Clough Proverbs Lesson 77

DI #3: Principles of Divine Institution Number One and Two; Sex 


Today we come to the section of the third divine institution, one of the last few areas.  This is going to be one of those sessions where you’re going to have to fasten your seat belts, those of you who are a little prudish because we’re going to deal with the areas of the Bible that have to do with sex and how this is the norms and standards of this that should be taught to children and how the norms and standards carry over into various details of life.  Before we get to that area we want to make sure we understand the section that we’re dealing with and the context.


We’re dealing with the social training in the family and we have dealt with certain principles of that social training.  The first one was that the individual must contribute character to a group.  Generally speaking the only kind of character that’s ever transmitted from a group to an individual is bad character.  This is why the Word of God warns us about the wrong crowd.  But apart from the wrong crowd, generally speaking, the only character any group has, whether that group is a national entity, whether that group is a state, whatever that group is it is given to it by individuals.  Therefore, application to the first principle: the biggest issue in a child’s life is his spiritual character, more than his intellectual education.  And I emphasize that because I know there are lot of people who worship the degree.  As long as their little darling can have a degree they’re set up for life.  Now that is absolute human viewpoint.  There’s nothing wrong with having a degree, it’s good to have.  But it means nothing without the character that is given to an individual by the Holy Spirit after they become Christian.  And if that character is not there you can have all the degrees you want and it doesn’t mean a thing. 


Some of the people with the strongest character, some of the people who are more responsible for making the local church move are people who have never finished high school.  In fact a person that I’ve known over many, many years is a fellow who never went to college and for many, many years he was a Mississippi tub boat operator, captain. He did an I.Q. test and ranked very low.  He became a Christian and studied in Berachah Church in Houston for many years and you know him as the author of The Late Great Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey.  He went through Dallas Seminary with great grades and actually never even touched college.  It just goes to show you again what happens when someone gets with the Word.  So it’s character that is given to the child and that’s the most important thing you can have. 


The second thing is the individual’s value and this also must be taught to the child is to watch group respect, not popularity.  The issue is not popularity.  The issue is whether or not we have the respect of a group of people.  This is very hard to tell in some cases but the Word of God in Proverbs emphasizes the individual’s value is proportional to the group respect and this is what if it’s lacking causes a lot of mental problems.  Then we dealt with three areas, the sins of thought, the sins of words, and the sins of deeds.  These areas all have to do with the mechanics of spirituality and today we come to a sixth area of training in the family, training children in that family for success in life, and that is the training of the child in the mechanics of the divine institutions.  We’re going to take two of these today, the first and the second. 


Now let me say at the beginning that if a child is taught the mechanics of the divine institutions, how they work, that these institutions are God’s laws, not men’s, that you may not like the way the way He set up these institutions, that is not your prerogative to change them, these institutions have been established by God in omniscience, and that God does know, in fact, what He is doing.  And when He set up these institutions, though they may cut across your personal grain, that doesn’t matter, these institutions still stand.  And mean can try to break them, men can try to run them in the most stupid ways and the only people that wind up getting hurt are the men; God never gets hurt, you never can hurt God by breaking these institutions.  The only person you hurt is yourself, and that goes for every member of the human race.  You may be here this morning and you may personally never have received Christ as Savior; you may not be a Christian, you may care less about being a Christian.  It doesn’t make any difference, these institutions apply to you and they apply to all men.  And you may think you can get away with fiddling around, never can.


In the first institution responsible labor is the clue; the second, marriage.  Before we get to those we want to clarify certain things that Christians often do about problems in these two institutions and every time or ever week, not a week goes by that I don’t run across this as pastor, well, we prayed about it and it seems okay.  Or I’ve prayed about it and I think we ought to do this.  Or I’ve prayed about it and we ought to do something else.  These institutions are laid down in the Word of God and you can pray about it from now until hell freezes over and it’s not going to change the structure of these institutions.  You do not have to pray about it; here’s one place where you don’t have to pray.  You do not have to pray to God to find out what He wants you to do in certain areas because He’s already told you.  In fact, not going to the Word of God to find out what to do in the first divine institution and the second one, and sitting around praying about is actually an act of rebellion because God has clearly laid out in detail upon minute detail how these institutions function and for you and for me to thumb our nose at the Word of God and say well, we’ve got to pray about it, which is just trying to maneuver God into a position where He might grant us some sort of reprieve from the laws of these institutions, that’s all it is.


Now in the first divine institution there are certain principles that we have covered and I am not going to review all these principles because we have taught them previously.  But I am going to take four or five and show you areas of the life of the child where this first divine institution can be taught and its principles.  One of the principles, we’re operating now with training a child in how the first divine institution works, responsibility.  Everything hinges on this; if but the child does not understand volition and responsibility he really, theoretically can’t be even won to Christ.  Now God in grace can do many wonderful things but a child has got to learn responsibility.  95% of the problems, the severe problems that I run into in pastoral counseling come about, not by a violation of the second divine institution, or the third or the fourth; it comes about by a violation of the first. 


Now the essence of the first divine institution is volition, responsibility, and one of the first lessons in a child’s life where you can do a lot to promote the concept of responsibility is to knock off the excuses.  Now that is where children begin, right there, to undermine the character of the first divine institution. I don’t care whether you told them to pick up toys and they haven’t done it, to the point you’ve told them to be in at a certain time and they haven’t done it.  Somewhere along the line there has to be somewhere in your home an understanding as to what is and is not a proper reason.  And if you start examining it you will find that nine out of ten excuses are just that, excuses, no reason.  Do now allow children to develop the –R learned behavior pattern of excuse.  Now watch it, it is very easy to develop, always have an excuse why something wasn’t done, or something that you told them or disobey what you said and they’ve got a fine excuse.  Now it doesn’t require a genius I.Q. to come up with this nice sounding excuse.  Children come into this quite naturally.  You never have to teach a child how to make excuses.  Ever notice this?  You have to teach them other things but for some reason this just comes naturally.  Now that is exactly where, if you allow this pattern to develop in your home you are undermining the first divine institution.  And you can see the results all the way up through marriage, all the way up through family, all the way up through nation, all the way up into the international sphere when responsibility is denied, I always have an excuse for something. 


So the first thing about watching, very practically in the life of a child, when you start seeing a child develop a habit, day in, day out, I’ve got an excuse for this, I’ve got an excuse for that, this didn’t happen because of so and so, this didn’t happen because the situation was such and such and all the rest of it.  That’s a lot of excuse.  I’m sad or I am depressed because of so and so.  No you’re not; you’re sad and you’re depressed because of the way you’re handling so and so.  You’re not sad… nobody is ever made sad and depressed by somebody else.  You’re made depressed by the way you have handled the situation; not someone else.  Nobody else ever makes you depressed, that’s an excuse, a very subtle one.  Well, I’ve got a tension headache because of so and so.  No you don’t, you have a tension headache because you don’t know how to deal with so and so biblically.  That’s why.  And that’s an excuse.  See where excuses lead—medication and drugs.  That’s just the outcome of a clever pattern of habitual excuses.  So the first place to knock off heresy of human viewpoint is in this business of excuses, excuses for this, excuses for that.  And it’s very easy to stop this at the child’s level.  It is very much more difficult to stop this at the adult level. 


Another area of the first divine institution which should be emphasized and that is the wages of sin, or we’ll just say moral cause and effect.  God has designed us this way, there’s no escape from it, this is always going to happen.  You cannot play with fire and not get burned.  And you may play with it four or five times and not get burned just because God is gracious to you and you think because God is gracious to you four or five times He’s going to be gracious to you five and six times and it isn’t so, because He may just decide that you’re misinterpreting grace and He may just withhold His grace so you understand.  So in this area you will warn children as taught in a very simple illustration of Genesis 4:7 where we studied how “sin crouches at the door.”  And show a child that he has within himself a fantastic explosive mechanism that can destroy him called the sin nature and if he continues out of fellowship and negative volition and he trains that sin nature and he allows that sin nature to take over, he will face times in his life when he has no control over it. 


It can be illustrated in many, many ways.  Take some smart aleck teenager or something, he goes out, tries to show off and gets arrested; the stupid kid never realizes that once he gets arrested that goes on his record, and then when he goes to try to apply for a job, he goes in the military, what’s he got?  Just because he was smarting off some place now he’s got this record to follow him around the rest of his life.  That was really brainy.  Then he gets resentful at the people that keep the record.  Well, whose fault was it?  His!  You could illustrate it in many other ways.  You can point out the damage to somebody sexually for playing around; you can show the damage physically from various forms of addictions to drugs and so on.  All of this, “sin crouches at the door.”  That’s not talking about some ethereal thing way off; it’s talking about something that’s close, it’s personal and it’s very, very dangerous. 


Another area where the first divine institution can be taught; not just in the area of no excuses tolerated and this business of I think I can get away with it if I can do it without the policeman catching me or my parents not knowing I can get away with it.  No you can’t, you’re not built to get away with it; your central nervous system, you have a central nervous system in your body that automatically starts programming your body based on your behavior and it has no connection with the policeman or your parents.  That’s just the way God made you; you’re not going to get away with it.  None of us get away with it; all of us are carrying around and the older we are the more crud we carry around because the more years we’ve had to develop patterns of carnality.  And time to nip these things is in the bud, in youth. 


All right, responsibility, wages of sin, ownership of property is another area where you can very practically teach a child what we mean by the first divine institution.  Now right here if you teach the child the value of owning property you automatically lay the basis to attack communism, socialism, and welfarism.  All the forms of welfarism are anti-God.  The greatest welfare system was the Old Testament.  If the principles of the Old Testament were applied socially there would never be anyone starve to death.  Never!  And yet it would be done without centralized government bureaucracy.  The perfect welfare system is done without the welfare state.  Individual ownership of property, it is capitalism, the free market, that’s what you’re training your child in.  And when you give him something, whether it is a toy or whether it is something else and that is his property then he is held accountable for how he uses it.  He is held accountable for how he uses his time.  If he fiddles around and fiddles around and you have told him that something has to be done by 4:00 o’clock and they fiddle around and goof off, then they should be made to pay in some way for that. 


Don’t you help them out of every little jam that your child gets into.  Let him sweat it.  It’s far better to let a child sweat it over a small difficulty and learn what happens gradually than you constantly getting him out of a jam.  Like we have parents in this city go down to the courthouse and watch how many teenagers get off from their ticket because daddy or because momma comes trotting down to the courthouse to talk to the right people and so on.  That’s real smart, you’re training your children real good with that kind of practice.  If the kid gets a ticket let him earn the money to pay for it.  That’s making him sweat it.  Now it’s not being cruel to do this, of letting your child sweat the results of violating God’s laws in the small areas first, even if it’s an hour of time that he’s wasted.  All right, so he can’t watch television, he was going to watch television, he was going to do the chores you told him to do so he can’t watch television.  Be consistent; make him pay for the results.  That’s the only way they’re ever going to learn to have respect for property, whether that property is a toy that you have given him and they just proceeded to go out and smash it, or they proceeded to leave it outside when they should pick it up, that is just disrespect for property.  And if a child never learns respect for his own property he can’t learn respect for someone else’s property.  That’s a general principle.  You have got to teach him respect for property. 


Now this is why it’s so hard being a parent, a good parent, because it just wears you thin trying to be consistent in all these areas.  It’s impossible; you just have to trust the filling of the Holy Spirit to do it.  But that is what a parent is called to do in Scripture.  Take another area besides teaching a child the value of the ownership of property.  To show him that he is responsible to produce something, God has commanded man to work.  God has commanded man to bring forth something from the ground, he’s to subdue things, he is to bring forth something worthwhile.  And that can be started out with little chores and little duties around the house.  What does has he produced, even if it’s helping make the bed or helping do the dishes or something, what useful is he or she producing?  It starts with the body, subduing the body, subduing the old sin nature internally, subduing the environment externally for Jesus Christ.  Now those are the things that a child must learn, that he has to be useful.  Not be a perpetual bum; he’s got to contribute something.  What’s his contribution, chaos or order; something fruitful or something destructive, what’s his contribution?  What’s he been doing?  What’s he been producing.


Now all of these things sound hardnosed, sound very cold, sound very impersonal, no emotion with it all but you know, the strange thing is, when these principles are followed you get the warmth and you get the emotion, and you get the strong personal relationships.  Do you know why?  Because this child is stable and happy because he knows he’s right, he knows he’s produced, and he has a sense of his own character that’s worthwhile.  Now that all comes about not by fooling around; it comes about by simply being trained from baby on up, that God’s laws are out there and you can snub them, thumb your nose at them, it doesn’t make any difference, the law still stands.  If you drop a pencil it always falls down, never up.  And you may wish it would fall up, it doesn’t.  Try it, it keeps falling down, whether you like it or whether you don’t, it still falls down.  And that’s the same with these principles.  And a child has got to learn whether he likes it or not you have to conform to the created order because you’re a creature.


Another one, and along with this production thing, something that you might point out practically is to make the child more and more future oriented rather than present oriented.  Now that is a hard lesson but that is one of the most valuable lessons that any child can learn.  It’s a key, actually, to the whole Christian life, that is, that you make your decisions based on future pleasure, not present pleasure.  The Bible-believing Christian who has depth of character will always be a future oriented man, never a present oriented man.  A Christian never decides what to do solely on the basis of what is presently the best thing to do.  The Christian always makes a decision on what is eternally fitting to do and that means future oriented.  So the more biblically thinking your child, the more future oriented he’ll be.  That goes from a simple job that I am not going to give up until I finish this thing, and then in the future I will have pleasure because I have done it.  But you can’t finish even the simplest thing in life if you’re not future oriented.  If you are perpetually present oriented you’ll always be perpetually pleasure oriented, in the present sense of the word, just be (?) in the cesspool of present pleasure that has no future benefits whatsoever, just future payments is all.


So the Christian who is biblically sound will always be future oriented.  The ramifications of that one mental attitude that you can teach your child will have fantastic repercussions in many, many areas of life, in his student life, in his social life, in his business life, in his economic life, it’s a revolutionary change.  And, you today, operating in the human viewpoint Americana, we have to fight very hard for this.  Our whole society is basically present oriented, so the child is surrounded always by constant pressure, do it now, do it now, do it now, live now, get the real thing right now.  All of that, from the commercials to the school, instead of training in the old fashioned way of rigorous memorization and discipline and repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, memory, discipline and so on, which is a future oriented form of teaching because you suffer now to reap the benefits later. 


Instead of that, what do we have?  We’re going to sit down in the classroom and share our ignorance.  And so the teachers start (quote) “learning” from the pupils, because that gives us an immediate thing in the present; it’s beneficial to learn now in the present, rather than suffering in the present hour in the classroom in order to in the future benefit.  So even the forms in which your children are taught, the very teaching methods are anti-biblical because they are present centered instead of being future centered.  No matter where you look you’re going to see this, so even if you were to subtract everything that we said in the first divine institution, in the second divine institution and just came up with this one principle, you would have more than you could possibly from the human viewpoint ever accomplish in your child as a parent, and that is to fight off the entire present-centeredness of the environment.  That, in it itself, is almost an unconquerable thing.


So you can see as we as we go through these things, it sounds very simple to stand up here and say this but when you actually are passionately concerned for your child, to raise them in the Word of God, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, these things become almost insurmountable hurdles; every one of them.


Now finally, along with the first divine institution we have certain particular sins that must be established and pointed out and that is two sins in particular: laziness and theft.  Those are two sins that are destructive of the first divine institution of responsibility.  Both of those sins are sins and ought to be so stated.  Wherever the child is acquainted with laziness, either in his playmates, in himself, you, or someone else, laziness must be identified in his mind with a sin.  It is a sin.  Now it is not called that; everything from labor unions to somebody else has another word for this pattern of sin.  But it is still sin by virtue of the Word of God.  And so you have to identify this, over and over.  This means, for example, when a child is given a job to do and he procrastinates, puts it off, that it be pointed out to him what he is doing.  Teach him, even if he responds badly to what you’ve done, use that as a teaching lesson. 


Oftentimes in counseling this will happen, you’ll give somebody an assignment and they won’t do it, that in itself is a teaching experience because it shows you right there the reason the person has a problem is because they can’t do anything on time, they probably don’t eat on time; in the classic sense they’ll be late to their own funeral; be late for the rapture, because these kinds of people are always putting something off.  It’s just the pattern of their life and that’s why they’re in trouble, that’s why they’re having problems.


Theft should never be tolerated, just borrowing some other brat’s toy is a form of theft; it ought to be severely pointed out.  The first time not so, but if you start seeing this develop as a pattern you should cut if off immediately.  Theft, it occurs in a thousand different guises but it’s a sin and the Bible keeps referring to it as a sin.  The Bible doesn’t care what is stolen or the value of what is stolen, the Bible is only concerned that it’s stolen.  Anybody that is involved in the sin of theft disrespects the first divine institution of private property. 


Now we come to divine institution two, and there are three basic areas of the second divine institution that must be taught to children at various levels; sex, love and marriage and the three are not the same.  Today we’ll deal with passages that have to do with sex and then next time love and marriage.  Again, if you thought you were up against it with trying to get a child to be future oriented instead of present oriented wait until you start moving into this area.  Here you are up against it again.  Now this is why I’ve said over and over and over again: parents, you have to have the divine viewpoint framework.  You’ve got to have it.  And parents who take a light view of this, who don’t take advantage of the various training that we have are…  I don’t know what they’re thinking of but I don’t see how they can possibly make it.  No way you can fight off the mess around us and not deal with these concepts.


Let’s look at sex starting in Genesis 2:25.  As I said earlier, some of you may come out of churches where you’ve been taught the Bible has nothing to say about sex.  When we get through this, if you can manage to stay in fellowship for the next 30 minutes you’re going to see the Bible has a lot to say about it and it says a lot of things about it in a very explicit way.  It does so with the divine viewpoint framework but nevertheless, sex is part of what we are and the Bible is not afraid to talk about it.  We’re going to look at two verses, Genesis 2:25 and Genesis 3:7; the affect of the fall on the area of sex.


Genesis 2:25, “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed.”  Genesis 3:7, “And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”  The word “apron” means covered their loins; it means cover their sex organs.  Why were clothes used and why ha sex become such a heated and such an emotional and such a sinful thing, in most people’s minds, in Scripture, because of the fall?  Why is the fall most prominent in the area of sex? 


Now the theology first in Genesis 2 and 3 that deals with sex, and essentially what you have here is the denial of nudity; the theology of clothes is not what the human viewpoint person usually thinks.  If you go to anthropology or sociology classes they’ll probably teach you that clothing came about as man socially evolved and clothing has to do with various social distinctions and a lot of things which may by themselves be partially valid but the Bible says no, there’s only one basic reason for clothing, that’s the result of the fall.  The passion to cover one’s self is the result of the fact that the fall and guilt… now I want you to go back here, the guilt.


I want to get something straight right from the start, there’s nothing wrong with sex in the Scripture.  What has happened is what has happened to sex.  And sex is tied in with guilt.  Take all the areas of a man’s life, take his area of production, take his area of business, take his area of family training, and all the rest, if he could compartmentalize, you can’t, but if you could compartmentalize every area of life the Bible says the one area where the results of the fall show up quicker and at a deeper psychological level is the area of sex.  In other words, whatever happened, and we do not know to this day know exactly what has happened to us fully as a result of this historic incident.  Remind you, this is a historic incident; there was a time when this was not true and there was a time when it became true.  There’s a definite point in history when the fall occurred, and whatever damage that was done to Adam and Eve, and remember, Adam and Eve were far better off than you are, or I am; they were far better off, physically, mentally, and actually when they became believers spiritually; they were far better off.  They were stronger, they were more beautiful and if you want to deal with the sex life, they had a much better sex life than anybody has ever had, and the reason is their bodies were not deteriorated.  And yet, in spite of the closeness to creation, the first place where sin shows up and guilt is in this area.


Isn’t it interesting, Genesis 3:7 is the first evidence, the first evidence of the result of the fall?  Now everything else in chapter 3, the childbearing in verse 16 for example, the thorns and the thistles of verse 18, all those things are after verse 7, not before verse 7.  Isn’t that interesting?  In other words, it’s in the area of sex that man was first deeply aware of his alienation from God.  There was something that destroyed him in the area of sex.  So therefore it’s not surprising when we go to these other passages of Scripture that the Bible hammers away, over and over and over and over and over again, so much so that people have misinterpreted the Bible.  I’ve heard many people, and I used to believe them before I studied the Bible myself, who will tell you the Bible teaches that sex is evil.  The Bible doesn’t teach anything of the sort.  The Bible simply says that of all the possible activities in your life, sex is the most affected by sin, but it’s not saying that sex itself is sinful.  It’s just saying that the results of the fall show up quicker, faster and in a deeper level here than any other area of life. 


One can comment at this point too, this is why human viewpoint is always trying to deny the fall.  Movements that tend toward nudity are not just funny; they are actually deep set satanic attempts to say the primitive savage is an unfallen creature.   All of these things, back to the primitive savage concept of living, are all deep satanic moves to deny the fall ever happened.

Let’s look at another passage of Scripture in this line, Leviticus 15; we’re going to deal with the parts of the Mosaic Law that are often misunderstood.  Remember this law deals with every area of life so wouldn’t it be obvious that if sex is an area where the fall shows up the fastest then obviously that would be dealt with.  But because it is dealt with in such a severe way, because it is dealt with in so derogatory terms, people have said that the Bible downgrades sex. 


Now before we go any further in these passages I want to give you the pagan, human viewpoint of sex in the time in which the Bible was written.  Then I want to show you what the Bible says and then we’ll apply the two principles today.  Here’s what the human viewpoint position was on sex in the ancient world.  Sex, obviously, was a means of reproduction.  Fine, divine viewpoint would agree with that.  Sex was a means of enjoyment.  Fine, divine viewpoint agrees with that.  But now the ancient world added things to this little package and here is where we have the violent disagreement.  The first two points, okay; the first two points the Bible agrees.  But now the Bible stops agreeing and now we have the radical diversion set in. 


In the ancient world sex was considered an unfallen process through which life and joy could come.  In other words, the process itself gave happiness; the process itself brought forth life; the process itself was the means by which man could reach the summum bonum.  Some day when we get into the prophets and I want to dramatize this point I’ll show you some photographs of archeological sites that have been dug up in Canaan and you can see what kind of orgies they must have had by just what they had in the sites.  We won’t put it on the overhead projector or I’ll be arrested but at least we’ll put it where those of you who are interested can see.  And you can see what the prophets, Jeremiah and Isaiah, were talking about.  This business that comes up every time at Christmas time, Jeremiah says don’t worship trees, and so people always think that refers to a Christmas tree.  They weren’t talking about a Christmas tree; he was talking about wooden phallic symbols.  What would they do if you had a wooden phallic symbol hanging in your front yard?  Now that’s what was going on and that’s what Jeremiah was talking about.  Now let’s get real and stop being stupid about Jeremiah and the Christmas tree.  Granted, Christmas trees have their pagan connotations, I’m not denying that, but the passage in Jeremiah that has to do with worshiping trees has nothing to do with Christmas; Jeremiah wouldn’t have known a Christmas tree if you told him about it.  He never saw Christmas trees.  Isaiah never saw Christmas trees.  Probably Jesus Christ never saw a Christmas tree.  None of them saw a Christmas tree; they weren’t talking about Christmas trees.  It would be very embarrassing for them to fully describe to you what they were talking about. 


Now that was the ancient world and it wasn’t just having a good time as the connotation is.  By an unfallen process, which was the source of life, we need the fertility for the herds on the range; this is why they would have their pagan sex orgies, there was commercial production associated with these things.  It wasn’t just the individual’s happiness; it was economic happiness, business happiness, everything else.  In other words, sex had been deified.  The process, instead of being a created thing, that the creature could enjoy, was ripped out from its context, exalted and it became the process by which salvation came.  Sex became elevated over and above; it became immune from the sex of the fall.  And you had all sorts of perversities that entered into the sex process because men were trying to exploit this, they were trying to discover, trying to figure out different ways to use it and so on.  All of these processes were motivated by the human viewpoint belief that sex was a sort of divine process of generation of blessing.


For example, the gods in the ancient worlds all came about how?  By sex; all the gods were procreated.  Well if the deities, if you could bring forth deity by sex, then you could bring forth anything less than deity by sex; you could bring about fertility in the herds by sex, you could end the season, the winter season, the dry season by sex.  And so the great orgies would occur just before the rainy season to bring about the fertility in nature.  Sex was tremendously elevated in the ancient world; you have no idea how tremendous sex was in the ancient world, it was in everything.  The whole concept of Baalism in the Old Testament is sex. 


Now I’ve given you all of this because I want you to put yourself back in the setting, if you can, of the ancient world.  Set yourself up, just in your own imagination, as a farmer, who in order to survive must have obviously fertile herds; who in order to survive must have grass that grows, must have some form of (?) to the cattle to eat.  You have to have this, everything depends on this.  And your mind the process of sex is associated; it’s that which man has in common with the animals, in correlation with the plants because since it’s a process and it appears to be universal, and by the way, even the gods, you see, had sex.  So sex was a process that occurred with the gods, with man, with animals, with plants.  So can you see why the ancient man thought of sex as that which would unify everything, tie everything together and elevate it into a divine process? 


Now that’s the context in which these regulations now descend like a bomb.  Leviticus 15:16; “And if any man’s seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the evening.  [17] And every garment, and every skin, whereon is the seed of copulation, shall be washed with water, and be unclean until the evening.  [18] The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the evening.”  Now the phrase “unclean” is a phase in this context, if you look at Leviticus 15:3, “This shall be his uncleanness,” this is talking there, I want you get the context of the word “unclean” because most of you know, if you know enough medicine to realize that verse 2 and 3 are not talking about sex, it’s just talking about infection.  “This shall be his uncleanness and his issue: whether his flesh run with his issue, or his flesh be stopped from his issue, it is his uncleanness.”  And it talks about washing and so on.


By the way, here you have the hygienic laws of the Old Testament, I might just footnote here at this point, here is one of your proofs of the inspiration of the Bible, because these hygienic laws made absolute nonsense unless the germ theory is true.  Now Louis Pasteur hadn’t come along yet and so for century after century after century the godly man had to take the Bible which told him that when you had an infection you had to sterilize the things it had come in contact with those sores.  Two ways were used to sterilizing in the Old Testament; washing and setting them out in the sun.  We now know why God told them to set it out in the sun, because ultra violet rays kill germs.  But they didn’t know about ultra violet rays and they didn’t know about germs.  So obviously Moses just couldn’t have made this up; Moses didn’t say now let’s see, we’ve got germs so now how are we going to kill germs; oh, I know, you kill it by ultraviolet radiation.  Now obviously Moses didn’t think of that himself.  God gave him that thought because God is the one who made ultra violet rays and germs.  Knowing that, He communicated the (?) to Moses so the hygienic laws of the Old Testament are built off of omniscience and hence are the inspired Word of God.


Now at this point I want you to see the uncleanness; knowing what we do about medicine and problems verse 3 is obviously talking about infection or we could say germs.  Now why is it, then, that the same word, the same concept in verses 16-18 is used for sperm?  Why is this so?  Why is “the seed of copulation” considered in the same category in the hygienic laws with infection?  Why is this?  The answer is that God here undercuts the whole sex process as something that is life giving.  He is not implying here that sperm is like an infection in the sense it’s bad; what He is saying is that the sperm itself… well, to see it clearly, what is a germ?  We have a harmful germ; the harmful germ, if you’re thinking biblically and consistently and that’s asking a lot for the average person today, but if you are thinking biblically and consistently you have to say on the basis of a literal Genesis that harmful viruses and harmful germs are the results of the fall, so that they are cellular life, at least germs are, that has become injured in some way by the fall; in other words, germs are some way a distortion of what originally was there.  Even viruses may be nothing more than primitive cellular life. 


So the germs, the Bible would teach, are simply the resultant biochemically of the fall.  Now that’s the parallel with the sperm.  What the Bible is then saying is that the sperm, though it’s not harmful, it’s not the case here of the sperm being harmful, the case is that the sperm too has been destroyed by the fall.  In other words, if you could have seen Adam’s sperm before the fall and Adam’s sperm after the fall under a microscope, they would have been tremendously different… tremendously different.  And the Bible would even say that the male, it appears to say in many cases if you read the whole laws in context, is that the male sex organ has been far more destroyed by the fall than the female.  Now why we don’t know, except the Bible seems to imply this.


So the sperm is then picked out as one illustration of the effect physically of the fall.  Now what does this do to the Baalism?  Here’s what God is saying: look, this sex process that you’re talking about all the time, we consider it polluted, we consider it fallen, so here’s where the Jews picked this godly diving process that had been so lifted up out of the creation, lifted up away from the soul and the law just pulls it right down and says it too bears the bondage of corruption from the fall.  No life can come forth from (?).  And this is the Bible’s way of dealing doing this, of cutting sex down to size and saying what it really is.  It’s saying yes, it’s enjoyable, yes it is vital, but it was not a divine process which in itself is happiness, life, or anything else.  It is, by itself, just another fallen process, no more significant than germs. 


Now you can imagine how this set with the ancient world.  In Leviticus 15:19, “And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days; and whosoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening.”  Here you have menstruation, same theme brought out.  Menstruation is the thing also the Bible indicates due to the fall.  Many women will say “amen” to that, but that is a result of the fall.  It is a result of the fall because in Isaiah 64:6 menstruation is used as the model for unrighteousness.  It says, “Our righteousnesses have become as filthy rags,” it’s talking about the clothing that women wore during menstruation, that is what Isaiah 64:6 is talking about.  So it’s always a model of the result of the fall.  So here too, is menstruation itself bad?  No; but under the hygienic laws of the Old Testament God was putting it in the same category with disease, because He is trying to say look folks, the thing that you worship, the thing that you say is the source of life and happiness itself is polluted with the sentence and the wages of sin.  The process itself is doomed; the process itself is something that creates only death.  And so why think of a process that creates only death as that which can save anything? 


Let’s go further, Leviticus 12:2, now here is an interesting process that was used after the birth of a child and sex could only be had during the time of cleanliness.  And so there was a time of abstinence after the birth of a child in Leviticus 12:2-4; we have the time of abstinence of a woman and her husband after they had a child was a male.  “Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a male child,” so everything you read here has to do with a male, and the baby is a boy, “then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.  [3] And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.  [4] And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come to the sanctuary, until the days of her purification be fulfilled.”  So from verses 2-4 the woman was set apart forty days after the birth of a male child.  Now there were other medical reasons which you can now think of why Moses had this, is to protect the woman from the harm of sexual intercourse after she’s had a baby. 


But verse 5 talks about an interesting thing and I have no… maybe someone with a medical background can explain this, but verse 5 is another reason here, “But if she bear a female child,” in other words, if the baby is a girl, “then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation; and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying three score and six days,” a total of eighty days twice as long would she be unclean after the birth of a female baby than after a male child. 


Now this again says something, and the principle of Leviticus 12:2-5 and Leviticus 20:18 bring out a certain point and I want to take these two together.  I want to show you how this beautifully illustrates our submission to the Word of God in every area.  Leviticus 20:18, now at least after we get through these passages will you understand the Bible does have a few things to say in these areas.  “And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness,” that’s sex during menstruation, “and shall uncover her nakedness, he has discovered her fountain, and she has uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people.”  What does that say?  Does that say there’s something medically wrong?  No.  What it is saying is that typologically under the Old Testament law God was trying to show that sex is part of the fall.  It has been marred, in other words, the process itself isn’t a result of the fall but the process has been affected from end to the other with the fall, throughout.


Therefore, the whole sum of these points, all these verses in Leviticus, and we could go on and on but we don’t have time, the whole sum of the matter is this, that God’s laws direct both partners in the marriage as to the most intimate details of their sex life too.  In other words, there is no autonomous sphere left to man.  This cut across at two points; first of all, if there was one area where you’d think you’d be left to yourself it certainly would be in marriage in the area of sex, and yet isn’t it interesting that God’s Word, so to speak, butts in right there too.  God will not permit us one area of life free from His Law, free from His Word.  Every area, including that area, must be brought into captivity.  That’s what the Bible teaches here. 


So let’s contrast the divine viewpoint and the human viewpoint shown under the law of sex.  The divine viewpoint and human viewpoint agree it is the means of reproduction; they both agree that it’s a means of enjoyment.  Where they disagree is that sex is not a source of life; sex is not a source of life and the human viewpoint paganist is the source of life.  Now to translate that and make it 20th century you can put the “life” in quotes and just say “happiness.”  In the 20th man it’s quite pagan in his view, that sex itself is happiness.  No it isn’t!  It is a channel of happiness, yes, but there’s no happiness in it.  The happiness that is associated with sex isn’t coming from the sex.  That’s what the Bible is saying.  The happiness in sex, in marriage, is not coming from sex itself; it’s coming from something that’s going along with it.  That’s the big point the Scriptures are saying.  The process itself carries nothing sinful itself; whatever fruitfulness is associated with it comes from outside of the process, in other words.


Now to demonstrate this we could go through the Bible at various points and point out that this is why to demonstrate this again, over and over the Bible says when a woman conceives that it is a gift of God.  For example, Luke 4:1 is another illustration of this; Psalm 139 is an illustration of this, that conception is a gift.  Nowhere in the Bible is conception looked upon as a mechanical process.  Nowhere.  Now you remember that because we think in terms of scientific processes and we think all you have to do is have an ovum and a sperm, bang, you’ve got conception.  The Bible says huh-un, when conception takes place that conception is a gift of God.  Now this is the other side to the abortion problem.  It’s true the Bible does not condemn abortion as sin because it’s murder.  The Roman Catholics always say this; the Bible says no because the unborn fetus is not living technically.  But the other side of the coin to balance it is that the Bible does say the fetus is a result of a direct act of God; it is not a result of just a process of chance.  And you’ve got argue this way and we have got to, as Christians, understand this.  Either we are saying that conception is purely a chance process, OR we are saying it is a result of the sovereignty of God.  There can’t be any other in between. 


Now you are face to face with making a very critical decision, either we worship the god of chance at this point, we’re orthodox all over the place, oh yeah, God is sovereign, God is sovereign, God is sovereign, God is sovereign, except when it comes to conception, then all of a sudden the god of chance comes in from some place and it’s the result of chance.  Now that’s where we have a lot of human viewpoint still left in our minds and the Bible says huh-un, conception is the result of the sovereignty of God.


All right, that’s what we’ll say is the overall view of sex in the Bible as far as one area, and that is that sex in itself is nothing after the fall; it’s been evacuated, it has been the most destroyed area of life and if there is to be happiness in sex it has got to come from some other base.  In other words, sex in order to be happy and to be enjoyable has got to borrow from some other place; the process itself has nothing in itself.  That’s the divine viewpoint.


Now I want to go to Ezekiel 16 and show you the dangers the Bible points out of introducing further disaster into the area of sex.  If you think we’ve been explicit so far you’d better tighten your belt because Ezekiel really gets down to the nitty-gritty.  I think this is why most fundamentalists have never written a commentary on Ezekiel.  It has more sex symbolisms in it than any other book of the Bible except the Song of Songs.  Therefore I know most of you will go out and read it today.  Ezekiel is using sex to illustrate something. 


So far we’ve dealt with one principle of sex; sex is nothing in itself and the enjoyment of sex comes from outside of sex.  That’s the biblical divine viewpoint, because sex is the most marred area from the fall.  The second point is going to follow from this.  If sex is where we’re most vulnerable to the fall, then it also follows that sex is the place that we’re going to most rapidly deteriorate when we’re on negative volition.  If sex in the first place was where man first became aware of his sin, then sex is obviously the one area in life that is going to be most quickly destroyed by messing around. 


Ezekiel 16:15 picks up the theme.  Now he’s talking about the spiritual manifestations, but his spiritual lesson in Ezekiel 16 is based on a physical reality.  I am not interested at this point in Ezekiel’s spiritual application; I am only teaching you the physical thing using his analogy as (?).  I’m glad he did it because if I ever used this as a sermon illustration I’d be fired.  Ezekiel 16:15, “But thou didst trust in thine own beauty,” he says, “and played the harlot because of thy renown, and poured out thy fornications on every one that passed by; his it was.”  Now if you remember (??): frustration, hate, human viewpoint, darkness and negative volition, compound carnality, Ezekiel traces this process in the area of heterosexual sex.  He starts with negative volition in verse 15, here is where something other than God was trusted; there’s your mental attitude sin that sets it off.  And this is the natural illustration of what happens when people get out on a sex binge.  They are trusting in the sex process itself for happiness, instead of God, and it represents a denial of the first principle, that sex is nothing in itself, and it’s never going to give you happiness in itself.  So verse 15 is a negative volition, it’s a choice to say I believe that sex will give me happiness, that I do not need something outside of sex to give me happiness, sex inside itself will give me happiness.  And so you “played the whore” he says. 


Now Ezekiel 16:16-22, he goes for the next two steps of darkness and human viewpoint.  “And of thy garments thou did take, and deck thy high places with various colors, and played the whore….”  Verse 17, “You’ve taken your fair jewels of My gold and of My silver,” God says, “which I gave to you, and you have made to yourself images of men, and did commit whoredom with them.”  These are the phallic symbols, as the priestesses would masturbate on.  Verse 18, “You took your embroidered garments, and covered them; and you have set My oil and My incense before them.  [19] My food also which I gave thee, fine flour, and oil, and honey I fed thee….”  Verse 20, “Moreover, thou hast taken thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne unto Me, and you sacrificed them to be devoured….”  Verse 21, “Thou hast slain My children, and delivered them to cause them to pas through the fire,” and blah blah, it’s just talking about the abominations. 


So the children, which are the results, the only fruit that is tangible from the sex process is destroyed.  Now they gave their children to fire; the modern result of all the sex that goes on is that you just toss them in the orphanage, so whether you give them to Moloch or whether you give them to the orphanage it’s the same process.  So at this point you have the darkness and the human viewpoint pervade the nation; this is the picture of this woman who plays the prostitute. 


Now Ezekiel 16:23-26 deals with the next step of hatred toward God; this is when all hope of every following God’s will is just dismissed altogether.  “And it shall come to pass after all thy wickedness (Woe, woe unto thee!  Saith the Lord God), [24] That you have built unto thee an eminent place, and you have made thee an high place in every street.”  In other words, a “high place in every street” means there was sex all the time, with anybody, with anywhere.  [25] “Thou hast built thy high place at every head of the way, you have made thy beauty to be abhorred, and have opened thy feet to every one that passed by,” it means spread your legs, “to every one that passes by and you have multiplied your whoredoms.”  You see, Ezekiel is rather explicit.  [26] “And you have committed fornication,” here’s where he gets sarcastic, “with the Egyptians, thy neighbors,” in other words, the Egyptians are pictured as dirty old men here, fat slobs, and he says you have deteriorated so in your natural beauty the only man that wants to go to bed with you now is a fat Egyptian. 


So you see how Ezekiel is getting down to the nitty-gritty.  He says this is what happens, you ruin yourself this way, you cause massive deterioration to occur.  Then finally verse 27, starts with the frustration state, verses 27-34, “Behold, therefore, I have stretched out My hand over thee, and have diminished thine ordinary food, and delivered you unto the will of them that hate thee,” this is the abandonment by God to a total frustration, and so we can simply say at this point, to make a long story short, is that heterosexual sex under the second principle most quickly destroys both the body and the soul.  It is a destructive process, compound carnality. 


And this goes on and there are various reasons why this happens.  In medical science today they’ve found out several things.  For one thing, they found out that there’s no such thing as sexual incompatibility.  When you’re born you have an ability to respond sexually in many, many, so to speak, different directions.  That means with different people.  Now what happens is that when you start to have sex you are made to have sex with your right person and when this happens your ability… suppose your right person is there, your ability to respond increases toward that person but simultaneously decreases in the other direction.  So your pattern of response actually changes, physiologically it changes to accommodate itself to that person and at the same time it begins to get less over in these areas.  As that happens, then you lose your ability… this is why people who become very promiscuous often become either completely frigid or they become nymphomaniacs, because what they’ve done, they’ve tried to seek happiness and they just can’t get it because these patterns have been destroyed.  Now by God’s grace under proper conditions they can be somewhat restored, but the point is that the Bible warns us about this kind of damage that can be done. 


Now let’s go to a third principle by turning back to Deuteronomy 22:5.  This is the third principle of sex; the first principle was that sex is nothing in itself; the second principle was that sex is the area most quickly affected by sin.  And now Deuteronomy 22:5, there are many perversions the Bible deals with.  The first one is called transvestitism.  “The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garments; for all that do so are an abomination unto the LORD thy God.” 


Now this is a very strange rule but what it’s talking about as I explained in my Deuteronomy series is that God really wants to make us more sexy, and man in his sin, ironically, destroys his own sexuality.  Transvestitism is the marring and the blurring of the sex categories, where women want to dress like men, they want to act like men, and men want to dress like women and act like women.  That’s the point and that’s forbidden because the Bible teaches that God has made male and female in the human realm and He wants us to make the categories distinct.  This is why in 1 Corinthians 11 it’s an attack on long hair by men.  Church councils have discovered also in the past have condemned long hair as effeminate.  Men with abnormally long hair are basically effeminate, according to God’s viewpoint.  They may have a lot of muscle, they may talk and use four-lettered words but as far as God is concerned they’re a bunch of women.  The reason is because men with long hair immediately start acting like women.  You watch a guy with long hair and what he’s always doing with his hands; he’s acting just like a girl, always looking into a mirror, I saw the other day, driving down the street, usually you get behind a woman at a red light and she’s doing like this in the rear view mirror, and now the guys are starting to do it.  Now you tell me if that’s not effeminate.  That’s exactly what God is saying. 


And this business about clothes here in verse 5 is talking about… the word clothes can also mean tools, in other words, anything that’s associated with a woman.  This is why in certain military installations they refuse to permit officers to push baby carriages around the base; actually that particular law comes out of this, it a prohibitive thing against transvestitism.  And the military is not trying to be nitpicky, the military is just trying to maintain a dignified dignity between what men do and what women do, that’s all.  So in the law there is the set up between this. 


Now we just point out by way of application that transvestitism in our society occurs most easy in the fashion industry.  The reason is that homosexuals are the ones that design most clothing, most women’s clothing.  People that design women’s clothing hate them, can’t you tell, and much of the fashion industry in Paris, New York and London are actually run by homosexuals, and they can’t stand women and they design women’s clothing accordingly.  And you’ll find if you look at it carefully you’ll tend to see the same thing occurring to men’s clothing.  And this is a result, this is where the Christian, the Bible-believing Christian, has problems even with the clothes that he wears, is that again we’re fighting….  You see what I mean, the more you get into divine viewpoint the more you see this human viewpoint all around you, every single place, there’s not only place where this battle doesn’t go on, even in the area of clothing design.


A second area in this third point, this third principle, aversion to sex, transvestitism and homosexuality, Leviticus 18:22, if you have a roast in I’m sorry, I want to tie this whole thing together.  Homosexuality, the second perversion, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is an abomination.”  This is also spelled out in Leviticus 20:13; it is spelled out again in Romans 1:27.  And the Romans 1:27 verse has a verb that’s very interesting, I checked this out the other day, the Greek verb used in Romans 1:27 means to burn out, and what it’s talking about is it’s the sex drive itself is burning out in the homosexual.  It’s part of a practice of deterioration.  Again, it’s not unexpected, it affects the first place where the result of the fall showed, obviously then perversions of it are highly destructive to sex. 


And finally, the third category is Leviticus 20:15, bestiality, that’s intercourse between man and animals.  This was rampant in the ancient world, again because sex was looked upon as the gods had it, men had it, the gods could have sex with men, men could have sex with the gods, men could have sex with the animals and the animals could have sex with the men.  You see, it was just marring all the categories together because sex, they thought, was the thing that tied everything together.  And so the Bible says no it isn’t, we create boundaries, the kinds, created kinds. 


And so in Leviticus 20:15, “And if any man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death; and you will slay the beast.  [16] And if a woman approaches unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”  So the Bible condemns perversions of sex.


So in summary, three principles of sex in Scripture.  The first one we’ve learned, the divine viewpoint says that sex is nothing in itself.  The second one we’ve learned is that sex therefore is the first place where the results of sin in the normal rebellion of life occur; it occurs in (?).  And the third area is that all perversions of sex in the Bible are condemned by God’s Word, not out of a spirit of frustration, that God is trying simply to protect sex and make it really worthwhile.  If you go back over these first three principles they all spell happiness in sex; all three of them because it follows they channel sex in the right area where it can be enjoyed to the maximum.