Clough Deuteronomy Session 52

Deuteronomy 24:1-7 — The Rights of Marriage, Basic Assets, and Personal Freedom

                                                                                                                                                                              Fellowship Chapel; 26 April 2011




WeÕll move on in chapter 24 because we have just two more sessions and then weÕre going to kind of call it quits for the summer. Hopefully I can get into chapter 25 because that would give us almost all of that Ōloving Yahweh with all your soul.Ķ  And then in the fall, itÕll be short in the sense that we can finish up that last section.  On the handout weÕre looking, chapter 23:19-24:7, and this seems to be this whole section seems to be an exposition of the eighth commandment, ŌThou shalt steal.Ķ 


And what weÕve seen is that, again on your outline, weÕre expositing the implications of the eighth commandment. And what weÕve noticed as weÕve gone through this whole section of Deuteronomy is that the same statutes and judgment and case law occurs in different sections. And you wonder why is it so scattered like that.  And IÕm coming to the conclusion that the reason is that in those statutes and judgments as Moses is expounding them, heÕs telling us that those are supported by different command­ments out of the Ten.  So you could have a statute thatÕs supported by the seventh commandment and also simultaneously supported by the eighth. So when Moses goes to talk about that statute and that judgment or that case law, he does it in these groups.


Again, if you look at the handout, the concept of ownership in this section is enlarged beyond what one normally thinks of. And weÕve seen that. And this is why that section is in Deuteronomy and it has so much detail to it, because if you just know the eighth commandment you might have a very narrow idea of what theft means.  But suddenly when you get into these case laws and you begin to see the statutes and the judgment, you realize, wait a minute, theft is respect of ownership and ownership is a lot more comprehensive than I ever thought about.  And so I have you three illustrations that weÕve gone through so far, the right of a theocratic redeemed citizen to own an existence free from debt bondage, and for a redeemed theocratic citizen to be put back into debt bondage is in some sense a theft of his redemption.  And remember, all this physical, sociological, political structure is to teach theology, the theology of the coming Kingdom and what redeemed life looks like. 


Number two, the right of a promisee. This is one that really expands our idea of ownership, the right of a promisee to ŌownĶ an expectation of performance by the promisor.  And thatÕs that business if you make an oath to God you owe God something. Well, if you owe Him something, then in one sense youÕve created a property right.  And this is kind of an interesting idea of contractual promises that I donÕt think our legal theory in our culture even thinks about this aspect; that when you promise something youÕve created a debt on your side to someone else who now owns the right to see that that is performed.  And this again is a large view of what God means when He says, ŌThou shalt not steal.


The third one that we saw last time, the derivative nature of ownership under God.Ķ In other words, our ownership is genuine ownership but itÕs the ownership of a creature living in GodÕs world, that the world which is owned by God, not by the creature.  And so that makes all private ownership derivative.  Now what is important about this concept, as we said last time—and itÕs very modern, itÕs very contemporary—is that man has sensed that there has to be a higher ownership than just individuals, because thereÕs got to be a coordination.  So what happens is that man in his fallenness, thinks of the State as the final and ultimate owner.  And we have, then, in Daniel 2 God says to Nebuchadnezzar, IÕve given you the land, the animals and everything.  And so it seems that in that sense we have ownership, the absolute ownership that really is true only of God becomes somehow to be sucked into the idea of the State, with the civil powers. And thatÕs why tyranny is being built on the idea that a tyrannical government, ultimately, is the absolute owner of everything. ThatÕs why they can take your property. 


And so weÕre dealing here with legal ideas, ideas of justice, because you remember we started this whole series in response to some college students asking about social justice that they were getting in the classroom.  Well, as you can begin to see, we worked through these statutes and judgment, social justice is a lot more sophisticated and a lot more detailed and a lot deeper than the average discussion thatÕs going on out there. 


And again, following the outline here: And so ŌstealingĶ is a sin, remember the Law, Paul says, was given that we might see our sin, and stealing is a sin that also is more pervasive than one normally thinks of.  And so it enlarges our concept of the sin of theft, and it makes us more sensitive to ownership issues.


Now weÕre going to be in Deuteronomy 24 tonight but if youÕll turn to Psalm 15. I was looking at some devotional literature this week and I noticed the reading was in Psalm 15, and hereÕs an example of a psalm that is praising God, and if you didnÕt know Deuteronomy you wouldnÕt have a clue what this psalm is about.  So now with the background that you all have from our classes in Deuteronomy, watch what happens in Psalm 15.  


Psalm 15 starts out, ŌLORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle?  Who may dwell in Your holy hill?Ķ  And the question is, itÕs an ethical issue, God is a God of justice.  So who is qualified to live with You. And now the rest of the psalm answers that.  HereÕs the kind of creature that is qualified to live in Your presence.  [2] ŌHe who walks uprightly, and works in righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart; [3] He who does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor.  Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend: [4] In whose eyes a vile person is despised, but he honors those who fear the LORD;Ķ and then watch this, ŌHe who swears to his own hurt and does not change,Ķ the Hebrew structure there is ŌHe who makes an oath, that commits himself and sticks with it,Ķ itÕs kind of a bad translation in the New King James that I have, but thatÕs that oath passage that we just covered a week or two ago, and thatÕs a sign of righteousness.  In other words he swears, even to his hurt, because God did too, and that means that he is going to perform that which he swears. 


Then it says thatÕs righteousness.  [5] ŌHe who does not put out his money at usury.Ķ Now you say gee, is that prohibiting bankloans?  No, thatÕs just repeating the Deuteronomic law, thatÕs just saying to the charitable, to the people who need money, that are in a jamb, ŌHe who does not put out his money at usury, nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.Ķ  And weÕve seen that one, remember when we were dealing with the judicial offices? We said that they canÕt take bribes, thatÕs part of justice.  ŌHe who does these things shall never be moved.Ķ  So there is a very quick, just a verse and a half in a psalm that clearly shows you that the psalmist had very well known the Deuteronomic Law code.  And he was articulating a lifestyle of holiness that involved details like money, not just ethical things.  Anyway, I thought that was kind of an interesting point in this praise psalm.


WeÕre going to go back to Deuteronomy 24 and weÕre on the last section of this; weÕre going to finish this section tonight. This is again all on basic rights, but mostly connected with the concept of ownership.  Now in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 clearly itÕs marriage and divorce thatÕs involved here, but isnÕt it interesting, this isnÕt the only place in the Deuteronomic Law code that marriage and divorce is discussed. But why does it occur under theft?  Because apparently these four verses, in MosesÕ mind have to do with the fact that within the marriage institution there is ownership, there are, as it were, property rights; except itÕs hard to call it property, but there are rights and those rights can be infringed upon and stolen. 


Now I have on the slide the thing that weÕve gone through time and time again and that is the structure of society and how here on the godly side you have heart allegiance, you have integrity of communication. And weÕre right here, labor and property that is respected and productive, but this concept of labor and property now kind of mixes up into the idea of marriage and family as this passage is showing us.  So I want to look at the institution of marriage and weÕre going to look at its structure biblically.  In your handout IÕve listed six different characteristics of the institution of marriage.  And then I want to show you whatÕs going on today culturally. ItÕs very serious because it cuts into the structure of how God has designed marriage.


Marriage is a divine institution. ThereÕs a discussion about how many divine institutions, four or five, but for our purposes the first divine institution, the structure is responsibility.  God had given volition to man and itÕs a responsibility to subdue, a responsibility to do something in GodÕs universe.  And weÕre held accountable, and economically itÕs priced. We donÕt know the free market will try to price our good works or bad works. A socialist government will say no, we donÕt trust the free market to price something, the elite will price it, but the answer the Bible gives is God is going to ultimately price it, the Bema Seat and then the Great White Throne, thatÕs when the price of our works and our production actually are set truly, so the price meets the value. 


But there are six different things here. Divine institution #2 is marriage; divine institution #3 is family, and divine institution #4 is the civil state.  Those are all divine institutions, and by that we mean that God has designed those; those are not things generated by man.  They are structurally related to how we are built psychologically, anatomically, physically, in all ways.  And they are common to the human race.  The fourth divine institution is the only one of the four thatÕs post-fall. That should tell you something about the limitations of the fourth divine institution.


Now letÕs look at the six things:  First, it is a creation design for creatures made in GodÕs image. Lower lifeforms usually have sexual distinction for reproductive purpose, but mankind has sexual distinction for glorification purpose.  ThatÕs why weÕre not just animals here. Animals reproduce, animals have sex, people have sex but thereÕs a higher level of the sexual distinction in the divine institution, and it has to do with glorifying God. ThatÕs the difference between men and animals.  


Number 2: both male and female humans share GodÕs image.  Now yes, men are given a role, women are given a role; but if you look carefully at Genesis 1:27, both the man and the woman are part of the image of God. Notice what it says, in the image of God He created him,Ķ Adam, but then, Ōmale and female He created themĶ plural, because in Adam you have Adam and Eve.  God reveals Himself as a Father but He also as a ŌhelperĶ and ŌnourisherĶ. Etzer, which is the word used for the woman in her role as helper, is used of God in the Old Testament.  And one of the names here is ŌEleazer,Ķ and that means, God is my helper.  So clearly etzer-ing isnÕt some peripheral duty, itÕs something that is revelatory of what God does.  And this is why in Matthew 23:37, at the culmination, just before He was to be arrested and crucified, Jesus says: ŌHow often I wanted to gather your children together.Ķ HeÕs talking about Jerusalem, Ōas a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.Ķ  That is a feminine view of life and itÕs coming from the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ. So it shows you that God has what He has divided, so to speak, He divided us into a maleness and a femaleness, but both the maleness and the femaleness are revelatory of who God is. 


3.  Marriage acts as a divine metaphor for the relationship between Yahweh and Israel (you see that over and over again in the Old Testament) and between Jesus Christ and the resurrected Church, because the bride isnÕt married until after the resurrection, so we make that little distinction.  


4.  And this is important, another aspect. People donÕt think about it at all because today we just think individually.  Marriage generates family, which subsumes each generation under the previous one and renders redemption possible. HereÕs what we mean by that.  When God created angels He created them as individuals. When the angels that fell, fell, and the angels that did not fall remained and chose loyalty to God, the Creator, thereÕs no redemption. Either they canÕt be redeemed or God has so designed them so they wonÕt be redeemed, but thereÕs not a shred of evidence of any redemption of fallen angels; and theyÕre said to be individuals. 


Now itÕs striking that in Romans 5 weÕre introduced to the federal headship of Adam. And we hear the downside, the complaining side about that, oh gee, you know, Adam and Eve fell and now we are all, so to speak damned, weÕre all cursed, weÕre all suffering death and sorrow, gee, thatÕs unfair. But if you continue to read Romans 5:12 itÕs precisely the federal headship of Adam that renders us redeemable, because now the second Adam, Christ, can redeem us.  ItÕs that headship that keeps us redeemable.  So this is not just a peripheral little casual little theology on the side here.  And the idea is angels donÕt reproduce; humans do. ThereÕs a lineage in time and space history, so that we are the sons and daughters of our parents who are the sons and daughters of their parents, all the way back to Adam and Eve.  And so when we generate children, and then they will generate children; thereÕs a continuity of descent from Adam and Eve.  And thatÕs important structurally.


5.   Therefore, marriage is rooted (now this is key because of whatÕs coming up) in the physical, psychological, and spiritual nature of man.Ķ What I am trying to say in point five is that marriage, as the Bible looks at it, is related to how you and I are designed; itÕs related to how women are designed and how men are designed.  It is not an institution added on because somebody in society thought gee, thatÕs a great idea.  No, itÕs there from the start because of the way we are made and itÕs not just physically, it is also psychologically.  It is also spiritually.


6.   Therefore, marriage encompasses both believer and unbeliever; it is not only for believers.  So thatÕs why we say again, itÕs a divine institution for all. 


Now the problem comes, so now we want to look at what unbelief does, and we have to think back to Romans 1 and those other passages.  What, fundamentally, is unbelief?  ItÕs defiance of known revelation.  DonÕt ever let yourself be seduced by someone who tries to get you to agree that they really donÕt believe in God.  Once you are sucker-punched and you think that hereÕs a guy that doesnÕt believe in God in his heart of hearts, youÕve lost the case.  Every person knows deep down that God exists. The reason we say that is not only because of Romans 1, itÕs because of Revelation 20 and 21.  If that were not true God could not hold people accountable eternally.  So ALL men at bottom know God exists.  And if the Holy Spirit grants you opportunity you can see that. 


One of the Christian professors at the University of Texas wrote a book, Things We CanÕt Not Know, and he has a wonderful illustration of this.  He says, Ōimagine yourself sitting in a hot bathtub and in the tub there are twenty corks.  Now try, with ten fingers, to hold all twenty corks under the water.  Can you do that?  No, because the corks keep popping up and you have to grab this one and grab that one. You canÕt be in the tub and suppress all twenty corks at the same time. And Dr. BudziszewskiÕs point is that no matter how hard someone tries to disbelieve, his knowledge of God pops up.  Who do they curse by when theyÕre mad?  Who do they blame for a disaster?  If God doesnÕt exist what are they doing that for?  ItÕs because the knowledge, like that cork, pops up and if youÕre around people like this you want to be sensitive to that because if you sit back and be quiet and just think and watch, youÕll see the corks pop up.  And itÕs almost embarrassing to the atheist and theyÕre a bunch of others, we could go into the philosophy of how you know and ethical basis and moral authority and so forth. 


But paganism, as the product of unregenerate human nature, despises all revelation of God. The problem here isnÕt man needing an education; education is good, donÕt get me wrong, itÕs part of dominion, but manÕs fundamental problem is not ignorance.  ManÕs fundamental problem is ethical rebellion, sin.  ThatÕs the primary problem and that affects everything else.  And youÕve heard me say this before, IÕll say it again: if we were there with a video cassette at the fall of man, within minutes Adam and Eve are trying to hide from God. Question: how is it possible to hide from an omnipresent deity?  The very fact that Adam and Eve are trying to hide tells you that sin and their known guilt has affected their theology.  They actually think they can hide from God.  TheyÕve convinced themselves that God really isnÕt omnipresent, and if we can hide behind the bushes He wonÕt see us.  See, thatÕs theology being perverted instantly by sin. We all do versions of that every time we get out of fellowship.  So, we canÕt be na•ve, the intellect does precede the heart choice; the heart choice drives the intellect. 


So now we have the despising of the revelation of God and part of the revelation of God is the maleness and femaleness, and the institution of marriage.  That is part of common or general revelation.  So obviously we have to think, of course thatÕs going to come under attack because itÕs very existence is one of those corks; it keeps reminding people of their design.  So letÕs see what happens.


The institution of marriage ŌremindsĶ mankind of their Creator and Judge.  Polygamy, homosexuality, and religious prostitution were common violations of GodÕs design for marriage all through the ancient world. This isnÕt news, this was just common stuff, this is the things of life.  And all three of those are perversions of DI#2. 


The contemporary scene: (1) Homosexual ŌmarriageĶ violates the design,Ķ and hereÕs why. ŌBecause it denies the psychological physical unity of sexual identity (i.e. homosexuality expresses the psychological ŌmaleĶ/ĶfemaleĶ natureĶ—you see that in 1 Corinthians 6 where Paul uses, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, two nouns, one referring to the masculine homosexual and the other one the feminine homosexual, homosexuals have a maleness and a femaleness in their relationship; everybody knows this; this is what male homosexuals do and thatÕs what female homosexuals do. They act as though thereÕs a male sort of type and female type, one is dominant and the other is passive, and this characterizes this.  Now where does this come from?  ItÕs the cork popping up, the fact they canÕt deny that this sort of a relationship somehow has a maleness to it and a femaleness to it; and itÕs not coming physically because theyÕre physically violating the design. But they canÕt violate the psychological side of it.  So in effect a homosexual is a split existence, heÕs sort of schizophrenic. On one hand he or she is engaging in a relationship as a male or female, affirming psychologically, yeah, the design is there, but then theyÕre denying it in their physical behavior. So thereÕs a dysfunction going on and it leads to the next problem.  Once weÕve screwed up the male and female distinction in marriage, now the next price we pay is the next divine institution dependent on that, which is the family. 


Now watch whatÕs happening. Family diversity, thatÕs one of the new buzzwords, proponents now are trying to convince us that it is socially beneficial to redefine ŌfamilyĶ using the terminology Ōintentional family.Ķ This is one of the new buzzwords going on, Ōintentional family,Ķ IÕll explain what that is in a moment. What theyÕre talking about is that adults are free to intend to form a family in any manner of their choosing.  One of them is an organization. This is the SMBC, Single Mothers By Choice. "SMBC ranks include women who became unexpectedly pregnant and, deciding against adoption, abortion, or marriage, and choose to raise their babies alone." WeÕve heard that before. "Women who adopt alone; those (and this is interesting)  who intentionally stop using birth control in order to become ÔaccidentallyÕ pregnant in a causal relationship; but mostly (and getting most of the headlines) women who choose their babyÕs absent father from a sperm bank. Chapters of SMBC around the country have grown from 12 to 24 in just the last three years. Of late the movement has adopted a new, edgier, and decidedly American moniker: the Ôchoice mom.Õ


So again, instead of being shocked about this we just have to see that this is the unraveling of a structure and itÕs just going to keep unraveling and get weirder and weirder, because it has to.  It is an expression of a hatred.  Now if youÕll look at the bibliography, the note there, youÕll notice that again this is a research result from Institute for American Values.  This is the same group, you can go on the Internet and download this stuff yourself, thatÕs the outfit that you can go on the internet and get the report, the cost to American taxpayers of divorce and unwed childbirth, a study they spent years doing and theyÕve got documentation for every state.  And IÕve been encouraging my fellow men in the ministry and pastors, letÕs grab hold of this information and use it because weÕre showing people the economic cost of pagan lifestyle. Which is cheaper, the biblical lifestyle or the pagan lifestyle? 


And so she goes on, and in the publication (this is a newsletter that I got) listen to this. "In her 2006 book, Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice, How Women are Choosing Parenthood without Marriage and Creating the New American Family, Rosanna Hertz shares the story of Lily, Ōa committed Christian from the Midwest who is a teacher in Boston, realized her dream was to have a baby alone through artificial insemination."  Hertz writes, 'Bubbly and outgoing, she never lost her Midwestern friendliness and directness, but even she hesitated before she approached the pastor of her church with her crazy question, should she become a mom on her own?  She fully expected her pastor to reprimand her for defying church traditions but she was stunned by his reaction.  I walked out of there and my eyes were just wide, I thought oh, no, he didnÕt just shut down this road IÕm on, he said itÕs completely natural that you want to be a mother, of course you want to be a mother, and of course it would be more perfect if you had a husband but you would be a great mom.  And this church community loves you and I know they will support you in this.  LilyÕs pastor then recommended she bring her question to the church elders.  As I went to talk to them about it, when I was more sure I was going to do it, and I was thinking the same thing, theyÕre not going to approve of this, I was crying as I was talking about it because it was bittersweet, I was really torn.  I wanted to be a mom but I didnÕt want to do it this way'.Ķ You know, see, the cork popping up.  ŌÉand I finished telling them what I was thinking about and there was silence.  And then the woman, who hired me ten years earlier, she reached over and grabbed my arm and said, ÔWell bless your heart, that is so brave.Õ  And then there was silence and she said, ÔIÕm getting goose bumps thinking we might get to support you in this.Õ  She checked with the principal with the middle school where she taught.  The principle asked Lily to think about how she would tell her students.  This gave her pause. She decided if she went forward with the plan and she became pregnant she would tell the students that sheÕs been inseminated in a doctorÕs office.  She especially wanted to convey to the students that this was no sexual misconduct on her part.  She had not made a mistake, but instead has chosen that sex was root to motherhood.  In todayÕs topsy-turvy,Ķ this is the author now, ŌIn todayÕs topsy-turvy world of motherhood, the problem your pastor and church leaders and the boss might have with your decision seems to be intentionally to conceive a fatherless child is not the impact such a decision will have on the child but rather you choose the word dirty sex or clean insemination.Ķ  See, weÕre not even thinking about the children involved in all of this, theyÕre just casual products to make us feel good.


So this is where things are going.  So we move to the next slide,  ŌBrowse the newspapers of the world and you can read reports of the proud new single father by choiceĶ, so now we have Ō(SFBC). In California,Ķ you know it would be in California, of course, ŌIn California a destination of choice for would-be fathers from around the world,Ķ notice, people come from other countries. They canÕt do it in other countries but they can come to California and do it because anything goes in California.  ŌIn California a destination of choice for would-be fathers from around the world anything goes. A man can purchase his eggs, pick his surrogate, and head home with his three babies. In the UK Ian Mucklejohn became the father of triplets conceived with an egg donor and a separate ÔgestationalÕ surrogate mother, both living in the US. [The] only remaining and sometimes significant legal struggle is to convince the local authorities to provide the children citizenship and birth certificates with a blank in the space for Ômother.ÕĶ 


So this is where we go as we start to unravel, and this is why, when we come back to Deuteronomy itÕs so important that we understand, and we donÕt try to defend marriage as just some sort of social consensus. ThatÕs not why weÕre for it; we are for it because of GodÕs design and His revelatory information that He has told us about it.  And we refuse to discuss this question in any other framework. So we reject the idea that weÕre discussing a social issue to be decided by society; it is not a social issue to be decided by society, it is an issue to be decided by the information given to us by our Creator. 


Now the author goes on and this is the last slide I wanted to show from this publication: ŌSo long as the absence of a mother (or a father) is intentional, such a family structure is seen as being fine for children. And the only reason this change has occurred is because—increasingly in the eyes of societyÕs leaders—an adultÕs right to children outweighs childrenÕs hardwired need for their mother and father  Look at the last clause, when sheÕs talking about the childÕs hardwired she means his design.  An adult right to do all this stuff, well, I want a child and I donÕt want a husband; I donÕt want a wife, I want to do it myself.  Ōan adultÕs right to children outweighs childrenÕs hardwired need for their mother and father.Ķ  You see how screwed up this is?  You see how selfish this is?  We donÕt care about the children; theyÕre just an egg.


So now we come to Deuteronomy 24 and we get into this passage where Moses is talking about an instance of divorce.  Now there presumably were other cases of divorce, but at least in this case we have one where heÕs illustrating the principle but even here he is protecting marriage by limiting this sort of activity.  ŌWhen a man takes a wife and marries here, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some uncleanness in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand and sends her out of his house, [2] when she has departed form his house, and goes and becomes another manÕs wife, [3] if the latter husband detests her and writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends he out of his house, or if the latter husband dies who took her as his wife, [4] then her former husband who divorced her must not take her back to be his wife after she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the LORD, and you will not bring sin on the land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.Ķ


So here we have a case where heÕs giving this and I want to show you why this is included under commandment eight. If you look at the first verse, the word ŌtakeĶ is the Hebrew word to take possession of, and this would be taking possession of a piece of property. ItÕs the same verb as taking a wife.  Now this is not trying to be demeaning to women here, itÕs just the way that the institution is looked at through Mosaic eyes under God.  A man takes a wife.  And then in verse 4, where it says, Ōher former husband who divorced her must not take her back to be his wifeĶ and so on, Ōfor that is an abominationÉĶ that former husband there is the word baal, which is the lord and possessor.  So at the beginning, and verse 4 of this passage we have the concept of ownership.  And I think thatÕs probably why this particular instance is categorized under commandment number eight here.


So the view of the Bible is that man takes and is lord of the woman. So this section on marriage occurs under the eighth commandment as well as other passages on marriage that occurred under the seventh commandment.  This passage limits ownership, just as verse 24-25 did.  Remember, the idea that you canÕt do anything you want to do with ownership because itÕs derivative of GodÕs absolute ownership. So this is restricted.


What is it that the man finds the uncleanness?  Unfortunately the text doesnÕt tell us what it is so we have to do a word study to find out.  ItÕs not, apparently, an adultery that was discovered because we already know thatÕs a capital offense.  So it probably is what is referred to in Numbers 5, which we donÕt have time to go to, but you could note that, in Numbers 5 thereÕs the issue there of whether a person has conceived or not, thereÕs a test there. It could also be used of lesbianism and homosexuality, which occurred in the ancient world.  So there was something going on here that is considered to be unclean. It is not just a trivial argument thatÕs going on here; itÕs something more profound than that.


And verse 2, Ōbecomes another manÕs wife.Ķ Notice again the divorce in verse 1. Oh, by the way, notice it says, Ōwrite a certificate of divorce.Ķ That shows you that the marriage in the Old Testament was not common law.  Marriage in the Old Testament was a formal contractual marriage. And I made that point a couple lessons back.  People have this idea that people just went and shacked up in the Bible. They donÕt read the Bible very carefully because hereÕs a case where theyÕre writing a certificate of divorce. ThatÕs a contract. ThereÕs something being written here; thereÕs a record of this.  So clearly thereÕs a record keeping going on. ŌÉand becomes another manÕs wife.Ķ So the divorce here allows her to go get married again.  Now the problem comes. This guy writes her a letter of divorce, or he dies, and he dies, youÕd think well, isnÕt that the end of the second marriage. But in verse 4, Ōthe former husband É must not take her back É after she has been defiled.Ķ 


Now the idea of her being defiled casts aspersion on the whole issue of divorce because whatÕs going on here is that even though she was married the second time, that second marriage is considered from the first marriage as a defilement.  ItÕs not a complimentary word, in other words.  So embedded in the text, not only is there a restriction on ownership rights but the man who was her first husband has lost his claim and he cannot reclaim her.  So in this case, once he divorces her thatÕs it.  SheÕs remarried, he canÕt bring her back; the ownership has terminated at that point. 


ThereÕs also another reason given for this and that is that it prevented serial polygamy and using this woman to pass around from man to man.  It prevents her from being sort of a sexual toy here, with these guys.  But the main Bible passage for a divorce is Malachi 2:13-16, where God says I hate divorce.  Now why does God hate divorce?  Because of the design of marriage. It gets back to the fundamental idea behind marriage.  God hates divorce because a divorce is breaking down the revelatory power and design of that marriage.


Now, Moses, interestingly, and I donÕt think we have time tonight to do this, but I list you the verses there, Exodus 2, Exodus 4, Exodus 18 and Numbers 12. Let me just describe whatÕs going on there.  Moses was a divorced man, and he remarried. ItÕs interesting in his life because apparently after he left Egypt, the first time when he was 40, he was maintaining flocks, and thatÕs how he met Zipporah, who was the daughter of the priest of Midian.  So the priest of Midian, apparently heÕs maybe a matchmaker or something. He has all daughters, no boys apparently, so he decides hmm, thereÕs a guy here, letÕs have him over for supper. And so one thing leads to the next and Moses gets interested in Zipporah and marries her. But apparently he didnÕt consult the Lord too well when he made that choice because in Exodus 4 God is about to kill Moses because Moses did not circumcise his son like God said.  And we quickly understand from the text why he didnÕt circumcise because his wife was saying, IÕm not going to do it.


 And so hereÕs this guy, Moses, who is locked into this contractual arrangement with God, and God tells him to circumcise his son. I mean, after all, Abraham did it, all the Jews are doing it, and here he marries this pagan woman, sheÕs a pagan woman, not a Jewish woman, and she says no this is wrong, IÕm not going to do that to our boy.  And so he says you will do it, finally.  And she throws the rock down that she was using, a sharp stone, and she says youÕre a bloody husband to me.  And thatÕs the last time you see Moses in a relationship with Zipporah, because by Exodus 18 all of a sudden now Jethro comes into the picture again, and he brings Zipporah. And so thereÕs a big meeting and thereÕs not one word about Zipporah.  Moses is all nice. He accepts the advice of Jethro his father-in-law but thereÕs absolutely not a peep in the text about Zipporah.  So thatÕs where weÕre left in Exodus 4.

Now in Exodus 18 Moses is married to an Ethiopian, a black lady. So all of a sudden now Miriam and his brother Aaron, they get in a hassle over the fact that he married this black lady, this Ethiopian lady, and theyÕre fussing about that.  So God has a sense of humor and so he calls Miriam and Aaron up there, and He says youÕre worried about the black lady? Well, IÕm going to give you leprosy and youÕre going to be white.  He gives them discipline for messing around with telling Moses what to do.  So thereÕs a whole intriguing story here about Moses himself involved in a divorce situation.  So we know, you know, fallen world, and this sort of thing happens; itÕs not GodÕs intent.


So our point there is marriage involves rights of ownership like vows and derivative ownership.  See, a marriage ceremony is a vow, and weÕve already seen a vow obligates; it creates a property right.  So itÕs involved with that.  Marriage involves rights of ownership like vows and derivative ownership of property.  Messing with it is a form of theft. 


Now in verse 5 we have a passage, weÕve seen this before, exactly the same kind of thing over in another section, in Deuteronomy 20, if you remember. In Deuteronomy 20 we were talking about ŌThou shalt not kill,Ķ lethal power of the State, and it was full of these protocols that before you execute somebody you want to be sure of the rules of evidence, if you go into war hereÕs how you do just war, hereÕs how you do holy war and all of that. But involved in that was where do you get your soldiers from. And remember, they didnÕt have a draft, it was voluntary and there was an exception.  If a man had married a woman he was free from military service for a year to get his marriage grounded.  And thereÕs wisdom in that and this is why thereÕs suicides and divorces like crazy in the U. S. military right now. You canÕt have a marriage and be deployed to Afghanistan every other year; it doesnÕt work; it doesnÕt work in Iraq, and the military has been under tremendous stress and they keep getting obligated to do this mission, do this mission, do this mission, in the military we call that mission creep because it keeps enlarging.  And they overtax the soldiers, and worst of all they are destroying menÕs families by doing this sort of activity.


Well, the Bible doesnÕt have that, so hereÕs another verse. HereÕs the same thing, now not under military policy in chapter 20, but lo and behold it recurs in this passage. If this passage is talking about theft then we have to look at whatÕs going on here. Verse 5, ŌWhen a man has taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war or be charged with any business; he shall be free at home one year, and bring happiness to his wife whom he has taken.Ķ  Now thereÕs the verb Ōtaken,Ķ thereÕs the ownership issue coming up.  And so the point is that he has a family he has a marriage, itÕs got to be solid; itÕs taking care of his property, which in this case is his wife.  And what that is and what that implies is that, as I point out in the handout, though exercise of lethal force in just war was important it was not as important as marriage and family since the latter generate positive culture whereas the former merely restrains evil.  In the grand scope of things, sound solid marriages and family is what a civilization survives on and progresses.  It doesnÕt survive because itÕs army was victorious; that just lays the basis, that keeps away the bad guys. But if you donÕt have any positive culture then the civilization falls apart.  So here in verse 5 we have again care for property, in this case the marriage and the family, positive culture where as the State war just restrains evil.


Now we come, weÕre coming down to our last two verses in this section, now in verse 6. ŌNo man shall take the lower or the upper millstone in pledge, for he takes oneÕs living in pledge.Ķ  Now letÕs think about whatÕs going on here.  First of all, Ōmillstone.Ķ What was the millstone all about, the upper and lower millstone?  That was how a family ground bread, it was the essential tool of making meals, of preparing foods; itÕs like taking somebodyÕs oven away.  So the millstone, whatÕs the millstone all about?  The millstone is equipment essential for that families' survival.


The second thing. Why would you be wanting to take it in the pledge?  Because it was acting as collateral on a loan.  So the issue here is itÕs all right to demand collateral for a loan. WeÕll see later thereÕs even rules about what kind of collateral and how you can take it, and you can take some pretty important stuff for collateral.  But what you canÕt take as collateral for a loan is something that is necessary to the familyÕs life support. See again? ItÕs the protection of the basic rights of survival of the theocratic redeemed citizen.  See how GodÕs kingdom respects that.  And He doesnÕt allow business deals or none, and thatÕs why on the outline I have Ōcollateral was legitimate.Ķ It was all right as for collateral and a loan. This is obviously some sort of business loan, not a charitable loan, Ōbut the asset used for collateral was limited.  Intruding into the basic life-support assets by a banker or loaner is a form of ÔtheftÕĶ in GodÕs eyes.  So once again we encounter the idea of ownership is bigger, wider, more expansive, than what we think. 


Deuteronomy 24:7, says, ŌIf a man is found kidnapping any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and mistreats him or sells him, then that kidnapper shall die; and you shall put away the evil from among you.Ķ  Now what is going on here? Well, verse 7 says, ŌIf a man is found kidnapping,Ķ my translation correctly has translated that as though he was found out in the very act. I donÕt know how some of your translations have it, but this says, ŌIf a man is found kidnapping.Ķ In other words, this is going on, itÕs a present action, and thatÕs expressed in the original language as a Hebrew participle, and the idea there is that this was always going on with this guy, this is a business, this is slavery. This is an enslavement, gathering of property. Now hereÕs property. See, a slave is considered to be property.  So the idea here is theyÕre capturing Jews, theyÕre not selling them back to Israel, you couldnÕt do that in Israel so they obviously were selling the slaves to Gentiles. So this is a little business that was illegal, and it was interesting how itÕs described, it says, Ōfound kidnapping anyÉ of the childrenÉ mistreats him or sell shim, then the kidnapper shall die; and you shall put away the evil from among you.Ķ  


Now the point there is that mistreating or selling, there are three things going on: stealing, which is illegitimate ownership, and then the selling; you profit on it.  So itÕs confiscation of property you have no title to in the first place. Secondly youÕre trying to operate as a business. YouÕre not selling it just for the kicks, youÕre selling it as part of business.  And it was a capital crime. And a parallel verse that I quote you on the handout is Exodus 21:16, ŌHe who kidnaps a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, shall surely be put to death.Ķ  Now that little phrase, Ōor found in his handĶ means any of the business associates that were involved in the business are equally punishable by capital punishment.  So not only the guy that steals or the guy thatÕs selling or the guy thatÕs holding the slave, all of these guys can be held for capital punishment.


Now if you just think about this command, how would this have changed history?  And letÕs think about why God hates slavery.  Where and what was the status of His people prior to the Exodus?  They were slaves. And when the Exodus happened, remember the incident where the Egyptians were so glad to get rid of these people they took their jewelry and just gave it to them? Well, the jewelry wasnÕt tin, the jewelry was gold and silver, and when Israel walked out of Egypt they carried, apparently, enormous amounts of gold and silver. Do you know what happened there?  The Jews were getting paid for all their work on the pyramids for 400 years.  That was their back wages, and that money, that gold and that silver, was how Israel initialized her economy. Where did they get their wealth from to get the businesses started? They got it from their wages as slaves for probably the pyramids or whatever other building projects the Jewish slaves were involved in.

Now this involves something that has gone on down through history, and itÕs a sad plight on the Christian church that the church engaged in unjustified slavery.  How can slavery be justified in the light of this passage?  It canÕt be. These passages are very clear.  Now thereÕs a slavery in the Bible. People say oh well, thereÕs slavery in the Bible.  ItÕs not this kind, the slavery in the Bible—now that we see ownership and the eighth commandment—is debt slavery, and it was limited and controlled. And you see cases where even in the debt slavery you couldnÕt charge interest. The person could just pay back things but he didnÕt have to pay an interest on what he had borrowed in order to get out of a jamb.  And then in the sixth year that went away.  Then if they had to compromise their property, their family inheritance; that came back to them in the fiftieth year.  So the debt slavery is not slavery as it has been known in the world. 


And this is a little dirty secret. A Christian friend of ours, Carol and I supported many years ago in Campus Crusade and this galÕs mother is in the State Department. And she went on to get her job with the United States State Department, and while she was working her way up to get her job in the government she worked for a government contractor.  And the fascinating thing was that while she was working as a government contractor for the State Department, the job of that contractor was to write the legislation against human trafficking. So this gal that we knew who was a Christian, who also, by the way, had several other Christians under the Bush administration, actually set up the legislation that is now monitoring the nations of the world and every 365 days every nation on earth is rated for itÕs trafficking. 


And the trafficking is still going on.  And you would be surprised in which nations itÕs going on, and you would also be surprised and shocked that when you have the Super Bowl and whatever it is in January, that probably as close to as many as 10,000 girls are recruited as basically sex slaves, to be used by guys in the parties with the Super Bowl. And the surprise to see 10,000 of them, probably they said each girl probably services six or seven customers a night.  That gives you an idea what goes on in the Super Bowl.  And this is in our country.  Now this is going on in our country.  Jeek tells me though, in Iran, the parents selling their daughters to the bordellos along the Persian Sea, because they need cash, and this has always gone on in history; sell your girls and make them earn money. 


So the brute nature of human society in a fallen world exists, and when you see a passage like verse 7, understand that this is God reaching down into history and saying this is sin and I want it stopped and this is My law. And we just thumb our nose at it and go about our business. So here we see the impact of the Mosaic legislation.  And it was passages like this that led in England to the Christians, who sat up— Wilberforce and others—and for years pleaded with the English Parliament to do away with slavery. ItÕs immoral on the basis of the Word of God. WeÕre not talking about whether you like it, whether you donÕt, whether you profit from it or you donÕt profit from it; what says the Word of God?  But when we look now in this section we see the rationale behind the Word. This is not arbitrary; itÕs connected with who we are as human beings created in GodÕs image.  Of those 10,000 girls in Florida during January, theyÕre all made in GodÕs image, theyÕre somebodyÕs daughters, theyÕre somebodyÕs baby thatÕs grown up to be a teenager. And Christ has died for them, and these people are valuable. And so God reaches down and He says you canÕt own a person. I own the person; you are ineligible to own anybody. 


This is the end verse. This is the last section now that weÕve covered on this thing.  Nest time weÕll start in with verse 8, the next cluster seems to have to do more with the ninth commandment. 


Father, we thank YouÉ.


If anybody has any questions on that weÕll try to address it.  [question asked, canÕt hear]  Well, itÕs clear in the book of Revelation that the church is the Bride of Christ but the marriage feast isnÕt until the end of the history.  I do that because I wanted to distinguish the relationship between Christ and the church and distinguish between that relationship and the relationship in the Old Testament between Jehovah and Israel; that itÕs ongoing marriage, and thatÕs because of the covenant structure.  [more said] Yeah, you could say that, you could say the church is engaged, as we would say.  But this basically, I think has been a challenge for me to understand how God looks at ownership, itÕs a lot more sophisticated than I ever thought and I think each one of these commandments, when you start looking at the details and how God works them out, they really a lot more, itÕs like little tentacles that work all through life, so when He gives us a complete little summary of ten, we have to watch out that we donÕt truncate our little understanding of what each little commandment means; they have implications, vast implications.


[question asked]  The thing you want to also remember as you move from the Old Testament to the New Testament in the epistles, for the Gospels are still under Israel, when youÕre dealing with the epistles and youÕre dealing with the community of believers, when youÕre dealing with the Old Testament youÕre dealing with a mixed multitude, youÕre dealing with the fact you have Law that is applying to both the believer and unbeliever, and probably, frankly speaking, in the Old Testament the vast majority was probably unbelievers I never forget, the sobering thing when I was in seminary and we were discussing the law code of Moses versus the Ancient Near Easter neighbors of Israel, and I remember the professor telling us that, he says if we were to take a time machine back to Israel we probably wouldnÕt recognize it, and thatÕs because we look back at Old Testament Israel through the eyes of the prophets, and so weÕre seeing what was the ideal picture, because God had spoken, and the prophets were faithfully telling what you should do, what should not happen, but if we were actually there weÕd be appalled at the corruption, sin and so on, because as you dig down into some of the layers, and IÕve brought it in here before, the little picture of Baal, or the cow that was used by Aaron at the base of Sinai, I mean, these little statutes of these gods are found in the Jewish levels. So itÕs clear that they were not all nice kosher people like we would love to see.  The prophets had to battle for centuries with this issue.  The Law was too difficult unless you were a saved individual and you had the Lord on your side.


[question asked]  ItÕs very difficult. The question is the strategy of working with self-proclaimed atheists, that probably could pass a lie detector test that he doesnÕt believe.  The problem is that he has deceived himself and self-deception is extremely powerful.  Dr. Bahnsen who did his PhD, Dr. Bahnsen, Presuppositional Apologetics has probably the clearest notion of this problem of self-deception, and he tells a story of Mrs. Jones, and this was part of his doctrinal dissertation, it stuck with me because it makes it clear to me what self-deception looks like, if you want to look at it, and that is the Mrs. Jones has a son who is a kleptomaniac, and the school authorities are constantly disciplining her son for stealing things in the classroom.  And his friends all laugh at her son because everybody in class knows heÕs a crook, and so the teachers discipline her son, they son notes home, and Mrs. Jones gets very indignant and she comes down there and she denies that her son is a kleptomaniac and she goes to the principle and sheÕs rejecting the notes from the teachers and she thinks all the other kids are just ganging up on her darling little boy.  But however, when Mrs. Jones goes home she always puts her purse in a locked drawer.  See, thatÕs one of those quirks in that Mrs. Jones probably, honestly has convinced herself that her son is not a thief.  But on the other hand, thereÕs something deeper down inside her that says well, yes he is, and IÕve got to protect my pocket book. 


So thatÕs the problem you have with an atheist, youÕre not able to deal with the person whoÕs truly honest about himself, and thatÕs very difficult and thatÕs why, particularly the smarter the atheist is heÕll lead you on a game all over the place because heÕs spent years convincing himself.  The problem he has is that deep down he knows, you could put it this way, deep down heÕs fleeing the presence of God, and oftentimes, and itÕs remarkable because IÕve heard testimonies about this, some of the most hardened atheists that have become Christians donÕt come because of an argument, some of the hardest atheists become Christians because of some innocent little Christian that lived their life and was gracious and they saw the changed life and it spoke to their heart.  And so there wasnÕt really an apologetic line of reasoning.  The only thing I can think of is that we just have to be careful that we donÕt get swept off of standing on the certainty of the infallibility of the Word of God.  And that come what mayÉ,


This is why I think if you read 1 Corinthians 2, remember, the epistle to the Corinthians was written just after Athens, and what happened in Athens.  In Acts 17 Paul was accused by the society in Athens to come in a public forum and explain what these two words were, because in the Greek city states, it was illegal, we forget this because we get this little propaganda idea that oh, the Greeks were all democracy and so forth, well not quite, each city state had designated deities and if you happened to come to town and you started teaching using another deity, you had to get registered, you had to get approval to come in there and teach about a new god.  Now here comes Paul and heÕs in the market place and he keeps using the word Jesus and resurrection, and if you look at the Acts 17 passage, just before heÕs called on the carpet, the guys say hey, we want to see what Paul has to say about these two gods, Jesus and resurrection.  So they donÕt even understand, though theyÕve heard, because theyÕre so screwed up mentally it comes through that they think what Paul is saying is there are two deities here.  And itÕs striking that if you analyze the logic of Paul in Acts 17 he never raises Jesus and resurrection until at the last; he starts out with God as Creator, he starts out dealing with one race, one blood of people, he talks about GodÕs sovereignty, he looks over from Mars Hill, you can look at the Parthenon, he says God doesnÕt dwell in temples made with manÕs hands, and he just draws, like a Grand Canyon between his message and the Greeks.  ItÕs not common ground at all; itÕs a total collision that he has.


And then he gets down at the end and thatÕs when he says, and God who is sovereign, who is our Creator, and sovereign judge, shall bring into condemnation all men by a man whom He has certified by raising Him from the dead.  And itÕs Jesus, and they mock him.  So clearly Paul did not convince most oft the people, but there were some who believed, and thatÕs always the case, I mean, did Jesus win everybody?  Think about it, Jesus was truth incarnate, He goes in front of Pontius Pilate and Pilate says ha, what is truth?  It was standing about 18 inches in front of his face and he couldnÕt see it. So you canÕt get discouraged because your argument doesnÕt convince.  Persuasion is not always possible, the Holy Spirit has to do the persuasion, but what we have to do is we have to be sure that our message is rooted on the authority of GodÕs revelation.  And I keep going back to Mount Sinai and I keep thinking to myself, look, if God ever revealed Himself in history, doesnÕt that make that revelation authoritative?  DoesnÕt that make revelation more authoritative than any man, no matter how brilliant?  If you have the omniscient God speaking to men in human history in language we can understand, then that automatically is the authority.  That decides the discussion.  I donÕt have the mental equipment, you donÕt either, nor does the atheist to process information that God can process.   So weÕre at loggerheads, the depth of our disagreement, and one of the things I think we can do to help some of these people is that we refuse to engage in an argument up here, at the level of the fruit on the tree.  We move the argument down to the root of the tree, the basis of how you know anything at all.  How do you have any moral authority whatsoever, those are the fundamental questions.  Otherwise you just endlessly chase your tail wandering around the field, theyÕve got some hot thing over here, theyÕve got a new thing over here, and itÕs usually empirical data and empirical data can be interpreted 15 different ways. So weÕre just playing games here. But as long as you allow them to dictate which field youÕre working in youÕll never get to home base because they donÕt want to get to home base, they want to divert you from home base.  Our time up.