Lesson 31

Destiny in a Calendar – 16:1-8


We are working on the section of Deuteronomy that extends from chapter 12-16.  The theme or the great outline of this whole section of Deuteronomy, of course it falls in the larger section of how to love the Lord, the God of Israel, with all the details of life.  In this particular section it’s stressing the unity of the nation.  We said that no nation on earth is going to exist including the United States unless there is a spiritual unity of some sort.  This can be bad or it can be good, but there has to be some unity.  You can’t tie people together and say you’re a citizen, you’re a citizen, you’re a citizen and all of a sudden we’re going to have a country. There has to be something that unifies the nation.  And in the nation Israel the one thing that unified the nation was a national religion.  There was no religious freedom in Israel; you didn’t have the freedom to set up your own religion.  If you didn’t like the religion in the country you either kept your mouth shut, you opened your mouth and were stoned to death, or you got out of the country.  There was no freedom of religion. Everyone submitted to the national religion.  And this is how the nation, theoretically, would keep its unity. 


Our next section that begins in Deut. 17-21 deals with national righteousness.  Here we’re going to get into law and order; we’re going to get into the policeman on the street, the judge behind the bench, the lawmakers, the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government.  You will see something very interesting, that the Bible says before you can have national righteousness, which is the big concern, national law and order if you want to put it that way, before you can have any of this kind of thing you have to have national unity.  Unity must precede law and order.  You cannot impose law and order without having something that ties the nation together.   This principle holds true of Israel and it holds true of America.  This is why at this time in our history we are having such problems, because what previously tied our nation together was a consensus, basically Christian, not that everyone was a Christian but everyone basically agreed to the general behavioral implications of Christianity.  Today that is not true and we are going straight down the road to civil war unless we either have a Biblical revival or we go over to some sort of a state religion, or we have some other intermediary form where something by compulsion unifies the nation.  Either of the last two options would be anti-Christian, so as far as a Biblical Christian is concerned there’s only one thing we have to pray for and that is a revival that is based on the Word of God.  That’s the only thing that can possibly unify our nation and you can spend all the money you want to. 


Someone on television said today why are we spending all this money on the space program, why don’t we spend it on social problems.  I hope now since we’ve gone through Deut. 14-15 you will understand you could take all the money in the space program, multiply it by ten and apply it to social problems and you wouldn’t get one foot of advancement.  Money is not going to solve social problems.  For years I have supported a mission in New York City that works in Harlem and the man who runs this is a converted ex-convict, and in practically every communication he makes the point that welfare in the Harlem area is a total waste of money.  The war of poverty is nothing but a big sewer pipe for the American public that they can put their money down this thing and never see it again.  It is accomplishing absolutely zero and the reason is because it cannot reach the basic problem in the human heart.   This is a small mission in Harlem and it’s not going change Harlem but individuals are changed and it’s done in such a fantastic way that the government sends down officials to find out what the secret is.  And he keeps telling them that I don’t do anything around here, it’s God’s grace that does it.  Of course, they don’t believe that and they look around behind the doors and in the closet, etc. to find out what his secret is.   His secret he has declared many times is just to present the Word of God, regardless of your racial background you still are a sinner and regardless of your racial background Jesus Christ died for you.  So the solution is always the same.  Until we return to this kind of solution we are going to have continued rupture in the country and our people, and it’s always going to be solved this way. 


Therefore the big lesson to draw from Deuteronomy is watch the order of the chapters.  Chapters 12-16 emphasize unity, unity, unity.  Chapter 12 emphasizes the fact that the nation had one central sanctuary and this tied the nation together.  Chapter 13 said the nation had one basic dogma, one basic law, one basic constitution and no one was to violate this constitution.  To do so was an act of treason.  They didn’t tolerate, for example, young Jewish boys going out and burning their draft cards, we don’t want to fight for Yahweh tomorrow so we’ll burn our draft cards.  If they did that in the nation Israel they got burned, literally.  That’s how they handled that problem.  The reason why they did this was because they recognized you have to have a national unity. Then chapters 14-15 dealt with the unified religious practices of the nation, defining the good life.  It takes in diet, it takes in funerals, it takes in poverty, it takes in welfare, and we showed how poverty, for example, to take one solution, is basically a spiritual problem.  As you can see if you’ll just check chapter 15 where the promise is made that war on poverty would be successful if something was followed. 


Deut. 4:15 is a successful war on poverty and not done by government; it is done by individuals who are personally, because of positive volition toward the Word of God in their own lives they are testifying for Christ and having effect in society.  In verse 4 Moses writes, “However, there will be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God gives thee for an inheritance to possess it, [5] Only if….”  Verse 5 is the last part of the sentence of verse 4, “Only if you really [carefully] hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God,” etc.  There you have it stated in black and white; poverty is a spiritual problem.  I am not saying necessarily that the people that wind up poor are necessarily having spiritual problems. I’m saying that judging a nation as a nation, judging as a group, as a national entity that has a spiritual destiny before the Lord, you have this one group and it’s judged, and God rates a nation spiritually. 


There is a spiritual rating. We don’t know much about this in history but somehow God does spiritually rate nations.  God looks down and He sees a national entity, like the United States that has had continual opportunity after continual opportunity, a nation born in 1776 and isn’t even 200 years old that has had the best preachers in the world, the best men in church history actually have lived in the United States, the most sharp theologians since the time of the Reformation have lived in the United States. The greatest missionaries have come from the United States.  You have had the largest and most widespread Bible teaching ministry in the United States. The United States has been the spiritual leader of the world up until the 20’s and 30’s of this century and God looks down and He says what is the spirituality of that nation.  And He is going to work the wheels of history around so that this nation will be judged and is being judged.  When you look out and you see crime, drug addiction, society falling apart at the seams, don’t think like a lot of Christians think, oh, if this keeps up we’re going to have the judgment of God.  This is a misreading because in Romans 1 it says these are already signs that God is judging the nation.  The very fact that this stuff is increasing is the fact that God is taking His hand off, He’s saying okay, you people have had an opportunity to trust in the Word, I have sent Bible teacher after Bible teacher, I have had men preach their heart out over the radio to this country, I have had people go around door to door, I have had people in small churches and large churches faithfully teaching the Word of God, and still you have rejected so I am just taking My hand off and you have your sin natures and I’m just going to let the sin nature play off and you are going to judge yourselves. 


This is what we are seeing, God’s hand, called common grace in theology, common grace is slowly being removed so on the inside positive volition going to negative volition.  Inside the human heart you have the old sin nature, the old sin nature is largely controlled in times of blessing by God’s common grace, and after the point of judgment is reached God releases His hand and lets the sin nature spill out and this is what’s happening in our society.  The reason is not because God is abandoning us but because we have abandoned Him. 


These problems have manifested themselves all sorts of ways.  They manifested themselves sociologically and people get looking at the sociological problem; they get looking at the racial problem, they get looking at all these problems and they think in terms of this: if we can manipulate these factors around then we’ve got the solution made.  But the point is not that at all, the point is that because God has allowed judgment to occur, these are the symptoms, not the causes, and this is why we say that yes, you can have some success in some social programs and you can spend your time running around solving this problem and that problem, and you can, under God’s grace work some results, but how silly to waste your time on these symptoms when the root of the cause is a spiritual one. 


Go back to the nation Israel, say four or five centuries after this Law was written, you had a man by the name of Josiah, and Josiah got looking around in his time, he was one of the oddities in the ancient world because Josiah had a klutz for a father.  It was very interesting how the kings worked out: father was an idiot, son was a genius, and this guy who was his son’s son, he was an idiot, and this alternated on the throne of Israel.  For example, you had Solomon, a very wise man and he had an idiot son called Rehoboam who divided the nation. And you had Josiah and so on, then you had Manasseh and you had these people all mixed together.  Josiah looked around and said what can I do in my day.  He said look, my nation is falling apart, I’ve got to do something to solve the national problem and so what I am going to do is promote a tremendous Bible teaching, and he had paid Bible teachers that went around city to city teaching the Word of God in his day, and had a limited revival.  But the judgment of God upon the nation Israel was postponed.  Josiah lived about 600 BC and you have in 600 BC this limited revival.  God said if you don’t get with it Israel, I’m going to judge you and so what happened as a result of this revival, it wasn’t enough to turn away the wrath of God but it was enough to postpone judgment.  That’s the point.


And that’s what we would basically pray for as I read history, actually there’s no way to turn away God’s wrath from this nation but there is a way of postponing His wrath and the way of post­poning His wrath would be a back to the Bible movement across this nation.  This is going to require the grace of God.  This is going to require a tremendous amount of grace because of the fact that we have the media against us, you will never get it reported on CBS, NBC or ABC, you will never get it reported in any of the major magazines, therefore you are going to have to depend on word of mouth, local, small publications, etc.  You cannot depend on the national media. 

The media is all arranged against us so it’s only by God’s grace that we could possibly have a Biblical revival.  This is why I stress over and over again that the basic thing for the Christian life is study of the Word because this is the only thing that’s going to precipitate a revival in our day.  It’s the only thing that’s going to fortify you so that wherever you are you can carry on an intelligent conversation for more than two minutes about a spiritual topic.  This will enable you to be able to present an issue before the unbeliever.  Later on if things go on there’s going to be a gnawing question in the hearts of many Christians, what did I do as a Bible-believing Christian when I had the opportunity to testify, when I had the opportunity to study God’s Word, when I had the opportunity to share the gospel with the unbeliever, what was I doing.  I was sitting in the house glued to the tube or something, I was doing this and I was doing that and the nation falls apart and all of a sudden a lot of Christians are going to be running around, what can I do, what can I do, and their situation will be just like Jeremiah’s day, you can do nothing, it is too late.  The time of salvation is the present and if Christians do not get with the Word of God and do not begin to apply it in their life in a serious way are asking for trouble.  So it’s not without seriousness that we go over and over again the admonition to study the Word and to live out its implications.  This is the only thing that is going to hold this nation together. 


Tonight we come to the last section of the unity section of Deuteronomy, chapter 16 and here we begin something that is a very strange thing, it is the most unique thing in history, no nation ever had this, for in chapter 16 we are introduced to the national calendar of the nation, a calendar designed by God to spell out the national destiny.  In other words, as they celebrated holidays, etc. these sequences of holidays themselves were to picture the history of the nation, so every year from Abib, down to the next Abib, this month is March/April to us, it’s somewhere between March and April.  So from March/April to March April, from spring to spring, the calendar of the nation spelled out the prophetic program of the nation.  What unified the country was the divine plan of history that God had for this nation, so that by going through the calendar each year, year after year after year, the annual celebrations would reflect future events that would happen in the nation. 


We’re going to take up two elements in that calendar, one is mentioned here and one is omitted but we’re going to deal with both of them.  The first one is Passover—Unleavened Bread.  Passover is one holiday but Unleavened Bread is the feast.  This chapter is just looking at feasts but since I want to give the complete background we’ll deal with Passover and Unleavened Bread, and then we’ll deal with something called Firstfruits, that’s not talking about the fruits in the nation, this is talking about the first signs of the harvest.  This has a tremendously important prophetic aspect and we’ll deal with it when we get there.

In Deut. 16:1-8 we have the first section, Passover and Unleavened Bread.  On the 14th of Nisan, which is a month corresponding to half of March and half of April, you have this setup. You have 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 and these are 8 days.  The 14th is Passover, and these days are the seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  That’s the situation, what does this speak of.  Look at verse 1, “Observe the month of Abib,” pronounced in the Hebrew as though the “b’s” were “v’s”, “and keep the Passover unto the LORD thy God,” actually this word “keep” means to prepare the Passover, “unto the LORD thy God, for in the month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt by night.”  Each one of these feasts, and this is how to keep these in order, each one of these feasts has two things associated with it.  The first one has a basis in history.  That’s the first thing to remember about each one of these feasts, that it reflects a historical event.  The second thing about each one of these feasts is that it’s prophetic; it looks forward to something in the future, so therefore each feast has a fulfillment.  These are two things that are associated with every one of these feasts.  So now you can see the national system of education; God even designed the calendar so that as the people celebrated their holy days they would reflect on the destiny of this nation.


“Observe the month of Abib, and keep [or prepare] the Passover unto the LORD thy God,” we will not deal with the basic preparation of the Passover here because an expert, a Jewish Christian is going to come that’s going to tell you all the details of the Passover.  You’ll get it from a person who knows what Passover is, who’s celebrated it as a non-Christian and who has celebrated as a Christian and therefore can give you very good details on the background of the Passover.  But as I review it in the communion service the Passover is simply that time in Israel’s history when blood was put on the door by faith.  You had certain things happen.  You had the nation in bondage.  Moses said I want you to put blood on the door, and they put blood on the door, making the sign of the cross, although they weren’t conscious that they were making the sign of the cross.  They put blood on the door and the angel of death passed over when he saw the blood. The angel of death went throughout Egypt and killed, killed, killed, killed, killed, but where he saw blood he passed over and that’s why we call it pecach, or the Hebrew for Passover. 


The interesting thing about this was that the blood was applied in faith, you had to believe the blood would work to apply it, and secondly, the reason why the angel of death passed over was not because of the scintillating personalities of the people that were in the house, or because of their good works, or because they were such solid citizens, or because they were such impressive people to meet.  It was solely on one thing, the blood.  And that is the reason why you are exempt, if you are a Christian, from God’s judgment.  It is not because you’re so great, it’s because of God’s grace and Jesus Christ.  Some people can’t understand that.  Salvation is always by faith through grace.


This is “the Passover unto the LORD thy God, for in the month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night.”  This is the historical event. Remember because this is going to be important as we come down into the prophetic feasts that have not been fulfilled.  Remember every feast has two aspects, history and prophecy.  It has a historical base and it has a prophetic fulfillment.  All right, now the unleavened bread; this is called mazzoth in the Hebrew.  It’s called the Feast of Mazzoth. 


Verse 2, “Thou shalt, therefore, sacrifice the Passover unto the LORD thy God, of the flock and the herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to place His name there.”  In other words, the flock and the herd is not referring to the Passover lamb, this is referring to the meat and sacrifices of the whole seven days. Verse 3, “Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it.  Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith,” now why.  Why is the unleavened bread a sign of Passover?  If you have some Jewish friends today they do not celebrate Passover.  They have what they call Passover which is actually the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  They celebrate 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21, they celebrate these seven days, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, but the modern Jew calls that the Feast of the Passover; it’s not the Feast of the Passover, the Passover was on the 14th.  They have no temple so the modern Jew can’t celebrate Passover.  This is an open for the Jew, you can ask him why his temple is gone.  The reason is that the temple is you; the temple is the body that the Holy Spirit is in right now, the Church.  Therefore the modern day Jew celebrates this Feast of Unleavened Bread, he still does it, at least the Orthodox Jews do.  It’s called here in verse 2, [“Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith, even the bread of affliction,”] the bread of affliction, unleavened bread.  I’m sure you know what unleavened bread is; it tastes like paper when you eat it; it’s awful tasting stuff, it’s just solid dough, that’s all it is, nothing raised about it, it’s just packed down. 


So the Unleavened Bread was eaten during this time.  Now we have to ask ourselves why; why was it that the Jewish women when they made the bread during this period were not allowed to use leaven.  Why did they have to take all the leaven and throw it out?  It goes back to the time of Exodus 12 and the custom of the ancient world.  Leaven… I know many of you identify leaven with apostasy, etc. it later came to have that meaning, but I want to show you what it first meant.  Leaven in the ancient world was a sign of continuity.  For example, a young girl would get married and set up housekeeping in a new home and she would take leaven from her mother and bring this to the new home and that would establish continuity.  In other words, she would bring the leaven and there would be continuity between the homes.  The big thing with leaven is that in the Old Testament when the people left Egypt they were to throw out all the leaven.  Why?  They were to have no continuity with the world.  When they left Egypt it was to be a total break, so therefore there could be nothing that would come from that previous situation in life and they had to start all over again.  They couldn’t bring something from Egypt and use it as the base of blessing in the new life.  That would be just like the young Jewish girl in that day getting married and saying to her mother, I don’t want leaven, and the boy to say I don’t want to be supplied with anything, we’re going to start off new, completely separate. 


This is the way the nation started and the idea behind the unleavened bread that you want to identify is separation.  That is why leaven was not used; it was not used to break the continuity.  There could not be continuity between Israel and Egypt.  There had to be a total 100% break and this is why leaven could not be used, “the bread of affliction.”  Why was it called “the bread of affliction”?  Because the people in Exodus 12 had to evacuate rapidly, they had to move fast, they had to take a minimum of possessions, and therefore Moses said I want you to just chuck this leaven, I don’t want to see it around here, just get rid of it.  So they moved out into the desert with no leaven.  This is why every time the Feast of Unleavened Bread came up they had to purge their homes of leaven, to once again have a forceful reminder of the separation from Egypt. 


Let’s see how this is used in the New Testament.  Now we understand the Old Testament custom, let’s turn to 1 Cor. 5 for the application in the New Testament and you’ll see how Paul picks this up and applies it to the Christian life.  This is an application and not an interpretation in Corinthians.  1 Cor. 5:6, and to get background we’ll start in verse 1, “It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as it not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife. [2] And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.”  You can see the Corinthians… by the way, isn’t it interesting, the church had all the tongues crowd had all this too.  I find it very amusing when people cite tongues as a sign of spirituality, it’s always amusing, I always have to laugh at people that identify tongues with some great spiritual blessing.  They had fornication, adultery and everything else in this church.  If a church had this kind of activity today it’d be all over the headlines; CBS news would get hold of it and have an hour special.  So we have a Corinthian church, filled with the tongues people and filled with all this nonsense that’s going on.  So he commands them to excommunicate this fellow, just get him out of the way.


Verse 6, “Your glorying is not good.  Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump.” Verse 7, “Purge out, therefore, the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened.  For even Christ, our Passover, is sacrificed for us [8] Therefore, let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” 


Knowing what you just discovered about the original Old Testament custom, do you see what Paul is saying here.  He’s saying look, when you look at bread, here’s a loaf of bread and it’s got leaven in it.  Here’s a bread that’s flat, unleavened.  What Paul is doing is making an analogy, and he’s saying look, if you look at your heart the way it was originally constructed you have an old sin nature in there and this old sin nature has a lot of works of the flesh with it and what he’s saying is that when you are filled with the Spirit and now the Holy Spirit controls and not the flesh, when you have this, then this leaven is purged out and he identifies what he means by the leaven when he carefully mentions in verse 8 “the leaven of malice and wickedness,” in other words, the leaven here that Paul wants removed is the works of the flesh. 


How can you personally remove the works of the flesh?  You don’t do it by crucifying yourself.  As one man said you can nail your two legs to the cross and one hand but there’s always the other hand, how do you get that crucified? You can’t!  There’s no way you can crucify yourself, just forget it.  You have been already, by position, Romans 6, crucified and it’s just appropriating the results of this by faith.  Therefore when we do this the Holy Spirit takes over and now the Holy Spirit runs the life and not the flesh and therefore you have the fruit of the Spirit.  That’s what it means, the old sin nature and its works are the leaven; just like the bread, you get the unleavened bread by removing the leaven and it completely changes the taste of the bread, it completely changes the appearance of the bread, it completely changes the whole thing.  It’s the same thing here, when the Holy Spirit takes over in a person’s life it completely changes it.  It changes the characteristics, etc. and this is the analogy Paul is drawing here, “the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth,” the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  He’s drawing the analogy, which shows you something.  The Corinthians, as bad as they were, knew the doctrines associated with the feasts, or he never would have used this illustration. This is why I say again and again we have to understand the Old Testament if we are to appreciate the New Testament. 


Now let’s go back a verse in Corinthians and notice smoothing very interesting.  Verse 7, “Purge out, therefore, the old leaven,” but then he makes an interesting statement, “that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened.”  It’s interesting, the word “are unleavened” refers to the position of the Christian.  You, by position, have no leaven belonging to you.  But he says you can pick this leaven up from the old nature and you can add it on, it’s an aberrant thing, it’s something that’s unusual, abnormal, that shouldn’t be there, you have no real right to it.  By position you are unleavened, and Paul just simply appeals in verse 7, “purge out the leaven,” throw it out, you’re not leavened bread, you’re unleavened, why do you need leaven around.  And it’s the same thing here.  You as a Christian have been built to run on the power of the Holy Spirit, not on the power of the flesh.  So why fiddle with it.  You see, the point he’s making here is that these people are already saved, it’s not talking about loss of salvation, present tense, “you are unleavened.”  Who are the ones that he’s talking about that are unleavened?  The people who are laughing at fornication in this chapter; these are the people who, pardon the expression, are saved forever by the grace of God.  And they are laughing and having their problems here in chapter 5, but never­theless Paul clearly states their position, they are unleavened.  Now as a result of their position they’re also leavened.  It’s like a car that’s built to run on a special kind of gasoline, you don’t go down to the pump and order the cheap regular gas for it; it’s the same thing as a Christian, you have been built, from the time that you’ve received Jesus Christ, to run on the power of the Holy Spirit.  So why try to get along in the power of the flesh and experience all the frustrations and everything else that comes with it when you are built to run on the Holy Spirit.  So that’s the analogy that Paul’s drawing from the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 


Now turn back to Deut. 16:5, “Thou mayest not sacrifice the Passover within any of thy gates, which the LORD thy God gives you,” again, remember what I said the gates were?  Gates are cities, it’s metonymy for cities, so it says don’t do this locally.  I don’t want you doing this, I don’t care how well you like to get together with your neighbor, when you do this feast you can only do it one place.  It goes back to chapter 12, where was the place?  The central sanctuary.  Why does He command this?  Because this is what gives the nation unity.  This is why there were mobs in the city of Jerusalem on the day of Palm Sunday, why when Jesus rode in on the ass and people threw palms down and they sang Hosanna, Hosanna, why were those mobs in the city of Jerusalem?  Because this was the Passover season, they had come from all over the land to come there and God, in His grace, chose just that time when the mob was there, when the mob had come and clustered in Jerusalem to present His Messiah. 


You see the reason for this feast is ultimately to attract the people to the central sanctuary when God Himself is going to be there.  You see God visited the central sanctuary in the person of Jesus Christ and this is why all of the people had to come, and that crucial day, that Passover when Jesus died, Jesus died on an afternoon, we won’t get into the day of the week but I’ll show you something startling about the day of the week in a moment, Jesus Christ died between 12:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon, this is the darkness, the darkness time, and remember the people said we have to get Him off the cross because tomorrow is the Sabbath.  And of course, what tomorrow was was the beginning of the Feast of the Unleavened Bread, etc.  And Jesus Christ died in history on the very day they were celebrating Passover.  And the numbskulls were celebrating the feast that spoke of Jesus Christ dying on the cross, they were the ones that crucified Him, and they went home and celebrated Passover.  This is the blindness of religion, how the Holy Spirit had worked and worked in that nation to teach them, look, when you celebrate Passover, what are you doing?  You are coming to the central sanctuary, you are killing a lamb, you’re putting its blood on the mercy seat, and what did that nation do in history in 30 AD?  On the very day of Passover Jesus Christ was killed and the blood of the Lamb of God was shed.


This is why it’s so “ironic” (in quotes) how God works around history; the very day of the feast was the day Jesus died and it was all by divine design.  “Thou mayest not sacrifice the Passover within any of thy gates,” because God wanted the people to come down to that central sanctuary. Where is the central sanctuary?  The central sanctuary ultimately became Jerusalem.  At Jerusalem they had a temple, originally a tabernacle, and in the temple shone the Shekinah glory, or the glory of the Lord that Ezekiel eventually saw withdrawn, and if you were a holy priest you had the opportunity of going in and seeing that glow. We don’t know what it was but it was a visible glow that was inside the Holy of Holies that denoted that God’s presence was there. 


Now the ironic thing is that God’s presence really was there, because at one time in history He came in the form of a man, and walked right into the sanctuary and the people never recognized Him.  This would be the same today, people would say only if God was here we’d know Him.  Nonsense!  A person’s attitude toward the Word of God is his attitude toward God; there is no difference.  You find people bored to death, sleeping through the church service and everything else where the Word of God is being taught, they would do the same thing if God Himself were up here talking.  You may not believe that but that’s the doctrine of inspiration of Scripture. 


Now in verse 6, “But at the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place His name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the Passover at evening,” this is late evening on the 14th of Nisan, as the sun would set they would sacrifice this Passover, “at the going down of the sun, at the season that thou camest forth out of Egypt.”  Then what would happen?  Verse 7, “And thou shalt roast and eat it in the place which the LORD thy God shall choose; and thou shalt turn in the morning, and go unto thy tents.”  This was an all night blast and these people had a party all night, and they didn’t hit the sack until four or five in the morning because it took time and they had a feast with this thing.  By the way, this shows you something else about the Old Testament.


Oftentimes I have gotten the impression from the Old Testament that God is stern, is cruel, that God judges in the Old Testament, He’s holy, He’s a God of wrath, and yet isn’t it interesting that every worship gathering in the Old Testament is one of joy, it’s one when people get together and actually have a party in the presence of God.  This shows you what the Westminster catechism says.  For years and years I’ve never noticed the last part of that, where it says “what is the highest end of man? To glorify God,” and I never thought what the rest of that says, “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”  This is the destiny of man. It’s not just to be straight-laced, sober and sad in the presence of God; it’s to enjoy Him.  This was a party, let’s face it, that’s exactly what it was in verses 6 and 7, they had a party and people relaxed, and people enjoyed themselves.  Can you imagine that, they relaxed and had a party in the presence of God?  This is Old Testament worship, before God’s holiness; Yes. Don’t forget what they had to do to initiate… of course, it would make me want to vomit so I wouldn’t enjoy the party, but they had to slit this lamb’s throat and let it bleed to death, and you can image this thing screaming it’s last breath, the blood spurting all over the place and you’d get it all over your clothes, all over the ground and everything else and that would ruin the party for me.  But nevertheless, these people were used to this, that was the way to begin the party because that was the way you entered into the Holy of Holies, that was the way you entered into the presence of a holy God. 


“And thou shalt roast and eat it in the place which the LORD thy God shall choose; and thou shalt turn in the morning,” this is when there’s nothing left in the morning.  Verse 8, “Six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day shall be a solemn assembly to the LORD thy God; thou shalt do no work therein.”  Here’s something you want to remember about this and it will solve a lot of problems when you get to deal with Jesus in the tomb for three literal days and three literal nights; if He was, He did not die on Good Friday.  Here’s the problem.  In Nisan, on the 14th was Passover; you have 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.  I’m always amused by this because a lot of these Bible commentators and Bible students aren’t good enough mathematicians to realize something very obvious about this.  Is this related to days of the week, or is it related not to days of the weeks.  It’s not related to any day of the week, the 14th could fall on any day of the week, couldn’t it. Obviously, the 14th occurs on any day and whatever day it was, that was the Passover.  The next day, the 15th was a Sabbath; the last day, the 21st was a Sabbath.  Now, were or were not those Sabbaths geared to the days of the week or not?  You see here’s the problem, every Saturday was a Sabbath in the week. 


Now the question I’m asking you is: was the 15th always a Saturday?  No.  Was the 15th always a Sabbath?  Yes.  It had to be, by legislation, comparison with Leviticus.  The 15th and the 21st always had to be Sabbaths.  That was by divine decree.  So therefore when you see this thing in the New Testament where it says we’ve got to get Jesus off the cross because tomorrow is the Sabbath, that’s not saying the next day is Saturday, that’s just simply saying the next day is the 15th, which is the Sabbath ordained in Leviticus.  If you ask my opinion, I think Jesus Christ died on Wednesday.  He died on Wednesday night; He was in the grave Thursday, Friday, Saturday and rose Sunday morning; three days and three nights, three literal days and three literal nights.  This is the only possible way you can reconcile the New Testament with this system.  And I have read commentator after commentator say oh no, Jesus had to die on a Friday because you have the next day Sabbath.  But the next day wasn’t geared to the day of the week; it was geared to the day of the month.  Plus the fact you have Jesus saying the sign of Jonah shall be given to this generation, three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, etc.  Therefore, to reconcile these things we have to make this arrangement.  Therefore realize that Passover is geared to the day of the month, not the day of the week and this will help understand some of the things in the Old Testament. 


Now let’s look carefully at Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread and summarize what we’ve learned here.  What is the basis of them?  The basis of Passover and Unleavened Bread is first, the Exodus judgment on Pharaoh; Pharaoh got clobbered and this was the celebration of that. Secondly, salvation by faith in a Lamb’s work.  [Blank spot] … the blood of a lamb.  Do you think, this is just speculation, but if you were there the day that John the Baptist preached, and John looked down the river bank and there came Jesus Christ, and John reached out and said there is the Lamb of God, “Behold, the Lamb of God,” do you think John knew what would happen to Jesus Christ.  Of course he did, because he’d never have called Jesus the Lamb of God had he not really realized… do you see that man that’s coming down the river bank now, He’s going to be “the Lamb,” He’s the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.  Those words were spoken by John the Baptist, and I think that John the Baptist was a careful student of the Passover and I rather suspect that even that day in which Jesus walked down the bank might have been the Passover in that year and John was simply saying you Jews today are celebrating the Passover but I want to tell you something, the man that is coming down here, He is the Passover, He is the Lamb of God, and He is the One that is going to take away your sin. 


What does this prefigure?  What is the future fulfillment of Passover?  Remember, this is the first great national feast; it had to be celebrated every year.  What did it prefigure?  It prefigured by correspondence God’s judgment on Satan and the world system at the cross. Secondly, it pictured salvation in the blood of Jesus.  And finally, the Feast of the Unleavened Bread, what was its basis?  Separation from Egypt, separation.  What does the Unleavened Bread correspond to?  A complete break with the old creation and now you have a new creation here. 

Now I want to caution you about something.  Not one of these truths were fulfilled by the Church.  These truths have only to do with Israel and the reason we share in these truths is because God has cut us in on the blessing that is rightfully due Israel.  And this is why I say that unless you are a dispensationalist you can forget adequate study of Scripture because in the Old Testament all the prophecies related to God working through Israel. Every one of these feasts is going to celebrate what God is going to do for Israel.  And the reason we share in the Passover fulfillment is because God has cut us in on the blessings He predicted for Israel.  It’s true, they apply to us, but they weren’t predicted for us.  That’s the great mystery of the Church, the amazing grace that we as a Gentile were cut in on the blessings of the nation.   And this is the amazing thing about the fact that the nation Israel, and why God says never, never curse Israel, you treat a Jew like anyone else, if he’s broken the law you put him in jail just like you do anyone else.  It’s not talking about favored treatment, but it’s talking against anti-Semitism.  And it says don’t mess with Israel because your salvation came through this nation and Paul says I’ll tell you something else in Romans 11, don’t play games with Israel because the world’s salvation is going to come through Israel and we’ll see this as we get into the next feast.


Turn to Romans 9 and you’ll see how we got cut in on the blessings for Israel.  This is something that you want to firm up in your thinking as you regard the Old Testament and New Testament, always think of Israel as the physical instrument of God.  It’s not that we aren’t sharing it, but the main program of God in history is through the nation Israel.  Rom. 9:3-5, Paul is speaking about Israel and he says “For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, [4] Who are Israelites’ to whom pertains the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; [5] Whose are the fathers, and of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen.”  By the way, if you want a clear statement that Jesus is God in the Bible, there it is, you just saw it, there “Christ” [is in] apposition [to] “God blessed forever.”  Paul is calling Jesus Christ God in verse 5 of Romans 9.


Turn to Rom. 11:11-12, “I say, then, Have they stumbled,” this is Israel, “has Israel stumbled that they should fall?  God forbid; but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, to provoke them to jealousy. [12] Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles, how much more their fullness?”  Paul is saying you people who are discouraged by revolution, by social disorder, by the anarchy that parades in the world today, you who are looking for world peace, just think, how did individual personal salvation break into history.  It came because Israel fell.  Now he says suppose one day in the future Israel gets back in gear, Israel gets back in the position they should be, fulfilling the will of God, then what will the results to the world be.  We know the results will be world peace.  The reason why we do not have world peace today, one of them, is that Israel is not in the will of God.  If you could get the nation Israel in the will of God you would have world peace, but you can’t.  Therefore the main program and plan of God comes through Israel and these feasts.  This was the national calendar and the first great feast they had was Passover, Unleavened Bread, speaking of the death and resurrection of Christ.


In the remaining time I want to introduce to the next feast because I want to skip this next feast and come to Pentecost, and it’s going to be a long one because I’m going to cover this business of tongues, etc. once more, for about the three hundredth time but I want to go through it again. 

Turn to Lev. 23 and we’ll get background on a feast that comes between Passover and Pentecost.  Here’s why I want to do this tonight.  The next great feast, you have the first feast called Passover, if you want to visualize this in terms of our calendar, say it’s the 14th of April, at least you know it’s springtime.  The next feast coming up is Pentecost.  Do you know why it’s called Pentecost?  It’s not called that in the Old Testament, it’s called the feast of [not familiar with word] in the Hebrew.  Why is it called Pentecost?  Anybody have an idea from pente? “Pent” is the word for fifty, or five, and “cost” is simply the Greek word for fifty, and fifty days after a certain point.  Now here’s the mystery, what the point is.  You have a certain key day, you add fifty, and that gives you the day for Pentecost. 


That is why Jesus told the disciples I want you to go to Jerusalem and wait.  He didn’t go into Jerusalem and go into the upper room and agonize in prayer until God sees how you agonize and you’ve gone on a diet for a couple of weeks and you’ve twisted your arm and God feels so sorry for you and how badly you’ve agonized in the closet and He pours out His Spirit on you.  That’s not it at all. The reason God told the disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait is He wanted them in the city when Pentecost occurred because it was it was in Pentecost… the Spirit would have come whether the disciples went there or not, it has nothing to do with agonizing; they didn’t even have to pray once from the time Jesus told them to go there until the time that Holy Spirit came.  Prayer had nothing to do with the giving of the Holy Spirit, absolutely nothing.  They could have gone out and had parties, been carnal and everything else and God still would have poured out His Spirit. God’s grace still would have gone on according to schedule.


The key next time is going to be Pentecost and computing when it occurs.  To compute when it occurs, you have to find out when X is.  X is the magic number; if you could find out X all you have to do is add fifty and you get Pentecost.  Therefore to find out when X occurs we want to go to Lev. 23 and the feast that X is.  X is the Feast of Firstfruits.  We’ve got to determine what day did the Firstfruits come on, so that once we know this then we can predict what day Pentecost came on. 


So let’s look at verse 9-17 of Lev. 23.  “And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying, [10] Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye are come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest unto the priest. [11] And he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted for you: on the morrow [next day] after the sabbath the priest shall wave it.”  Now watch that, that’s an interesting statement, verse 11, let’s read it again.  “And he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after THE sabbath the priest shall wave it.”  So X is a Sabbath plus one and it’s that day. 


Now we have to find out, is that Sabbath a Sabbath on a Saturday, is it a normal weekly Sabbath or is it one of those special Sabbaths inside this unit of the Unleavened Bread.  It occurred right in here, here’s the 14th, the 15th, Sabbath there.  Those Sabbaths were solely on the day of the month.  But obviously any mathematician knows you can have as many as two Sabbaths occurring there because you’ve got an eight day period which is greater than seven.  So you can have one or maybe two Sabbaths occur in addition to these two Sabbaths.   Do you see what I’m saying?  You can have your normal weekly Sabbath in side that block.  Now the question is, what is the Sabbath that’s used to compute Pentecost?  If you look down you’ll come to verse 15, “and ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sevens shall be complete: [16] Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days.” 


Now what have I said?  I’ve said the big problem is to determine is this a weekly Sabbath or is this one of these special Sabbaths.  From what you read in verses 15-16 what do you think?  Do you think those are monthly Sabbaths, or do you think those Sabbaths spoken of there are weekly Sabbaths?  Do you think this is the situation… in other words, here we’ve got a Sabbath, the 15th, always a Sabbath, the day after Jesus died.  And we have the wave offering on the day after, which would be the 16th.  If you look at verse 15 it says “And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath,” which if this is correct would be the 16th, add fifty, so you count fifty days beyond the 16th and you’ll get Pentecost.  But then it says in verse 16, “the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meal offering,” etc. 


Now what that says is after you’ve counted fifty days add one.  But it says not counting fifty days, it says count “seven Sabbaths,” are those Sabbaths weekly Sabbaths?  They obviously have to be.  So if you’re counting weekly Sabbaths you’re starting point has to be a weekly Sabbath, and therefore your starting point cannot be the 15th or the 21st, it has to be a Sabbath that falls inside this gap. Obviously every time it happens, since you have an eight day period, at least one weekly Sabbath had to fall inside; you always have to have some Sabbath occurring inside that interval.  So you have a Sabbath occurring inside here, that is the Sabbath of the Firstfruits.  Suppose the Sabbath fell on the 17th.  Then the day of the 18th would be the Firstfruits, so this is the way it would go.  14th Pentecost, 15th would be the Sabbath geared to the month, then you’d have the 16th, normal day of celebration, then the 17th would just happen to be a Saturday, and then the Sunday would be the Firstfruits. 


In verse 15 and 16 is one of the keys we have to the computing of Pentecost.  Pentecost is computed by a weekly system; it has nothing to do with the special Sabbaths of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. What does this do?  This has interesting implications.  Let’s go down and look at what happened to Jesus Christ.  14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21, those of you who love Good Friday, I’m sorry, but here’s the 14th; this is a day of the month, it is a variable, it could fall on any day of the week.  On the week Jesus died, whether it was in 30 AD, I haven’t figured it out, whether it was in 30 AD or 33 AD, but whichever of those two years, the 14th occurred on a specific day of the week.  How can we guess what day Jesus died?  We don’t have to guess, we can compute because we know the next day had to be a Sabbath. We know that the Firstfruits always was a Sunday, because the Firstfruits was the day after the weekly Sabbath.  What does the Firstfruits speak of?  The priest takes a wave offering; this wave offering was just simply the farmers at that time, and this is one of the great glories of the Bible, the farmers at that time would go out into the harvest and they’d pick off the grain of a field and they’d take a bundle of this grain and present it to the priest; this is the offering that Yahweh has given us this spring.  So the priest would take this offering, He’d stand before the Lord and evidently from the Hebrew word he’d wave this before Lord as an offering, and he’d present it to the Lord giving thanks that God had given this harvest to them.


Now here’s the great mystery.  The day of Firstfruits was computed, if you look back in verse 10, “When ye shall come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits,” does it tell them any specific day?  It only says the day after a Sabbath.  Does it say any particular Sabbath?  There’s no particular Sabbath there and here is where I have said again and again in the Old Testament, God controlled the climate.  How could they be sure that the harvest would come just in the week of the Unleavened Bread?  There is only one answer to that question.  How could the Jewish people, trying to keep this calendar under control, and since Firstfruits was set off only by the basis it was the first time the farmer would put his cycle into the harvest, how could they be sure that the harvest would be ready always in that one week?  We live in an agrarian area; you know that the harvest doesn’t always come exactly at the right time.  And here you find it had to come within that week.  How was it guaranteed that the harvest would be ready?  It wasn’t the works of man; God had to so work it that the climate of Israel would produce the harvest and it would be ready during that week. 


Do I have a verse to support me?  Yes I do.  Turn to Jer. 5:24, you pursue the details of the Word of God, chase them down long enough and you’ll eventually arrive at blessing.  You just cannot study the Word of God without discovering fantastic truth about how God works and every detail of the Word of God will lead you to God’s grace and glory.  And all that’s required is a little patience and a little time.  In Jer. 5:24 what do you find, “Neither say they in their heart, Let us now fear the LORD, our God, who giveth rain, both the former and the latter, in its season; he reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest.”  That tells you why the Firstfruits always occurred here.  God manipulated the climate so that the former rain, which was the spring showers, would come just at the right time to mature the wheat so that it would be ready for this.  You see, this is why the Jews were educated down through the centuries that they didn’t worship a God out on a hill somewhere, they didn’t worship a dead God, they worshiped a God that every spring worked it out so that the exact week of the harvest He told them to celebrate it would come true, the harvest would be as sure as clockwork, that God would bring the harvest during that week.


So, we have that God manipulated the climate so the Firstfruits occurred on a Sunday during this time period.  Now let’s put it all together and apply it to Jesus Christ.  The basis of Firstfruits, you have Passover and Unleavened Bread, the basis of Firstfruits is that it is the first harvesting of grain.  What is the fulfillment of the Firstfruits?  For the fulfillment of the Firstfruits turn to 1 Cor. 15:50, this is not the verse I want but this will serve the purpose.  This is talking about the resurrection.  At the resurrection Jesus Christ fulfills the Firstfruits.  Jesus Christ is going to rise; Jesus Christ is called the Firstfruits.  Jesus Christ in the Bible is spoken of as the Firstfruits of what? What was the harvest?  What was it that they brought to the priest to wave before Him?  The first fruits of grain. 


Now at Pentecost they’re going to do the same thing, they’re going to bring the harvest when it’s complete and bring it to the Lord before His holy place. What does that tell you about us?  That tells you that the fulfillment of the Firstfruits is the resurrection of Jesus Christ and what does that tell you about you personally?  It tells you that on Pentecost something is going to be related to the resurrection, and something, and we’ll develop that next week, but first fruits is a prediction of the resurrection, and seven weeks later when the harvest is all in that is God’s resurrection.  [1 Cor. 15:20, “But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept.”]


Now the first fruits, then look forward to the resurrection of Christ. When did the first fruits occur?  It occurred late Saturday night, that week that Jesus was crucified, and this is why I say Jesus Christ was probably crucified on a Wednesday evening, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Saturday evening just before Sunday He rose from the dead; this Saturday, the 17th of that week was the weekly Sabbath, and it was fifty days from the 17th that led to the Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was given.  This is how you can have Jesus in the grave three days and three nights and yet have the day after He died on the cross as a Sabbath.  It was not a weekly Sabbath, it was a monthly Sabbath.


Therefore these are two feasts that we have worked with, next week we’ll get into Pentecost and the fulfillment, the basis in the Old Testament, the fulfillment in the New Testament.