Clough Proverbs Lesson 76

DI #3: Sins of Deed


I’ll answer some questions that have been handed in on the feedback cards.  Last time we showed how the non-Christian and the Christian are ideologically at war and so as usual we got the question, (quote): What about the phrase in 1 Peter 3:15 (quote) “yet with gentleness and reverence” in relation to making a defense to everyone who asks of the hope that is within us.  Obviously directed toward my remarks that you shoot divine viewpoint at your target.  Now the Word of God has certain definitions and if you are new to the Word of God it behooves you to understand these definitions.  When the Bible says “give an answer with gentleness and with reverence” you have to know how those words are used and the context of the apostle’s preaching.  If you want an illustration of “gentleness and reverence” turn to Matthew 3. 


The Word of God is always gentle with an attitude that is in reflection of the person of whom you’re talking.  For example, you’ll find people who are sincerely interested in truth, in which case fine; other times you’ll find people who are just wasting your time with a lot of questions.  You’ll find these people occupy pews every once in a while and you’ll also find that they drift around from place to place and they basically have never been interested in the Word of God; they are just interested in finding some Christian group where the lonely hearts club meets once a week or they’re interested in something else but they’re interested in, obviously, something other than the Word of God.  And these kinds of people have to be leveled with and when you do it you answer your question in Matthew 3:7, when John the Baptist “saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of snakes [vipers], who has warned you t flee from the wrath to come?”  That is with all “gentleness and reverence.”


If you turn to Acts 7 I’ll show you another place where the Word of God is given with “gentleness and reverence.”  In Acts 7:51 one of the deacons of the early church, Stephen, spoke to the Jewish leaders of his time, and then in verse 51 he said, “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you.”  And according to that answer is also given in accordance with the principle of 1 Peter 3:15. 


Now why?  Why is it that these answers seem so rough and yet 1 Peter 3:15 seems so (?).  Why is this different?  This goes back to negative volition in the heart of man.  When you’re dealing with negative volition, that is if you understand the results of the fall and if you understand that negative volition spills out into the world, negative volition spills out into the intellect, and it also spills out into the area of emotions.  If you understand that then you’ll understand that negative volition has to be dealt with powerfully and strongly, and there’s no other way of doing it.  It is being gentle and it is being respectful of authority to deal with this in this way. 


The reason you are not used to this is because you have been used to Christians getting very apologetic, being very defensive about what they believe and so on and as a result this kind of behavior pattern has allowed evangelicals in America to lose control of every major portion of the social scene by default, simply because no Christian dares to stand up and make waves and no Christian dares to articulate the Word of God.  And of course you have some young people and some businessmen here in our congregation who have begun to do this quickly find the fact that this Satan’s world, and you become a lightening rod and you attract many, many fiery bolts when you stand up to the principles of the Word.  It will always be this way, but as Proverbs teaches, our job is to be respected, not popular, and you never witness for Christ to become popular.  You witness for Christ because of the truth and if people don’t like it, that’s their problem.  And that is the attitude you have to have.  You cannot run around witnessing for Jesus or something like this with this silly attitude that you’re going to become popular by doing so.  You’ll never be popular in Satan’s world.  So “meekness and reverence” in 1 Peter 3:15 means just what I showed you in Acts 7 and Matthew 3. 


The other comment was on Proverbs 20 and it’s more of a comment than it is a question.  My mother, 20 years as a second grade school teacher, has contended for those 20 years that “the board of education” (in quotes) should be applied to the student (?) the problem.  This is in reference to corporal punishment. 


Let’s turn to Proverbs but before we get there we’d better go to Genesis 4 to retain a principle that you will find repeatedly in the book of Proverbs in forming social behavior.  We are on that section of Proverbs, those in Proverbs that deal with how the family is to train children.  Remember, we are again working with the divine institutions; the divine institutions cover every area of life and the third divine institution of family is ordained by God to communicate one basic principle and that basic principle is authority, nothing else.  That means that as far as the Word of God is concerned, the primary lesson that children are to learn in the home is authority. 


Everything else is secondary; that means material provision, that means intellectual education; that means everything.  The basic concept of the home in the Bible is authority.  And it’s because we have so many men who do not understand authority, who do not pay attention to the Word of God and therefore are paralyzed when something comes up they can’t exercise authority because they don’t know enough about authority, that we have the decrepit produce of homes today.  Young people who are in their college years, who are becoming Christians on the campuses today, are in deep trouble spiritually and the reason they are in deep trouble is they have never learned authority, they haven’t learned authority toward anything: God, man, the state or anything else, with the result that when they join, by regeneration, God’s family, God intends they are going to learn authority and it’s going to be on His terms.  And this means that immediately they are in deep, deep trouble.  And in my counseling with young people I will say that this is the number one problem, ultimately, behind it all, is that they have no respect for God and His Word at all in any areas.  And because of this disrespect then obviously we have the various things that flow from it. 


Authority goes back to the home and this is where it is to be learned.  Now what is the parent supposed to do as far as training in various spheres of life.  We’ve studied four principles so far of family training.  In other words, four areas where their authority is invoked, where children are taught.  The first principle, you recall, dealt with the problem of the group and how the group is dependent upon individuals.  It is not true that a group just has character automatically; it is always true that the individual gives character to any group.  This goes for the nation, this goes for a family, this goes for anything else.  The conclusion and corollary to this thing is therefore the most valuable possession a child can get from his home is character, moral strength, spiritual strength and character. It’s that that he is going to bring into the group.


Now what do we mean by “character?”  It’s a word that’s thrown around so let’s define it.  It means that when you have a situation arise and the child is taught how to respond to that situation by habit, over and over and over under the authority of his parents he has picked up two things.  He has picked up a divine viewpoint which means that he is able to think through all areas of basic Bible doctrine.  He knows orthodoxy; he knows the names for the various categories of doctrine.  Now this is an accomplishment; I’m not talking about all the advance stuff, Hebrews and so on, I’m not talking about that at all.  I mean the basic docs of Christian faith, the doctrines of the soul, the doctrines of creation, the doctrines of salvation, the doctrines of sanctification, those doctrines.  Those are what we mean by basic things. 


And even in this congregation we have parents who chomp at the bit when they are given an assignment or quiz in the area of basic doctrine.  And this simply goes back to a fundamental weakness that people go through the motions of coming to hear the Word of God but when you get down to it, where it’s really learned and be tested on it, then it’s a whole different ball game.  We have a lot of people in our congregation who are new to the Word of God and therefore it’s expected that they’ll have troubles but what amazes me is that people that have been in the Word of God five and six years can’t answer simple questions.  Actually in the recent exams we had in our family training framework literature do you realize the fifth graders knew more of the attributes of God than most of the other people.  Now that is sad.  Now that shows you something, doesn’t it.  That shows you why we haven’t had teaching done, because we have no qualified teachers.  When first and second graders can memorize the names of the attributes and define those, and we have some high school kids that have taken the same exam four times and still flunk, this shows you where we stand.  I figured this was going on and the exams have simply confirmed my belief that we have had, even at Lubbock Bible Church, a lot of people that are just goof-offs, that come in here and sit down and occupy a pew for 55 minutes on Sunday morning and have no more intention of listening to what I’m saying than the man in the moon. 


Now if you think you’re going to wear me down you’ve got another thought coming because I’m going to make the next exam harder.  If it’s going to be a contest of who’s going to wear who down I’m going to win; I don’t intend to lose. We are going to learn the Word of God if I have to cram it down everyone’s throat and we are going to know the attributes of God.  It is ridiculous that adults do not know how to describe God.  That is absolutely asinine.  Now that is an example; if that’s going on in our congregation God knows what’s happening in the other congregations because generally you’re far better taught here than you are elsewhere.  And if the people in this congregation can’t know the attributes of God there’s something wrong some place, radically wrong… radically wrong. 


We had a man who came from a Christian bookstore in town and he was telling us those, by the way, who did well on the exam are actually the ones he was talking about when he said this, and I pass this on to compliment those of you who are doing your job.  He came and he told me, he said you know, the people from your congregation have distinguished themselves as far as our team and the store is concerned because number one we find they are one of the few groups of people in the city of Lubbock that read.  This is an average bookstore owner has found that the reading rate in the American public is about 1.5-2%.  That means that 1.5 or 2% of Americans read a hardback book a year.  Now that shows you where we stand, they’re reading the funny books and the newspapers but when it comes to serious reading, very few Americans do it.  And he was saying it’s remarkable how many people that you have read, and he also said, and I pass this on as a compliment to you, he said not one person from Lubbock Bible Church, when we have not been able to get books for you that you’ve ordered and so on, have ever thrown a fit, ever been disagreeable, they’ve been fantastic. 


So along with the bad showing on some parts on the exam we have a very good showing by many of you who have taken this thing seriously, have picked up the ball and really begun to move.  And although you may not see the dividends right away, you’re going to.  This is one of those long-term investments where the dividends are going to be fantastic when you keep up that fine attitude of placing the Word of God first and having the determin­ation to get this thing nailed down and learn what God has told us, what God wants us to learn, and are now seriously applying it areas of life.  Now you’re going to be blessed and that kind of blessing comes only with time.  And that’s the kind of thing that develops character.  And that’s the kind of thing where children are going to see that and they are going to start mimicking that kind of mentality.  That’s something that isn’t even taught, it’s caught, when they begin to see you as parents learning and going to the best of your ability to the Word of God to find answers, making that out in front of them, in the public so to speak, in the openness of the home, making the Word of God explicitly your final authority.  That habit is going to catch on and that habit is going go develop tremendous character in your children. 


Again, you may not see it in the short range but you are going to see it in the long range.  This is something that goes on year after year after year, and it’s that character that must be developed in the child and it’s that character that makes him a profitable member of society and so forth, in whatever group he belongs to.  And that character, incidentally, is not developed by a one-shot experience.  So if you’re the kind that drifts around from this group to that, looking on for the laying of hands or the Holy Ghost baptism or something else, you’re never going to get character, because character doesn’t come that way.  You see, it took Israel forty years to develop character, out chewing sand, and that’s how character is developed.  It’s developed by adversity, pressure, over a time interval; it’s no snap thing.  And all this charismatic business that you see going on is just laziness.  Now you can have a lot of theological terms for it but it’s sheer laziness.  People are too lazy to read the Word of God; people are too lazy to take the discipline that it takes to pray regularly, people are too lazy to think about their problems in the light of the Word of God and therefore crave the one-shot experience because that way it’s like everything else, we can get it tomorrow, now. 


Now the second principle that’s tied with this business of getting character in children is the principle that we discussed where the child is going to have to face it that the group by its common conscience, not by popularity but by common conscience, is going to constantly evaluate that child and this means that the child as he always aims his behavior at what is right, what is true, he is going to have respect and he will be free of depression, inferiority complex, superiority complex, and all the rest of the complexes, (quote) “mental illnesses” (end quote) that go around.  Mental illnesses are not mental illnesses.  Mental illnesses are sinful behavior patterns.  And children can be immune to these things; you can immunize them like you can immunize them to chicken pox, measles and so on, you go to the doctor and get a shot.  Well, you can immunize them against mental illness by building character in them so that when they are around people they will realize that it’s the issue of respect, not popularity that counts.  And they’ll be a lot more relaxed in their life.  Then we dealt with how to handle sins of the tongue, sins of the mind, sins of thought, and we dealt with sins of the tongue. 


Now today we’re dealing with sins of deed and we go to Cain in Genesis 4 because of the mechanics.  This is the biblical mentality and the way of thinking to explain to children over and over again the mechanics.  Now sooner or later in every home with healthy sinners you’re going to have a problem that Johnnie’s gone out and done something.  And it’s going to be bad news, and it’s going to be something that may be socially embarrassing to you; it may be something that you would rather disown the kid than be associated with him; you figure you’re in category three suffering, suffering by association.  So this kid has gone out and really blown it.  Let’s pick something that would just be really embarrassing.  Of course for many parents the most embarrassing thing is for them to get on the Word of God, but we’ll reverse that and we’ll say a person goes out, and we’ll say Sue gets pregnant and Johnnie’s on drugs or something, and there’s some overt activity.  And here is where you can say well, that’s socially embarrassing, I’m just going to turn the other way and we’re going to try to hide it something else, with the result you never deal with the problem because the problem of Sue isn’t her pregnancy and the problem of Johnnie isn’t his drugs.  It goes back before that, and the mechanics of what happened, what led up to that catastrophe, what led up to that thing is explained in Genesis 4.

It’s explained in a very simple story, a story that you should be able to tell your children over and over.  Make it up, jazz it up a little bit, make it contemporary or something, but get the content of this story and tell it over and over and over again to your children until it just sinks in by nature as to what follows what and it will explain a lot of things.  It will explain the behavior of some of their friends; you may be a little worried about the wrong crowd that they’re around; all right, you can teach them what’s going on with the wrong crowd by the use of this story.  Now let’s look at the story and the sequence of events in the story and from there we can come up to a basic understanding of the Bible’s mechanics of how sins of deed get started.


It starts in Genesis 4:2, “And she again bore his brother, Abel.”  Now the first boy here was Cain which means the established one.  “Abel” is the Hebrew word vanity, it’s used, “vanity” in the book of Ecclesiastes, it’s the word for human viewpoint.  And you say well why did she name her son human viewpoint?  Because Abel was a disappointment to his mother; he was a disappointment, not because of him personally but because she had hoped that she would be the mother of Messiah, and by the time that she had Abel she knew that she was now well immersed in a fallen world and that many of her children would be victims of sin in this world.  Abel was not her second child; she probably had many, many more children besides just Cain and Abel. 

“And she again bore his brother, Abel.  And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.”  Now that’s the first situation you want to notice.  Let’s start a little list here and I want you to notice the difference between these two men, and this will be very, very useful.  Again, it’s put in the context of a simple story but this simple story is just loaded with doctrine.  So if you understand the story, which is easy to remember, then you’ll have the framework for all the doctrine that goes with it.  So the first thing is that you notice Abel and Cain have a different position in life.  Why?  “Abel was a keeper of sheep,” so Abel, you might say, is a rancher.  Cain is a farmer.  So they have a different station in life, different set of circumstances.  That’s important and that’s the first element of the story you immediately want to notice because what that tells you is that whatever follows in this story is going to follow because of what is common to both men and they are not going to be able to blame God because they’re in different situations, one rich, the other poor or something.  One is a farmer and the other is a rancher because of environment, therefore, I am fore doomed to live in a certain style; because of my home therefore I am a homosexual; because of my bad childhood, therefore I am an alcoholic; because of my bad early situation therefore I have an aversion to Christianity.  Not one of those environmental arguments stands.  The Bible condemns it as sin.  There is no such thing as a disease of alcoholism; there is no such thing as a disease of homosexuality.  There is no such thing as a disease or illness of any such thing, it is all flat-out rebellion behavior pattern called by the word s-i-n in Scripture; no such thing as disease, that’s anti-biblical.  


So both of these men come from different situations; clear cut different situations, and the environment has nothing to do with their problem.  Later on, when Cain becomes a murderer he can’t argue because I was a farmer, therefore that made me furious and therefore I became a murderer.  Nor can Abel say because I was a rancher I was especially favored of God.  Environmentalism does not work; there’s no place for it.  If you think deterministically, if you think in terms of environment you’re thinking in terms that Satan would think of rather than what God would think of.


Genesis 4:3, “And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.”  All right, the second thing is that Cain offers production, offers what he has done, his own production.  Abel, on the other hand, [4] “brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.”  They’re going to have an offering.  Now why, if it’s true that Abel brings some of his production, actually it isn’t because life, which is true only of animals, not of plants in Scripture, remember life or nephesh in the Bible is the result of a spirit indwelling a body; plants are never said to be living in the biblical sense of the word “living.”  So Abel, then, brings a living sacrifice.  The sacrifice is going to be a sacrifice, not of what he has done because he hasn’t brought about life, he’s only super­intended it.  To show what has already happened by this point we are face to face with negative volition.  Here are two young men, we don’t know how old they are, probably in their early 20s at this point and Cain is on negative volition.  Abel is on positive volition, let’s see why and what the difference is. 


Turn to Hebrews 11:4, again, both came from the same family; both came from the same environment basically, except for the fact that one turned into a farmer and the other a rancher.  But in Hebrews 11:4, the Word of God comments on Genesis 4, and those of you who do not believe in a literal Genesis please notice Hebrews 11:4; the author of Hebrews believed in a literal Genesis so either you believe in a literal Genesis or take a razor blade and cut out the book of Hebrews from the New Testament, and while  you’re doing it you might as well cut out the rest of the books of the New Testament because they all believe in a literal Genesis too.


In Hebrews 11:4 it says, “By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain,” now how did Abel offer a more excellent sacrifice?  Abel had been instructed by God in certain rules of worship.  How do we know this?  Because in Genesis 3 God had already spoken to them about the problem of the promised gospel and apparently Abel, being on positive volition, heard the Word of God and obeyed it.  The Word of God said by blood, or by the giving of life and only the giving of life is there forgiveness of sin; that’s the only way.  In other words, here we are face to face with the most offensive part of Christianity I know.  In discussions I have with people the most offensive thing in the Christian faith is this, that it is the only answer, period. 


There are no other answers; there are no other ways of salvation.  Christians have that trait about them, those that believe the Word of God, those that are humble before God, always have that trait that so directly antagonizes the world, is that we have a confidence that we’re right and everybody’s wrong.  And there’s nothing that is more aggravating and infuriating to the world than that attitude.  The attitude the world would say is bigotry.  Yes it is, by their standards; not according to ours, we think it’s very humble to say we’re the only ones that know what’s right.  And the reason is is that’s what God has said, so it’s an act of humility to say that we alone possess the truth and everyone else does not simply because when we accept God’s standard as the truth, we confess that His words must be right.  The only unpardonable sin in human viewpoint environment, the only unpardonable sin in the classroom, the only unpardonable sin in your business is to possibly suggest that God might know what He’s doing, and therefore His Word is the authority in that area of life.  To do this is to commit the definitely unpardon­able sin of religious bigotry, because God, after all, shouldn’t know what He knows and He shouldn’t be the final authority, according to human viewpoint.

But this is what Abel is doing.  When it says that “Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice,” it means that Abel has confessed that the Word of God is the final authority; that this is the only way, that man cannot invent, modify, or create religion and so he claims, Abel would, he would be the bigot; Abel would be the man who says I am right all other ways are wrong.  And it is Cain, Cain who does not offer the more excellent sacrifice, that invents his own, it’s Cain who would receive the acclaim of every social group today, because Cain is more liberal, more open minded.  Why can’t we just have many ways to come to God; why must it be by this bloody mess of a sacrifice; why can’t it be through the fruit, certainly God will be pleased, after all, I’m sincere and sincerity means that I am automatically accept­able with God.  Cain, then, is a man who is the human viewpoint paradigm; he’s the model by which all further human viewpoint is followed.  By the way, this is why apostate religion in the book of Jude says it’s modeled after the way of Cain… modeled after the way of Cain.  What does that mean?  It means it’s made up by man, where man becomes his standard, man says this is right rather than what God says. 


And then it says in Hebrews 11:4, “a more excellent sacrifice … by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and by it he being dead yet speaks.”  This is talking about the text of Genesis.  But I want you to notice the phrase, “by which he obtained witness that he was righteous.”  Now this means that this bigot called Abel actually was right, it turned out what he said, I’m right, and it’s only by my way, Cain, that we are going to be acceptable with God, and God gave empirical evidence that Abel was correct.

Now if you look up at the first characteristic, you’ll notice a peculiar thing that’s happened here.  You could argue, say look, Abel was a rancher, he had the things already under his (?) as a rancher, as a sheep rancher, he already had the sheep that he could sacrifice but Cain was a farmer, he didn’t have this and it meant that Cain had to come to Abel.  That’s right; and Cain was the firstborn, it would be humiliating for a firstborn son to come to a second born son and obtain something.  Now don’t you see the pattern of God’s Word right here?  God forced Cain to accept one and only one way of salvation and if this meant at the price of his own pride he had to give up his autonomy and go to his younger brother, which was an act of humility, go to his younger brother and get the sheep that was necessary for the sacrifice.  This, you see, put Cain against it, Cain could argue with God and say well God, if you wanted the religion to go this way then why didn’t you make me a rancher; why do I have to go to my younger brother?  God says because that’s the way of salvation, you have to do this.


It’s much like today if you aren’t empathic with the situation here, it’d be much like today where one would say why God do I have to associate myself with those fundamentalist believers in order to grow spiritually?  Why is it that I have to be around them?  Why is it that I can’t do it all by myself as the Lone Ranger?  Why is it that I can’t function autonomously?  Why must I lower my social status to be seen with these bigots who believe that only the Word of God is the final authority, with these people that have the audacity to say whether you’re in biology, geology, law or religion it’s the Word of God that’s the final authority.  Those people are always making those waves, they’re always butting into conversations.  Why do I have to risk my social and business reputation by associating with those people?  Because like Cain, you don’t have the goods, they do.  Abel was the one who had the sheep and Cain did not.  Conclusion: whether you like it or not you associate with Abel.


Now let’s go back to Genesis 4 and see another feature of the story.  After they were rejected, after he had his human viewpoint religion, made up by himself… somebody hung the manifesto of the second international of the humanist, the worldwide humanist on the bulletin board over there, if you want an example of the way of Cain go over and read it after the service.  Genesis 4:5, here’s what happened to the man of negative volition.  “But unto Cain and to his offering God did not have respect.  And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.”  We pointed out in the family training framework, literature, notice the two phrases in verse 5, exactly parallel.  This is always true in the Bible and this should help you with children, and that is that you have mental attitude sin and you have facial expressions.  Ever notice it?  You can read their attitude by looking at their face, and here God looks at Cain’s face.  It’s a very simple story, “why are you angry,” mental attitude sin; he’s angry because he does not like to bow his knee to the one way that God has set up.  Why can’t it be some other way?  Why does it have to be this way?  Because God said so.  And so this makes him angry and his countenance falls.


Now in Genesis 4:7 we have a principle that ought to be taught to every single child.  Here is the principle that if applied consistently will keep them from going into these sins of deed; they may have sins of thought and sins of tongue or sins of the word but if they will consistently be warned by this principle at least it will keep them away from the worst deeds.  In verse 7 God counsels Cain and He gives him a warning.  This warning ought to be memorized.  “If you do well,” won’t you be accepted?  The question is a strong affirmative.  In other words, “If you do well Cain, you’re going to be accepted.”  What does that mean?  If you are on positive volition you are going to be accepted.  Now what does this mean?  Let’s look at the inside of the soul.  Here’s the mind, here’s the conscience.  When a person is on positive volition and has divine viewpoint in his mind, when that is true then the divine viewpoint when operated upon in experience… notice it doesn’t say in verse 7 “if you think well,” and it doesn’t say in verse 7 “if you speak well.”  It does say in verse 7, “if you do well,” it’s talking about overt behavior.  “If you do well, then you will be accepted.”  Now this is not salvation by works; this is something different. 


What it’s saying is that when divine viewpoint is acted on you begin to have a tremendous acceptance that starts right here in the conscience.  Now that’s the first and primary acceptance, that every man must have… you have to have that.  If you don’t you will be radically weakened, mentally and spiritually.  There’ll be a war going on in your soul between you conscience and your mind and every mental illness that is not organic comes from this war between the mind and conscience.  So your first concern, always, is to have a unity between mind and conscience in your soul, the conscience being fortified with God-consciousness and divine viewpoint of course.  So the mind, then, is accepted to the conscience.  But there’s more to this acceptance in verse 7; you will be accepted not only in your conscience, you will be accepted to God; God is the one who informs your conscience.  So your second level of acceptance, temporally, is acceptability with God which gives great confidence before man as the quote last week showed from the Puritans.  And obviously the acceptance extends in the book of Proverbs to the consciences of the group, so you will have respectability.  They may not like you, in fact, they may hate you; they may detest you but they’ll respect you.  You always have to realize there’s a difference biblically between respect and popularity.  “If you do well, you will be accepted.”


Now the warning.  “But if you do not well,” and notice again, the verb is asah, which means to do, to act, it isn’t to think and it isn’t to talk; this is an overt thing.  Now why is it overt?  It goes back to this problem again.  What is the child supposed to do?  Face a situation, respond to it righteously and biblically.  This requires divine viewpoint framework which is in his thought pattern.  But divine viewpoint framework in his thought pattern isn’t enough.  What is also needed for spirituality and maturity is +R learned behavior patterns, righteous learned behavior patterns, which come about by practice and practice and practice and practice and practice, day after day after day after day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year learned behavior patterns are developed. 

Now some learned behavior patterns are developed that are going to be righteous or they’re going to be unrighteous, depending on your home situation, but right now children in your home are learning; it’s just what they are learning, not if they’re learning.  So the doing, the verb asah, which means doing, God is talking about these learned behavior patterns, He’s saying if you do these things you are going to be acceptable, constantly, over and over and over.  See, that’s character development.  But “if you do not” do these things, then… and here is a chilling warning, “sin lies at the door.”  Now what does the word “lie” mean?  The word “sin” can either mean sin or sin offering, as the Scofield note implies, but we don’t take it the way Scofield does, we take it the way sin means sin here.  And it means “lies” or it crouches at the door like an animal, ready to spring.  The verb, “lie,” then means that the sin nature of the child, the old sin nature, has a restraint on it that from childhood God the Holy Spirit… now this is common grace and it’s also efficacious grace, the Holy Spirit is putting restraints on your child’s sin nature, and you want to see this and how this works.  This is why this verse is the key to the whole thing.


The sin nature of the child is constantly held in check.  Now what are the means that the Holy Spirit uses to hold in check the sin nature of the child?  Well, first, for one thing, the parent’s discipline, and that … [tape turns] mean being dictators, it means being biblically consistent in discipline.  That’s one restraint.  What’s another restraint?  The four divine institutions; those are means that God uses to restraint.  But there are other means, there are means physically God has that we don’t know of; there are means spiritually that God has that we don’t know of; there are all sorts of means that God uses.  In fact, there’s God-consciousness, that itself is a restraint on the sin nature.  Now what God is saying is that Cain, if you habitually do what you’re doing, if you go on and you develop these –R learned behavior patterns, then watch out because “sin lies at the door,” in other words, what God is saying, I’m going to remove these restraints and there’s going to be an explosion and your sin nature is going to blow apart if you violate social overt deeds.  That is the origin for the violence; that is the origin of perversion; that is the origin for all the things that you see that are gross.  It come about because God has said all right, you have chosen to develop –R learned behavior patterns so the way I’m going to handle this thing is I’m just going to back off and I’m just going to let the sin nature take over: “sin crouches at the door.”


And then it says at the last part, “And unto thee shall be its desire,” “his” can be either masculine or neuter, “unto thee shall be its desire,” in other words, the sin nature is pictured as an animal ready to spring; it wants to get control, and the only thing that holds your sin nature down and the only thing that holds a child’s sin nature down is God.  Now get that because this is the difference between what we’re teaching here and what Arminians teach; this sanctification by works, operation bootstrap, I’m doing it and all the rest of it.  No, look at this chart and see that it is God that is doing the restraining.  But if God chose not to restrain the sin nature you could exercise all you wanted to and you’d have no control over yourself.  Ask a person that’s involved in drugs; ask a person that’s involved in homosexuality; ask a person that’s involved in alcoholism; ask them, can’t you control your desires?  Answer: no!  Why?  Because God has removed His restraint.  Earlier in life they asked for it by learning behavior patterns of rebellion toward God and God says okay, we’ll back off and let ‘er blow.  That’s what it means; sin’s desire shall be for you. 


Now when you see somebody like this, instead of just getting on your hobby horse and condemning them, you just think a minute.  If God did not restrain your sin nature and God did not restrain mine we would be in the same boat.  It is because of God’s sovereign restraining grace that we are not all perverts.  That is the natural inclination of the sin nature.  So this ends self-righteousness, right here, if you just recall this principle you should not… self-righteousness should be right out the window, right here.  Self-righteousness means I have obtained control over myself, it is me, everything centers on me.  No-no, not this way.  God is the one who is restrained. 


Now furthermore the last part of Genesis 4:7 says, “you shall rule over it,” now actually this should read “you must rule over it.”  In other words, it is normal, God wants us to rule over the sin nature, but the only way we can rule over the sin nature is when He undertakes His work to restrain it and if He doesn’t undertake His work to restrain it we can’t rule over it.  You have no control over yourself.  This is confirmed by the famous passage in the New Testament that I want you to see, Romans 1.  The same principle, it doesn’t vary in the least from Genesis 4:7.


We’ve gone over this and gone over it but having seen the exams I don’t apologize for it any more.  We can’t go over the Word of God enough.  Because it says in Romans 1:20, “They are without excuse,” why, because verse 21, “They knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful,” there is your breaking down of apostasy, there’s your negative volition, there’s the erection of –R learned behavior patterns.  Now does it say in the next verses that you read, does it say, and therefore they lost control, therefore is all of them?  No it doesn’t, because if you look in verse 24, who is the subject of the verb, the person, the apostate or God?  God is the subject, not the person on negative volition.  That’s the interesting thing about Romans 1.  Do you see that subject again, that’s God, not the person.  So what does it mean?  “God gave them up to uncleanness,” this means there was a divine judgment, pulling back of grace and it was God that cause the corruption in the immediate sense.  Now the responsibility is not on God’s shoulders; “God gave them up to uncleanness.”


Notice verse 26, “God gave them up to vile affections,” what does it mean give them up to “vile affections.”  Well, before God gave them up you have the old sin nature here, you have these affections under control.  And probably this particularly person, let’s take a cross section of what he was thinking: he was saying huh, I can engage in this sin, I can engage in this sin, in this sin, in this sin, in this sin, this sin but I still have control.  No problem, until all of a sudden, perhaps without noticing it he begins to notice, hey, I don’t have control any more, I can’t conquer these tremendous desires any more.  What’s happened, something’s changed.  This is what’s happened.  God has given them up to vile affections.  The restraints of God have been taken off; the sin nature breaks out. 


And finally in verse 28 the same thing, “they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,” so “God gave them over to a reprobate mind,” now you tell me who’s in charge?  God or man?  Obviously God.  Obviously you can’t do anything without God.


Turn back to Genesis 4:8 for a minute and see the result, the sin of deed.  “And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, that when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him.”  Now if we can be a little imaginative in our reconstruction of what happened here, make it a little more meaningful, let’s look at Cain’s sin nature.  Here’s Cain’s sin nature; his sin nature has a hatred for God, –R, he hates +R, he hates anything that reminds him of God’s righteousness.  He hates the Word of God, though he listens to it, Adam probably taught it to him every day; nevertheless, he can’t wait to get out from under, for Adam to stop talking so he can get out and do something else.  He despises the Word of God.  Now, because of God’s restraints on his sin nature this never shows too much.  Oh, it shows in the sacrifice, but it only shows overtly in his face.  The mental attitude has only broken forth into a facial change; his countenance falls, the Bible says; that’s all overt, empirical evidence you have that something’s wrong. 

And then one day, he was out in the field many days with Abel, they talked many days, why is it this day everything went crazy; if he was in the modern court he’d plead temporary insanity, I don’t know what happened to me, I just lost control and I killed him.  Unfortunately for Cain God did not accept the plea of temporary insanity.   God prosecuted anyway because biblically there’s no such thing as temporary insanity either.  Temporary insanity is an excuse for a sin nature that’s out of control.  And here we have a sin nature that’s out of control and it happened that day in the field.  Maybe it was Wednesday morning; let’s say Monday morning he was out in the field with Abel, no problem, he despised his brother, couldn’t stand him, but at least he could control himself.  Maybe Abel even made a smart remark, hey Cain, when do you get smart and offer a good sacrifice, and Cain would be just about ready to pick up a rock or pick up a knife to kill his brother, but there’s always the restraint.  And then Tuesday he went out in the field again, and maybe Abel made another smart remark, and Cain again almost did it, and then Wednesday, boom, it exploded.


What happened?  Because finally God had had enough and He backed off.  Had God given Cain a warning?  Sure He did, verse 7 precedes verse 8.  God had already warned him that this was going to happen, that lies, crouching at the door.  But he didn’t listen.


Let’s go in conclusion some of the verses in Proverbs that teach the same thing.  It’s not necessary to exegete all these verses because you get the idea of Genesis 4 you can certainly see it reappear in these verses.  The first one will be Proverbs 17:12.  This is talking directly to this same problem of Genesis 4.  “Let a bear robbed of her young meet a man, rather than a fool meet his folly,” literally.  In other words, it is better to face a wild animal that is vicious, that is enraged than meet a sin nature that has had its restraints taken off.  And the horror of this particular verse is that it is safer for the individual to face a wild animal intent on destruction, physical destruction, than it is for a man to meet his own sin nature when that sin nature has had its restraints taken off.  It is worse to meet an unrestrained sin nature in your own soul.  [can’t understand phrase] do you see why the Bible insists on instructing children of the consequences of habitual sin, the consequences, they can get away with it because of the restraint for a while, but someday it’s going to catch up and it’s going to surprise them, it’s going to sadden them, and it’s going to infuriate them and it’s going to just completely shock them, but they will not even know… you’ve read stories in the paper where people have gone and (?), parents have taken kids and thrown them in boiling water, slapped them so hard that they’ve killed their own children, scalded them, thrown them in the fire, and then afterwards they say I did that?  That’s happened thousands of times in America.  Ask anybody that works in an emergency ward in a hospital; ask any of the nurses that take in bruised children.  Ask them what they think.  What have the parents been doing to this kid, and the parent will say, oh, I can’t believe I did that.  That’s right because at that point the net sum total effect of a life lived in a non-biblical way, probably up in the mind, paid off in one giant explosion that occurred.  “Sin lies crouched at the door.”


Proverbs 17:13, “Whoso habitually,” this is a participle, this is part of the character, “Whoso habitually rewards evil for good, evil will never depart from his family.”  This is talking about the turmoil that is caused inside the third divine institution when you have children that learn to behave unbiblically; they will always be a source of upset to that house; that household will never have peace because of the character of its children.  Earlier we said that the criteria of success in Scripture as far as a family is not how much you provide for your children; the criteria for success is the character that your children have after they’ve been under your training.  That’s the criteria.  And this verse goes further, that if the child doesn’t have the proper character, if he has instead an unrighteous character, then that house is not only condemned as a failure but it’s doomed to continual suffering; this is category three suffering, suffering by association.


Proverbs 17:14, again, the same principle of Genesis 4:7 “The beginning of strife is as one that lets out water; therefore, leave off contention, before it be meddled with.”  Now we have to correct the King James; actually the translation is good except the English is outmoded.  “The beginning of strife,” this is just going into… it could also refer to lawsuit here, the idea is you have two people involved in a controversy.  “The beginning of strife,” the word “strife” connotes the fact that they are not solving their problems via Matthew 5 or Matthew 18, instead of doing it those ways they are taking a hardnosed position against each other.  The word “strife” means to sue, so court action is being initiated.  “The beginning of court action is like,” not when, “is like one that lets out water,” this is a picture in the agrarian economy of Israel they have these irrigation ditches, and it’s a picture of a leaking irrigation ditch is what it is, “it’s like a leaking irrigation ditch,” so “leave off contention before it erupts,” the word “meddled with” means erupts.  In other words, this kind of thing, this strife is a picture, again in a group situation, of Genesis 4:7, –R learned behavior patterns that seem to get along all right up to a point, but there is coming a time when God’s restraints will be taken off and you will explode and a second later you’ll realize what’s happened, only too late.  Violence has been done, an act has been committed and you stand there shocked that you did it.  That’s God’s hand of restraint taken off.


Proverbs 20:3, again thinking in terms of instructing children, it is the principle solve the problem, don’t let it simmer.  “It is an honor for a man to cease from strife,” methods, Matthew 5, Matthew 18 again, “but every fool will be erupting,” in other words, it’s habitual for him to get into a situation where he’s just going to blow off. 


Proverbs 22:10, this is how you deal with that kind of a person, biblical way.  And may I suggest that this is done in gentleness and reverence.  “Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out,” that means throw them out, get rid of them, now that is the only way once things have proceeded to this point, when you have a person… we call that a person implacable, when you have a person in  your home that is implacable, a person or child who has just simply learned they are not going to submit to authority, period, come hell or high water or anything else that you can threaten them with, that’s nothing; they are at this point implacable.  (?) solution, throw them out, get rid of them, because you’ve got to protect the institution, the third divine institution has to be protected and if they’re not going to knuckle under and go with the thing, then just get rid of them, just get them out of there: “throw out the scorner and strife and reproach shall cease.”  That is a biblical gentle solution to the problem of the scorner.


Now there are a few other verses that I want to show you in contrast to these.  We’ve dealt so far with this problem, the sins of deed.  We’ve shown and should show to our children that –R learned behavior patterns you can get away with up to a point, and after that point, explosion.  Why?  God takes off His restraint and “sin lies crouching at the door.” 


Now that is a picture of somebody out of control, completely out of control.  Now at this point, and I’ve waited until this point to bring you to the verses in Proverbs that show the nature of a friend.  Again, children should learn how do you find a true friend; what are the characteristics biblically of a person that you want to be your friend.  Is it the clothes they wear; the smile on their face, the education they have, money in the pocket, what is the character of a biblical friend?  Let’s look at some of these verses.  There are three of them I want to show you. 

Proverbs 17:17, this is the exact opposite of a person who is at the point where his sin nature is going to explode.  Now watch the principle; on the one hand you have a principle whose old sin nature is now not well restrained and it’s going to explode out.  In other words, this person is not in control of himself.  He is not.  The opposite is the friend; now friends have old sin natures, this side of Eden all men have sin natures.  So the fact is, well, I’m going to run around and the only friend I’m going to have is somebody that’s perfectly good.  Well, good luck.  So obviously the biblical criteria is not some sinless robot that trots around.  A person who is your friend is going to have the sin nature; that can’t be the difference, the sin nature.  What is the difference then?  The difference is the restraint on the sin nature, particularly restraint on the sin nature in certain areas.

Let’s look at those certain areas.  Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loves at all times,” now lest we degenerate into sentimentality at verse 17 let me hasten to add what that love means.  That love, in verse 17, refers to biblical love which means seeking God’s will for the other person above all else; that’s what a friend is, a friend who has concern for you biblically.  In other words, doctrine; when it comes to choosing between your immediate pleasure and the Word of God, your best friend will choose the Word of God for you.  That’s the mark of a friend; a true friend biblically is one that will not be moved by his personal pleasure at the moment and your personal pleasure at the moment.  A true biblical friend will be moved only by the foundation of the Word of God.  In other words, if you say well if you loved me then you’d do this.  The best friend will say then go to hell; I will not buy that kind of blackmail.  See, that kind of … if you loved me then you’d do this, that is just blackmail and a good friend will never buy it.  You can test your friends; see, “if you loved me then you’d do this,” and if they do it then they’re not your friend, biblically.  That’s a good test, because what this verse…  “A good friend loves at all times,” all times, not some of the time and the word “times” is seasons, which means times in this case times of pressure.  And the times of pressure are when you put the pressure on your friend with your blackmail, “if you loved me you’d give in.”  That’s when a friend who loves you, scripturally, will say huh-un, Word of God of God is this, period.  That is the mark of a true friend.  “…and a brother is born for adversity,” the word “adversity” means extreme pressure.  And the mark of a friend that he is most useful in times of distress.  That’s another way on your check list now, checking out for friends, ask yourself, when you are most under pressure, who would you rather be around.  You answer that question and you’ve got a pretty good idea of what your true friend is biblically. 


 Let’s look at Proverbs 18:24 for more criteria of true friends.  This one is all fouled up in the King James, I’ve heard people use this, in fact, the principle is right, it’s just the translation is wrong.  This is one of these cases where you can get a right answer for a wrong reason.  “A man that has friends must show himself friendly;” well, that’s a true principle but unfortunately that’s not what the Hebrew says.  It says, “Friends who chatter” or “who pretend to be friends,” in other words, there’s one kind of person that yak, yak, yak, yak, yak, yak, oh, I’m your friend, this kind of thing, who pretends, puts up a façade, and then there is another who “sticks closer than a brother.”  Now the difference is the mouth versus the action.  The first part of verse 24 in the original, “there is one who chatters,” or pretends to be your friend, that’s mouth; the second part of verse 24 is one who actually does the sticking, the overt activity.  So another criterion of friend is that.  And this works across the sex lines too, for those single people that are looking around for a girlfriend or boyfriend, it works the same way.  Watch it.  Instead of looking at everything at the cover look what’s in the book.


Proverbs 20:6, a final warning on friendship.  And this is a very true principle and don’t ever forget it.  “Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness; but a faithful man, who can find?”  Now the emphasis of verse 6 is on the rarity of friends but there’s emphasis in the original upon something else.  The word “proclaim every one his goodness,” means that he’s putting forth a character that he doesn’t have.  The word “faithful” before the word “man” in the text is the word amen, and it means one who is reliable, and so the point of verse 6 is the difference between those who would pretend to have character and those who have character, which all goes back, finally in the last analysis to what is it that the child is to be taught in the home?  Character.  What is he to be taught about over social wrongs?  That there are long-term results of habitual negative behavior pattern.  How do you stop children from getting involved in the big things of life?  Years before cut off those bad mental attitudes.  If you see your kid pout, see him throw tantrums, you should be as concerned with your children pouting and throwing tantrums as you are concerned about later on somebody getting pregnant, somebody getting on drugs, somebody winding up as a homo.  You should be far more concerned, back when it can be stopped at the level of a simple tantrum, at the level of a simple pouting, at the level of a simple fit.  That’s where to stop it the Bible says because if you don’t, “sin lies crouched at the door.”