park policemen.  Now what does this story describe?  Police overacting to anti-war demonstrators?  No, it describes federal park police arresting citizens of Washington DC for violating a bizarre ordinance that prohibits kite flying in Washington Park.  So while we are busy arresting kite flying people we allow mass looting and violation of authority, and we are paying a price for it.  Every time law enforcement does not occur we pay the price.  Illustration: if you have flown recently the price of your airline ticket includes all the security precautions that go into screening your baggage.  Now if you want a simply explanation, there’s one.  The next thing we’re going to have is this kidnapping idea, and the idea that you can go out and steal somebody’s child, which is a capital offense but since we don’t have capital punishment any more I guess it’s in vogue, but it used to be in biblical times a capital offense to steal any living thing.  And since it was, it had sort of a built-in correction.  But when you kidnapped someone under the guise of doing charitable work this is blaspheme.  And the state of our country is illustrated by what happened in California as the animals gathered together for the free food; when they caused rioting to get the food.  If you’ve read history it reminds you of the bread and circus of the Romans in the coliseum days.  Instead of rejecting the food, which is the biblical response to tell the SLA that they can take their food and cram it, instead of this we have people in lines waiting for the food, and this is a sign of an animal mentality.  So when the divine institution four fails to function properly it doesn’t mind its own business. 


Now that’s the heresy of statism and now we come to the last and final thing in the book of Proverbs, the fifth divine institution.  The fifth divine institution by way of background begins in Genesis 9:25 so let’s turn there first; the origin of the so-called races of history.  There is no such thing biblically as a race.  That’s the first piece of human viewpoint to deal with.  In the bible there are only families of people, that is the Hebrew word, “family,” not races.  The families are given as three in Genesis 9:25; these are the sons of Noah.  “And he said, Cursed by Canaan; a servant of servants shell he be unto his brethren.  [26] And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.  [27] God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.”  All right, now Canaan stands here in the place of Ham, we’re going to discuss it as three sons, Ham, Shem and Japheth. 


The roles of postdiluvian history are outlined in verses 25-27 but it is outlined from the perspective of Palestine.  Therefore, instead of mentioning Ham, the only Hamitic race that would figure centrally to the Israelites were the Canaanites, and thus only Canaan is presented in this outline of history.  Japheth they would one day encounter as the Greeks and the Romans; Japheth they had already encountered actually in the Mesopotamian area, and Shem would be the middle ground.  Now let’s look at the three roles and see if we can understand history.  Those of you who are history oriented, this should be a very fascinating study for you, one that is wide open for your future study.  You can do a lot of work in this because very little has been done.


The first role, verse 25, “a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”  This results from what Ham did to Noah.  But it is not what you think it is because the word “servant of servants” means the greatest servant, it is a Hebrew form of a superlative, meaning that the Hamitic families, the Hamitic families will be as their role historically in the role of a servant.  Now, to understand this watch out you don’t look at it through 20th century American terms.  When you think of a servant you think of a slave.  Wrong.  Servants biblically were not slaves.  The servant was used to provide the physical necessities of the house in the oriental home.  You would have a servant; what would the servant do?  What your dishwasher does.  We have electrical servants.  The servants would provide the material things for the home.  The servants would not provide the spiritual things of the home.  That was the head of the home, the father.  His job was to do that.  So the servants would not provide for the spiritual things; the servants would provide for the physical things.  So therefore, interpreting the passage in the light in which it would have been understood in the ancient world it means that wherever you have Hamitic families they are providing for the physical needs of the human race, and we’re going to see how that verified in history in a very amazing way.  The physical needs of the human race have historically always been provided by Hamitic families, always.  This comes as a shocker to a lot of people who are proud of their Western European background, but ultimately Western Europe has never provided a thing materially for the good of man.  The Hamitic families have always been the forerunners to do this.  I’ll outline the roles, I’ll show you roughly the historical verification to this, we’ll go through the Bible and terminate in Proverbs in the wisdom therein. 


Here is Shem, what does it say about Shem?  Genesis 9:26, what is characteristic about this family?  “Blessed be the LORD God of Shem;” now don’t read it too fast or read it wrongly; the word “LORD” is Yahweh or Jehovah, that is the popular name.  God, Elohim, is the generic name.  So when it says “Blessed be Yahweh, God of Shem,” it means that the true God of the Bible, who is Jehovah, will be known in history as a God who primarily centers His covenant making activity on the family of Shem.  So this has to do with the covenants; a covenant that will be in the future with some sub family of Shem.  Then in Genesis 9:27 it describes the other third of the human race, “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he will dwell in the tents of Shem.”  The word “enlarge” means to expand, and Japheth historically has been a conqueror.  We’ll see that in history.  “…he will dwell in the tents of Shem means that he has no spiritual resources of his own, and what spiritual resources he has always comes from the Shemites.  So he will borrow spiritual resources. 


Now that’s the outline of history given before the history began.  Now what we want to do is test to see whether this biblical outline of history fits with what has happened.  This was given thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago.  Since this prophecy was given we have had four millennia, four thousand years plus of history.  Now with four thousand years of data can we say how this prophecy of history has been fulfilled?  If we can we’ve got an outline.  Many of you have studied history, you are familiar with the problems and where do you get a central framework for your historical facts?  Some of you were in Jr. High and Sr. High, you can’t stand when they get into history and I sympathize with you but let  me tell you something, those of you who are struggling with social studies or whatever they call it; when you’re in there and they start yakking away about so and so happened in 15 something, and this is going to be on the quiz next week, and you’re busy memorizing all the dates so you can vomit them up on the next quiz, you are very frustrated and I understand and empathize with that because that was my experience in high school also, I couldn’t stand the blasted stuff.  But then when I got older and I became a Christian I realized why I couldn’t understand the stuff and the reason we’re not understanding the stuff is that all the facts are given to you, here’s a date, here’s a date, here’s a date, and nobody tells you how to hook them all together.  There’s nothing ever given in the classroom as far as an outline of history.  


So we have 4000 years to verify the historical outline, those of you who are in high school and junior high and you can’t stand history, I have two suggestions; learn the doctrine of dispensations, how to divide history up into its categories.  There are several books in our church library; two of those books I would recommend to you; there’s one by Cooper, a man by the name of Cooper and it’s called The Greatest Library in the World or something, and in there you’ll find a quick outline of world history.  And I would recommend that to you, it’s not that hard to read.  Another book I would recommend to you would be Charles Ryrie’s Dispensationalism Today if you want to do a study in this.  So there’s one thing you can do and in a week have a framework and go back to school and have something that will connect and plug in.  Another thing you can do, there are further books in the library, one by Arthur Custance, they are paperback type books, but they will give you a history as it connects to Genesis 9:25-27.  So I’ve given you two things that you can do about your frustration, so if you remain depressed that’s your fault because I’ve given you a biblical answer for it.


Now let’s look at these three divisions down through time.  Who are the Hamites?  Let’s turn to Genesis 10:6 and look at the Hamites, the sons of Ham.  Please notice the biblical philosophy that attacks the concept of racism; in the Bible there is no such thing as racism.  In the Bible there are only families of one race, the race in Adam.  The second race is the race in Jesus Christ and there are no other races in the Bible; the human race originally in Adam and the second race in Jesus Christ, the regeneration.  Every­thing else is considered biblically trivial.  Now this may come hard to some of you but I can show you archeological diagrams where you have mixtures of races in every nation in the Middle East during the times the Bible was written and yet in the Bible you don’t even hear about it as an issue.  Why?  Because they had a biblical way of handling it so it never became an issue.  How did they handle it?  This is how they handled it, let’s look first at the Hamites.


Genesis 10:6, “The sons of Ham:” were “Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan.”  Cush is the Ethiopian; this is where we have the black races.  Mizraim are Egyptians and they are white, the original Egyptians are a white race.  Mizraim is a title, apparently of the first Pharaoh of Egypt, it’s dubious, it’s not a certain thing so I’m not using dogma but some scholars feel that Mizraim got his name because the first Pharaoh of Egypt, Menes, known in history as Menes, was a man who barricaded the sea and Mizraim can be broken down to mean the barrier of the sea.  So Mizraim may be the first Pharaoh of Egypt, he’s white.  Cush, there is some question here as to what race this is.  And Canaan, the Canaanites were white.  Out of this further came others.  For example, in Genesis 10:15, “Canaan begot Sidon … and Heth.”  From Heth you have the Hittites.  Now the Hittites in history are oriental, or they are mixtures of oriental but they have the oriental pigtail and they have the slant-eye features of an oriental race.  You have further noted in verse 16, “And the Jebusites and Amorite, and the Girgashite, [17] And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite.”  Some believe that at the end of verse 17, the word “Sinite” are the Chinese.  Now look, out of Ham you have white, black, red and the yellow races.  There’s the diversion, out of Ham. 


Out of Shem who do you have, historically?  We identify them historically then we can identify what they have done.  Shem, Genesis 10:22, Elam,” the Elamites of ancient history, Asshur, Aram, Aram are the Arameans, and it goes on and describes, and finally Abraham.  Broadly speaking, Jews and Arabs.  Now I want you to see you’re cutting across everything your leaning; when anybody discusses race they always break them up by color.  The Bible doesn’t break them up by color because you’ve got whites in all areas; the Bible breaks them up by the three sons of Noah: Ham, Shem and Japheth. 


Japheth, who are the sons of Japheth.  Turn to Genesis 10:1, “These are the generations of the sons,” and the sons of Japheth are, verse 2, Gomer, and Magog, those are Russians, Tubal; [3] the sons of Gomer, Riphath, Togarmah.  [4] And the sons of Javan, the sons of Javan are the Europeans; these are the people that inhabited Europe.   And then it says verse 5, “These were the isled [borders] of the Gentiles [nations] divided in their lands.”  Now notice, here is the first time in English that you have the word Gentile.  Please observe because sometimes Gentile means non-Jewish, but the narrow meaning of Gentile is not non-Jewish; the narrow meaning of Gentile is Japheth.  [Tape turns]


… every continent, the sons of Ham.  Who started the ancient East?  They were the Sumerians.  The Sumerians were probably a black race.  And they were the ones that gave us writing.  They were the ones that made all the great breakthroughs that enabled the later races to attain alphabetic script and so on.  The Sumerians were the ones that had the pictographs and they’d start organizing language.  Later on, of course, the alphabet itself came but the Sumerians did a lot of work grammatically.  The Sumerians founded the whole first major civilization in Mesopotamia.  Let’s go to Egypt.  Who obviously founded the first civilization in Egypt?  Mizraim; who was Mizraim?  He’s a Hamite.  Go to western Asia, who founded the civilization there?  Same ones that are there today, the Sinites, or the sons of Ham.  Who founded the first civilizations in India? Mohenjo-daro type civilizations, they were a Hamitic type race, they were also black in India.  Who founded the great civilizations on the North and South American continents?  They were the Indians, the red man.  And so the “Indians”, we’ll put in quote because they shouldn’t be called Indians but they were, the red man founded the great civilization here.  Who founded the first civilizations in the extreme north?  The Eskimo; the Eskimo is the son of Ham.  So every continent has the prophecy fulfilled in Genesis 9:25 that they will be servants of servants?  Of course.  What does a servant do?  He prepares physically.


Now here is the shocker; every major technological invention has come from Ham, not any other family.  The wheel has come out of Ham, the gear has come out of Ham.  My father, before he died, was writing a history of gears as an engineer and before he finished part of the research for his book and it was on where the gear originally came from and it was definitely in the area of the Hamites.  You have a whole list of about a hundred different inventions that Ham has made.  Ham began drilling; the mummies who are discovered in Egypt have fillings in their teeth.  There were dental work done of an advanced sort in Egypt.  Many of the mummies have holes in their skulls where brain surgery was done.  So surgery was begun by Ham.  You have every major thing done.  Fireworks, gun powder came from China; it was an invention of Ham.  You have the boat, obviously Noah was the inventor of the through God but you have the great sea going things, for example in the Indonesia and Australian area.


So here we have technology, and by the way, technology is not science, technology is just simply the invention of these things.  Eskimos, for example, are one of the most ingenius brilliant people and yet they are always played down as some sort of dopes that can’t live anywhere else.  Listen, would you like to live north of the Arctic Circle, how many of us would survive two days north of the Arctic Circle with absolutely nothing?  The Eskimo, therefore, is a brilliant person.  He has been able to survive under the worst of environmental conditions.  So these families are all known for their technology. 


Now the Shemites, what has come from Shem?  Well, what did the prophecy say in verse 26, what was Shem going to contribute.  Now you see, this is a biblical view of what is often known as races because here each “race” (quote) has its contribution to human welfare.  The Hamites, what was their essential contribution?  The origin of civilization, the physical subduing of the earth.  Now think for a moment, just before we get into Shem, think of Europe.  What were the sons of Japheth doing most of the time in Europe; were they founding great civilizations or were they running around in loin cloths?  They were running around, barbarians; the only reason why Europe was ever found is the Romans forced it and the Romans carried their civilization from Greece and Greece got her civilization from Egypt.  So where did civilization, the force of civilization come from?  It didn’t come from the barbarians of Europe, they were the Huns and the Germans were still running around in the Middle Ages.  So Japheth has never made great civilizations, always the sons of Ham.


Now Shem comes and what was the prophecy; remember the prophecy of Genesis 9:26, look at it again, the prophecy was the God would form a covenant with this people.  Does it mean that God isn’t going to be friendly to the other families?  No, it’s just that He is going to work through the Shemites.  Now question: in history where has monotheism always arisen?  Always!  All other religions are pantheistic, such as in India, or they are polytheistic such as in the ancient east.  Only with the sons of Shem, the Jews, do we have monotheism.  Only there, and where the Jewish influence has gone.  So Shemites have given us spiritual things.  The Hamites give us physical things and they are the first one in history; the Hamitic races were the first ones to move out and peak in history, and they are the ones that subdue the earth.  Then after you satisfy man physically you move to his spiritual needs.  This, by the way, is the divine outline of welfare toward people who are hurting.  You take care of them physically first, then the next thing you do is take care of them spiritually.  And spiritually the sons of Shem have provided Bible doctrine to the human race, that is their gift; not great civilization.  They are not known for their great civilization; they are known for the application of Bible doctrine to Hamitic products. 


Illustration, Solomon built his temple, where did he get his architects from?  Where did Solomon get all the technical fine points to build the temple?  From a Hamitic race, the Sidonites and the Tyraneans.  So Shem applies Bible… this is the divine, now it didn’t always happen this way, but wherever you have had prosperity it has been because Bible doctrine has been applied to the technology of Ham. 


Now finally, the sons of Japheth; who are the sons of Japheth.  Basically the sons of Japheth are what we would call the northern European races, the Arians; those are the sons of Japheth.  What has Japheth done?  Well, the prophecy is in verse 27 that Japheth is going to be enlarged but he’s going to have to dwell in the tents of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant.  You see how one piles upon the other.  Verse 25 it’s just Canaan or Ham, verse 26 it’s Shem but he’s on top of Canaan, and then in verse 27, Japheth, he’s on top of Shem and he’s on top of Ham.  And this is the final area, man’s mental development; all philosophy has come through Japheth.  The Greeks are Japhetic’s; The Greeks were the ones that devised true systematic thought.  So you have man’s mental development and that is given to us through the Greeks and of course later on down through Europe you have the rise of science, which is philosophy applied to technology, and theology, all great theologians have come out of Japheth because they’re systematic thinkers.  So two things we can say about Japheth; systematic thought and the other thing that has come out of Japheth is conquest.  Usually Japheth is a conqueror; Japheth doesn’t originate too much, he just simply takes from the other groups. 


Illustration: what happened on the North and South American continent?  Who replaced who?  The Spaniards come to Central America; who were the people originally in Central America?  They are Hamites.  Who are the Spanish?  They are Japhetics.  You have the Etruscans on the Italian Peninsula; who are they?  They are the sons of Ham.  Who replaces them?  Arians, sons of Japheth.  You have the black races in India, the Mohenjo-daro civilization and others.  Who replaces them?  The Arians that crossed the Alps, so the Indian today is a mix.  So everywhere we go on every continent we find this outline of prophecy fulfilled.  Now it doesn’t excuse the sin that’s gone on involved in all this but it does say here you have an outline; man’s physical needs, man’s spiritual needs and man’s mental needs, and that is a good outline in anybody’s book when you want to solve people’s problems.  You’ve got to feed them enough so at least they can perceive the doctrine, then you teach them the doctrine and only after you teach them the doctrine do you teach them though processes and do you teach them true education. 


Now you see why modern education is wrong?  What’s modern education trying to do?  Trying to start with the physical and move directly to the mental.  But they omit the middle step which is the spiritual needs of man.  To show you that this is substantiated throughout God’s Word turn to Deuteronomy 32:8; this is the fifth divine institution, this is the institution of the divisions in history, divine institution number five.  In Deuteronomy 32:8 we have a statement made corroborating Genesis 9.  Moses teaches Israel, “When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of Adam,” now when did He separate the sons of Adam?  He separated them after the flood, “He set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.”  Now that’s very interesting… very interesting because that says the sons of Israel, the children of Israel mentioned here, the children of Jacob were in the Genesis 70 and if you check the number of names and count every one of the names up in Genesis 10, guess how many names you come out with?  Seventy.  So what this is very spectacularly saying is that you have Noah and from Noah you actually have three broad channels of the human race and within those you have seventy subdivisions; corresponding to every one of those seventy subdivisions is a son of Jacob.  These were the number of people that came out of Canaan to go into Egypt in the book of Genesis.  So, the Most High divides, “He sets the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.” 


Now, problem, and here’s the central problem of the fifth divine institution.  The fifth divine institution says the human race has been divided to perform certain specialized tasks; no one group of people can hack it.  God has deliberately divided the human race like He’s divided the Church of Jesus Christ; there’s not one of you sitting here today who is a born again believer in Jesus Christ who has enough gifts to go it your own; you have to rely on someone else; I have the gift of teaching, I have to rely on others here with the gift of exhortation.  There are some people here with the gift of exhortation that have to rely on teaching.  There are others here with the gift of giving, the gift of helps and so on.  And if you haven’t found your gift you’d better get started looking for it because your Christian life will be chaos until you get it organized around your gift.  So your central spiritual gift or gifts, plural, are those things that force you to be dependent upon your brethren in Christ. 


Now similarly in history God has made all families of men dependent on other families of men for their specialties.  Japheth was dependent not upon himself for doctrine, but upon Shem and he was dependent upon Ham for the physical necessities.  There is inter-dependence, but the problem is the Babel incident.  Why do we have the first United Nations building failing?  There was always a tendency to world government in history, beginning with Babel.  Why do men want world government?  The answer is very simple.  If you live on a desert island, we’ll use this illustration to try to get this point across, here you are on a desert island, you and four other people are on that island, so there’s five people on that island.  The island doesn’t exist in anybody’s political jurisdiction.  Is there any law on that island then?  Absolutely none; unless the island has some political authority it you are not safe from me, I am not safe from you, the only thing we keep each other at a power standoff because we don’t have any law imposed over all of us.  That is the problem with a community of nations.  God has not given world government.  He has simply divided the sons of Noah and said you divide and conquer the world, but I am not going to authorize world government. 


Now we find ourselves with different countries, different compartments, one fighting the other and so on but no power over it to stop.  Men want to live in peace; the only way you can have peace in the world is through world government.  But God hasn’t provided world government.  So watch; why has God allowed this anomalous situation, almost an international anarchy, to go on?  The answer is given in Acts 17:26, here is why all world governments before Christ’s return is doomed to failure and is satanic. 


In Acts 17:26-27 Paul gives a discussion, he’s in Athens, it’s philosophically oriented to the needs of the people, but when he goes here he gives, in two verses, a total outline of history.  He says, “God has made of one blood” and there’s the denial of many races, “of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined,” now here’s the key, notice this, “has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of” what? “of their habitation.”  What two dimensions do you see in verse 26?  Time and space, don’t you.  The time of their habitation and the location of their habitation.  Who determines this, according to this verse?  God’s decree.  Verse 27, why does God decree it this way and here is the purpose why there is no world government today and this is the purpose that is thwarted if you had world government today.  “That,” purpose clause, “That they,” “they” are all the nations collectively, “should seek the Lord, if by chance [perhaps]” and this has not used chance in the sense that we use it, wrongly, “they might grope,” literally, “after Him, and find Him, though He be not far from every one of us.”  The objective, then, of history is to maximize God-consciousness in this era.  That’s the big thing God’s doing in history.  He is letting civilizations rise and fall by one criterion, and the criterion is to maximize God-consciousness. 


Let me give you some historical illustrations of this.  Let’s take New England at the time of the Puritans, the white settlers from Europe.  You have the white man, you have the red man; both are equal in God’s sight.  But in that area at that time the red man had gone for some time on negative volition, it has nothing to do with his color; it has to do with his volition.  His volition went negative toward Bible doctrine, which he had, by the way, in his tradition and he became under the influence, through negative volition, of compound carnality and finally demonic powers.  At that time you have the third and fourth generation will take over and God has to destroy that civilization.  Missionaries were sent in first and those who became Christians could become Christians but later on, as this group, they were destroyed.  Why?  According to this verse it must be to maximize God-consciousness.  Does it mean the white man was better?  No, it just means that historically, the white man who had come there had 300 years of Christianity under his belt.  So the particular group of white men that hit New England shores had 300 years of Christian civilization; it does not mean that they were all Christians.  It means that their standards of their conscience lined up with the Word of God on the average.  So as a group they had the standards of God’s Word and that alone is the reason why the white man replaced the red man at that point. 


Let’s take another illustration; let’s take the Chinese and Tibet.  Today the Chinese are under the domination of a very distorted form of communism.  The Chinese, shortly after Lowell Thomas has been asked by the Dali Lama to come to Tibet in the 50s, the Chinese moved into Tibet and took it over.  They destroyed the great religious centers of Tibetan civilization.  And this is looked upon as a great crime.  But talking to missionaries and doing some research revealed something very interesting.  Tibet, prior to the Chinese invasion, had been the center of the so-called red-hooded monks; these are, by universal missionary description the most vicious satanic group of religious people that have ever lived.  They have tremendous satanic power; they’re the kind that can sit there and make tables go through the air and so forth, and it’s demonic, totally.  And these red-hooded monks would put curses on people and so forth.  The whole religious, it has nothing to do, notice, with the physical characteristics of the Tibetans; it has to do with the religious of the Tibetans; they had gone on negative volition.  Now the Chinese, you can argue, well they certainly weren’t on positive volition; yes, but the residue of Christianity, in spite of communism, was better than, apparently than the destruction of the Tibetans, better than the mess in Tibet. 


Now we can’t always find this and this is why I offer a challenge to some of you who are Christian, Bible-centered thinkers, to go back and look at history carefully, don’t just accept secondary and tertiary material, go back to primary material and see if you can re-explore some of the great movements of conquest in history according to Acts 17:26-27 and see if this criteria isn’t valid.  I’m sure you’re going to find it in case after case after case. 


How do we apply it, in conclusion:  Two ways, two prime applications of the doctrine of the fifth divine institution to our situation today.  There is no such thing as a superior race.  There are such things as superior civilizations.  A superior civilization is one in which the standards of the Word of God are held primarily; it’s not going to be perfect, but your strong civilizations will be one that most line up with the Word of God.  The guarantee of strength in a civilization depends upon its spiritual strength, historically, not because of the New Testament, because of the whole doctrine under the fifth divine institution, all the way back to Ham, Shem and Japheth.


A second application is that in a lawless international environment, survival secondarily depends upon a strong military.  Now, these two are brought together in Proverbs 21:31, so if you’ll turn to this proverb you’ll see how these two elements are brought together and since you’ve had about 50 minutes of doctrine now you are prepared to understand Proverbs 21:31.  These proverbs must be set against the whole background of God’s Word.  You don’t just plow in here at 65 miles an hour and learn.  This one verse capsulizes what we should be praying about as Christians.  Instead of criticizing and criticizing individual people we can offer criticisms to issues, not toward people…issues!  And this is the central divine viewpoint.  “The horse is prepared against [for] the day of battle, but safety is of the LORD.”  Now this weaves the two things together.  “The horse prepared for the day of battle” means military preparation.  It is part of your Christian obligation as a citizen to back up a strong military. 


Our military today is in very bad condition.  It’s bad for two reasons; its weaponry is outmoded.  Those of you who saw the film, when we had the film here, Only the Strong, you saw the figures, I won’t go through those, Russia outnumbers us in everything now except total numbers of warheads.  I have just come back from two weeks study at the National (?) College for Civil Defense, there we had a briefing on Russia’s civil defense.  If you think the Russians are out for peace you are crazy.  The Russians right now are developing the most fantastic program of civil defense the world has ever seen.  They’re got a goal that by 1975 they are going to be able to evacuate every major metropolitan area in Russia in 72 hours.  Now you ask yourself what’s going to happen when they start moving their citizens out from target areas; in 72 hours everything’s dispersed.  What do we hit; they’ve taken the targets away.  It’s forcing us to retarget our CBM’s now and do all sorts of adjustments.  We have no countermove to that kind of… our civil defense is in a state of absolute chaos, and yet they are going ahead.  They are not only building fallout shelters, they are building blast shelters; they are building under their cities, under tremendous numbers of feet of rock blast shelters capable of withstanding a hit within one quarter mile. 


Now why do you suppose they’re doing this?  It’s obvious what they are doing and boy, they’re preparing for war.  The chief of the Russian staff, and we had a quotation from him while I was at this college, he said the Americans are stupid, if they think that we are going to wait they are wrong; we are preparing for nuclear war now!  Now the reason the Americans don’t like it because we have always been a people of ostrich mentality, we always like to put our heads in the sand on something that we don’t like to think about.  We have done this in this century once before in the 20s and 30s, we didn’t like to hear the news from Europe.  We didn’t like to worry about the Treaty of Versailles and the power balance between France and Germany, and so what happened?  We waited until the last gun was fired and then finally we, after we got clobbered at Pearl Harbor, then finally we managed to do something in World War II.  We always, this has been our national character, to blot out of our conscious mind what we don’t like.  And next time Pearl Harbor won’t give us that concept.  The Russians have a phenomenon they have already experimented with, we have already signed the nuclear test ban treaty and that was one big mistake we made; we signed a nuclear test ban treaty right after they made a fantastic discovery and our technicians haven’t done it; the Russians, before we signed the test ban treaty in 1962 tested a weapon where they could explode a nuclear weapon in the stratosphere and they tested its effects on electronic circuits and so on, it’s called electromagnetic pulse, EMP.  And they know a lot about it from these weapons tests; we don’t because we very foolishly say we’re not going to test any more.  And we had a lot of lefties and sentimentalists and bleeding hearts in Congress who signed this through and that was it.  So we lost out.  We do not know for sure what EMP is like, but whatever it is it’s capable of blotting out radio communications, you can imagine what that does to our response.  If all our ICBM’s are tied in by radio, to counter response EMP blocks out the radio, where’s our response?  It’s gone.  So these are the kind of things that we have allowed the enemy attain the initiative and it has all been because people do not think doctrinally. 


If you are here this morning and you are a Bible-believing Christian you have to be prepared to be unpopular.  You have to be prepared to stand up for the Word of God in the areas where you will be surrounded 100 to 1 by sentimentalists who will say, oh, you’re a (?), I don’t see how you can be a Christian and dwell on war, and all the rest of it, this kind of them.  Just tell them you do it as unto the Lord and move on.  But you and I face a situation where to be loyal to God’s Word means we must be unpopular and we will be laughed at and scoffed at and so on and if you can take it that’s fine, but we haven’t in a lot of places in our nation and so we have the horse that is not prepared against the day of battle.  Any time you prepare it then everybody is upset.


But, verse 31, the other half, if we just left it with a strong military that could go human viewpoint, Kaiser Wilhelm in World War I had the concept that Germany was going to have the strong military and that degenerates into militarism.  Militarism is not scriptural either because militarism is placing your faith in your military as your final solution.  That cannot be.  There are too many variables, far too many variables.  Some of these men who I studied with were Lt. Cols and Cols who were retired and they kept saying over and over in the seminars, we don’t know what the next war is, you never know what the next war is like, all you can do is train on certain basics and hope your men have enough ingenuity to handle themselves when faced with a new situation that’s totally different.  There’s only one place you can learn about future war and that’s past war and that’s not a totally reliable way.  That’s why it’s foolish to be a militarist; you cannot place your faith in the military.  We don’t know, for example, if the Russians were to launch tonight at least we’d have some warning from the ICBMs; we have no warning from sub launched ballistic missiles along the coast.  So at least in the center part of the country until they get longer ranged missiles we have some warning time.  What you’re going to do God knows, but you’ll have 5 or 10 minutes to think about it.  And during that time, obviously you’ll have some time to apply Bible doctrine or reject Bible doctrine, go bananas or keep cool.  And in this kind of a situation, as I said, we do not know how our response is going to be; what are we going to respond to, lumbering B-52s that were made in 1952, twenty years old.  And the Russians have planes that are phasing in next year, brand new supersonic bombers.  We have nothing to compare with them.  We don’t know how ICBM’s, the Air Force can’t test fire any minute men because we’ve got all the ecologists in Montana bothered, it’s going to do some damage or something.  So to this day not one minute man missile has ever been test fired from its regular combat installation.  We do not know when the button is pressed whether the thing is ever going to get out of the silo or not, because we’re not allowed to do testing, that might injure someone’s feelings.  But you bet your bottom dollar the Russians have tested, they know what their buttons are going to do and they have worked years testing, testing, testing, testing, testing, and we don’t because somebody might yell and scream a little bit.


So this is another reason why you can’t be a militarist; you can’t put your trust in the military; it’s misplaced.  “Safety,” according to verse 31 “is of the LORD,” and that goes back to this, God honors a group of people on positive volition.  The best thing you can do for your country is to submit and bow to the Word of God in your personal life and in business, in school and in other places where you can apply it to the best of your ability.  Pray about it; make a list, go home and make a list of areas where you can apply the Word of God that you’re not right now.  That’s how to strengthen your country, God sees that and God honors that kind of thing.


We’ve gone through the book of Proverbs, our purpose in this series has been to give you an overview of God’s Word in every area of life.  We have touched, superficially, but we have touched comprehensively.  If you have questions on divine guidance you should be able to find them somewhere in the Proverbs series.