Lesson 47

Bible Doctrine of Sex II – Gen. 2:15-25


We’ll see if we can finish this, the doctrine of sexuality in the Bible.  We have gotten into a passage of Scripture which in order to understand why there are restrictions I want to take you back to the basis of sex and the divine institution of marriage and show you why the Bible says what it says.  We want to do this because in our day it is insufficient to tell someone you shouldn’t do this or you should do that; you should give reasons why.  That might have been a nice sweet thing to tell someone fifty years ago but it doesn’t hack it in this age.  So in order to substantiate why the Bible says what it does and the bounds that it establishes and lays down for man, we have to go back to the nature of man and understand a little bit of who and what he is and why sex was given. 


Last time we went through seven points of the doctrine of man’s nature and briefly summarized, we found that man has a soul, and he has a human spirit.  The human spirit is used to activate the physical body but it primarily has a spiritual function which is to process doctrine and it inspires us and so on, and it is a place where the Holy Spirit indwells and so forth.  Then man has a soul, he has a volition, he has conscience, he has personal affections, and he has mentality. These are various functions of the soul.   We said that man is unique in the universe because man is a union of the spirit and matter.  Angels are pure spirit beings, no body, though they have form, but they do not have a corporeal body, at least if they do have one it comes under the general classification of pneuma in the Scripture.  So they are spirit beings.  Animals on the other hand have bodies but they do not have the image of God. So man is unique in that his spirit, which is the human spirit, is united with the body an indissoluble union until the point which God terminates it, which we call physical death. 


This has important ramifications in the area of sex, why for example, man alone has sex; angels do not, never had, never will.  Man has sex but only in phase two, only in the time of his physical life.  In eternity, in phase three, no sex, no marriage; it’s all eliminated at the point of death.  Why?  Obviously because it is closely related to the soul’s position in the physical body.  Therefore beginning tonight we are going to work through four points on the doctrine of man’s sexuality.  And in order to do this we are going to go through various sections of Scripture. 


The first point under man’s sexuality is that the reason for man’s creation, this is a real short point, the other points are very long and detailed, but this point says that man was created for two reasons.  It goes back to the reason for man’s existence.  Why was man created in the first place in the universe?  We find the Bible giving us at least two reasons.  Man was created in order to serve two functions.  First function was to complete the master plan of God.  The master plan of God is that plan of God which includes all things in space time history from one end of the spectrum to the other and therefore includes all the details of life.  It includes all the details of the universe, it includes the whole plan of history and man has an integral part and in order to finish this off and complete it and bring it to its pinnacle God has placed man into the system.


The second reason gets involved with what is known as the angelic conflict.  The angelic conflict has to do with the tremendous spiritual battle that’s being waged and was waged prior to the creation of man, a struggle that exists in the spiritual realm, the struggle that is mentioned by the Apostle Paul, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers” and so on.  It is generally the failure of Christians to recognize the existence of the angelic conflict that causes them to have a self-righteous attitude, self-confident attitude that they can do it all, etc.  When in actuality we are caught in a cross-fire in a tremendous angelic conflict that extends out into the outer galaxies and exists throughout the entire solar system and universe.  The angelic conflict is described in Revelation, it’s described in other passages of Scripture.  But the Church has a tremendous role to play in this; man himself does and one of the reasons that he was brought about was to help resolve this angelic conflict.


Basically we know the angelic conflict exists because we know at a certain point in time Satan fell, Isaiah 14, Ezek. 28.  Satan fell at a point in time and God passed a sentence that said Satan, I will sentence you to the Lake of Fire, explained in Matt. 25:41 and at that point when God said to Satan I sentence you to the Lake of Fire, He set up the Lake of Fire and this is why in the New Testament it says the Lake of Fire was not created for man but it was created for the devil and his angels.  So that is the sentence that God has put on Satan.


However, it is very obvious that God has not carried out the sentence, so here you have the ironic fact, you have rebellion, negative volition on Satan’s part, God passes judgment and yet you do not have that judgment executed until the end of history.  Therefore all of man’s history falls in a parenthesis between these two points and the reason for man’s existence is to help resolve this conflict, to show Satan again and again and again that a free being, one with volition, will choose for God under test, and will do it again and again and again.  This, for example, is why you have the book of Job written and why in the first two chapters of Job the whole book starts with a conflict that exists in the heavenly places first, then it is shown in Job’s life.  This is also covered in the area of suffering. So the angelic conflict is important man is created to help resolve this. 


Therefore the first thing that starts off our four points on the doctrine of man’s sexuality is that man was created for a spiritual reason and everything including sex is oriented to this goal. Now this is going to immediately lift it out of the usual animal context that the sex educators love to paint it in.  This is the first thing you want to remember, that man, including his sex, comes about in order to help resolve these problems.


The second thing, man was given a test and the test was not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil while he was doing two things.  So the test was don’t eat of this particular tree and while he is given that command he is to have two roles.  Role number one and role number two.  Role number one was to defend the Garden and it is given in Gen. 2:15, “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden” or park, Eden was a place in the antediluvian earth, it was the headquarters of God for the planet.  And inside this region of Eden, wherever it was, there was a place that He set apart a little park.  That’s what the word “garden” means, park.  And it was in this park that this adventure took place and Adam started right there in the park.  So his first job was to defend the Garden, he was “to dress it and to keep it,” and the word “keep” means hold on to that which is your own because someone is trying to grab it from you.  That’s the context of this word “keep” or hold on.  So we have, therefore, Adam in the first role of defense; he was to defend that Garden against something, and course from Genesis 3 you find out what it was he was defending and what a lousy job he did trying to do it.  Nevertheless he had this one role, to defend the Garden. 

The second role that Adam had was to conduct an offensive operation and that is described in Gen. 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”  So the first thing that Adam was to do was to move out from this Garden and gradually bring into dominion under him the animal kingdom.  The animal kingdom was to be the subject of man’s rule for reasons we can’t go into but also related to the angels. But he was to go out in verse 26 and obtain dominion over these. 


Verse 27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”  Then in verse 28, “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth,” not replenish, it means to fill up the earth, and so here we have his second role, and the offensive role must be sustained by a population increase.  Adam and Eve can’t do it alone, they have to have a family, so you have the generation of a family and of course immediately you can begin to see one reason for sex, not the only reason but it was originally given to generate a family of conquerors that would spread over the earth and bring it under the dominion of man, under a massive prolonged testing campaign that God had designed for man. 


So here we have then a test given to Adam.  The test was don’t eat of the tree of knowledge while you’re doing these two things.  Now what happen if Adam beat the test?  Suppose Adam tested out positive; suppose in al this Adam went positive, what would have happened to Adam had he gone positive and not fallen.  We can infer from 1 Cor. 15:44, 45 and 50 and compare with other verses, Romans 8 particularly, that if Adam had gone on positive volition, had met the test successfully, then God would have done several things.  First of all, He would have given Adam a resurrection body. Adam did not have a resurrection body when he was in the Garden; he had a physical natural body that was mortal.  Remember in the Bible, just a clarification of vocabulary, the word “mortal” does not apply to the soul. The word “mortal” applies to the body and it means the body can decay if the curse activates.  The resurrection body is incorruptible, can never be tested and will never be tested.  So this is one thing God would have given Adam.


The other thing He would have given Adam was eternal life.  Adam was not born with eternal life although he had fellowship with God.  And this eternal life that God has given us, of course, is a possession that we should treasure and value; Adam did not have this.


Then we come to if Adam fell what would happen, it would have been the negative of these.  Instead of getting a resurrection body, Adam would have died; his body would be subject to decay which would cause physical death and spiritual death. And finally, the second thing he would have had, he would have had a complete disruption, which happened, of his environment. So these are the choices before Adam and we know very well which choice it wound up in.  So the second thing under the points of man’s sexuality is that man was given a test; he was not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil until God changed His mind or until he finished this test. 


The third point, sex was given to man to help him in this test.  To get this turn to Gen. 2:18; sex was given to man to help him under this test.  Now sex cannot be explained and I always have to laugh at all the religious professors that say oh, isn’t this a sweet little mythological story that somebody cranked out to explain where the birds and the bees came from.  Of course we know so much in the 20th century about everything and they didn’t have the benefit of our vast intelligence and so they made up this thing to explain it.  And of course it’s completely reverse, the reason why we have sex is because the story is true.  The story doesn’t hang on the fact that we have sex; we have sex because first the story is true, that’s why.  So this story is not myth, you can’t prove it’s myth, it never has been proven to be myth unless people want to assume certain other things which is beside the point.  But this is a real story that is to be interpreted literally.  And if you do not interpret it literally then logic requires you to deny Jesus Christ.   Why? Because 1 Cor. 15, Romans chapter 5, chapter 8, 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Cor. 15 all point to an analogy between a literal Adam and a literal Christ.  The apostles believed in a literal Adam; Jesus believed in a literal Adam.  So if you think you know more than Jesus you go ahead and make it a myth.


In the third point on sexuality, sex was given to man to help him in this test, Gen. 2:18, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone,” now this is the way it worked out.  On the sixth day of creation God comes along and He’s done everything on these previous days and He comes down to the sixth day and He makes man but He makes man individual and apparently at this point sexless.  There is not any sex on the scene, this person is a soul and he has volition but he has none of the sexual characteristics which we would attribute to him.  Therefore what do we make of Gen. 2:18, the Lord God makes man and He says but “it isn’t good that this man be alone.”  Why isn’t it good?  It goes back to the essence of the soul, here you have volition, conscience, personal affections and mentality, and since man is a person and possesses all of these characteristics you cannot have a solitary personality.  The whole point about the Bible saying man is a person means that he can’t exist by himself absolutely alone. 


No man is an island; the Bible confirms that truth.  In fact, this is why we have the doctrine of the Trinity, because God is a person and you can’t have a personal God existing for all eternity before creation out in the middle of the Milky Way somewhere all alone; it’s a violation of the doctrine of personality and so that is why we have the Trinity.  The Trinity says God was never alone because the Father had fellowship with the Son; the Son had fellowship with the Father, etc. and the Trinity is what protects the personality of God.  If you drop the Trinity ultimately logic forces you to drop the personality of God.  So personality in the Bible insists on having another personality with which to have fellowship and that’s why God says in verse 18, “It is not good that man should be alone,” it is not good that man dwell alone, even in innocence.  It is an inherent quality that has nothing to do with the fall.  This is a quality that has to do with man’s very nature as created by the hand of God.  He is created a person and he must have another person with which to have fellowship. 


So God says, “I will make a help meet for him.”  I used to read that as though it was one verb, a helpmeet.  And that’s wrong, it’s not helpmeet; it’s “help fit for him.”  Let’s look at the word “help” that we worked on a little bit last time by way of introduction.  Help, it looks like this, hazar, with a very short “z”, almost like a “ts.”  We don’t have a rough “h” in the English so the only thing we have to imitate this ayin is kind of like an “h” but actually it’s azar, and you can see where this has come about in Scripture, for example, you know of a name in the Bible called Eliezer, now let’s take that name apart and you can tell what the man’s name means.  “ezer” is the Hebrew word help, so that’s one part of his name, help, so that takes care of that part of the name, now let’s look at the first three letters, Eli, what does “El” mean?  God, “e” is the first common suffix singular for this noun, you put this on and you put it “my God” so there is Eliezer’s name, “My God is help,” or “is a help.”  And that’s what his name meant.  And this introduces us to this word hazar, which as we found out last time is generally used in the Bible of God Himself.  I cannot find another place where it’s clearly used of a man.  In some cases it’s used, the man didn’t come through and they say there’s no help available, but usually throughout the Psalms we find “God is my help and my shield,” you’ve seen that if you’ve read the Psalms at all.  “The Lord is a help and a shield,” you’ve seen that expression again and again.  The word “help” in that expression is hazar here. 


So that is what help means, the person who comes alongside someone to help out in a jam.  This is the whole concept of a help.  This is why God is called help in the book of Exodus because Israel is in a jam, she can’t get out of it and so what happens?  God comes to her side as her helper.  Now you have the same thing set up in the Bible.  You have Man with a capital “M”, this is the man as part of mankind, you have him as an individual, but he represents mankind, and alone he needs help.  Why does he need help?  Because he’s under test, he’s under pressure and to meet this test he needs help.  So this is why God in verse 18 says I am going to make an hazar for him, a help for him. 


Now the word “meet.”  The word “meet” comes from a Hebrew combination of things which actually means according to his [can’t understand words], and it’s an expression or an idiom that means corresponding to him.  What do we mean by a help that corresponds to the first man. We mean that he can’t be an angel.  For example, man has a human spirit, he has a soul and he has a body.  There is man.  Now if an angel were to help him, an angel could in one sense, an angel is a person, so the angel qualifies by being a person and in that sense an angel could help him and have a personal relationship.  But this isn’t enough, Adam, under test in a natural body has to have someone else in a natural body and this person is called a soul in the Bible, he has to have another soul or a help fit and corresponding to his soul [can’t understand word].  So therefore the Bible says that God is going to make woman from the man to be a help and she will be a help because of two things.  She will be a help because number one she’s a person, bearing the image of God, and the animals of course were not, they did not bear the image of God. 


Then the second thing, the reason why woman is a help is because not only is she a person but she is a soul and a soul we defined last time and this is why these definitions are important to pick this up.  We’re going to tie it all together.  Soul, we said, was the person that is brought about by the union of a human spirit and in a human body.  Soul is the result of a union between the human spirit and the human body.  So therefore the woman too is not a pure spirit being, she is spirit in flesh too, so therefore, and this leads to the area of sex, she is going to help man out, and she is going to help him out under a time of testing and the time that she helps man is only during the test because the test begins in the Garden of Eden and is terminated at the resurrection.  So you go from the Garden to the resurrection and it is only this era of eternity that has sex. Sex has only to do with a natural body, not the resurrection body.  


So we identify two things in the Bible, man is going to be under a test for this whole time and you have sex for the whole time.  You might say sex is a test and that seems to be the way it’s working out.  But that wasn’t the way it originally was.   Sex was put there to help in time of testing.  Now let’s see what we find.  In verses 19-20, “And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”  The important thing to remember about this process of naming, and this is not every animal that He made, like some religious professors would have you believe that want to find contradictions in the Bible when they’re not there.  This means some of the animals, the domestic animals, as anyone who knows the Hebrew understands.  Verse 19 are domestic animals and these are the ones that happen to be floating around the park, and the Lord Jesus Christ in incarnate form brought these animals before Adam and said Adam, how do you like this.  So here’s Adam and a little worm comes up, and then some dog comes up, and so the dog wags his tail and he says what do you call that?  And Adam would call this “dog” and then something else would come up and he’d name these things, one after the other, the name indicating Adam’s insight into the nature of that animal. 


So here we have the first man unhindered, remember his brain cells aren’t subject to deterioration and he is a brilliant man, he is a genius, and he his able at first glance, empirically to understand the nature phenomena, and he looks at these animals and he can judge them, and this is why verse19 ends with the phrase “whatever he called it, that was it.”  And that’s the way it reads, “whatever he called it, that was it.”  In other words, Adam had perfect empirical perception, and whatever he saw he could analyze and categorize and name.  And of course we have the idea of empiricism which persists down to our day but it’s distorted by problems of the fall, etc.  So Adam had almost perfect empirical perception here on these animals. That’s going to play a role later on which we see in this text.


Verse 20 concludes with a note, among these “there was not found an help meet for him,” because every animal failed man in two categories.  It failed man by not being a person bearing the image of God. Animals are not people; those of you who want your dog and cat to go to heaven, you have my apologies, I cannot find it in the Scripture.  Animals disqualify on the basis that they are not a person.  The animals also disqualify on the basis that in one technical sense, although he is a soul he is a spirit united with matter, he is not of the same sort as man.  So among these, then, Adam could not find anything that corresponded to himself. 


Now verse 21-22, the first surgery of history performed under anesthesia.  “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.”  There’s no reason to allegorize this passage; there’s no reason why God could not take actual flesh, and this is obviously important too, He is taking part of Adam’s body and re-molding it into a woman.  In verse 22, “And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from the man, made He a woman,” or built as we said last time, an engineering term, for a woman.  Woman was built for the man.  And this is part of God’s divine design, so there’s nothing to be ashamed of, that’s the way the ladies were made; God made them for a purpose.  So in verse 22 it tells you the purpose.


Now verse 23 you have Adam and he looks out and he sees this; of course this is the first time, and the first of many, many times I might say for you who are single, that the Lord Jesus Christ was personally interested in dating because it was He who introduced Adam to his wife.  And Christians today have the marvelous opportunity of claiming promises because God still is in the matching business.  And if you trust Him He will lead you to your partner and you can relax and you don’t have to take the unbeliever’s frantic stand, oh, I’m 26 and not married yet and what am I going to do, and all the rest of it.  You just relax and trust the promises of God and God will lead you to your partner, if you don’t do certain things which we’ll mention next time.  So here you have the Lord taking the woman from the man and verse He brought her to the man. 


Notice too that in this passage you have the Old Testament doctrine that protects the woman, that has to do with the Deut. 22 passage, and that is that the woman in the Word of God has been elevated out of her pagan position that she was in at this time the Scripture was written.  Woman was considered a little bit better than a horse, and you could buy and sell and trade them off, etc.  And this was her status in the ancient world, not a very nice status, and it was the Word of God that gave woman her position in the world.  And so it is grounded actually on her nature and she is said to be here that which completes the man. 


Verse 23, Adam looking out, you can just see him here, he’s been watching the dogs and the cats and the horses and the birds and the bees float by and then all of a sudden the Lord brings this other creature up.  And of course for a moment he ogles, and then he says in verse 23, and this is written in a song form in the Hebrew, so this is the first song.  The first song in history was a love song.  “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of the Man.”  And here we have another identification. Notice God builds a woman from the body of a man and when Adam identifies her he does so on the basis of body.  This woman not only is a person but she has a physical body and a physical body is what makes her a living soul and it’s that that Adam responds to.  He responds to a soul which is spirit, human spirit plus body.  And that is what Adam responds to empirically.  He is looking and he sees this and he sees this person and he sees that he corresponds at last, of the same type.


Now verse 24, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,” now verse 24 is a common verse put in by Moses after, of course, this event happened, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.”  This is the sexual relationship and I will develop this in a few minutes as we go into other passages of Scripture.  Here is the center of sexuality. 


Verse 25, “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”  So in this passage we have under our third point of sexuality we have the fact that sex was given in some way, and we’re going to define what way in a moment, but sex was given to help man under a testing situation. 


Turn to the New Testament to a corresponding passage, 1 Cor. 11.  This passage in 1 Cor. 11 backs up Genesis 2 and shows once again why you can’t drop out Genesis 2 as mythology without destroying the whole New Testament.  It all hangs together. If you flush one, be honest, flush the whole thing, but don’t try to take your cake and eat it too, you just can’t do it.  1 Cor. 11:7-9.  We won’t go into the long and short hair and whether women should wear hats or not; that’s not the objective tonight, we have too much Scripture to cover.  Verse 7, “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of the man.”  Now there are two things to notice in this verse.  The first thing you want to notice, and you can’t really notice is the verbs in the original language are different.  First in verse 7 it says the man “is” and the word “is” comes from a Greek word, ‘uparcho, huparcho and huparcho is the Greek verb for continuous existence.  In other words, this verb is laying stress one existence.  So man exists in the form as the glory and the image of God.  Now when it speaks of the woman it shifts the verb, “but the woman is” and this word is another Greek word, “is” and it’s eimi, and eimi means state or condition.  And this is important to see this, otherwise you’re going to kind of drop woman out of the whole thing if you don’t.  You have the first verb that has to do with existence, huparcho.  Your second verb is eimi and has to do with her state.  Why is this put in here?  Because the second thing of this verse is an analogy that Paul is setting up.  The analogy is set up between God and man, not God and the male, God and the man, Adam.  And the second half of your analogy is the male and the female. 


Now we’ll see what is analogous and what isn’t analogous and the verb form saves us from making a wrong conclusion.  This is not to say that the male becomes a god to the female.  The reason for it is in verse 7 where it says man is the image, or exists in the image and glory of God, that word “man” there includes both male and female, just as in Genesis what does it say?  “He made them male and female” in the image of God.  So both male and female are in the image of and the glory of God.  Both share that.  But then Paul wants to point out what is unique to the woman besides this… besides this.  She has these things; he’s not denying that woman is not made in the image of God, that’s not the point of the contrast in verse 7.  But when he repeats Himself, notice, on the left side of the analogy the man is the image and the glory of God; now what does he do? What does the next phrase say?  “And the woman is the glory of the man.” Do you see something missing?  There is no word for “image” there, only glory, and the verb is shifted.  So now he’s moving over and making his analogy and the analogy now is woman’s condition, she is to the man as the man is to God in the sense of glory, not image.  You see image has to do with our attributes of personality, etc. volition, conscience and so on. And that’s not what Paul wants to draw the conclusion to.  He wants to emphasize glory; he wants to say that as Adam is the glory of God so the female is the glory of the male. 


Now he explains what he means by this in the next verse.  He gives you two reasons for making this statement.  Verse 8, “For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man.” So that tells you immediately what he’s got in mind when he uses this word “glory.”  “Glory” means that which flows out of; glory, for example is a light shining in darkness, it is the projection outward.  So therefore the first idea he has in his mind is that the female came from the male.  You say well great, I knew that from Gen. 2.  Well the reason that he’s saying this is that the woman has a form, for example, that is never seen in angelic regions.  You see, an angel always appears in the Bible as a male; Jesus Christ appears as a man, God in the visions of the apocalypse appears as a male and you will never, never, never find any angel or God Himself ever appearing in the form of a female.  And the reason is this, that man as a male form represents the basic concept of Adam, man himself, mankind.  The female is a special sub form that exists to complete him. 


So this is why in Scripture God never appears as a woman.  This is important because every in other ancient religion in the world you have goddesses but you never can find one in the Bible, they are all male, every one of them, all the angels, always appear as males.  And the reason is evidently tied to this, that the woman proceeds out from the male, she is a dependent, or you might say a modified version of the man.  The man is the original version and she is a modified version; she is the glory of the man.


Verse 9 explains another reason, “Neither was the man created on account of the woman, but the woman was created on account of the man.”  And the word “on account of” is an expression of purpose.  So in verse 8 you have one reason that Paul gives, in verse 8 the reason is the mode of creation, that says that woman is the glory of man and in verse 9 the purpose of creation shows that woman is the glory of the man.  How?  Because in verse 9 it says the man was not created to fulfill a prior existing purpose that existed before he came on the scene.  The woman, however, was. Before Eve existed man had a purpose, so when Eve comes on to the scene the purpose is already there.  She is brought in to help the purpose, but the purpose… it’s not like God put first the man, then the woman and then He gave him a test.  The order was not that; the order was not man, woman, test.  That was not the sequence in Scripture.  The sequence in Scripture was man, test, then the woman and the woman was on account of the test given to man and it’s not reversed.    There’s a definite procedure.  It’s like the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Now again, the analogy of the Trinity helps us here because certain people will draw the wrong conclusion and say therefore woman is inferior, and that is not what is meant. What is meant is the same kind of procedure that you get in the Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit.  Is the Holy Spirit less than the Father?  Absolutely not, He has the same attributes of the Father.  Is the Son less than the Father? Absolutely not, He has the same attributes of the Father.  But there is a logical progression that has been recognized on down through history, that you can think of one but you have to think in this order.  First God the Father planned, the Son executes and the Holy Spirit reveals and applies the results of the work.  There is a logical sequence, a logical conception that ties this together.  So the same thing is with man, woman and the test.  It is not man, woman and test; it is man, the test and the woman.  In other words, for the ancient mind if they would read this passage they would say woman came about because of blank, and you would fill in the blank, she came about to help man in his test. 


So woman has a fantastic role that is given to her in the Word of God but it is exactly that role that tells her where her position is, not only in the local church as in 1 Cor. 11 but in the sex relationship which we will see in just a moment.  Now that’s the third point of our doctrine of sexuality and we want to have enough time to finish the last one which gets into the details.  The third point again: sex was given to man to help him in a test.  This is why there is not sex in heaven, that is why there are no marriages in heaven.  So those of you who have a happy marriage, fine, just enjoy it. Those of you who don’t, don’t sweat it, it’s all over soon.  There is no marriage, no sex in heaven.


Now we come to the fourth point and the fourth point is sexuality is designed, now here we have to get into a long dissertation, sexuality is designed to provide man with a soulish experience parallel to his spiritual experience with God.  In other words you have two parallel experiences.  You are going to have a spiritual relationship that man has to take in history.  He has a spiritual relationship between himself and God.  Here’s God, here’s man.  And then in order to help man God is going to so design sex to give man a soulish experience that will correspond as closely as possible to this God/man experience.  The reason for doing this is to reinforce the terms of the spiritual experience upon his consciousness.  Man is going to be required, both in his male and female forms, to do certain things connected with sexuality that outline and give to him the purpose for which he exists on the left side of the analogy.  In other words, sex has been deliberately designed with a teaching view in mind, as is basically all of history.  History is designed to teach, to constantly present facts to man. Sex is designed to teach certain things. 


Now we are going to examine in detail the relationship that exists between sex as a soulish experience and the God/man relationship, the personal relationship a man has with God.  To see this to begin with turn to Eph. 5:22.  This it he passage which continues right after the filling of the Holy Spirit.  And it’s interesting that one of the manifestations immediately in the filling of the Holy Spirit is in the marriage relationship. Do you know why? Because of all of the details of life it is the marriage situation and the marriage experience that is the most profound experience man ever has, apart from his relationship with God.  You can take all your business relationships, all your relationships as a person examining things in the universe, etc. and yet the Word of God says there’s no more complex difficult relationship than the sexual experience between a man and a woman [blank spot].


This is fraught with details and yet it has been designed for a teaching purpose.  Man is built up and edified.  As Martin Luther was fond of saying, if the Pope had been married he’d never have thought of papal infallibility.   But the point was well taken, and that is that all men are matured in their relationships by going through this, you might say the college of hard knocks.  So we have the soulish relationship paralleling the spiritual relationship beginning in verse 22.


“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.”  The word “submit” here means take your place under in an administrative framework.  This does not mean the female takes the position of inferiority.  It goes back to an organizational position such as the Father takes to the Son, such as the Son takes to the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit would never complain, oh, I feel left out, I’m the third member.  Obviously the Holy Spirit doesn’t turn around to the Son and say I don’t like the role you’ve given me frankly, Lord, and you have a fight in the Trinity.  That’s not what’s going on, there’s a [can’t understand word] organization logically working and this is what hupostasso means, “Wives, get in your position unto your own husbands as unto the Lord.” 


Verse 23, “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church; and He is the savior of the body,” speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church.  Now here you begin to develop another analogy.  We’re going to have to tie all these analogies together because they’re different.  I got off when I first studied this because I thought they were all the same and then I discovered they aren’t the same.  So let’s watch, an analogy that Paul is bringing in is between Christ and the Church as between a man and his wife.  Keep that analogy in mind because it’s going to switch down inside here. 


Verse 24, “Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.”  In other words, as the Church is given to the Lord to perform the purpose for which the Lord Jesus Christ was sent, it gets back to the angelic conflict.  During the age of the Church between the time of the cross and the resurrection and the time of the Second Advent the Lord Jesus is doing something.  Some persons have the idea He’s sitting up in heaven at the Father’s right hand twiddling His thumbs while we do all the work.  Actually that’s not at all true.  The Lord Jesus Christ is the One who is the commanding officer who is in charge of the tremendous angelic conflict that’s going on today. It is He, for example, that is moving believers into position to fight the angelic hordes, an unseen battle that’s going on all the time, and the Lord is using the Church to fulfill the purpose for which He came for.  What did the Lord come for?  He came to eliminate death, to solve the sin problem, and basically He is accomplishing this in the angelic realm through the Church. 


So here again you have the analogy, just as the man was given a job to do, the woman came to help him with his job, so the Church came about to help Christ with His job.  Now you’ve got an analogy that works out.  Sunday mornings we are going to get on the social gospel, what’s wrong with the social gospel?  The social gospel doesn’t recognize this relationship.  The Lord Jesus Christ had a purpose. Again you go back to this, Christ, purpose, Church.  The Church came to fulfill a purpose that preexisted the Church.  In other words when a church gets on the scene it isn’t a democracy, hey Lord, what do you think we ought to do in the 20th century?  Oh, we ought to march on Washington DC, great.  In other words what you would have then would be Christ, Church and then purpose; in other words Christ and the Church get together to decide on the purpose. That’s not the order.  Christ has already determined the purpose and the Church is there to fulfill it.  So you have the same thing with the man and the woman.  The man has been given a destiny in history and a purpose to perform and the woman is brought in after the purpose has been established to fulfill that previously established purpose.  So it’s not the case of the man and the woman get together and decide well, I wonder what we can do today.  In other words, that’s not the concept of Scripture. The Scripture says the purpose is already pre-established.  Woman comes on the scene to fulfill it, the job is already there, she has no say about it, as the Church has no say about it.  We don’t say Lord, I think our job is to bring in the Kingdom, and He says great, what do you think the Millennium is all about.  So the purpose is already pre-established.


Now let’s continue the analogy.  Verse 25, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it.”  In other words, the analogy continues; in order for the Church to fulfill Christ’s purpose the Church must be loved and activated by Christ’s love.  In other words that Church to function depends on Christ loving her every moment.  So therefore similarly, in order for the wife to fulfill the purpose she depends fulfillment on her purpose to be loved by the man continuously, and that’s how she fulfills her purpose, as we will see in a moment, she fulfills it when the man loves her.  So the Church fulfills its purpose when Christ loves it, barring problems of volition and so on. 


Verse 26, “In order that He might sanctify and cleanse it” and so on.  Verse 27, “That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot…” and so on.  Verse 28, “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies.”  Notice for the third time, when the sex relationship is not to do with the human spirit, it has to do with the body, the Bible recognizes this and you see it again and again crop out in these discussions.  “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies.  He that loves his wife loves himself.”  Now begging in verse 28 you begin to enter into a union problem and here’s where this analogy shifts and you have to pick it up or you lose the point. The analogy is not going to be any longer between Jesus Christ and His Church.  The analogy is going to shift and the analogy is now going to be between the union that exists between Christ and the Church, called in the Bible by the technical term “the Christ.”  When Christ has the article preceding His name in some times in Paul’s epistles this does not refer to Jesus Christ.  When he uses the term “the Christ” he is referring to Jesus Christ plus the body as one group.  So inside the circle you have Jesus and inside the circle you have all members of the Church and that whole unit is called “the Christ.” 

So now the analogy is going to shift not from this relationship, the administrative relationship but is going to move now to the unity that exists, the organic unity that exists between Christ and the Church.  In verse 28 he anticipates this because he says, men when you love your wives you love your own bodies.  Now that cannot be true unless there is some union that’s going on over here between the man and his wife.  So this then begins to develop the concept of the union in marriage.


Verse 29, “For no man ever yet hated his own flesh,” do you see that, that verse would be utterly stupid if man wasn’t united bodily with his wife.  See the absolute stupidity to talk the way Paul does in verse 28 and 29 if there wasn’t a bodily unity, so that when this man takes care of his wife he is loving his own body.  Let’s go further, “but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church.”  Verse 30, “For we are members of His body,” period, “of his flesh and of his bones” is not in the original text so you can forget it.  We are members of His body.  Verse 31, “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother,” now verse 30 gives you the reason; verse 30 gives you this unity here, “the Christ” unity, it gives you the unity of positional truth in Christ.  Christ is there, we’ll draw Him with a circle around Him, and every x you see inside that circle is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and together they make one body called “the Christ.”  And that is the purpose of verse 30, “we are members of His body.


Now verse 31 moves to the right side of the analogy and now he’s going to shift and come over here, “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.”  And here you have quoted that famous verse of Gen. 2:24 and this is why you begin to have the basis of sexuality developed, for sexuality basically is a physical union outlined in verse 31 which parallels the spiritual union of “the Christ.”  This is why you have sex in the human race.  You are producing a unity which we’ll examine in more detail in the next passage.  This unity that is anticipated in Gen. 2:24 is a physical unity between a man and his wife and it parallels the spiritual unity between Christ and the Church.


Now verse 32, “This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the Church. [33] Nevertheless” and this sounds like he’s knocking the whole illustration and that’s not quite that force in the original language, “this is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” Here’s His unity. Verse 33, “Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife, see that she reverence her husband,” and with this he moves back to this other analogy.  Here you have the administrative analogy, Christ loves the Church; here you have the administrative analogy, not the union, the adimistrative analogy.  So Christ loves the Church, man loves his wife; wife responds to man, Church responds to Christ.  And you have the cycle of initiation response set up.  This is the administration; this is the administration analogy but over here he’s talking about the unity analogy.


Now watch the conclusion you draw.  On what basis do you have this analogy?  You have this analogy, the administrative analogy because of the second one, the unity.  In other words it’s like this.  You have first bodily union as producing this administrative analogy.  The administrative analogy of course is the love that exists from the man to the woman and you have the spiritual union which sets up the administrative analogy between Christ and His church. So out of the union in both cases, the union is the basis for the action in other words.  Like we always say, positional truth is the basis for experiential behavior patterns.  And so here we have then you have the bodily union between the man and his wife, the basis for the administrative relationship.  And so here you have the spiritual unity between Christ and the Church the basis of why He loves the Church and why the Church responds to Him


Now come to our final passage, 1 Cor. 6.  The purpose of going to 1 Cor. 6 is to show you the nature of sex and its physical union and the profound implications to set up the stage for next week when we deal with the perversions of this union that exists in our society today.  1 Cor. 6:9-7:7 is probably one of the most foremost clearest expositions of exactly what the sex relationship is in all of literature.  It will give you… here you have packed in this section of Scripture plus the other passages compared, more on sex and more deep material on sex than you’ll ever get reading any book anywhere.


1 Cor. 6:13, now remember, this is the church of the swingers and the Corinthians were known in the ancient world for their loose living, they had no problem with legalism.  And these people went the other route, they went the licentious route, so therefore Paul has to calm them down a bit, and obviously one of the troubles that the Corinthians had was they had the perverse sexual relationships within the congregation, fornication and so on, they even out-sexed the unbelievers. Paul says good night, you’re supposed to be witnesses for Christ and yet you’ve done things here that the Gentiles don’t even do.  So now he has to pull their horns in and this is how he does it and I want you to see how Paul meets promiscuity in Scripture.  He doesn’t say oh, you shouldn’t do that and wave a little Kleenex in front of them.  That’s not the way to stop it; the way to stop it is to show people what they’re doing.  And that’s the way Paul is going to deal with the problem. He’s not going to tell them don’t, don’t, don’t, he is going to give them an explanation of what they are really doing when they’re engaging in promiscuity.


Beginning in 1 Cor. 6:13 “Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats; but God shall destroy both it and them.  Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.”  Now to catch this you have to understand, it should be in quotes, “Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats,” that is a proverb, that’s not part of a text, that’s a proverb that Paul is dealing with. So in 6:13 you have him start off with a proverb. The proverb was quoted by the Corinthians to Paul.  They say look, the proverb is we’ve got a stomach and we’ve got food, and they go nicely together.  Now you begin to see the application of the proverb.  In other words what he’s saying is that the stomach has hunger pains, it has a drive, it has a hunger drive and we’re going to satisfy it, that’s what the food is for.  So the obvious implication is that God has given you a sex drive and so why not fill it any way you please.  And that’s what his point is in verse 13, “Meats for the belly; the belly for the meats,” but… and now Paul is going to take proverb and turn it right around.  He says you Corinthians, you quote this proverb and when you quote the proverb you are saying to me that God has given you a sex drive and so therefore this mean you can go ahead and do anything you want to just to fulfill it, like I’m hungry so I come in and take a bite to eat.  So I’m a playboy and I go out and get a few pickups and stuff, it’s the same kind of analogy.


Now let’s see what he does, “But” he says, “God shall destroy both it and them.”  Now he’s going to make a contrast, he’s going to turn this proverb right back on the Corinthians.  They come out with this proverb saying this and Paul says now just a minute, there is going to be a fantastic difference between bodily desires such as food and drink and the sex drive.  Now some of you always included this and this is where the Bible says unh-unh, there’s an absolute difference that exists between the sex drive given to man and his normal bodily desires.  That’s the whole point of this and this is why promiscuity is tremendously injurious.  “Meets for the belly, and the belly for meats; but God shall destroy both it and them.” “It” refers back to the stomach; “them” refers to the food.  And so what Paul says is look, just look at this stupid thing.  Here you have a stomach and you have food.  The food goes in the stomach but the stomach isn’t going to be in the resurrection body, God is going to destroy it. When you die physically where’s all the food?  In the resurrection body you don’t need food.  In other words this desire that goes on here for the food drive and so on, God is just going to destroy it; it’s going to have absolutely nothing. So therefore, he says, it’s an entirely qualitative difference because in the next phrase.  “Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.” 


Now do you see what he’s done?   He is saying look, you Corinthians, you’ve said the stomach is for the food (colon): food for the stomach.  Now he turns around and says oh, body is for the Lord, it’s not for fornication, and the Lord for the body.  So now he’s drawn a parallel and made another proverb and his proverb expresses the divine viewpoint, the Corinthians proverb expresses human viewpoint.  The stomach for food, food for the stomach, the whole thing is going to be destroyed, it’s irrelevant, it’s short term.  But, God wants to use your body and that is not short term.  Although the sex drive will be terminated in the resurrection body, the result of what you have done will not be terminated in the resurrection body and he goes on to illustrate.


Verse 14, “And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by His own power.”  The point that he’s making is look, God, when He designs the resurrection body it completely destroys things like food and stomach and everything else, that’s all irrelevant.  But the body, these desires are going to go but the body itself is not going to go; the body itself is going to be raised again and your resurrection body is continuous with your natural body.  And by “continuous” I don’t mean it’s made of the same material.  Obviously it’s not. We have the resurrection body and we said the resurrection body is made up of flesh, bones, minus blood, minus death.  So you have two additions, flesh and bones, same as we have, but minus blood.  Why no blood? Because blood is the feature of the bodily system that causes the interaction dependence with the physical environment.  O2, CO2, waste and food.  Now all these things are going to be eliminated, but the body itself as a unit is not going to be eliminated. 


You say what does this have to do with sex?  Because Paul, anticipating what he’s going to say for a moment so you catch the thought, Paul is going to say that when you go back and look at these physical desires down here, like food, thirst, etc. those are just desires of the body, pieces of the body, but sex involves the whole body as one complete unit and so it’s not just satisfying here… Here’s your body and you’ve got one little desire there, but sex involves the whole body.  And so therefore what you’re going to do is you’re bringing into condemnation the body which is the instrument God wants to use and if He considers it so important He’s going to raise it again; He does not consider important these things like food, drink and all the rest of the stuff. That’s going to be done with, and that is not brought over into the resurrection body because it’s just part of the natural body.  But He is going to bring the whole body as its identity over.


Verse 15, “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I, then, take the members of Christ, and make the members of Christ the members of a whore?  God forbid.”  Now here you begin to picture what this unity is all about.  Let’s look at it for a moment.  Here you have one unity; now he’s developing in detail what I tried to show you from Ephesians 5; he is going to develop the unity of “the Christ,” which results in Christ’s love for the Church.  Let’s look at “the Christ” for a moment.  Here is your human spirit; here’s your soul.  Your soul has volition, conscience, personal affections and mentality and it also has bodily affections; sex is built into the soul and is part of the soul, at this moment anyway.  And the human spirit is that part of you that receives the Holy Spirit.  So when you are born again and you receive the Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit indwells the human spirit, like the Shekinah glory indwelt the early temple in the Old Testament.  Now what do you have?  Now you have a union but the union is a spiritual union; it is a union that involves the Holy Spirit plus the human spirit. These two things are involved.  Notice both are spirit, and somehow, unknown to us, the Holy Spirit has a spiritual union with a human spirit.  And it is characterized as a spiritual union.  That sets up this “the Christ.”


Now he says let’s go and consider in verse 15 your bodies are the members of Christ.  Why is the body a member of Christ?  Because if the Holy Spirit indwells the human spirit, and the human spirit is in union with the physical body, therefore my physical body becomes a member of Christ too.  Christ is united to me spiritually, therefore He is united to my body since my spirit is in union with my body.  Now he says, and this is one of the most important verses to understand the whole thing, in verse 15.  “Shall I, then, take the members of Christ,” now definition, what are the members of Christ?  You got it in the previous sentence.  The members of Christ are the body, so let’s keep this in mind as we go through this last crucial section.  He’s talking about your body as an entire entity and he says, “Shall I lift up,” the word “take” means to carry off, it comes down in certain cases in John 1:29, “Behold the Lamb of God that carries off the sins of the world,” and so what he’s saying is are you, in promiscuity, going to take the body, carry it off, and do what with it?  Verse 15, “make it the members of a whore.” 


Now in this you have the mechanics of sex and here you see why sexual promiscuity is so serious in the Word of God, because this is what evidently is happening. You have the soul, you have the human spirit, you have the soul with volition, conscience, personal affections and mentality, there’s the soul, there’s the human spirit, and you have this body through which they express themselves.  Now he is saying the human spirit is in union with this, obviously, and so therefore my body is a member of Christ, but then he says I’m going to take up this body and move it over and make it one member with a prostitute.  Now how can this be unless the following is true: sex in the Bible is depicted?  Here’s the soul, here’s the man, here’s a female, here’s the soul, volition, conscience, personal affections and mentality; body, body, body union.  All right, there you’ve got the union and it’s that union… what did the Bible tell us way back in Gen. 2:24 is true?  It said there is no longer two bodies, there is one body and that one body means something in Scripture.  It means that the souls of the two people involved actually are expressing themselves through both the bodies as though both the bodies were one.  It’s like you have two souls connected with one body at that point.


So therefore he says in verse 15, what you are doing in promiscuity is taking the body and offering it to the use of an unbelieving soul over here.  In other words you’re taking the body, and that body at the point of the sex act becomes an instrument for the other person’s soul.  Now this is the only way you can get through this Scripture and make any sense out of Paul’s argument.  What is this saying?  It is saying that the way God has designed sex for man is not the way He has designed it for animals.  For animals sex is a purely mechanical biological thing, but when it’s man, something else happens.  In addition to the biological there’s an override and the override that occurs is the exchange of the soul.  The soul, at the point of the sex act, evidently from one person expresses itself through the body of the other, and there is a union of souls through the one flesh. 


So you have one body, two souls at this point.  And that’s what he’s saying here in verse 15.  When it’s promiscuity you have taken the members of Christ, made them members of the prostitute.  Now how can you do that?  The only way this can be possible is that your body has become one with a prostitute so that her soul can now express itself through your body.  And that’s what he’s pointing out, that the soul expresses itself through a body and therefore what you’ve done, you’ve made them members of the prostitute.  Why?  Because look, back here he said… what was the basis for him saying that your body is a member of “the Christ?”  All right, it was because the Holy Spirit indwelt your human spirit.  Jesus Christ indwells you.  This means Jesus Christ is in union with your body, because obviously your human spirit is in union with the flesh.  If Jesus Christ is in union with your body that makes your body a member of Him. 


Now keep the analogy going and what do you come out with when you read verse 15?  You come to verse 15 you say the same thing has happened over here, when you got into promiscuity what you’ve done is taken the body and you’ve submitted it to the soul of the other person and that’s what has happened, and this is why the Bible says don’t think for a moment that sexuality within the human race is like sexuality in the animal race.  It’s not.  It’s designed differently, it’s for different function, although there are obvious parallels, there is a tremendous override factor that occurs here.


Verse 16, he develops it further.   “What? Know ye not that he who is joined to an harlot is one body? For two, saith He, shall be one flesh.”  Obviously again referring to Gen. 2:24.  So what do you have? Again Paul goes back to this phrase and to him what you have is at the point of sex you have soul number, soul number two, you have one body made; soul number two expresses itself to it; soul number one expresses itself to it.  Therefore, sex within the human race is not just biological, it has fantastic spiritual repercussions. 


Now let’s go on, verse 17, “But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.”  In other words, the analogy keeps up, he goes right back to this diagram, he says look, the Lord Jesus Christ indwells you, the Holy Spirit indwells your human soul, that makes your body a member of Jesus Christ.  That is a spiritual unity, resulting of course in a physical union.  And now you have this soulish phenomenon and the soulish phenomenon of sex is that when you have two souls expressing themselves through one body, that’s verse 16 and then verse 17 just draws the other side of the analogy again. 


Verse 18, now this is an important one because here he isolates sex sin as particular, not that it’s any bad as far as sin itself is concerned but as to the danger of what is happening when this goes on.  Verse 18, “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man does is outside the body; but he that commits fornication sins against his own body.”  In other words, there’s a separate category involved here so that at this particular point all the sins… let’s look at a profile situation here.  Okay, here I’m going along and here’s my soul, here’s my body, and I experience some mental attitude lust, or I have some jealousy or gossip or something else, so I have a mental attitude sin.  This leads to some overt activity, but so far what have I involved?  It’s my soul… it’s my soul that’s controlling the body, I haven’t yielded my body to someone else’s soul, so at this point the sin is still in a sense outside the body, outside the body means that it’s irrelevant to the body, not that it’s irrelevant to God but it’s no matter to the body, it’s expressed through the body and so on, you haven’t broke that hierarchy of the soul expressing itself through the body.  But, he says, when you have fornication in verse 18 you sin against your own body.  And he says, obviously, because at this point your body becomes a vehicle for the other person’s soul. 


Now let’s continue on and we’ll see this again, this time within the marriage relationship.  1 Cor. 7:1, “Now concerning the things about which ye wrote unto me, it is good for a man not to touch a woman.”  And “touch” means to have sex with her, and he’s saying it’s not necessarily wrong to be celibate.  He’s saying it’s not necessary for you to marry some woman, you can go through life single, sex is a detail of life.  It’s true sex is designed for health but it doesn’t mean everybody has to get married, under subject to condition in verse 7 which we’ll get into in a moment.


Verse 2, “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” The word “have” is present tense, and it means continually have, and here it’s a continual relationship, the sexual relationship depicted as the center of marriage.  “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication,” and this warns us of something about our day that the fundamentalists had better get through their head or fundamentalism has had it.  The way to combat a licentious society is exactly the same way Paul did it in Corinth and that is that you have established a Christian basis of sex, you don’t pile it under the rug and hide it and don’t talk about it; you talk about it all right but you do it in a Biblical terminology.  And one of the greatest advances that the Christian church can make against a sex polluted society is to have a healthy mature Biblical attitude toward sex.  And in the home and in the marriage relationship have a healthy sex life.  Now that may sound kind of funny, and of course some of you are smirking about it, but that’s the way Paul taught it in Corinth.  Instead of panicking and saying oh, dear, I don’t know what’s happening in Corinth here, this is a swinging town and we’re just about to get swung out into the Aegean Sea, he didn’t do that.  What did he do?  He said I want you to establish sex, take sex, don’t deny it, but use it the way God intended it and use it to the full.  That’s what he means here in verse 2. 


Verse 3, “Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likewise also, the wife unto the husband.”  The word “due benevolence” is what owed in the ancient world as a legal debt.  Now do you catch some connotation, because when we get back to Deut. 22 we’re going to talk about sex rights, and in verse 3 what does it say?  “Due benevolence,” it means that in the realm of sex and divine institution number two the union that is made is a legal one in God’s sight.  And it means that each partner has a debt to the other. 


Let’s look at it again, verse 4 explains more of it.  “The wife does not have the legal authority [power] of her own body, but the husband; and likewise the husband has not the legal authority [power] of his own body, but the wife.”  Now this word “power” isn’t power at all; it sounds like you just can’t exist or something.  This is not that at all. The word “power” here means authority, and it goes back to this unity that I’ve been telling you about.  It goes back to the fact that here is the man and here’s the wife, and the wife does not have authority over her body because she’s exchanged it, and the man over his because he’s exchanged it.  That’s the nature of sexuality in the Bible.  And that is the center… you see, it’s completely different from the Victoriana prudish concept and yet it’s not the licentious slutty in which sex is handled in our society.  This gives you orientation, it gives you direction, it defines purpose and actually this provides, the Biblical doctrine of sex will provide you with the best possible sex life that you could possibly have.  The Bible itself, if followed to its logical conclusion, who designed sex?  So therefore the guy who designed it ought to be able to tell you how to use it.  And that’s what the Bible is saying, use it and use it to the full.


Verse 5, again here you have this legal concept, “Defraud ye not one the other,” and the Greek verb here for “defraud” is apostereo and apostereo was when you had a treasurer and he was in charge of a bunch of money and he absconded with the funds.  What does it mean?  It means steal, and so here he says abstinence is likened to stealing.  Do you see how strong the Bible is at this point?  All right, where does the Bible place the boundaries?  It places the boundaries at marriage and it says when you cross that marriage, sex is inside the circle of marriage but inside that circle it is to be used and has a tremendous and vital function.  “Defraud ye not one the other, unless by consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer;” the word “fasting” is not in the original text, it means give to yourselves to prayer, “and come together again, lest Satan tempt you for your incontinency.” 


Verse 6, “I speak this by permission, and not by commandment. [7] For I would that all men were even as I myself.  But every man has his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.” And in verse 7 is the doctrine of celibacy.  In verse 7 what Paul says is that God in history takes up the sex flag in certain people, so that although the people have a sex drive God is able to neutralize it.  This is what Jesus said when he said some have been made eunuchs for the kingdom of God’s sake.  It means there is a spiritual gift given of celibacy and celibacy has been given to certain believers in order to perform a ministry to the Lord.  Paul had the gift of celibacy, he said legally couldn’t I marry a sister, he says lead her about like a cow, that’s the verb.  And couldn’t I lead her all around the Mediterranean, but I’m not going to marry a Christian woman because my ministry doesn’t call for it; I’ve got a purpose. Again, going back to the concept of man, purpose, and then you have the woman fulfilling the purpose.  If the purpose was such that the woman can’t fulfill it, then no woman.  And that was Paul’s ministry. 


Paul had a ministry around the Mediterranean, he was exposed to danger, he was exposed to death, he was exposed to murder, robbery and so on, and he didn’t want to carry a woman with him to be exposed to that kind of life.  So Paul’s life had a purpose and that purpose could not be fulfilled by a woman and therefore God took up the slack because He is the One who designed sex, He provides for it, and so He gave Paul the gift of celibacy and Paul simply says it’s a great life, you can go around, no complications, and he had a perfectly relaxed ministry in this area and didn’t sweat it because he didn’t have a wife and all the other preachers had wives.  And all the rest of it, he just relaxed about it because God had given him the gift of celibacy and He moved on.  God had given him a purpose, no problem. 


All right, then what do we have.  Woman is a hazar, how is she a hazar?  Three things, summary of this fourth point that man has been given… sexuality gives man a soulish parallel to his spiritual relationship. 

First, woman helps the man through the sexual union, through the sexual union itself, through the sexual union of one body, souls exchange each body, and this evidently acts in the Scripture, according to the Scripture as a teaching device, as an edifying device.  Sex conducted in the proper boundaries is edifying, not destroying.  Now I don’t know why it is but it seems like people go either one way or the other; either people say sex is great and then they go out and destroy it because they use it in the wrong area, of then the react and say sex is bad and don’t use it.  Now both attitudes are wrong. The attitude is that sex is edifying within boundaries and we’ll cover those boundaries next week.


The second area in which woman is an hazar to man is that according to Gen. 1:26 out of sex will come reproduction; out of reproduction will come an army of believers who will conquer in history, so reproduction is identified with sex and it’s one of the ways woman compliments man by providing him with children.  Those children can go out and be testimonies to the Lord Jesus Christ.


And finally, the third way in which woman is hazar to the man is that she’s going to bring in the Messiah.  Messiah will come through the woman and this is why Eve called her first son as though… she said in Gen. 4, “I’ve gotten a man from the Lord,” because the woman is the one that’s honored by bringing Messiah into the world.  This then is how the woman is the hazar.


Once again, the four points on the doctrine of man’s sexuality. 


The first point was that man is created for a test. Man was created for two reasons, fulfillment of the master plan resolving angelic conflict.


Second point, man was given a test consisting of not eating the tree, being under spiritual pressure of conquering the earth and of defending the Garden.  Of course this purpose would be transformed in our day.


The third point is that sex was given to man to help him in this testing situation, to help him in the testing situation.


The fourth point was that this help comes about because man has a soulish experience designed deliberately by God to parallel his spiritual experience. 


One more application of this.  Look again at this formula that we’ve used; man, purpose, woman.  Look again at it and notice something.  This is the key to courtship and marriage.  A man determines his purpose in life as unto the Lord, not his wife.  And that purpose ought to be pretty well established before he even meets the woman. That’s the way it was the first time. Adam already had a purpose in life and then the woman came along that would fulfill that purpose.  And so the man has already got his directions; he’s not one of these slouches that goes around well, I don’t know what I want to do and leaps from one job to the next and has no stability, etc.  A man should have a purpose and a drive and have goals.  And you girls watch this, this is something you can look, it’s based on a solid Biblical analogy.  If you’re boyfriend doesn’t have some idea what he’s going to do in life, drop him like a hot potato because he’s unstable, he hasn’t settled down yet, he’s not mature.  And until he has this maturity forget it.

The second thing about the woman, this goes for the men, the women are there to help you in the purpose as your life is lived unto the Lord, so you pick one out and ask the Lord to bring her to you just as God brought Eve to Adam. And you look for a woman that will compliment your life.  You have a purpose in life; look for one who will compliment it.  God has a right woman picked out, it’s stupid to think that He doesn’t and next week we’re going to show how you can find the right man and the right woman but some of you are going to be [small blank spot] before we get to that point so I want to save all that for next week when we deal with promiscuity and the benefits of avoiding it.